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Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 2:32:08 PM
Hi Everyone. I have pasted below a warning email we received today. You have to be careful in whatever you do to earn money on the Internet today. --------------------------------------------- The following is an email I received from 12Daily Pro. If any of you have a personal surfing site, you need to beware of this situation. ========================================= We wanted to take this time to inform you of a security issue that has been brought to our attention. There are individuals out there who ware hacking people's autosurf accounts with different autosurf programs and changing the payout details to an Egold account set up to look like ours. These hackers are currently using the Egold account #2513157(My Life Click) For instance, if you have an account with (example only, not a real site), these people would hack that account and change your payment details so that your pending payouts with that company are paid to #25131157 (My Life Click). The Egold account 12daily Pro uses to make payments to our members is #2049005 (MyLifeClicks), so you can see the similarity. It appears this is an attempt to make it appear as if someone from our company is hacking accounts and stealing money from unsuspecting people. They are assuming that when the person tries to figure out who has hacked their accounts they will blame it on us. Please, if you have evidence that someone with this Egold number has hacked any of your autsurf program accounts, we urge you to PLEASE report it Egold immediately! Also be aware that the only Egold number we use is 2049005. We are under the assumption that this deception is being carried out by the same person responsible for our DDOS attacks, an individual who has illegally spammed out forum and ticket system, been banned from several industry forums for slander and most suspiciously has been making suspiciously ominous predictions about our site that coincided with our DDOS attacks and this new deception. To avoid any confusion, though our Egold number will remain 2049005, we have now changed the name of our Egold account; you will see what the new name is when you receive payments from here forward. We will not announce it here for security reasons. Because this person was unsuccessful in the DDOS attack and we actually emerged from it ever stronger than we were before, this individual is now bent on finding other ways to malign us and destroy our site. We are taking every possible measure to insure this sick individual will be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But in the meantime, please beware of this latest hacking deception. We urge you to change all of your autosurf program passwords and be sure to protect your personal details at all times. As always, 12daily Pro wants to help keep you safe out there! ========================================== Harold (Admin) So, as you can see, whatever way you use to try to make money on the Internet, there is always somone else trying to take it away from you. Be careful & make a note of all payment processors & check them regulary, just in case. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 2:37:33 PM
Thanks for telling me this my friend. Take care.. Arild Your Vikingfriend
Flag of Eileen H

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Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 2:40:28 PM
Hey Anthony, Thank You for passing this along! I guess these people have nothing better to do than steal others people money. Thank You for the information.
Flag of James Steele

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Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 2:43:10 PM
Thanks for the Heads up.Everywhere you go huh? Thanks Again James
Flag of Beverly Armstrong

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Re: Important for anyone in 12dailypro, or any surfing site.
11/6/2005 2:47:22 PM
Thanks for the warning Anthony! As always our ISA expert, (Internet Security Agent) is looking out for us! :)
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials