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Peter Fogel

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Person Of The Week
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/15/2010 6:26:01 AM
Hi All,
I had serious thoughts whether to post this one but since this is a joke thread i guess it's OK.

Drinking with an Arizona Girl

A Mexican, an Arab,

and an Arizona girl are

in the same bar.

When the Mexican

finishes his beer,

he throws his glass

in the air, pulls out

his pistol, and shoots

the glass to pieces.

He says, 'In Mexico ,

our glasses are so

cheap we don't need

to drink with the same one twice.'

The Arab, obviously

impressed by this,

drinks non-alcohol beer

(cuz he is Muslim!),

throws it into the

air, pulls out his

AK-47, and shoots

the glass to pieces.

He says, 'In the

Arab World, we have

so much sand to make

glasses that we don't

need to drink with

the same one twice either.'

The Arizona girl,

cool as a cucumber,

picks up her beer,

downs it in one gulp,

throws the glass into

the air, whips out her

45, and shoots the

Mexican and the Arab.

Catching her glass,

setting it on the bar, and calling for a refill,

she says,

'In Arizona,

we have so many

illegal aliens that

we don't have to

drink with the same ones twice.'

God Bless Arizona

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/17/2010 5:17:59 AM
Hi All,
When I read the below joke I couldn't stop laughing and then a thought struck me that in his inimitable way B Hussein O-Bowma is doing the same thing to the American people. The joke is funny but B Hussein and his teleprompter isn't.

Mafia Bookkeeper......:-)

A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, Enzo, has cheated him out of 10 million bucks.

His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason he got the job in the first place. It was assumed that Enzo would hear nothing that he might have to testify about in court.

When the Godfather goes to confront Enzo about his missing $10 million, he takes along his
lawyer who knows sign language. The Godfather tells the lawyer, "Ask him where the 10 million bucks is that he embezzled from me."

The lawyer, using sign language, asks Enzo where the money is.

Enzo signs back, "I don't know what you are talking about." The lawyer tells the Godfather, "He says he doesn't know what you are talking about." The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Enzo's temple and says, "Ask him again!"

The lawyer signs to Enzo, "He'll kill you if you don't tell him.." Enzo signs back, "OK. You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed in my cousin Bruno's backyard in Woodbridge !"

The Godfather asks the lawyer, "What did he say?" The lawyer replies, " He says you don't have the balls to pull the trigger."

Don't we just LOVE Lawyers?!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/17/2010 11:39:44 AM

Dear Lord
I know that I don't talk to you that much but this past
year you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick
Swayze, my favorite actress, Farah Fawcette, and my
favorite musician, Michael Jackson.
Oh and I want you to know that my favorite president
is Barack Obama.
Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/17/2010 12:12:18 PM

Happy Monday Peter, Helen and friends. Some of these may be a repeat but still funny. :)

Here's a few "Schoolkid"Jokes you might like...

The little boy wasn't getting good marks in school. One day he made the teacher quite surprised. He tapped her on the shoulder and said ..."I don't want to scare you, but my daddy says if I don't get better grades, somebody is going to get a spanking."


A wise schoolteacher sends this note to all parents on the first day of school: "If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything they say happens at home!


Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son. "Wake up, son. It's time to go to school!"
"But why, Mom? I don't want to go."
"Give me two reasons why you don't want to go."
"Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too!"
"Oh, that's no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready."
"Give me two reasons why I should go to school."
"Well, for one, you're 52-years-old. And for another, you're the Principal!"


RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
5/17/2010 12:30:43 PM

This one may be a repeat.......

A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car.

His father said he'd make a deal with his son: 'You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we'll talk about the car.'

The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.

After about six weeks his father said, 'Son, you've brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had your hair cut.

The boy said, 'You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair...and there's even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.'

You're going to love the Dad's reply:

'Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?'



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