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Peter Fogel

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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
11/20/2011 3:05:38 PM
Hi All,

When I got this email I was really surprised with the content. When I saw the car and the "young man" standing beside it I couldn't help but smile. You gotta admit that's one beautiful car and quite a nice story.




They certainly don't make them like that anymore.
This man Owned & Drove Same Car for 82 YEARS.
Can you imagine having the same car for 82 years!
"How Long Have You Owned a Car?"

Mr. Allen Swift ( Springfield , MA.) received this 1928 Rolls-Royce Piccadilly-P1 Roadster from his father, brand new - as a graduation gift in 1928.
He drove it up until his death last the age of 102 !!!

He was the oldest living owner of a car that was purchased new. Just thought you'd like to see it. It was donated to a Springfield museum after his death.

It has 1,070,000 miles on it, still runs like a Swiss watch, dead silent a Any speed and is in perfect cosmetic condition. (82 years)
That's approximately 13,048 miles per year (1087 per month)...

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
11/20/2011 8:58:23 PM
Hello Peter and friends!

The Yellow Light

Too good not to share....

The light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

The tailgating woman behind him was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.

As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

He said, ''I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do?' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me To Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally...I assumed you had stolen the car.''


God Bless Everyone
Peter Fogel

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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
11/21/2011 6:47:31 AM
Hi All,

This one's hilarious with the inevitable outcome. :)



A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart.
The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in
their cart.
What do you think you're doing? asks the wife.
They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans, he replies.
Put them back, we can't afford them, demands the wife,
and so they carry on shopping.
A few aisles further on along the woman picks up a
$20 jar of face cream and put it in the basket.
What do you think you're doing? asks the husband.
It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful, replies
the wife.
Her husband retorts: So does the 24 cans of
Budweiser and it's half the price.
He never knew what hit him.

HUSBAND DOWN on aisle 8

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
11/21/2011 9:41:53 PM

Fish (How To Clean & Cook Pan Fish)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
11/21/2011 10:08:56 PM

Now I know how to prepare fee-ish properly!

I just came in from drinkin my afternoon bee-ur outside in my winter coat up here in 40 degree weather, now I think I'll go back out in my Victoria's Secret bikini top...

First I should go get some fee-ish from the river, or maybe from the seafood store "Sanitary Seafood" (they wouldn't fee-ib about it bein' clean!)

Way-ur is that accent fru-um?

Bee-ur does make everthing so much better!

She should have her own TV show!

Darn right, git drunk while you wait on yer fish! Waitin fer anything deserves a beer or few!

Rooster named Gumbo? He knows his days are numbered!

That lady is this decade's version of Ellie Mae Clampett, maybe more like Granny before she got old, I think so!

I think I need to go git a fee-lay knife.

The neighbors might more appreciate my outdoor daily year-round beer-tasting if I was wielding a big ol' fee-lay knife ;)

My opinion brought to you by the often sold-out award winning beer imported from south of the Mason-Dixon line (Baltimore): Heavy Seas: Loose Cannon

I need a new kettle grill for the porch and deep fryer for the back patio, and the usual audience of baby squirrels (why do all the animals seem intrigued with hot oil cookery? maybe because they're cold? LOL!)

Where's Granny's recipe for possum? I saw a fresh one about a mile from here, there's also a live one behind the garage. Should I name him Stew?


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