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Susan Angeline

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 7:58:35 AM
Hi Linda I would also say that the person creating the forum should decide whether it should be moderated Best wishes Susan
Craftie Linda

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 8:06:12 AM
Hi I had better voice my opinion. We are all mebers here at Adland. When you invite your friends to your post you are inviting them to post not to ask for permission. We are not school children and do not need to be treated as we are. If you don't like what people put you can always delete post. There is no way of telling before you reply if it is moderated. I have started a Black list on friends who moderate forums as I think it is most unfriendly. Linda
Sandy Morgan

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 8:34:04 AM
Since we have the pivilaege of of developing forums, it follows that we have the say in how that forum is operated. I have noticed that it may help to better describe the forum that's being created, allowing members to know more about the topic of a forum to which they're being invited.
Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 8:40:47 AM
I too think it depends of the forum. My mentoring and personal development forums are open... but the spammers/losers love to blast their URL whereever they can. Guess some will NEVER "get" that the kind of income Tim and I have now comes NOT FROM SPAMMING but from helping others and building relationships... Sorry girl! Will get off my soapbox now!! LOL! Have a GREAT one!! Linda/CMAS, BS, RN
David Ellison

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 9:50:36 AM
Hi Linda :-) thanks for the invite and info i say yes people has there own side of things may not agree with a forum or may not agree with what someone says in a forum ive had some of those in my forums

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