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Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/8/2005 12:11:22 AM
Dear Anthony, Thanks for the invite. I checked out Jerome's forum. Wow, is he and just about everyone else living in the Gulf angry, and with good reason! My heart goes out to everyone who has lived and died through this tragedy. Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Flag of Jerome Pfeifer

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Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/8/2005 12:18:26 AM
Hi Anthony, If someone learns how to prevent a Hurricane "PLEASE TELL ME?' I'd like to invest in the Patent on it. Peace!- JP
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/8/2005 1:41:41 AM
Dear Jerome, Please forgive me, but your comment cracked me up! I just wanted to add that I'll get right on it, as soon as my anti-tsunami, anti-earthquake, and anti-tornado patents come through! God bless you! Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Flag of Jerome Pfeifer

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Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/8/2005 8:10:28 AM
Hi Shannon, I just can't for the life of me figure out why some people don't know when to use a concept and when to use common sense! They want to build New Orleans back up I don't care, but if it were me I would give God back his swamp land. They can spend as much money as they want to try and make that city Hurricane safe it will never happen! If they are going to live there at least have an escape plan! If there is a train comming down the track I am getting off of it. Hurricane comming tell me when it will be here so I can be out of town when it arrives! (common semse) Be Blessed!-JP
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/8/2005 12:38:41 PM
Dear Jerome, There is very little common sense anymore. Too many parents have to work 2 or 3 jobs, both of them. That leaves no one to teach their kids any common sense or morals, and this started with my generation primarily. Things have only gotten worse since I was in high school (I'm an 80's child) and the economy isn't getting any better. What else can we expect when we leave our kids home with MTV and fast food? There is not only no common sense being taught, they think the world should deliver their every need to them in less than 5 minutes, and they can't understand why it doesn't work that way. I hope and pray that I'm doing a better job with my kids, but I've been blessed and cursed with a malady that keeps me home with them. Not everyone has that option. If you believe in the Bible, then you can have comfort in knowing that God has promised to bring His Kingdom "to earth, as it is in heaven."(Lord's Prayer) Only He has the answers now. Of course, until He does that, we still have to try to govern ourselves, and hopefully the local government in New Orleans has learned a bitter but valuable lesson. You take care, Jerome. (And by the way, I'm formerly from Michigan, too--way north, just under the Mackinaw Bridge.) Sincerely, Shannon Bolin, Owner Bolin Family Jewelry
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol

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