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Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Re: Profit Inspirations : Who said this?
11/13/2005 11:09:11 PM
Hi, all. I'm late to the party because the invitation to this thread was buried in a ton of others. Had to chime in on the subject of Jim Rohn and what to read first. This gentleman is the most direct, down-to-earth motivational speaker/author I know of. I get a huge kick out of some of his aphorisms, and hearing them in his voice is a must! I'm a big reader, too, but I was first exposed to Jim Rohn's work through his tape series, Challenge to Succeed in the 90's. Here we are in the "00's" and it's just as pertinent now as it was then. It's true that live seminars, videos and tapes are pricey. I recently discovered a reasonably-priced source of more material than I can get to in Success University. Linda, I hope you don't mind the plug, since this is one of 'my' programs. I joined for the material, not the income (though I wouldn't object to some, lol). It will certainly save me hundreds if not thousands of dollars in material that isn't available in my public library. Before I give house room to a book, I want to know it's valuable. Anyway, I'm taking a weekly Jim Rohn course through SU. Fabulous! Cheri
Janise Collins

369 Posts
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Re: Profit Inspirations : Who said this?
11/14/2005 2:23:04 PM
Linda, Wow! This is a great quotation. I love it and I am going to apply it to my pyshe and use it. Yes, everything he quoted is the absolute truth. Have a blessed and successful day! Your friend, Classic Corners "Nothing is impossible when you dream" The DreamTeam
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
Re: Profit Inspirations : Who said this?
1/2/2006 5:49:48 PM
I'm joining in late but I just had to remark on the lady having all the sales. When I first started the retail nursery a bit of advice I was given and always stood by. Don't ever put your plants on sale! People will wait until they know you are having your sale to come and buy. If I have something that I would like to move and a good customer comes along I sometimes offer them a plant at a reduction but I never advertise a sale. That is one reason I do not want to put my gourd creations on ebay. With all the time I have in them and the uniqueness of them I know it would be like selling them at half price or less. Martha