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Re: Hey Jack!
11/12/2005 10:53:24 PM
========================================= Did you happen to read the User Terms for this site.? I'm not sure I want to admit I read the fine print or any other print for that matter. In a lot of cases it doesn't hold water. ========================================= While people might not *always* read the terms of every web site they use, there's one time they probably should... and that's in regard to their ability to collect payment. For example, I use clickbank and paypal as my two payment processors. I know that every payment button or link I create meets their terms. Even in saying that, I realize there's a caveat. There's a little analogy that illustrates it perfectly. If I'm going to go for a hike through a rainforest that has deadly wildlife and is inhabited by various indigenous people, I'm going to probably want to hire a guide. When I do, I assume my guide knows the rules and dangers of the forest. That's why I agreed to let them lead me. Same thing online. When a "member" signs up under someone who is supposed to be their "guide" they expect their guide to know the forest and it's dangers. Except it doesn't always work that way. : ) Linda
Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: Strange Money #2: Paypal Randomizer
11/12/2005 11:33:30 PM
Heh... Jack, Sorry to disappoint you but Peter and I were NOT talking about the possibility of jousting with each other. Both of us are way too sensible for that. Exchange ideas yes, bash each other - no way! Maybe others have read such connotation also. It ain't true folks. Moreover, it was an ongoing discussion about respect which is something that TRUE martial arts is solidly based on. Peter said, inter-alia: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I think that sometines respect is given purely on reputation, it is deserved, but given just because someone is who they are and represent what they do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That is also true. Respect actually has two mutual parts: 1<,b> - respect from actions personally witnessed or experienced, 2<,b> - respect from actions known or believed to have been undertaken. In his comment above, Peter was referring to a point 2 type of respect. Often when somebody has a point 2 type understanding of another person and does not receive that respect personally themself then there is discord and confusion. ie "Is this the person I felt that I knew?" Thoughts of betrayal or falseness emerge. Allow me to give a brief example, one that our Canadian friends will readily identify with... A man takes his son to the Ice Hockey to watch a Grand Final. They both support one of the teams. The son idolises Joe Hockeystick. He is a "hero" to the boy because of his reputation. By chance, as they are leaving the stadium, the son sees Joe Hockeystick. He rushes up to his hero, autograph book and pen in hand, full of expectation. Joe Hockeystick turns around, sees the little fellow and roars: "Get lost twerp!" That is discord. Expectation did not match reality. Ooh, dare I say it? Some schemes and plans are exactly the same. Sorry, had to insert that just to keep this minimally on thread. Peter, your comments regarding Chuck Norris and "Superfoot" (I think you mentioned "Bigfoot" - heh... he's the Yukon mountain champion! ...small joke) Wallace are most interesting. Chuck obviously met your every expectation and more. He even willingly introduced you to another icon. It's a great story. I might come back and have more to say about this later. Unless, you guys think I have too much to say or it is too far off thread. Gary Simpson
Re: Strange Money #2: Paypal Randomizer
11/13/2005 12:43:56 AM
Hey Gary, You didn't disappoint me, I didn't have any expectation from you. I was being facetious. :-)
Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: Strange Money #2: Paypal Randomizer
11/13/2005 1:03:35 AM
Hi Jack, Goodness. Say that on a plane these days and you'd be frog-marched off it quick smart. LOL! Hmm. Jack, what you alluded to is one of the greatest difficulties with forums and indeed, email. Without hearing the other person's voice, inflexions, tone etc or seeing their face during conversation, all sorts of mis-understandings can occur. I guess that was why those emoticon things were invented, not to mention good old LOLA - bless her. I just wanted to make it perfectly clear that Peter and I were discussing the same thing and not issuing or responding to challenges or whatever. Certainly not. With the email misunderstandings combined with cultural misunderstandings, national differences, the nuances or certain words and international language difficulties it all makes for a lot of ambiguity at times. Some people take ambiguity as an offence. Others shrug it off. Given the recent happenings here I just wanted to make it perfectly clear that Peter and I simply have a common interest and were discussing the same subject. There was no jousting going on. Gee, things can get convoluted, can't they? Gary Simpson
Winston Scoville

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Re: Hi Winston; I'm not ignoring this... lol
11/13/2005 3:18:34 AM
Linda, Yes things can certainly go a little off track can't they! :-) I believe Peter also posted some similar statistics in one of his forums. From my reading here, it seems there are more cons than pros to randomizers. I believe it was Jack that made a comment/remark about reading the small print on PayPal. My research was quick. I went to Google and searched for "Paypal Randomizer". The first link on the search page that day was to the PayPal link I posted. So sometimes you don't need to even read the small print. Just some basic checking. At the risk of rushing anyone, what's next on your list Linda? Let's do MLM's. If things aren't hot enough now, that should do the trick! :-)

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