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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/12/2011 9:32:02 PM
Hi Robert,
I mentioned in a previous post and many other times I have a problem with Alex Jones and his conspiracy theories. He sees one under every rock and doesn't really prove his allegations in most cases just a lot of maybes and they said, he said etc.
This video is a case in point. Dr. Pieczenik makes a lot of allegations but gives no proof aside from hearsay and innuendos. Even with the info the "General" gave him he doesn't name the source and claims he only will in a federal court. I need proof in order to accept what he says and listen again he gives none but he does give lots of opinions. And Jones makes a big deal out of it all as if it's the Holy Grail and breaking news in his dramatic way.

As the saying goes: "it's gonna be a tough waking up". if ever we do,
(we because the pandimonium of lies is all over the western world.)

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/12/2011 9:45:50 PM
Hello Friends,
B Hussein is really trying to squeeze as much good will as he can out of his Commander in Chief part in the Bin Laden takedown. From what I've seen in recent polls his popularity is going down again where he deserves to be (in the outhouse). While he claimed the 40 minutes of the attack were the hardest in his life I actually believed him (I normally don't believe a word he says. He's one h*ell of a liar) cos I think he really didn't want to have him killed and the discomfort is obvious in the famous situation room picture.
Below Bill Whittle brings it all into the proper perspective and well worth watching and listening to.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/12/2011 11:26:45 PM
Hi Peter,

Happy birthday friend, make it a good one...

I only go along with a smile for the big deal that Alex Jones makes of his “shows”, but proof is a word that needs to be used with some caution now days. Does proof come from a courtroom? Does it come from the Whitehouse, Media or Scientists? To me what Dr. Pieczenik says simply makes sense, just as it makes sense what Lord Munckton says on the Alex show but not necessarily where he, Alex, goes all crazy just as he does when he speaks about the British Royal family on his earlier show.
Majority does not make for proof, nor does a president of the greatest country. Presently the ongoing lies for the sake of personal creed, greed and ambitions from all quarters with no exception are such that anyone can in all honesty be beside that which is truth in the political world. Isn’t that the objective of the master of the underworld? Divide so as to reign by bringing politics to the forefront and leaving morality to the private individual.
Countries and nations have been torn apart due to lies just as others have been created due to lies, that is the world we live in and that is proof in itself that freedom is there so that we may adhere to political talk as such fully, a little or not at all. Let us never get enslaved by it one way or another because politics by themselves as the word says is a mere game of opportunism with immeasurable consequences.


Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/14/2011 4:32:11 PM
Hello Robert & All,

I agree with you that we all have our own truths and believe what our logic and minds dictate to us. Yet I refuse to accept what you refer to as "makes sense" without proof. Proof is black and white the colors in between might make sense to you but not to others. I always try to base my beliefs on things that can be proven with facts and not allegations and innuendos that might make sense to some but can't be backed up with hard evidence that can't be refuted.

The below video is packed with hard evidence that might be uncomfortable to many but can't be refuted cos the "black and white" evidence is there and can't be denied. In this case I'm referring yet again to the fraud sitting in the White House and according to the evidence alluded to in the video shows that not only is he a fraud and incompetent he's also a criminal.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/14/2011 5:10:49 PM
Hello Friends,
I just posted this in my HSIG thread and it deserves to be here too.

Hello Friends,

I just watched the below video and actually believe it might open the eyes of the doubters and politically correct crowd. Although it's done in an amusing way that should make it even easier for some to see the direction America is taking under the leadership of the fraud B Hussein.

Cramming sharia down the throats of America is just another form of jihad and boy is it working for them so far with the help of the community organizer B Hussein and his minions.




Dear Peter,

Last fall, after NPR fired Juan Williams for his remarks on The O’Reilly Factor about Muslims, we sent out an email describing this as an example of the de facto imposition of sharia law in America.

Our point was this.

Sharia law prohibits any criticism or “defamation” of Islam or Mohammed. When a government-funded entity like NPR punishes one of its contributors for a perceived slight against Islam, this is in effect the enforcement of that provision of sharia law.

Recently, an insightful and entertaining video was posted on YouTube that makes the claim that the government’s treatment of the Koran, compared to its treatment of the Bible, has the effect of establishing Islam as a preferred religion in America.

It’s a fascinating analysis that is well-worth your time to watch, and you can view it here.

When you watch it, you’ll understand why we say the threat of radical Islam to America is not confined to terrorism. If we defeat terrorism but lose our freedoms to sharia law, we still lose.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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