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Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 1:04:56 PM
Hello everyone. Well, since Secret Launch has now launched. We know who is behind it. Mr Steve DeWitt. This 'Gentleman' (& I use that term derogatorily)it seems is well known for his 'schemes' If myself, Arild & others had known who was behind the Secret Launch, we would not have promoted it like we did. However, as we all know, Mr DeWitt, kept his identity, as well as the exact program a 'Secret' He may be turning over a new leaf, & actually be promoting something real. However we doubt this very much. Leon Horton, a member of Adlandpro has sent me an email & asked me to post it on this forum. I am very happy to do this for him as it shows just how others feel about Mr DeWitt & his 'programs. --------------------------------------------- Hi Anthony, Could you please post a warning to the community about Secret Launch. I received a couple of email messages that it is a SCAM and I think there are some of our members at AdlandPro who may be signed up with Secret Launch. Below is a copy of the most recent email I received. Thanks, Leon ____________________ Greetings Everyone, It appears that the Secret Launch program can be added to the long list of BS programs. Below is a message that I received from an associate. It was addressed to Steve DeWitt who apparently was behind the Global Ventures scam and who is also responsible for putting together the "Secret Launch" and a few other rip off programs. Evidently, just like another well-known con artist who can no longer use his real name, it is reported that he is now using an alias (James Newsome). My goodness, what a miserable existence! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: LETTER TO THE TWITT Hey Steve, I see that you've done it again! SECRET LAUNCH..What a freakin Joke...Get our Email Addresses and then come out with this crap after you robbed us of our money in Global Ventures. Too afraid to use your real name because no one would join if they knew it was STEVE DEWITT...and you know it.. If you ever paid us back at least what we put into your other LOSER programs we might consider coming into this SECRET LAUNCH, BUT THAT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN IS IT STEVE?????????????? Believe me, Everyone that signed up under me is soon going to know exactly who you are and what you're doing....I will do everything in my power to stop your SLAUGHTERING OF THE LAMBS AGAIN. We're on to you now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many similar messages have been posted at various forums throughout the online community such as.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret launch is a SCAM We were all looking forward to this, but it turned out to be nothing Well know scam artist Steve Dewitt is behind this – I will not be a part of this! Personally I had sponsored 162 people into this, so we could have formed a very strong group! Sorry for that not happening sad. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OH NOOOOO NOT HIM!!!!!!!!!! THAT SOB #$@$@@# RAN OFF with alot of money in other programs I joined that he ran. Folks, I thought this one was going to produce but as you can see; we all got suckered! Thats a lesson learned for you; No wonder it was SECRET LAUNCH Had anyone known he was behind this; they would not have ever joined that knew of this man's reputation. The first thing I ever joined that he was owner of was some $119 program that was supposed to give you alot of insight on how to run a successful business...then i got called away to military duty when I came back and emailed him letting him know that I was unable to participate in any of his so called "courses"; he refused to give me a refund and soon after that closed the doors having made alot of money from those little people expecting to learn great things from him. He is the worst kind of crook I have ever met and dishonest as they come! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever he is offering, I ain't buying. I had built a pretty large downline in Secret Launch but Integrity First....No way could I stay with this program knowing what I know now; I stand to gain alot by doing so as many are emailing me now trying to convince me he is not "all that bad" and I could still join Secret Launch as their sponsor and not be "directly" involved with Steve. Folks. I have been down that road before....Guilt by ASSOCIATION is no place to be when you are a networker and leader in the industry. Word travels fast and since I have a personal history with that SOB that I don't want anyone else to ever dollar signs and gain in this program STOPS RIGHT HERE! Please do not email asking me to reconsider; its a done deal! Over, Kaput....forget it! I will sleep well at night moving on to other ventures that may not produce as quickly but at least they will produce "honestly". You guys in FX Trainer under Steve may be doing well now but "mark my words" when the going gets rough, this guy gets going and doesn't give a damn who he leaves behind or hurts in the process....Just ask those who used to consider him friends and adore him on some level....He only cares about the buck and how far it will get him PERSONALLY. I can't sleep at night following someone like that and leading others to do the same, would you??? The above statements are my "personal opinions" so as not to be liable for "libel". These statements are based on personal circumstances with said individual and each reading this posting is to make their own determination as to what is true and what is "hearsay". I can only say what I personally have encountered with "said individual". On to better and more honest ventures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The list goes on and on. Those who expresed an interest in the Secret Launch now know the true story about the program and about Steve DeWitt. Fortunately, not many folks actually lost any money on this deal. Those who did make a spend are well-advised to demand an immediate refund. ____________________ --------------------------------------------- As you can see from former 'fan's' of Mr DeWitt, they know him to well. The research that I, Dave Cottrell & Arild plus a few others have been doing since we found out the Identity & program offered by Mr Steve DeWitt, has thrown up much more about him & his Scam's. We implore anyone here at Adlandpro who may have paid a subscription ($29.95) to him for his so called 'Trial' period to ask for immediate re-funds & also get in touch with what ever payment processor you used & report him to them. We are sorry for any member thinking that we lead you into this scam. If we had known the identity of the person behind Secret Launch right from the begining, we would not have gone anywhere near it. As it is, we have had no success in finding out the owners of Secret Launch as he has covered his tracks very well & every lead to him has been covered by WHOIS security measures. We have found out though, that the domain name is only registered for 1 year, so it seems he had no intentions of being around for very long. As we find out more, we will (Arild, Dave. C, Leon Horton & Myself) keep you informed. Your security friend.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 1:12:13 PM
Hello, Anthony: Thank you very much for your information. It can be so scary nowadays to fall into a trap online. Warmest regards, Stephanie
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 1:21:36 PM
Hi Anthony, I have been bombarded with offers for this program, but I was not interested. The charm of losing money and time to online scams is losing its appeal very quickly, and all these free pre launch programs are essentially a crock of shit. I am sticking to the writing for the time being, thanks. Linda
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 1:26:08 PM
Hi Anthony, your message is one of the reasons I love Adland. Every member tries to keep us informed of these A... Holes. Thank you for the information. I was going to say that these people should be sent to the front line but on second thoughts they would sell thier country to make a few bucks. Best regards Stay safe Paul aka soldier blue
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 1:26:32 PM
Hello Anthony, Thank you for this Warning. I think me alone, I will never know how to figure out which is a scam and which isn't. Wish you the best. With friendship and regards

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