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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/25/2011 2:48:07 PM
Hello Friends,

Goons attacking Tea Party rallies are already well documented and below you'll find a few videos showing their bully tactics and outright vulgarity. While MSM and the unions still try and claim the Tea Party is violent and racist you'd do well to watch and see for yourself who the violent and racists ones really are.

Aside from the racist attack one guy said "I wipe my a*ss with the American flag .....". These are the union goons out there doing B Hussein's dirty work for him.



Left Harass and Taunt Black Tea Party Member

Going into the tax day rally in Portland, local Tea Party organizers had concerns about security:

Oregon Tea Party members are taking a pledge of nonviolence for Friday afternoon’s Portland-area tax day rallies.

Party officials said they feared “union supporters” might try to stir up trouble at the rallies in Pioneer Courthouse Square and in other parts of the city on the day federal income taxes are traditionally due.

Those concerns were clearly unfounded because the progressive protesters who showed up were the epitome of decorum. Oh, wait. Then there is this video. The easily offended should not click.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/25/2011 4:02:07 PM
Wow Peter, what three excellent posts you've posted today. Kudos!! You know as I watched Bill Whittle's video just now reminds me of way back when, when several of us tried in vain to get this message across to the "sheeples" and now look where we are. Remember how the MSM was vilifying Sarah Palin for every little thing, even making a big deal of the $150.00 spent on her clothes, but wouldn't say one word about the great pretender and his background or the hoods and criminals he associated himself with or even the hate preaching pastor at his church ? I look forward to future videos in this series.
Remember when people first started questioning why Obama didn't produce his birth certificate and those that did were laughed at and called "birthers"? Now look at how everyday, more and more people are joining in and asking why he hasn't produced it and why he has spent millions of dollars to keep the information secret. The question is now finally gaining credibility and momentum.
Watching the videos in your third posts reminds me of how low some in America have actually sunk. They have no appreciation of or loyalty to their country. By watching and listening to these scum with all their anti America, racist, vulgar cursing reminds me again of how America got stuck with the worst president in our history. Unreal isn't it? But you know what bothers me is that no matter how much incriminating evidence is produced against this fake there are those who still refuse to believe it and think he can do no wrong.
Donald Trump is talking about trade, jobs, China and manufacturing -- and it's resonating with a public sick of being told to ignore what is right in front of their faces. I think Trump could crush Obama in a debate, no matter how many teleprompters Obama uses. As I watched the following video of Trump and George Stephanopoulos it reminds me of just how much the Obama administration has the MSM in their pocket but Trump didn't back down and I pray that whom ever our next president is, he or she, will have the fortitude to stand up to any and everything.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/27/2011 4:54:31 PM
Hello Friends,

Yesterday I read in the post history the headline "birthers are stupid". Under normal circumstances I don't read this persons thread's nor participate in any discussions there for a variety of reasons but I found the title intriguing and went to see what it was all about. Just as an aside I find it the usual tactic of the progressives to start name calling and find it especially amusing when you consider that
these are the people calling Tea Party members violent extremists and racists while there is no proof to prove that point quite the opposite in fact; it's the union thugs that are violent and racist and there is no end of proof about that fact. Watch the videos above for example.

Another aside has to be that these same people voted for a virtual unknown and did no research about this man's past, associates, history as a State Senator, political beliefs, religious beliefs and so much more even though all the information was there for all to see. What I find
astounding is that they have the temerity to call someone stupid when the main reason they voted for this non entity were the freebies he was promising the masses and boy did he renege on those promises. And they think the birthers are stupid?? They should actually have a look in the mirror to find who the stupid one is.

Since the "stupid" post was posted the White House FINALLY released a copy of the long form birth certificate which in itself is an accomplishment. I wonder what finally forced him to do what he should have done from the start to put paid to any questions of his place of birth? Was it Trump's constant harping on the issue lately or is it the upcoming Corsi book to be released in May?

Over the years since the campaign I questioned his eligibility not so much for his place of birth which is a legitimate question but for the many other unanswered questions that B Hussein is doing his d*amn best to cover up. Aside from his unwillingness up till now to provide his long form birth certificate you have all his educational records that are blocked from the publics scrutiny, his trip to Muslim countries that weren't allowed when he flew there (what passport did he use then?) and the list is really endless. The fact that he didn't release the long form birth certificate with the flimsy excuse that "the
White House claims nothing will satisfy the doubters". Now how pathetic is that? I for one am happy he finally released the long form but the question still remains why did he spend $2,000,000 in legal fees to quash all the different litigations trying to get the certificate of live birth released?

I believe that even if he was born in Hawaii he's still ineligible to be President of the United States. Here are just a few of the reasons.

1. He had dual citizenship Indonesian and American. He never renounced that citizenship. Possibly British and USA
as well since his father was a Kenyan and they held British citizenship. So that would make him a holder of 3 different citizenships.

Both parents had to have been US citizens at the time of his birth and his father never held US citizenship.

3. What passport did he use to travel to countries outlawed by the US government? More proof that he isn't eligible.

There are many more reasons but this should suffice for the moment. What astounds me is CNN's claiming that the "natural born" citizens clause in the Constitution is a "vague clause". Why vague and why did they fail to add that both parents have to be American citizens at the time of birth. Is it cause they're obfuscating purposely knowing that his father's Kenyan and or British citizenship automatically makes him ineligible?

The question of his eligibility rested not only on his place of birth as you can see but in addition why was he so persistent in refusing to supply his full form birth certificate and this question should bother every one but
apparently it doesn't. As I said even though he now released it for public scrutiny he's still ineligible and the questions remain and the fraud is still sitting in the White House.



P.S. While I'm not a "birther" in the normal sense of the word as you've seen from my comments I don't believe in B Hussein's eligibility to be President of the USA. So according to the name callers I'm in the "stupid" category. I'd be more then willing to compare my intelligence with theirs any time.

P.P.S. Now I read the "intelligent" one posted that the "birthers should shut up". Well for all practical purposes as I've shown B Hussein is still ineligible to be POTUS but being so intelligent that hasn't sunken in yet.

Comments in red are my own.

White House releases Obama birth certificate

Rachel Rose Hartman

The White House on Wednesday morning released the president's long form birth certificate (pdf) in an attempt to put "birther" questions to rest.

"The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good for the country. It may have been good politics and good T.V., but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country," White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in a statement.

The president had released

his certificate of live birth in 2008, but many "birthers" said the absence of a long form birth certificate prompted questions about Obama's birthplace of Hawaii. In recent weeks potential GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has brought birther questions into the forefront of the media.

"At a time of great consequence for this country--when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC, was once again distracted by a fake issue," Pfeiffer said. "The President's hope is that with this step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American people and the future of the country."

Obama admitted at a White House press conference following the document's release Wednesday morning that he's been both amused and puzzled by the degree to which his place of birth has become an issue.

The president echoed Pfeiffer's statements saying that Americans and their representatives need to come together to solve issues such as how to "invest in our future" while tackling the federal deficit and federal debt:

But we're not going to be able to do it if we are distracted. We're not going to be able to do it if we spend time vilifying each other. We're not going to be able to do it if we just make stuff up and pretend that facts are not facts. We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers. ( yep, like playing golf and his constant holidays with the family. And I wonder when he actually solved any problems?)

Though the president didn't mention Trump by name, Obama noted that when he announced his deficit plan this month, his birth certificate, not our country's economic future, dominated the news that week.

Trump on Wednesday took full credit for the release.

"I feel I've accomplished something really really important and I'm honored by it," Trump said at a press conference held during his pre-scheduled visit today to New Hampshire. Trump noted that people have long been requesting the document, but Trump was the only one who got the president to release it. Trump suggested Wednesday this development will boost his own potential presidential candidacy.

Trump said he and others are still going to have to assess the document's authenticity. We're "going to look at it. We have to see if it's real, if it's proper," Trump said. But he added that he's "sure it's the right deal" and is looking forward to moving on to more important issues such as OPEC and China.

UPDATE 9:38 a.m. EST: Story updated to reflect Donald Trump's reaction.

UPDATE 10:08 a.m. EST: Story updated to include President Obama's press comments.

Father’s race on the Obama birth certificate: only a curiosity or a smoking gun?

- Lawrence Sellin Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I would like to begin by stating unequivocally that, for me, it does not matter if Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii because he has never been eligible to be President. He does not meet the natural born citizen clause of the Constitution i.e. born in the United States, of parents who were both U.S. citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth.

I admit that I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, an expert on birth documents nor am I terribly familiar with the details of the current birth certificate controversy.

Nevertheless, there is one thing that I don’t quite understand.

On the Certification of Live Birth (COLB), now widely available on the internet, Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African”.

First, “African” usually defines a location not a race.

Second, the common usage for the race of black Africans in 1961 would have been “Negro” or “Negroid”.

Third, “African” is not listed as a race in the federal Office of Management and Budget policy documents (1977, 1997).

For the sake of argument, let’s say that the terminology is peculiar to Hawaii and Obama filed a Late Certificate of Birth or perhaps his documents were updated in recent years. In that case, the publicly available COLB must reflect what is written on the source birth documents, even updated ones.

In Appendix B “Hawaii Model – Standard for Clustering Race/Ethnicity Categories” contained in an article published in 2003 by employees of the Hawaii Department of Health, the word “African” appears as an “Aggregated
Ethnic Group” under the race category “Black (non-Hispanic)”. That differs from the categories in Appendix A, which apparently represented an earlier version and did not contain the word “African”.

Unless I am mistaken, that information might suggest that Barack Obama’s birth data were updated around 2003 or thereafter.

I don’t know. Just asking. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.
Lawrence Sellin

Lawrence Sellin Most recent columns

© Canada Free Press 2011

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a recently retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve. He is a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. receives hate mail at

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/27/2011 7:13:07 PM
Hello Peter, because of our violent weather here today in East Tennessee I am just now logging in and saw your post. My power was off for some time and just came back on a little while ago and round two is fast approaching. :(
Interesting isn't it that the state of Hawaii almost immediately stopped anyone from getting the long form of a birth certificate after Obama's personal counsel, Judith Corley went to Hawaii to pick his up? In my opinion this is not going to solve anything but just add fuel to the fire. That was probably done to keep anyone from doing any comparisons to prove that this might just be another fake document. Very suspicious isn't it? Be sure to watch the video at the end of this post.
I found this article, I received today, from the Canada Free Press very interesting. As you read it you will see just how much disdain Obama has for the American people and continues to thumb his nose at us.
Certification of Long Form Birth Certificate

Why NOW, Mr. President?

By Judi McLeod Wednesday, April 27, 2011
In the end President Barack Obama and Donald Trump have much in common: They both waited a long and painful two and a half years to talk turkey about Obama’s highly questionable eligibility as President of the United States.

But surely Obama being the most undocumented president in the history of the United States of America bears more guilt for the sin of deceiving the people of the country he was elected to serve than the one he only moments ago alluded to as “the carnival barker”.

But the insulting reference to Trump as “carnival barker” paled in comparison to the president’s insult to many ordinary Americans, who still fight for the light of truth on who Barack Hussein Obama really is.

Speaking from a White House microphone within minutes of Donald Trump’s press conference in New Hampshire, Obama made a surprise television appearance, calling the controversy over his birth certificate “silliness”. Defiant in this supposed come-clean confession before we the people, he was much more insulting to those who never let the question of his eligibility die, indicating with grins and smiles that they had only amused him.

“We do not have time for this kind of silliness. I’ve got better stuff to do,” Obama said. “We’re not going to solve our problems if we get distracted by carnival acts and sideshow barkers.”

Obama claims he only addressed the issue of his birth certificate because of distraction: “Normally, I would not comment on something like this,” Obama said, explaining that two weeks ago during the budget debate with Republicans in Congress, he found that the biggest news story was about his birth certificate.

While the media credit Trump for this morning’s surprising disclosure, the talk of the birth certificate was kept alive by American patriots, the same ones Obama claims mostly “amused” and “puzzled” him.

Even the most powerful man on earth must know that keeping his lifetime documents locked away from the public is akin to getting completely rid of a bloodstain left in a crime scene.

On April 27, 2011, some two and a half years on, Obama released what he called “the certification” of his long form birth certificate.

Problem is, in so doing, he left a much bigger question than before for all who care about the American constitution.

Why on April 27, 2011? many ordinary Americans, who still fight for the light of truth on who Barack Hussein Obama really is.

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Watch this video which backs up everything you say about Obama not being constitutionally eligible to hold the office of POTUS.

Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/28/2011 6:06:13 PM
Excuse me president, but your birth certificate has just lapsed, no worries our backoffice has made you a brand new one with photoshop.

(Should be in the other forum but I'm sure you'll not mind Peter ;-) )


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