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Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 2:51:33 PM
Hello All: Everyone is allowed their opinion on a subject, moderated forums, are socialistic, this a business network, chat is bs, if you want to chat go too the personal sites... lol Otherwise, get over it... And I am sure, know ones likes what I am writing here, so see, a valued opinion is only as good as the paper it is written on... Gayle
Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 4:19:59 PM
I agree that people should have the choice whendoing a forum. Some topics need moderation but others dod not. Just my 2cents worth.
Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 4:51:05 PM
Hi Linda I agree with L. Miller moderated or unmoderated should be the preference of the creator of the forum. It´s up to you. carmenjulia
Rose Enderud

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 5:30:12 PM
Hello Linda, I hadn't thought about it. It should be the forum owners choice. I have not felt the need to moderate any of mine. When I post a forum I want feedback good or bad. I don't post at all the forums I visit. I only post if I have something to contribute as a rule. Or once in a while at forums like your jokes, I read them but don't post to every one. I agree one of those who don't have enough time to respond to them all. My responses are usually on my days off work. Rose
Allyson Lier

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 6:37:26 PM
Hello Linda, I too believe that moderated forums are a good option for some forums. I don't think some things need responding to. I also don't have time to personally respond to every one of my invitations to view x, y, or z. I too have many other duties and obligations to take care of. I enjoy reading your posts and am happy you enjoy doing them. I agree that just posting to get your sig in is not cool. Thanks for asking, Ally

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