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Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 2:59:09 PM
Hi Beverly. Hope you are feeling your 'old self' on this lovely Sunday. Just doing my 'thang', informing the wonderful members of our community of the 'lovely' individuals on the Internet, waiting to rip them off! Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 3:00:36 PM
Hi Stephanie. Nice to see you, hope you are well. Thanks for stopping by to find out whats happening. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 3:02:41 PM
Jim, How are you my friend. Yes, you & me both with Stormpay. Never did trust those egold cash processors, there seems to be to many ways to undermine their security procedures. Stick to Stormpay, Paypal & Greenzap. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 3:13:17 PM
As sick and sad as these hackers are, I can't help but laugh. They think they are so smart and will never get caught, so they go for this amount here and that amount there. I know it can probably add up over time, but their cockiness and stupidity in thinking others aren't as smart as they are will eventually get them. Sometimes what they steal seems like a huge amount of money, but it's never enough to make it worth doing what they're doing. Ellyn George Store At Your Door
Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 3:17:39 PM
Hello thanks for the heads up on this rip off. Hav a blessed day. P.S. info for those that want to post their web site for free please use this info. Thanks. Instant FREE Website Submission Submit your web site for FREE and be exposed to potentially TENS of THOUSANDS of new and unique visitors!
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