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Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/8/2011 12:11:36 PM
Hello Friends,

I planned to post another article but after reading the commentary by Lloyd Marcus I figured he is a must read. He covers quite a bit in his article and the only thing I'd like to add is B Hussein's intelligibility to be President. Not cos of his fraudulent long form COLB for that he deserves jail time for a criminal act. Not for the dozens of Social Security numbers in his name (and selective service fraud) for that too he deserves jail time. Oh, my the list is soooooo long but my main reason is that Constitutionally he isn't eligible. His father wasn't a US citizen at the time of his birth. For the life of me I can't understand why the 2 Houses of Congress haven't impeached him for that alone.

In any case enjoy the below article.



Campaign 2012: Are We Over “The Black Thing” Yet?

Posted by Lloyd Marcus on July 8, 2011 at 12:26am

My fellow Americans, in regard to the U.S. presidency, please tell me we are over "the black thing." Can we move past race and gender and simply elect the best American for the job?

Due to liberal media manipulation and guilt, America elected an incompetent black guy as leader of the free world to prove that we are not racist. Obama's black skin has made him untouchable, the left's dream tool to further their socialist agenda. Once America gets over "the black thing", will the liberal media demand we elect Hilliary to prove we are not sexist?

How long will it be before the liberal media demands that we elect our first openly gay/lesbian president to prove that we are not homophobic?

I believe that the novelty of a black guy in the White House is over -- been there, done that, got the historic Obama (false) Hope & Change t-shirt.

I hereby proclaim the season of Presidential Affirmative Action

Funny how the liberal media and their far-left buddies deal with blacks and women. You need to understand that the left's progressive/socialist agenda trumps everything. Thus, race and gender are highly effective tools used to further their agenda.

If you are a black liberal, the left gleefully views you as a poor victim of a racist America. Quoting Obama's pastor, Rev. Wright, "Barack knows what it feels like to live in a country controlled by rich white people". The left demands that standards be lowered and government entitlements be gifted.

If you are a black conservative, the left views you as a stupid self hating n***** suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. And yes, the left freely uses the "n" word when referring to black conservatives.

If you are a liberal woman, you are a victim of a sexist America controlled by white male SOBs. If you are a conservative woman, you are a stupid slut.

So, you can understand why my stomach turns when the liberal media and their far-left buddies are lauded for their superior compassion and tolerance for blacks and women.

The left celebrates liberal blacks and women while engaging in the high-tech lynching of conservative blacks and women. It is quite simple, folks. If you are a minority confident enough to be a self-starter and you love your country, you are on the left's excrement list. Leftists embrace only victims. Why? Because it fits their desire to believe that America sucks and is the greatest source of evil in the world.

I realize that what I am about to say will make a lot of folks angry. Well, I am sorry, but it is the truth: black voters behaved like a bunch of racists in the 2008 election. Obama got 96% of the black vote with surveys proving that many blacks were clueless about Obama's intentions and even his running mate. Some black Obama voters thought his VP was Sarah Palin.

Call me crazy, but if it "ain't" right for whites to vote for the white guy because he is white, it "ain't" right for blacks to vote for the black guy because he is black.

Yes, we blacks have suffered greatly in the past due to racism. But, to exploit America's original sin of slavery as a license for black racist behavior is a slap in the face to MLK and all who have sacrificed, suffered, and died to move us forward and together as a nation.

Race-profiteers love to opine about America's racist roots and the eternal debt owed to blacks. They completely ignore the fact that decent, God-fearing Americans corrected those evils. Apparently, these race-profiteers are unaware of the Civil War. Approximately 40,000 blacks died, 320,000 whites died, and 275,200 were wounded fighting to end slavery.

So, America, despite what the liberal media and race-profiteers say, your debt to black Americans is paid in full. You elected the first affirmative action president. Rah-rah,
congratulations! Now, can we please, this time around, elect the best candidate for our country?

The presidency of the United States of America is far too important to the world to be decided by silly surface nonsense such as race or gender. Never again can we allow the liberal media to select our president based on whose "turn" they think it is -- Asian, Muslim, gay, lesbian, or whatever.

I am black. I want the best American leading our great country. I want the horrific assault on our freedom called Obamacare
repealed! I want a conservative presidential candidate who is well aware of the evil confronting us and is boldly and eagerly up for the battle.

Folks, the left/liberal media will never retire the race and gender cards. Both cards have proven extremely powerful and effective.

The liberal media will always "blame America first." Though powerless over changing the liberal media, we have total power in our response to them: no pandering, appeasing, or fearing them. We must simply ignore their propaganda and defeat them.

The year 2012 is not just another presidential election. It is the most important presidential election in the history of our country. Obama is destroying America, plain and simple. Four more years under the lawless reign of this divisive, evil man will land a serious deathblow to the heart of America as we know it.

We need a hero, folks. Regardless of race or gender, we need the
best American in the White House -- someone who is "champing at the bit" to clean up Obama's mess!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Vice Chair,

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/8/2011 1:46:05 PM


The presidency of the United States of America is far too important to the world to be decided by silly surface nonsense such as race or gender. Never again can we allow the liberal media to select our president based on whose "turn" they think it is -- Asian, Muslim, gay, lesbian, or whatever.

Hello Friends,

I planned to post another article but after reading the commentary by Lloyd Marcus I figured he is a must read. He covers quite a bit in his article and the only thing I'd like to add is B Hussein's intelligibility to be President. Not cos of his fraudulent long form COLB for that he deserves jail time for a criminal act. Not for the dozens of Social Security numbers in his name (and selective service fraud) for that too he deserves jail time. Oh, my the list is soooooo long but my main reason is that Constitutionally he isn't eligible. His father wasn't a US citizen at the time of his birth. For the life of me I can't understand why the 2 Houses of Congress haven't impeached him for that alone.

In any case enjoy the below article.



Campaign 2012: Are We Over “The Black Thing” Yet?

Posted by Lloyd Marcus on July 8, 2011 at 12:26am

My fellow Americans, in regard to the U.S. presidency, please tell me we are over "the black thing." Can we move past race and gender and simply elect the best American for the job?

Due to liberal media manipulation and guilt, America elected an incompetent black guy as leader of the free world to prove that we are not racist. Obama's black skin has made him untouchable, the left's dream tool to further their socialist agenda. Once America gets over "the black thing", will the liberal media demand we elect Hilliary to prove we are not sexist?

How long will it be before the liberal media demands that we elect our first openly gay/lesbian president to prove that we are not homophobic?

I believe that the novelty of a black guy in the White House is over -- been there, done that, got the historic Obama (false) Hope & Change t-shirt.

I hereby proclaim the season of Presidential Affirmative Action

Funny how the liberal media and their far-left buddies deal with blacks and women. You need to understand that the left's progressive/socialist agenda trumps everything. Thus, race and gender are highly effective tools used to further their agenda.

If you are a black liberal, the left gleefully views you as a poor victim of a racist America. Quoting Obama's pastor, Rev. Wright, "Barack knows what it feels like to live in a country controlled by rich white people". The left demands that standards be lowered and government entitlements be gifted.

If you are a black conservative, the left views you as a stupid self hating n***** suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. And yes, the left freely uses the "n" word when referring to black conservatives.

If you are a liberal woman, you are a victim of a sexist America controlled by white male SOBs. If you are a conservative woman, you are a stupid slut.

So, you can understand why my stomach turns when the liberal media and their far-left buddies are lauded for their superior compassion and tolerance for blacks and women.

The left celebrates liberal blacks and women while engaging in the high-tech lynching of conservative blacks and women. It is quite simple, folks. If you are a minority confident enough to be a self-starter and you love your country, you are on the left's excrement list. Leftists embrace only victims. Why? Because it fits their desire to believe that America sucks and is the greatest source of evil in the world.

I realize that what I am about to say will make a lot of folks angry. Well, I am sorry, but it is the truth: black voters behaved like a bunch of racists in the 2008 election. Obama got 96% of the black vote with surveys proving that many blacks were clueless about Obama's intentions and even his running mate. Some black Obama voters thought his VP was Sarah Palin.

Call me crazy, but if it "ain't" right for whites to vote for the white guy because he is white, it "ain't" right for blacks to vote for the black guy because he is black.

Yes, we blacks have suffered greatly in the past due to racism. But, to exploit America's original sin of slavery as a license for black racist behavior is a slap in the face to MLK and all who have sacrificed, suffered, and died to move us forward and together as a nation.

Race-profiteers love to opine about America's racist roots and the eternal debt owed to blacks. They completely ignore the fact that decent, God-fearing Americans corrected those evils. Apparently, these race-profiteers are unaware of the Civil War. Approximately 40,000 blacks died, 320,000 whites died, and 275,200 were wounded fighting to end slavery.

So, America, despite what the liberal media and race-profiteers say, your debt to black Americans is paid in full. You elected the first affirmative action president. Rah-rah,
congratulations! Now, can we please, this time around, elect the best candidate for our country?

The presidency of the United States of America is far too important to the world to be decided by silly surface nonsense such as race or gender. Never again can we allow the liberal media to select our president based on whose "turn" they think it is -- Asian, Muslim, gay, lesbian, or whatever.

I am black. I want the best American leading our great country. I want the horrific assault on our freedom called Obamacare
repealed! I want a conservative presidential candidate who is well aware of the evil confronting us and is boldly and eagerly up for the battle.

Folks, the left/liberal media will never retire the race and gender cards. Both cards have proven extremely powerful and effective.

The liberal media will always "blame America first." Though powerless over changing the liberal media, we have total power in our response to them: no pandering, appeasing, or fearing them. We must simply ignore their propaganda and defeat them.

The year 2012 is not just another presidential election. It is the most important presidential election in the history of our country. Obama is destroying America, plain and simple. Four more years under the lawless reign of this divisive, evil man will land a serious deathblow to the heart of America as we know it.

We need a hero, folks. Regardless of race or gender, we need the
best American in the White House -- someone who is "champing at the bit" to clean up Obama's mess!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Vice Chair,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/8/2011 4:35:25 PM

Hi Peter and Jim, more and more we see where these far left liberals, knowing they have lost an argument, resort to the only thing they know how to do and that is call people names, and not only names like stupid self hating n*****, but also a stupid slut, racists, ignorant and etc. It's really kind of amusing when we see them lose control and show everyone who the really stupid and ignorant ones are. Have a great weekend my friends. :)

Hello Friends,

I planned to post another article but after reading the commentary by Lloyd Marcus I figured he is a must read. He covers quite a bit in his article and the only thing I'd like to add is B Hussein's intelligibility to be President. Not cos of his fraudulent long form COLB for that he deserves jail time for a criminal act. Not for the dozens of Social Security numbers in his name (and selective service fraud) for that too he deserves jail time. Oh, my the list is soooooo long but my main reason is that Constitutionally he isn't eligible. His father wasn't a US citizen at the time of his birth. For the life of me I can't understand why the 2 Houses of Congress haven't impeached him for that alone.

In any case enjoy the below article.



Campaign 2012: Are We Over “The Black Thing” Yet?

Posted by Lloyd Marcus on July 8, 2011 at 12:26am

My fellow Americans, in regard to the U.S. presidency, please tell me we are over "the black thing." Can we move past race and gender and simply elect the best American for the job?

Due to liberal media manipulation and guilt, America elected an incompetent black guy as leader of the free world to prove that we are not racist. Obama's black skin has made him untouchable, the left's dream tool to further their socialist agenda. Once America gets over "the black thing", will the liberal media demand we elect Hilliary to prove we are not sexist?

How long will it be before the liberal media demands that we elect our first openly gay/lesbian president to prove that we are not homophobic?

I believe that the novelty of a black guy in the White House is over -- been there, done that, got the historic Obama (false) Hope & Change t-shirt.

I hereby proclaim the season of Presidential Affirmative Action

Funny how the liberal media and their far-left buddies deal with blacks and women. You need to understand that the left's progressive/socialist agenda trumps everything. Thus, race and gender are highly effective tools used to further their agenda.

If you are a black liberal, the left gleefully views you as a poor victim of a racist America. Quoting Obama's pastor, Rev. Wright, "Barack knows what it feels like to live in a country controlled by rich white people". The left demands that standards be lowered and government entitlements be gifted.

If you are a black conservative, the left views you as a stupid self hating n***** suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. And yes, the left freely uses the "n" word when referring to black conservatives.

If you are a liberal woman, you are a victim of a sexist America controlled by white male SOBs. If you are a conservative woman, you are a stupid slut.

So, you can understand why my stomach turns when the liberal media and their far-left buddies are lauded for their superior compassion and tolerance for blacks and women.

The left celebrates liberal blacks and women while engaging in the high-tech lynching of conservative blacks and women. It is quite simple, folks. If you are a minority confident enough to be a self-starter and you love your country, you are on the left's excrement list. Leftists embrace only victims. Why? Because it fits their desire to believe that America sucks and is the greatest source of evil in the world.

I realize that what I am about to say will make a lot of folks angry. Well, I am sorry, but it is the truth: black voters behaved like a bunch of racists in the 2008 election. Obama got 96% of the black vote with surveys proving that many blacks were clueless about Obama's intentions and even his running mate. Some black Obama voters thought his VP was Sarah Palin.

Call me crazy, but if it "ain't" right for whites to vote for the white guy because he is white, it "ain't" right for blacks to vote for the black guy because he is black.

Yes, we blacks have suffered greatly in the past due to racism. But, to exploit America's original sin of slavery as a license for black racist behavior is a slap in the face to MLK and all who have sacrificed, suffered, and died to move us forward and together as a nation.

Race-profiteers love to opine about America's racist roots and the eternal debt owed to blacks. They completely ignore the fact that decent, God-fearing Americans corrected those evils. Apparently, these race-profiteers are unaware of the Civil War. Approximately 40,000 blacks died, 320,000 whites died, and 275,200 were wounded fighting to end slavery.

So, America, despite what the liberal media and race-profiteers say, your debt to black Americans is paid in full. You elected the first affirmative action president. Rah-rah,
congratulations! Now, can we please, this time around, elect the best candidate for our country?

The presidency of the United States of America is far too important to the world to be decided by silly surface nonsense such as race or gender. Never again can we allow the liberal media to select our president based on whose "turn" they think it is -- Asian, Muslim, gay, lesbian, or whatever.

I am black. I want the best American leading our great country. I want the horrific assault on our freedom called Obamacare
repealed! I want a conservative presidential candidate who is well aware of the evil confronting us and is boldly and eagerly up for the battle.

Folks, the left/liberal media will never retire the race and gender cards. Both cards have proven extremely powerful and effective.

The liberal media will always "blame America first." Though powerless over changing the liberal media, we have total power in our response to them: no pandering, appeasing, or fearing them. We must simply ignore their propaganda and defeat them.

The year 2012 is not just another presidential election. It is the most important presidential election in the history of our country. Obama is destroying America, plain and simple. Four more years under the lawless reign of this divisive, evil man will land a serious deathblow to the heart of America as we know it.

We need a hero, folks. Regardless of race or gender, we need the
best American in the White House -- someone who is "champing at the bit" to clean up Obama's mess!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Vice Chair,

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/13/2011 6:15:11 AM
Hi Jim & Evelyn,

Thanks for your input and hopefully we can destroy the impact and influence the MSM still has with diehard supporters of the fraud and great pretender. The truth is out there to be seen but I guess there are some that have a problem with the truth. More and more the internet is playing an important part in REPORTING something MSM hasn't done for many years. They are hate mongerers and nothing is beneath their desire to misinform the public.

The Weiner scandal that Andrew Breitbart broke is a prime example of that. MSM tried their damnest to minimize the affair until they had no option other then to accept the truth and start reporting ........ for a change. But the point to remember is that it all started on the internet and the truth won this time.

The race card is already being played and I have a funny feeling the public isn't buying it anymore.




Hi Peter and Jim, more and more we see where these far left liberals, knowing they have lost an argument, resort to the only thing they know how to do and that is call people names, and not only names like stupid self hating n*****, but also a stupid slut, racists, ignorant and etc. It's really kind of amusing when we see them lose control and show everyone who the really stupid and ignorant ones are. Have a great weekend my friends. :)

Hello Friends,

I planned to post another article but after reading the commentary by Lloyd Marcus I figured he is a must read. He covers quite a bit in his article and the only thing I'd like to add is B Hussein's intelligibility to be President. Not cos of his fraudulent long form COLB for that he deserves jail time for a criminal act. Not for the dozens of Social Security numbers in his name (and selective service fraud) for that too he deserves jail time. Oh, my the list is soooooo long but my main reason is that Constitutionally he isn't eligible. His father wasn't a US citizen at the time of his birth. For the life of me I can't understand why the 2 Houses of Congress haven't impeached him for that alone.

In any case enjoy the below article.



Campaign 2012: Are We Over “The Black Thing” Yet?

Posted by Lloyd Marcus on July 8, 2011 at 12:26am

My fellow Americans, in regard to the U.S. presidency, please tell me we are over "the black thing." Can we move past race and gender and simply elect the best American for the job?

Due to liberal media manipulation and guilt, America elected an incompetent black guy as leader of the free world to prove that we are not racist. Obama's black skin has made him untouchable, the left's dream tool to further their socialist agenda. Once America gets over "the black thing", will the liberal media demand we elect Hilliary to prove we are not sexist?

How long will it be before the liberal media demands that we elect our first openly gay/lesbian president to prove that we are not homophobic?

I believe that the novelty of a black guy in the White House is over -- been there, done that, got the historic Obama (false) Hope & Change t-shirt.

I hereby proclaim the season of Presidential Affirmative Action

Funny how the liberal media and their far-left buddies deal with blacks and women. You need to understand that the left's progressive/socialist agenda trumps everything. Thus, race and gender are highly effective tools used to further their agenda.

If you are a black liberal, the left gleefully views you as a poor victim of a racist America. Quoting Obama's pastor, Rev. Wright, "Barack knows what it feels like to live in a country controlled by rich white people". The left demands that standards be lowered and government entitlements be gifted.

If you are a black conservative, the left views you as a stupid self hating n***** suffering with Stockholm Syndrome. And yes, the left freely uses the "n" word when referring to black conservatives.

If you are a liberal woman, you are a victim of a sexist America controlled by white male SOBs. If you are a conservative woman, you are a stupid slut.

So, you can understand why my stomach turns when the liberal media and their far-left buddies are lauded for their superior compassion and tolerance for blacks and women.

The left celebrates liberal blacks and women while engaging in the high-tech lynching of conservative blacks and women. It is quite simple, folks. If you are a minority confident enough to be a self-starter and you love your country, you are on the left's excrement list. Leftists embrace only victims. Why? Because it fits their desire to believe that America sucks and is the greatest source of evil in the world.

I realize that what I am about to say will make a lot of folks angry. Well, I am sorry, but it is the truth: black voters behaved like a bunch of racists in the 2008 election. Obama got 96% of the black vote with surveys proving that many blacks were clueless about Obama's intentions and even his running mate. Some black Obama voters thought his VP was Sarah Palin.

Call me crazy, but if it "ain't" right for whites to vote for the white guy because he is white, it "ain't" right for blacks to vote for the black guy because he is black.

Yes, we blacks have suffered greatly in the past due to racism. But, to exploit America's original sin of slavery as a license for black racist behavior is a slap in the face to MLK and all who have sacrificed, suffered, and died to move us forward and together as a nation.

Race-profiteers love to opine about America's racist roots and the eternal debt owed to blacks. They completely ignore the fact that decent, God-fearing Americans corrected those evils. Apparently, these race-profiteers are unaware of the Civil War. Approximately 40,000 blacks died, 320,000 whites died, and 275,200 were wounded fighting to end slavery.

So, America, despite what the liberal media and race-profiteers say, your debt to black Americans is paid in full. You elected the first affirmative action president. Rah-rah,
congratulations! Now, can we please, this time around, elect the best candidate for our country?

The presidency of the United States of America is far too important to the world to be decided by silly surface nonsense such as race or gender. Never again can we allow the liberal media to select our president based on whose "turn" they think it is -- Asian, Muslim, gay, lesbian, or whatever.

I am black. I want the best American leading our great country. I want the horrific assault on our freedom called Obamacare
repealed! I want a conservative presidential candidate who is well aware of the evil confronting us and is boldly and eagerly up for the battle.

Folks, the left/liberal media will never retire the race and gender cards. Both cards have proven extremely powerful and effective.

The liberal media will always "blame America first." Though powerless over changing the liberal media, we have total power in our response to them: no pandering, appeasing, or fearing them. We must simply ignore their propaganda and defeat them.

The year 2012 is not just another presidential election. It is the most important presidential election in the history of our country. Obama is destroying America, plain and simple. Four more years under the lawless reign of this divisive, evil man will land a serious deathblow to the heart of America as we know it.

We need a hero, folks. Regardless of race or gender, we need the
best American in the White House -- someone who is "champing at the bit" to clean up Obama's mess!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Vice Chair,

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/13/2011 6:16:25 AM
Hello Friends,

Last week B Hussein had a Twitter Town Hall where you could tweet questions and get his answers. Well I followed it and didn't bother tweeting a question cos I never expected to get any rational answers from him. He's obfuscates and lies big time so only true believers in the fraud and great pretender would be impressed by anything he has to say.

That said Rep. Paul Ryan challenged B Hussein to a debate anywhere he chooses. Do any of you believe he'll accept the challenge? Do any of you believe he replied to the challenge? If you answered yes guess again. The fraud is afraid to face a person who knows what he's talking about and can back up anything he says with facts. TRUE fact and not the lies B Hussein tries to pass off as facts.



Paul Ryan Challenges Obama to Debate: “You Pick When and Where?”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 11:47 AM

Conservative star Paul Ryan challenged Obama to a debate today:
“You pick when and where?”

Obama: Increased the National Debt by over $3 Trillion

Tripled the Deficit in one year:

Barack Obama and Democrats also added over One Trillion Dollars to the Federal Budget in the last 4 years.

That’s at least a 30% increase in federal spending in just 3 years.

More links over at Gateway Pundit

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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