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Profit Inspirations : Who said this?
11/10/2005 1:03:11 PM
Hi: Food for thought. Here's a quotation from a well known business motivational person; Don't bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace. [said by: ?] Can you tell me: 1) Who said it? 2) What does it mean in your words? : ) Linda
Gary Simpson

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Re: Profit Inspirations : Who said this?
11/10/2005 4:10:30 PM
Hi Linda, 1- That would be the venerable Jim Rohn. 2 - Focus on benefits to your potential customers not features that are important to you. Answer to 2 could be even more basic. It depends on everybody's interpretation which, of course, would be different. Quotes from the bible are a prime example and, dare I say it... not wanting to upset anybody... the Koran? Gary Simpson
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Profit Inspirations : Who said this?
11/10/2005 4:12:40 PM
Hi Linda, I don't know who said this, but I think what he is saying is that if you are trying to market your product don't waste time whining about what you don't have and focus more on what you do have and what you can do for yourself. Your Friend Deborah
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Bob Needham

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Re: Profit Inspirations : Who said this?
11/10/2005 6:25:02 PM
Hi Linda, A quick google query confirms what our erudite friend has surmised. It is indeed Jim Rohn (never heard of him). What he is saying I beieve is... "If you're a professional, act like a professional". Forgive my breviloquence. :) Bob
Gary Simpson

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Re: Profit Inspirations : Who said this?
11/10/2005 7:07:46 PM
Bob, You are TOO funny. Breviloquence? Even my friend Mr Webster doesn't know that. Jim Rohn? You've never heard of him? He's probably one of the top six personal development coaches in the world. Heh! I really enjoyed your post. It put a smile on my face :-) Gary Simpson