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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 5:59:36 PM
Katherine, Thank you for your additional post. Your security friend in las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 6:09:31 PM
Hi Anthony, Glad I didn't get caught up in the pay part of this! I just joined pre launch. ALP is a good buffer for joining a program since we have a good group watching out for us... I'm sticking with good programs that I have knowledge of the admin. and which have proven track records. GDI, seLFTech and iPowerDirect are among the companies that I know and trust, so I will stay put... Thanks for your heads up to keep us safe and secure. Your friend, Tom :-)
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 6:11:15 PM
Hello my Dear Friends, Anthony Arild Leon Dave You guys are not to blame. I personally would trust you with my life. It is just too bad that the are such devious individuals on the internet that would clock themself in order not to be found out. I guess, we should notify anyone that has signed up under us and give them the bad new and drop the program, huh? Your Devoted Friend Always!!!! Special (((((Hugs))))) Donna aka texgirl
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 6:16:40 PM
Hi Tom, Glad that we helped to inform you before you made any 'investments' Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 6:20:49 PM
Hi Donna, Thank you for your trust in us. Yes, if you could inform your downline of the disticnt possibility that this is, in fact a scam & advise them to not invest in it. Of course you cannot tell them what to do with their money, but if you advise them that it is not recommended by your upline, or give them the link for this forum, they can then make up their own minds. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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