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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/4/2009 1:14:05 AM
Hi Roger,

Hey I appreciate you coming by from across the ocean.  I just invited Luis to our cook out tomorrow...want to join us?

It would be wonderful to share our meal with so many distinguished guests.  Thanks for joining in our celebration!!!

I look forward to the day when everyone in every corner of the world has the freedom that they deserve to experience without the threat of despots silencing them because they speak out against the tyrannical oppression.

Let FREEDOM ring!!!

Blessings to you,

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/4/2009 1:24:22 AM
Thank you Thomas...I'm happy to celebrate with you and our Adland friends.  We are blessed in every way.  Hey I love the sparkly Happy Independence Day picture you posted.  Be blessed & have a wonderful weekend!  Come on over...the more the merrier! 

I'm glad to see you & hope you have a great time with your family! 

Peace and Freedom!!!

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/4/2009 1:45:16 AM
Hi Sandra...

Hope you and yours have a great 4th of July also.  Thanks for celebrating with your Adland friends.

I agree with you that we sometimes take our freedom for granted & forget those who have given theirs lives so that we might enjoy the very freedoms that we have.  This time of year always makes me think not only about our founding fathers, but of my father who fought in WWII & was proud to do so.  I once visited the Nimitz museum in my state and followed the path of the pacific fleet and the armed forces that were stationed where my dad was during his time in the army.  It was quite interesting and very eye opening as to what they went through to protect our homeland.  I also have very close friends who had fathers on the eastern front during this time in Europe.  This really shows my age doesn't it!  The point I'm making is that for generations & still today (as throughout history) there have been brave men and women who have been more than willing to serve their country for the protection of our freedom we have been blessed with.  It seems that so many today have almost forgotten these heroes & I'm so glad that we remember them today! 

Happy July 4th!!!! God bless us one and all!  May the bell of FREEDOM keep ringing!

Cheryl ;-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/4/2009 8:13:41 AM
Cheryl, thank you for this forum.  We are so fortunate to have our 'Independence' and must never forget to honor those who made it possible and those who give their lives to keep it a reality.  To all our military we salute them and thank them for the service they give to this great nation.

I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday!!
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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/4/2009 9:05:50 AM


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