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Peter Fogel

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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/14/2012 5:10:02 PM
Hey Evelyn,

Now that is one Politically Incorrect history lesson. ) Just as a point of interest they didn't have same sex marriages then either. :)



Today's history lesson:
Do you know what happened 162 years ago..... back in 1850?

California became a state
The people had no electricity.
The state had no money.
Almost everyone spoke Spanish.
There were gunfights in the streets.

So basically nothing has changed except then the women had
real boobs and the men didn't hold hands.

That, my friends, is the history lesson for today!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/14/2012 5:12:12 PM
Hi Mark,

Good one!!!! Poooooooooooor Evelyn wasn't paying attention!!!!! :) :)




Dr Visit for a colonoscopy ?
I went into my proctologist's office for my first rectal exam.
His new nurse, Evelyn, took me to an examining room
And told me to get undressed and have a seat
Until the doctor could see me .
She said that he would only be a few minutes.

After putting on the gown that she gave me
I sat down
While waiting I observed
That there were three items on a stand
Next to the exam table:

A Tube of K-Y jelly,
A rubber glove
And a beer .

When the doctor finally came in I said,
"Look Doc, I'm a little confused
This is my first exam ..
I know what the K-Y is for
And I know what the glove is for,

But can you tell me what the BEER is for?

At that Doctor Paul became noticeably outraged and stormed over to the door

He flung the door open and yelled to his nurse .. . . . . .

Dang it Evelyn !!!

I said a BUTT LIGHT "!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/14/2012 5:19:04 PM
Hi All,

The below graphic needs no additional comment. It's self explanatory. :)



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/14/2012 5:21:30 PM
Hi All,

Ready for another self explanatory graphic? Ready or not here it is. :) :)



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/16/2012 4:41:02 AM
Hi All,

Here's the first edition of NewsBusted for the week.



President Obama
Same-Sex Marriage
Chris Matthews
Vice President Biden
West Virginia Primary
Rick Santorum
Mitt Romney
Women Leave Workforce
Bill Clinton
Geraldo Rivera

Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit ‪‬ to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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