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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 5:35:21 PM
Belinda. Only to glad to be able to save you & all the other members here at Adlandpro who also joined, a lot of time effort & money by being able to get this information to you. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 5:36:56 PM
Carol, Thank you for appreciating what we have done to find out about this before anyone got caught to bad. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 5:38:44 PM
Shelly. Thank you for your positive comments. This is another example of how careful we must all be on the Internet. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 5:55:40 PM
I will be VERY happy if everyone could respect the work we have done, and for telling You ALL what we have find out - before it was to late - and before ANYONE "out there" knows. My friend Anthony made this forum to give You all the last updates, as I also made in my forums - IN RESPECT and CARE FOR YOU!!! I, Anthony, Peter, Dave and another "outsider", plus Leon has done some research that has taken a lot of time, and therefor I will ask You ALL to show some respect for that. We, as everyone else, did not see ANY danger joining something FREE, and over 50.000 people did the same as us. BUT we started digging when the launch did not open, and THAT many days with work gave us enough to tell You NOT to pay when the mail from Secret Launch came. I have so high respect for my Security-team, my Teammembers and friends - and I hope that You ALL can see that we as Secret Launch-members ourself has saved a lot of people from loosing their money. I get tears in my eyes when I see how this forum is growing minut by minut, and a GREAT friend of us defend something NONE of us are behind - the SCAM! As form now I will recommend that we do NOT have open forums in this matter IF my friends shall get this hard work. We have worked hard FOR You, so You NOT loose YOUR money¨. If blame shall be given somebody - blame ME, I am Anthony`s and Dave`s upline, and tell it to me. Thank You.. Best regards Arild
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 5:58:21 PM
Hi Nan, Thank you once again for your incisive post & pointing out a lot of the pitfalls that you can & a lot of people do make in Internet Marketing. I will just say that maybe I was not quite making myself crystal clear when I said about what we choose to promote & who too. I do not often promote programs that are FREE. Free programs cannot make me or anyone else money. On the other hand, programs that are free to join, before you make your mind up about if you want to invest money in, those I do because it is up to the individual to what level if any, that they want to invest in. We all have a comfort level at what we think is suitable to invest, with the knowledge that we may, or may not make any profit. I do not promote programs that are high investment costs to the members here at Adlandpro, for the simple reason that I do not think it is fair to show people who may dearly want to invest in these, but cannot or that may go into debt investing in them thinking that they are short term profit makers. The ones I do not promote, either in these forums or on our company web site are the long term High yield investments that cost a lot to set up & have payment intervals of 3-5-10-15 years before showing returns. Those are our retirment investments, we can afford them & we do. I would hate to see anyone get into debt investing in the high cost, long term programs. If anyone is interested in these, then I suggest you see an investment banker about what he would recommend, as I will not give any advice on these. Apart from that. You have a very good way of putting your point across Nan. Thank you.

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