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Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
10/6/2010 9:41:36 AM
Seems to be an ongoing saga this
"10:10 no problem tree-hugging fashism video"

RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
10/7/2010 1:01:45 PM

Happy Thursday Peter and friends. I found this one in my inbox this morning and it just really struck me as hilarious. Hope you enjoy it.

The Navy Chief noticed a new seaman and barked at him,
"Get over here! What's your name sailor?"
"Tom," the new seaman replied.
"Look, I don't know what kind of bleeding-heart pansy crap
they're teaching sailors in boot camp these days, but I don't
call anyone by his first name," the chief scowled. "It breeds
familiarity, and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I
refer to my sailors by their last names only; Smith, Jones,
Baker, whatever. And you are to refer to me as 'Chief'. Do I
make myself clear?"
"Aye, Aye Chief!"
"Now that we've got that straight, what's your last name?"
The seaman sighed. "Darling, My name is Tom Darling, Chief."
"Okay, Tom, here's what I want you to do ."
Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
10/7/2010 5:26:24 PM
A smart little girl? You decide ;-)

A teacher asked her class, “What do you want out of life?”
A little girl in the back row raised her hand and said, “All I want out of life is four little animals, just like my Mom always says”.
The teacher asked, “Really and what four little animals would that be?”
The little girl said, “A mink on my back, a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bed and a jackass to pay for all of it.”
The teacher got a coughing fit and had to leave the room!
Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
10/7/2010 5:37:34 PM
Bill, a handsome dude, walked into a sports bar around 9:58 pm. He sat down next to a blonde at the bar and stared up at the TV. The 10 pm news was coming on. The news crew was covering the story of a man on the ledge of a large building preparing to jump.
The blonde looked at Bill and said, “Do you think he’ll jump?”
Bill said, “You know, I bet he’ll jump.”
The blonde replied, “Well, I bet he won’t.”
Bill placed a $20 bill on the bar and said, “You’re on!”
Just as the blonde placed her money on the bar, the guy on the ledge did a swan dive off the building, falling to his death. The blonde was very upset, but willingly handed her $20 to Bob, saying, “Fair’s fair. Here’s your money.”
Bill replied, “I can’t take your money. I saw this earlier on the 5 pm news, and so I knew he would jump.”
The blonde replied, “I did too, but didn’t think he’d do it again.”

RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
10/7/2010 10:03:58 PM

Sad Day :(

Please join me in remembering a great icon of the Minneapolis community.

Yesterday the Pillsbury Doughboy died of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.

Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Buttersworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site was piled high with flours.

Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Dough boy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Dough boy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was considered a very smart cookie, but wasted much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still was a crusty old man and was considered a positive roll model for millions.......

Doughboy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart.

The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.

If this made you smile for even a brief second, please rise to the occasion and take time to pass it on and share that smile with someone else who may be having a crumby day and kneads a lift.

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