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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/29/2011 6:01:54 AM
Hello Evelyn and Robert,

Thanks for your latest posts. I have to agree Evelyn the whole Hawaii declaration about getting certificates of live birth is very suspect. Especially when it coincides with B Hussein's releasing his so called certificate of live birth which so far appears to be a fraudulent document. As I said in earlier posts it really makes no difference since it's a known fact that his father was a Kenyan/British citizen and was ineligible from the outset even if he really was born in Hawaii. The question remains - what is he trying to hide? Could it be that BHO Senior wasn't his real father? That might open another can of worms but if it's true and his "real" father was an American citizen he would inevitably be eligible to be president of the USA. Just a thought. What ever the truth is and it will eventually come out he is hiding something and he apparently thinks it's worth spending millions on to keep us from finding out what it is.

I read a very emotional article in another thread written by a black woman telling how her great grandfather was subjugated to racial discrimination in the South. He was asked to show his identity papers and when he didn't have them was arrested and held in jail until his employer and brother brought his ID to the police. A sad story but the crux of this woman's article was that for the first time ever a sitting president had to release his birth certificate while in office. She was 100% correct but unfortunately she forgot one thing B Hussein should have released it prior to declaring his candidacy as John McCain was required to do even though his circumstances were entirely different. His past was an open book. Both his parents were American citizens and he was born on an American military base outside the borders of the USA. He showed his birth certificate but B Hussein didn't. So the questions remained and remain unanswered since. Hmmm, could it be he didn't have the resources then he has now as president to come up with a fraudulent document? Who knows but this document is so full of holes that you have to ask yourself what did he think people wouldn't check? Talk about STUPID.

In the same thread where I read the emotional story about a woman's great grandfather someone else blew in with a suggestion that Charlie Sheen run for president. It was supposed to be a funny but I actually believe he couldn't do much worse then B Hussein has and is and when you think about it they have so much in common.

Robert, thanks for the video and for the email with additional videos. There are a plethora of different sources and videos proving the certificate of live birth B Hussein released is a fraudulent document. I was planning to post one of them and not being a fan of Alex Jones I would have chosen a different one but he does come up with things I can accept from time to time and the additional videos you sent me are included in that statement. Jones did add his own "spice" to the issue but the fraud was presented very well. Thanks again.

The most interesting aspect of what's happened since B Hussein released the fraudulent certificate of live birth is that many very well known conservatives and GOP members ridiculed the whole "birther" issue and now that B Hussein released a fraudulent document they're all starting to realize that the "birthers" weren't off base with their claims and in a sense what he (B Hussein) thought will be a grand slam homer in essence is a foul out. In fact the game's just started anew and I have serious doubts if B Hussein will even get to first base. I might be wrong and only time will tell.



Excuse me president, but your birth certificate has just lapsed, no worries our backoffice has made you a brand new one with photoshop.

(Should be in the other forum but I'm sure you'll not mind Peter ;-) )

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/29/2011 6:17:16 AM
Hello Friends,

How refreshing it is to get away from the B Hussein drivel and show what a real American patriot is all about. Glenn Beck interviewed Congressman Alan West on his radio show and it's a breath of fresh air to hear an honest and ethical politician talk. It's around 15 minutes long and well worth watching and listening to. Next week Glenn will have him as a guest on his TV show and I'm looking forward to watching it.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/1/2011 3:36:15 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's another video proving that the long form certificate of live birth B Hussein released is a fraudulent document. This one differs from many other videos that went into detail about the different layers and the fraudulent information inserted into the form. You can see one example

This one deals with the basics that show without a doubt that this is a fraudulent document as you'll see in the below video.

This information when combined with the next post show the disdain B Hussein holds for the American people. I've always contended that he is hiding something and I also said the truth will eventually come out. This guy's a fraud and the son of a fraud and con man.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/1/2011 8:23:39 PM
Hello Friends,

When BHO Senior's immigration papers were released some called it as you'll see in the article below a can of worms but I think it's more like termites eating away at the foundation of a house. B Hussein's house of cards will come tumbling down and all I can say is fall baby fall. The sooner the better.

Personally I couldn't care less if his "father" was a womanizer, playboy, terrible student or whatever. Amongst the records he states that he's a Kenyan citizen and a British citizen but we already knew that.What's happened now is that EVERYBODY and that includes his most loyal progressive supporters know he's Constitutionally ineligible to be President of the United States of America.

We knew he was hiding something and I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg. Else he would release his school records, his records as State Senator, his passport information (what he used to travel to Pakistan as a student when it was illegal for AMERICANS to travel there), why he and his wife gave up their license to practice law and so much more. Maybe he'll also explain why he spent close to two million dollars to defend against all the litigation in regard to his eligibility. So much explaining to do and so many records to be released from the President who said he'll be the most transparent president ever. What a joke.I think his best bet is to resign cos eventually he'll be impeached. He'll save the tax payers a fortune by simply resigning and himself a lot of embarrassment.

Below is a great article connection all the dots since the release of BHO Senior's immigration papers and the release of B Hussein's fraudulent long form certificate of live birth. There are many articles on the net relating to this issue but I found the one at
Atlas Shrugs to be the best.



An Illegitimate Child, An Illegitimate President: Despite Multiple Attempts, "No Comment" from the White House

Talk about your proverbial can of worms. Clearly, Barack Hussein Obama's Immigration file was the impetus for President Obama to release his "long form" last week. If he thought that would put the matter to rest, it has had the opposite effect. It has all raised more questions than it answered, as does the release of shocking revelations in BHO I's immigration file.

Clearly, BHO I was never divorced from his first wife in Kenya. Further, INS suspected the BHO I/Stanley Ann Dunham marriage was a sham, arranged strictly to secure immigration status for him. But if Barack Senior was a Muslim polygamist, his "marriage" to Stanley Ann Dunham was invalid. Obama Senior was a Kenyan citizen. Kenya was still under English law at this time.

Illegitimate children had different rights -- at least they certainly did in 1789. There is no way that the founders of this great nation intended for an illegitimate child of a foreign bigamist to attain the highest, most powerful position in the new land.

Further, when BHO I returned to Kenya, he apparently lived with his first Kenyan wife and his third American wife, suggesting that the Dunham "divorce" was a transitory ruse.

In 1964, Ann Dunham filed for divorce. By then, Barack had taken up with Ruth Nidesand, a teacher of Lithuanian-Jewish ancestry who became his third wife. A year later, he gave up his doctoral studies and returned home.

In the last decade of his life, Barack Obama Sr. slid slowly into the abyss. He was fired from a series of jobs. He had, as Firstbrook puts it, “a reputation for having a massive ego and a big mouth, both of which grew alarmingly when he started drinking.” He was also, according to Ruth’s son Mark, abusive to his wife and children, and Ruth eventually left him, taking her sons with him.

President Hussein Obama is not natural born. His father was not a US citizen; he is, by that very fact, disqualified to serve as US President. For those who believe that "natural born" is no longer relevant, you are wrong. Armaros points out in the comments, "The reason the founders have created this requirement was to prevent a British person from assuming US citizenship with the purpose of ascending to higher office and compromise the USA. To prevent a sort of sleeper spy/traitor from getting power in the new nation." Clearly, from Obama's performance, that is a very clear and present danger.

Multiple attempts to get comment from the White House press office have not been returned (here).

An INS investigator, M.F. McKeon, wrote on June 8, 1964: “They (Harvard officials) weren’t very impressed with him and asked us to hold up action on his application until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him. They were apparently having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn’t seem to figure out how many wives he had.” (NY Review of Books)

For years, the media and the left have excoriated anyone who questioned the circumstances and events surrounding the birth of the President of the United States. The lack of transparency and honesty only gave rise to more suspicion. And rightly so. One doesn't hand over the reins of power to just anyone, particularly those with an unknown or sketchy past. The dearth of documentation and paperwork led to more speculation. The American people were like Helen Keller and the Obama machine kept moving the furniture. Who is this man, and what is he hiding?

The birth certificate issue became the rallying cry for those of us who questioned the legitimacy of Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility for the oval office. Our media did not vet BHO. In fact, they took it upon themselves to destroy and smear those who did, or tried to.

The release of Barack Hussein Obama I's immigration file is stunning in what it reveals and the questions it poses. BHO I's visa expired August 8, 1961 -- it that why they married? A white girl in a family way with a mixed race child desperate for legitimacy in a culture that condemned such behavior as abject immorality, and a con man from Kenya desperate to stay in the USA? Was the marriage merely a business arrangement (she was 17 when she was knocked up)? She could not have been so savvy as to know that BHO I was a Muslim polygamist. Is that why it was so important to place the ads in the advertisers -- because he was about to be deported?

It is interesting to note that BHO I claims in the documents to have divorced first wife Kezia "verbally." According to the sharia, a man can divorce his wife by repeating it three times.

Despite the fact that BHO I had married Dunham, the government wasn't buying it:

A memo from Lyle H. Dahlim of the INS, written in April, 1961, says the agency “recommend(s) that Subject be closely questioned before another extension is granted – and denial be considered. If his USC (United States Citizen) wife tries to petition for him make sure an investigation is conducted as to the bona-fide of the marriage.”

The child sealed it -- but who was the father? And it bears mentioning that BHO I did not marry a different high school minor whom he impregnated, according to these documents; most probably she went to London for an abortion. But he married Stanley -- why? Immigration status.

The Boston Globe got the immigration file in 2009; why did they sit on it? And who is Heather Smathers (the journalist who requested the FOIA)? (Here)

Documents also show that Obama, Sr. entered the country in 1959, and received several extensions to his visa prior to being denied in July, 1964.
A memo from Lyle H. Dahlim of the INS, written in April, 1961, says the agency “recommend(s) that Subject be closely questioned before another extension is granted – and denial be considered. If his USC (United States Citizen) wife tries to petition for him make sure an investigation is conducted as to the bona-fide of the marriage.”
The wife is Stanley Ann Dunham, the President’s mother, who married Obama, Sr., in February, 1961.
The documents also show that the CIS investigated the elder Obama as a polygamist, having a wife in Kenya and a “wife and child in Honolulu.” Dahlim’s memo adds that “Polygamy is not an excludable or deportation charge as Subject is a non-immigrant.”
Documents show that Obama, Sr. was denied an extension on his student visa in July, 1964, in part because Harvard University, where Obama, Sr., was a Ph.D. candidate, sought his removal. Obama Sr. eventually left the United States willingly after becoming an illegal alien for remaining in the country past the expiration of his visa.
An INS investigator, M.F. McKeon, wrote “They (Harvard officials) weren’t very impressed with him and asked us to hold up action on his application until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him. They were apparently having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn’t seem to figure out how many wives he had.”
Documents show that Harvard officials considered Obama, Sr. to be a “slippery character,” and conspired with the INS to have him deported.
Inquiries with the White House were not immediately returned.
The revelation of the handwritten memo mentioning the President’s birth comes as lawmakers across the country grapple with so-called “birther” bills, with Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoing proposed legislation requiring all candidates for any office to produce a birth certificate prior to their name appearing on the ballot. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, however, has said he will sign a similar bill.

If he was born August 4, 1961 in a first pregnancy, it is likely that conception occurred 40 weeks previously or so. I make this to be in early November, and wonder how old Stanley Ann Dunham was then, where she was living, with whom, and what level student she may have been.

Obama implied that his father and mother’s wedding may not have been properly documented. "How and when the marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I have never quite had the courage to explore. There's no record of a real wedding, a cake, a ring, a giving away of the bride. No families were in attendance; it's not even clear that people back in Kansas were informed." Obama writes that in his memoir.

And this, Michelle Obama says that Senior and Anna were never married. She described Anna as "very young and very single when she had him (Obama)." (2nd source)

And this -- There is no evidence whatsoever that Senior and Anna ever lived together anywhere, any time. The living arrangements between the announcement of the wedding and the birth of the child were uncertain. Most likely, Senior remained in his dorm room while Ann lived with her parents. Letters written by acquaintances of Senior during the period 1960-1961 with accompanying photographs do not mention or show Anna at all.

Another interesting note -- BHO I's multiple misrepresentations of his birth year. He mixes it up a lot. Coming from a well-to-do, influential family in Kenya, it is ridiculous to suggest that he didn't know. Perhaps BHO I deliberately and fraudently lied about his date of birth so that he could continue to live in the U.S. -- it leads one to suspect that perhaps his scholoarships or other funding may have been cut off at age 28. Some of his financial backing would have cut off at age 28.

And who was funding Obama Senior? According to Harvard:

Jeff Neal, a spokesman for Harvard University, said that university documents predating the INS file, which was compiled between 1961 and 1965, indicate “the University’s Center for International Affairs faced serious constraints in providing financial support for research by international graduate students in Cambridge, and that these students were required to secure and demonstrate independent and sufficient sources of funding in order to remain on campus.” (more here at the Independent)

And this curious factoid:

In 1959, Tom Mboya announced the “Airlift Africa” program, with fund-raising assistance from African-American public figures such as Jackie Robinson, Harry Belafonte, and Sidney Poitier, as well as various white liberals. The aim was to allow future Kenyan leaders to study on American campuses. Obama, having left high school without doing his final exams, didn’t get one of these scholarships. But eventually he prepared for and took the exams, and, with the financial assistance of two American women who were living in Nairobi, he was able to study at the University of Hawaii, in Honolulu. Firstbrook adds, “The records of Barack’s move to the United States are incomplete, but it seems that he also received some funding from Jackie Robinson.” (NY Review of Books)

Add to this the timeline of BHO junior's mother. In October 2008, I published emails concerning the inconsistencies in Stanley Ann Dunham's timeline here:

When public record information from the University of Washington was added to Wikipedia’s biography of Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother), it was removed in 35 minutes the first time and 34 minutes the second time. Read what Obama’s team of internet thugs doesn’t want you to know.

See official emails from U of Hawaii and U (see below)

I'm concerned with the unlikely dates:

Sept 26 1960 First day at U of Hawaii for Ann (Why did she start 6 weeks late?)

One month later - conception

Two months later - drops out of University of Hawaii

Three months later - married

10 months later - back in Washington attending classes at University of Washington

These are implausible dates, and may imply that Ann got pregnant in Seattle and THAT is why her family moved to Hawaii. University of Washington records place Stanley Ann Dunham in Washington State in Aug 1961 so how could she be in Honolulu 2680 miles away birthing Barack the same month.

When public record information from the University of Washington was added to Wikipedia’s biography of Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother), it was removed in 35 minutes the first time and 34 minutes the second time. Read what Obama’s team of internet thugs doesn’t want you to know.

When I published in this post here, speculating as to who might be the real father of BHO Jr., the leftwingers exploded and sought to destroy me with it. So rabid was their response that it reminded me of the military saying, if you are catching flak, you're over your target.

As graduation neared for the class of 1960, Stanley “Ann” Dunham (Barack’s mother) had hoped to join many of her classmates at the University of Washington. She was also accepted to the University of Chicago, according to Obama's memoir, the best-selling "Dreams from My Father.", but she popped up instead at the University of Hawaii nearly 6 weeks after the start of the 1960 Fall semester. (See email from U of Hawaii at Manoa below)

In a highly unlikely scenario, she then conceived Barack Hussein Obama Jr. only one month after she started classes Sept 26th 1960. Then, while only two months pregnant in early January 1961, Stanley “Ann” Dunham drops out of college. She then supposedly married Briarack Obama Sr. three months after conception and only four months after arriving in Hawaii. And only 10 months after first arriving in Hawaii, she is back at the University of Washington, 2680 miles away. (See email from U of Washington below). Contrary to a massive disinformation scheme by the Obama campaign and the news media, Stanley Ann Dunham did not return to the U of Hawaii until Barack Obama Sr. left the island.

Madelyn Dunham, Barack’s maternal grandmother, abruptly left a lucrative career in Seattle WA as VP Bank Officer in the late summer of 1960 to work in Hawaii as an hourly wage bank teller. This afforded her time to raise Barack Hussein Obama Jr. from birth. Madelyn reportedly did not return to her previous salaried banker management level until years later when Ann snatched Barack Jr. to go to Indonesia.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr’s mother, Stanley “Ann” Dunham, gave a telling admission while still in Washington State as a recent high school graduate in the summer of 1960 when she told her friends: "I don’t need to date or marry to have children”. Oddly, although Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was already married with children in Kenya, Ann supposedly married him in order to legitimize her child’s birth.

Free Republic has an excellent summation here.

The source docs are here:

Page(s) Doc Type Subject Summary Date To From Signed by BHO Sr. Birth Year Notes
1-2 Change of address card Change of address BHO Sr. informs INS of address change from Honolulu to Harvard U. 26SEP62 INS BHO Sr. yes 1934 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1934 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1936 birth year. The 1934 birth year contradicts BHO Sr.'s

age on BHO II's long-form birth certificate!

3 Report of Action-Nonimmigrant Stay extension Records grant of extension of BHO Sr.'s stay until 08AUG63 01OCT62 ? INS no 1934 none
3 Report of Action-Nonimmigrant Stay extension Records grant of extension of BHO Sr.'s stay until 29APR64 08AUG63 ? INS no 1934 1. Year of Admission is shown as 1960, but it's 1959 on other docs.
4 Non-Citizen Departure Information BHO Sr.'s departure from Harvard U. BHO Sr. departs Harvard U. 01JUL64 enroute to Kenya 21JUL64 ? Harvard U. no none 1. "Reason: I.N.S. requested and has no funds."
2. Includes Kenyan forwarding address.
5 Internal letter? Female's trip to Kenya and BHO Sr.'s polygamy A female (identity redacted) visited Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya, apparently to visit BHO Sr.. BHO Sr. has two wives as well as a child

in Honolulu. Author seems concerned about female's welfare but decides not to intervene because female knew his marital status and "the matter is not within

our jurisdiction."

28AUG64 Redacted E. Golden (INS?) no none 1. Heavily redacted.
2. Includes name of hotel where female stayed.
3. Includes mention of "Rev. Mr. Klotzle of Universalist-Unitarian Committee."
4. Includes mention of "Harvard Center of African studies."
6 Letter BHO Sr.'s request to return to USA Harvard U. notifies INS that BHO Sr., now residing in Kenya, has requested permission "to present my Ph.D. dissertation at Harvard." 17Nov65 INS District Director Harvard U. (personal identity redacted) no none 1. This doc has enclosure: page 8 (Harvard U.'s reply).
7 Report of Investigation Date of BHO Sr.'s departure from USA INS investigation determines that BHO Sr. departed USA 06JUL64, two days before deadline, despite earlier report that he had missed deadline. 22JUL64 INS Joseph M. O'Connell, investigator; Patrick Coomey (INS?) no 1936 1. Coomey is recipient of doc at page 12.
8 Letter Harvard U.'s reply to BHO Sr.'s request to return to USA Harvard U. informs BHO Sr. that he must fulfill academic conditions pertaining to his incomplete thesis before they will consider his readmission to

Harvard U.

16NOV65 BHO Sr. Robert Shanton, Registrar, Harvard U. no none 1. This doc is enclosure to doc at page 6.
9 Arrival-Departure Record BHO Sr.'s arrivals to and departures from USA BHO Sr., British subject, passport #84764, is admitted to USA at NYC 09AUG59 (year not certain; blotchy stamp) "TO Aug 8 1960". Four extensions recorded.

BHO Sr. departs USA at NYC "JUL-6" (no legible year attached).

various ? INS no 1934 1. Difficult reading due to hand stamps and poor penmanship.
2. Includes passport and visa information.
3. Stamped "UNDER DOCKET CONTROL AT BOS" (Boston?)
4. Includes stamps "PARIS" and "R??" where "??" are uncertain characters.
10 Record of Required Departure Date that BHO Sr. is required to depart USA. Charge of violation? BHO Sr. is required to depart USA on 08JUL64 as authorized on 08JUN64. 4. The doc includes "Charge: SEMIB[spelling?] 241(a)(2)." This

appears to be a reference to Section 241, paragraph (a)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which states: "Detention.-During the removal period, the

Attorney General shall detain the alien. Under no circumstances during the removal period shall the Attorney General release an alien who has been found

inadmissible under section 212(a)(2) or 212(a)(3)(B) or deportable under section 237(a)(2) or 237(a)(4)(B)." Verification of statute and its 1964 language is


various INS Investigations Branch INS no none 1. Doc at page 12 is attached to this doc.
2. Includes mention of "OVERSTAY" that is controverted by docs at pages 7 and 9. Thus, "OVERSTAY" seems a mistake.
3. Original alien # is X'ed out and replaced with BHO Sr.'s alien #.
4. "DDD Suddath" stands for Deputy District Director R. L. Suddath, who appears also on pages 12, 16 (as "RLS", under "Deny", both handwritten) and 22.
11 Investigations Control Card Basic information about an investigation of BHO Sr. Investigation of BHO Sr. assigned to "O'CONNELL" 21JUL64. 21JUL64 O'CONNELL ? no none 1. Includes: "Classification approved by: PFC." Is this Patrick Coomey on page 7?
2. O'Connell signs doc at page 7 (Report of Investigation).
12 Handwritten note Request for investigation of BHO Sr. An investigation of BHO Sr. is requested because a mother (identity redacted) is concerned that her daughter will marry BHO Sr. who "has

one or two wives now" and because he has reportedly overstayed his required departure date. (The overstay report is controverted by docs at pages 7 (Report

of Investigation) and 9. Thus, The overstay report seems false.)

17JUL64 Mr. Coomey R. L. Suddath no none 1. This doc is attached to doc at page 10.
2. The recipient, "Mr. Coomey" appears also on page 7 and perhaps page 11 (as "PFC").
3. The sender, R. L. Suddath, appears also on pages 10, 16 (as "RLS", under "Deny", both handwritten) and 22.
4. Age of mystery girlfriend given as "27."
13 Memo for file BHO Sr.'s response to denial of stay extension and ensuing discussion A INS secretary records her conversations with BHO Sr. after his "Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay" (pages 14-15) is denied. BHO Sr. pleads

his case to remain in the USA, but the secretary tells him that the decision is final. Four days later, BHO Sr. calls again and requests to talk to the

offical (J. Hamilton, Jr.) who denied his application. The secretary tells him that Mr. Hamilton is not available and repeats that the decision is final. A

day later, another INS official records a call from a Harvard U. official who is "not in favor of ext[ension]."

18JUN64 - 23JUN64 File Mulrean, Dep Sec, Boston and O. Namana (spelling?) no none 1. Includes 3 entries: (A) 18JUN64 by Mulrean; (B) 22JUN64 by Mulrean; and (C) 23JUN64 by O. Namana (spelling?).
2. BHO Sr. mentions "African American Institute" as potential sponsor.
14-15 Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay Denial of stay extension BHO Sr. applies to stay at Harvard U. another year, but he is denied by INS. 21APR64 (application), 09JUN64 (denial) INS BHO Sr. yes 1936 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1936 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1934 birth year.
16 Memo Recommendation to deny BHO Sr.'s application for stay extension Author (INS?) recommends BHO Sr.'s "Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay" (pages 14-15) be denied because of his file:

specifically, Harvard U.'s recommendation (page 17) that he return to Kenya, his lack of funds, and questions about his possible polygamist practices.

08JUN64 ? M.F. McKeon (INS?) no none 1. Concurrences are handwritten by two other officals. One is "EG" who is probably E. Golden on page 5. The other is "RLS" who is probably Robert L.

Suddath on pages 10, 12 and 22. Reference page 22 for signature confirmation.
2. Doc at page 17 attaches to this doc.

17 Letter Recommendation that BHO Sr. return to Kenya The Director of the International Office at Harvard U. writes BHO Sr. to recommend that he return to Kenya because he has completed his coursework

(except his thesis) and he has insufficient funds.

27MAY64 BHO Sr. David D. Henry, Harvard U. no none 1. Henry is also mentioned on page 18.
18 Memo Harvard U.'s intention to force out BHO Sr. Author (INS?) records notes from phone conversation with Harvard U.'s Director of the International Office, Mr. Henry. He states that he will attempt to

coordinate with a dean and BHO Sr.'s department head to force out BHO Sr.

19MAY64 ? M.F. McKeon (INS?) no none 1. Henry is also mentioned on page 17.
19 Report of Action-Nonimmigrant Denial of stay extension Denies extension of BHO Sr.'s stay beyond 29APR64 09JUN64 ? INS no 1934 1. Stamped "UNDER DOCKET CONTROL AT BOS" (Boston?)
20 Form letter Denial of stay extension INS sends letter to BHO Sr. informing him that his "application for extension of temporary stay has been DENIED." Furthermore, he must leave the USA by


09JUN64 BHO Sr. INS no none 1. Why is the file # redacted?
21 Memo Harvard U.'s investigation of BHO Sr. Author (INS?) records notes from conversations with Harvard U. official and BHO Sr.. Harvard U. officials are trying to learn more about

BHO Sr. through conversations with him and other means. He could not remember where he has worked less than a year previously but called later to say it was

at the "Institute of International Marketing, 44-a Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass." They think he might have as many as three wives.

28APR64 - 29APR64 ? M.F. McKeon (INS?) no none 1. Is the suspected 3rd wife who lives in Cambridge actually BHO Sr.'s sister (BHO II's aunt who lives in Boston)?
22 Letter Mysterious Kenyan girl (high school age) INS informs the American Consul (State Dept.) in London about a mysterious Kenyan girl associated with BHO Sr. She travelled to London

against the wishes of her sponsoring religious organization, and is expected to return to the USA. The reason for her visit to London is redacted, but it

could be an abortion (my speculation). The letter includes the phrases "her relations with Mr. Obama."

02MAR64 American Consul, London J.A. Hamilton, District Director, INS no none 1. Heavily redacted.
23 Memo Mysterious Kenyan girl (high school age) An Immigrant Inspector writes to the INS District Director about a mysterious Kenyan girl associated with BHO Sr. She has been studying

in the USA but doing poorly. She travelled to London against the wishes of her sponsoring religious organization, and has a return ticket to the USA. The

girl's purported reason for her trip was to visit her sick sister; however, a check by the London embassy failed to find a sister anywhere in England. The

reason for her visit to London is redacted, but it could be an abortion (my speculation). BHO Sr. is "likely her boy friend" and is "considered by [redacted]

to be a slippery character." Airport security is to be placed on emergency lookout for the girl.

31JAN64 J.A. Hamilton, Jr., District Director, Boston, Mass. K.D. MacDonald, Immigrant Inspector, Boston, Mass. no none 1. Heavily redacted.
24 Letter Mysterious Kenyan girl (high school age) A director of the girl's sponsoring religious organization writes the INS to inform them that she travelled to London against their wishes. Therefore,

they are expelling her from school and severing ties with her.

21JAN64 INS Dana E. Klotzle, Associate Director, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Inc. no none 1. Mentions a "Dean of Women at [redacted] at Auburndale" (spelling?). There is an Auburndale, Mass. near Boston.
25-26 Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay Stay extension BHO Sr. applies to stay at Harvard U. another year, and he is granted partial approval by INS to stay until 29APR64. 06JUN63 (application), 08AUG63 (approval) INS BHO Sr. yes 1936 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1936 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1934 birth year.
2. Many spaces on form are left blank.
27-28 Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay Stay extension BHO Sr. applies to stay in the USA another year to study, and he is granted approval by INS (to stay until 08AUG63). 17AUG62 (application), [illegible date] (approval) INS BHO Sr. yes 1936 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1936 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1934 birth year.
2. Many spaces on form are left blank.
3. BHO Sr. signs in Baltimore, Maryland.
29-30 Certificate of Eligibility (for nonimmigrant "F-1" student status) Nonimmigrant student status BHO Sr. submits this form to recertify his nonimmigrant student status as a condition of changing schools from U. of Hawaii to Harvard. U. 17AUG62 INS BHO Sr. yes 1936 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1936 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1934 birth year.
2. BHO Sr. signs in Baltimore, Maryland.
31 Notice and Report Concerning Nonimmigrant "F-1" Student unspecified Form is incomplete and unsigned. none INS ? no 1936 none
32 Notice and Report Concerning Nonimmigrant "F-1" Student BHO Sr.'s departure from U. of Hawaii U. of Hawaii notifies INS that BHO Sr. is no longer attending that school. 27JUN62 INS U. of Hawaii no 1934 none
33 Form letter Employment and stay extension INS notifies BHO Sr. that he's been granted permission to accept employment and that his temporary stay is extented until 08AUG62. 06SEP61 BHO Sr. INS no none none
34 Handwritten memo Stay extension Author writes highlights of conversation with BHO Sr. regarding his suitability for an extension of his stay in the USA. Includes

reference to BHO II born 04AUG61 in Honolulu.

31AUG61 INS file(?) William Wood II no none 1. Mentions Stanley Ann Dunham's intent to attend Wash. State U. (in Eastern WA). But she in fact attended U. of Wash. (in Seattle).
35-36 Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay -or- Application by Alien Student for Permission to Accept Employment Stay extension and employment BHO Sr. applies to stay in the USA another year to study, and he is granted approval by INS (to stay until 08AUG62). He also requests permission to

accept employment, and this is granted.

31AUG61 (application), 31AUG61 (approval) INS BHO Sr. yes 1934 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1934 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1936 birth year. The 1934 birth year contradicts BHO Sr.'s

age on BHO II's long-form birth certificate!
2. BHO Sr.'s SSN included.

37-38 Certificate of Eligibility (for nonimmigrant "F" student status) Nonimmigrant student status BHO Sr. submits this form to certify his nonimmigrant student status at U. of Hawaii. 31AUG61 INS BHO Sr. yes 1934 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1934 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1936 birth year. The 1934 birth year contradicts BHO Sr.'s

age on BHO II's long-form birth certificate!

39 Memo for file BHO Sr.'s polygamy INS(?) official describes conversation with U. of Hawaii offical who called to notify them that BHO Sr. is likely a polygamist. U. of

Hawaii offical told of marriage to Stanley Ann Dunham and earlier marriage to woman in Kenya. BHO Sr. claims to have divorced his Kenyan wife

verbally. Official continued that BHO Sr. "has been running around with several girls since he first arrived here and last summer she cautioned him

about his playboy ways. Subject replied that he would "try" to stayaway [sic] from the girls."

10APR61 File Lyle H. Dahlim (spelling?) no none none
40 Form letter Employment INS notifies BHO Sr. that he's been granted permission to accept employment. 09MAR61 BHO Sr. INS no none none
41-42 Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay -or- Application by Alien Student for Permission to Accept Employment Employment BHO Sr. requests permission to accept employment, and this is granted by the INS. 03MAR61 (application), 03MAR61 (approval) INS BHO Sr. yes none 1. Birthdate is not filled in on form.
2. Many spaces on form are left blank.
43-44 Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay -or- Application by Alien Student for Permission to Accept Employment Stay extension BHO Sr. applies to stay in the USA another year to study, and he is granted approval by INS (to stay until 08AUG61). 28JUL60 (application), 28JUL60 (approval) INS BHO Sr. yes 1934 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1934 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1936 birth year. The 1934 birth year contradicts BHO Sr.'s

age on BHO II's long-form birth certificate!
2. Remarks indicate passport expiration date of 29APR64. This is probably why he was granted only a partial-year stay extension on pages 25-26.

45-46 Certificate of Eligibility (for nonimmigrant "F" student status) Nonimmigrant student status BHO Sr. submits this form to certify his nonimmigrant student status at U. of Hawaii. 24JUL60 INS BHO Sr. yes 1934 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1934 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1936 birth year. The 1934 birth year contradicts BHO Sr.'s

age on BHO II's long-form birth certificate!

47-48 Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay -or- Application by Alien Student for Permission to Accept Employment Employment BHO Sr. requests permission to accept employment, and this is granted by the INS. 08DEC59 (application), 12JAN60 (approval) INS BHO Sr. yes none 1. Birthdate is not filled in on form.
2. Many spaces on form are left blank.
49-50 Certificate of Eligibility (for nonimmigrant "F" student status) Nonimmigrant student status BHO Sr. submits this form to certify his nonimmigrant student status at U. of Hawaii. 19FEB59 INS BHO Sr. yes 1934 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1934 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1936 birth year. The 1934 birth year contradicts BHO Sr.'s

age on BHO II's long-form birth certificate!
2. Signed by BHO Sr. in Nairobi, Kenya.
3. BHO Sr. claims to possess "$1,500 OWN FUND" to support himself.

51 Report of Initial Registration and Termination of Attendance of Nonimmigrant "F" Student Registration as nonimmigrant student This form contains registration information for BHO Sr. at U. of Hawaii. "Termination of Attendance" information is absent. 21SEP59 INS U. of Hawaii no 1934 1. BHO Sr.'s US contact is "Dr. Frank Laubach" with NYC address provided.
52-53 Alien Registration Fingerprint Chart Fingerprints Chart contains BHO Sr.'s fingerprints, basic information and identifying characteristics. 28JUL60 INS File yes (faded) 1934 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1934 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1936 birth year. The 1934 birth year contradicts BHO Sr.'s

age on BHO II's long-form birth certificate!

54-55 Alien Registration Fingerprint Chart Fingerprints Chart contains BHO Sr.'s fingerprints, basic information and identifying characteristics. none INS File yes (faded) 1934 1. BHO Sr. signs doc w/ 1934 birth year contradicting other signed docs w/ 1936 birth year. The 1934 birth year contradicts BHO Sr.'s

age on BHO II's long-form birth certificate!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/2/2011 2:06:38 PM
Hello Peter, the telephone interview with Allen West was truly like a breath of fresh air. It is wonderful to listen to a man who is a true patriot, that is for sure. I too look forward to his appearance on Glenn's TV show.
You know something though, it makes me so angry that Obama continues to thumb his nose at the American people and actually laughs in our face and even more ludicrous are those that continue to fawn over his sorry behind as he does so.
And our MSM has been criminal in their failure to keep the American people informed with the truth instead of lies and deceit. For example why did the Boston Globe sit on the immigration file of Obama senior they got in 2009? I think this is probably the most damaging piece of evidence yet to prove that we have a fake and a fraud sitting in the White House. When is our Congress going to abide by the constitution and do something about it? Those sitting in Congress are there because they were sent there by their constituents to uphold the constitution which evidently they have forgotten.
While I am on my soapbox I would like to say thanks to all the loyal Americans who are taking the time to be part of the Tea Party movement, another much denigrated and defamed group.

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