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Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/5/2005 7:28:27 AM
Thank you for invitation and informations. Help to New Orleans Throught Strompay: New Hit Is Japan Hit!!!
Flag of Lisa Westberry

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Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/5/2005 9:37:44 AM
Thank you for passing on the link. I missed that one so I am glad you let me know. I posted. Blessing too us all, Your Friend,
Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/5/2005 10:30:59 AM
Re: Hurricane Katrina Anthony, Just wanted to agree with Beverly's post. Pointing fingers isn't helping an already inflamed situation. There were some things that could have been in place, but were found lacking. Bottom line is that no one, NO ONE, could have been totally prepared for such a devastating storm. Nature can't even be accurately forecast, much less controlled. Sure there can be lessons learned from this, so that hopefully nothing this devastating will occur again. The government, from local, to state, to federal are all made up of mere men. Were mistakes made? Probably so. Were these officials intentionally putting people in harms way? Of course not. And then...when help was arriving...having rogue thugs firing at their would be rescuers. That's as tragic and as pathetic as you can get. I have a friend who lives in the New Orleans area who is a Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue Pilot. None of our mutual friends had heard from him, until finally on Saturday he called our friend Scott. We were thankful to hear from him of course...he's alright...except for his exhaustion from working around the clock...RESCUING people off of roofs and where ever else they are being found. I think our focus needs to be on what IS being done, & recognize the many people such as my friend who are working so diligently to help rescue these unfortunate victims. I'm sure as one who is up close and personal with what has happened and the efforts that are continuing there, that my friend's first concern is to keep going, and keep going, & keep pushing himself to his limits so that he can be used to SAVE more people. Thank the Lord for people such as my friend, and all the countless people who are taking action to help in this dire time of need. Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/5/2005 11:42:28 AM
Thanks for the invite Anthony, I will check it out. Have a great Holiday, Your Friend,
Flag of Jerome Pfeifer

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Re: Someone talking sense at last about the aftermath of Katrina.
9/5/2005 1:02:11 PM
Hi Anthony, Just want to thank you for pointing out my post. I noticed that some have made comments that are off the point. They don't realize that help comes in many forms. If no one speaks the truth about what happened and how things play out than the real focus is lost, leaving us to the doom of repeating the same mistakes. It helps to stay focused. I don't tell no one of my personal troubles, and I have some. But I do all I can to help people that are going thru similar troubles to deal with them by staying focused. I am down here where some of the action is, there are a lot of displaced people in my area right now. We have donated what we can water canned goods and the such to our local shelters and the such. I was just watching my President down in Baton Rouge just before I turned on my computer, I have to say he is a peoples' man. He has made it known that we have a long road ahead of us and it ain't over until these people are back on their feet. I carry my feelings in my pocket not on my shoulders, I keep logic there! If we let those politicians come in and try to make this a racial thing than we will forever remain divided. All they have to do is admit that they dropped the ball. We have the resources in our country to make sure that these people are taken care of and our President are making sure that they receive them. We do have to watch out for people who are into sophisms and the such, and to know the difference. Thes are people who talk a good game but when it comes down to it...well you know. Now for those of you that have not donated to your favorite org. here is mine: That is for those that are not able to get out or are to far away to make a direct impact. I myself are in both of those catagories. I am not suppose to be walking or moving but I have been out and done my best, and doing it here. Take Care All! -JP P.S This is a mean old world to live in all by yourself, so whatever you do try and make one friend today!
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