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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/23/2011 4:26:03 PM
I would first like to wish everyone a wonderful Easter weekend and to my Jewish friends who are in the final few days of Passover, “Chag Sameach".

Peter those graphs are amazing. I just got the following article in my daily email from the Canada Free Press, our neighbors to the north, and found it very fitting. One of the things that puzzles me is why there are people who still think this fake can do no wrong. But then I look at the type of people who still support him and I see people, who are for the most part, the whiners and the losers, the ones with their hands stuck out, ready to take anything and everything they can get for free. And do you know what that tells me? More than likely their situations are caused by poor choices and poor decisions made during their lifetime, in other words they have never learned to take responsibility for their lives but have always depended on someone else to do it for them.

Words of wisdom from the Messiah concerning outrageous gasoline prices was an uninspired, “Get used to it.”

“Get Used to It,” Replaces Hope and Change

Just three short years ago, Barack Obama captured the White House with a winning smile, a distracted media, $750 million dollars, and a “Hope and Change” mantra that mesmerized millions into believing that anything was possible.
We can do it!, YES, we can! and other shallow motivational slogans inspired millions to vote blindly for an unknown entity at a time when the nation and the world needed real, proven leadership and intelligence.
Instead of well-reasoned plans for dealing with an economy in meltdown and other cataclysmic catastrophes,

Candidate Obama snookered millions with double-talk and hollow promises which he could not possibly keep. The fact that folks like Harry Reid and Joe Biden were among the snookered says a lot about the current state of affairs in American politics, and even more about the dismal state of doings in the once proud Democrat Party.
Expecting mainstream liberal media to do anything but heap unwarranted praise on a extreme leftist running for the presidency was par for the course.
Naively, some expected the sophisticated to be more probing; all were bitterly disappointed.
Back in the day when the name Obama caused thrills to run up and down the legs of Democrat operatives posing as objective journalists,
there was a universal, yet myopic, view that one’s mortgage and car payments would be beaten into submission by the newly arrived Messiah from Illinois, Hawaii, Kenya, or wherever the hell he was from.
As the story went,
elect Obama and the greedy banks and other purveyors of high crime on wall street would be kicked to the ground in favor of lending a hand to the “little people” of the world; i.e., those voiceless, powerless, and as we now know, mindless minions.
the old slogan, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!” has particular relevance to the performance of Barack Obama.
This insight became especially clear when Obama faced anxious questions about the ever-escalating price of gasoline, a commodity used to excess by both the wealthy and not-so-wealthy.
After acknowledging the financial pain that gasoline headed toward $5 a gallon would inflict on the poor, Obama retreated from his uplifting rhetoric concerning “Hope and Change.”
Indeed, the words of wisdom from the Messiah concerning outrageous gasoline prices was an uninspired, “Get used to it.”
Get used to it?
But what about the little people, small business folk, and the ever-elusive recovery?
So much for Hope and Change!
John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are actually considered normal!.

Hello Friends,

I found some interesting graphs that might enlighten the progressive whiners and criers. They are really self explanatory but if they have any problems understanding and comprehending them please feel free to ask. Make you a bet that they (the whiners and criers) are in the 2.7 percentile group. :)



Three Economic Charts That Will BLOW YOUR MIND

Written By : John Hawkins

First off, here’s a breakdown of who pays into personal income taxes. Look at those numbers and SMELL the unfairness.

So, the top 10% of income earners pay 69.9% of the income tax while the bottom 50% of Americans pay 2.7%. Now, if we were actually going to make the tax code more “fair,” who would actually be paying more and who would be paying less? Maybe the rich aren’t getting quite as sweet a deal as you’d think if you got your information from Obama speeches and MSNBC.

Now, here’s another chart that defies conventional wisdom.

Over the decades, tax rates have varied quite a bit. They’ve even gone up as high as 90% in some brackets. Yet, the actual amount of revenue coming in doesn’t change very much in relation to revenue. It’s almost as if conservatives are right and people do react to higher tax rates by changing their behavior. Maybe they work less, take more loopholes, lobby Congress to create loopholes, invest differently, move industry offshore, etc., etc…it really doesn’t matter.

The key thing to take away from this is that the amount of revenue the government can bring in via the income tax is, for whatever reason, more inelastic than most people think. That’s yet another reason to put more emphasis on balancing the budget via spending cuts as opposed to trying to fix the problem with tax increases.

Now, if Hauser’s law is as spot-on as it has been in the past and it’s going to be difficult to raise the government’s revenue level much beyond the 20% mark, this is one hell of a scary graph.

Notice that we’re up from 2.7% of GDP in 1965 to 9.1% (the halfway mark) in 2012 and then 100% of all of tax revenue in 2052. Some people may take a little comfort from that. After all, 2052 seems like a long time away — and so it is. But, don’t forget — we have a 14 trillion dollar debt we need to pay off and the federal government funds a lot of other things besides those entitlement programs. That money is where defense, intelligence, border security, government salaries, interest payments on the debt, welfare, and even Harry Reid’s precious Cowboy Poetry comes from. At one point do people look at the size of the deficit, size of the debt, and numbers like these and then conclude it’s not safe to lend us money anymore? It could be much sooner than we think unless we start showing the world we’re serious about controlling spiraling entitlement costs.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/24/2011 1:49:10 PM
Hi Evelyn,
I too would like to wish all my Adland friends a Happy Easter holiday.
Thanks for an excellent article and yes his "get used to it" sure tells the B Hussein tale of hope and change and yes we can.
I would first like to wish everyone a wonderful Easter weekend and to my Jewish friends who are in the final few days of Passover, “Chag Sameach".

Peter those graphs are amazing. I just got the following article in my daily email from the Canada Free Press, our neighbors to the north, and found it very fitting. One of the things that puzzles me is why there are people who still think this fake can do no wrong. But then I look at the type of people who still support him and I see people, who are for the most part, the whiners and the losers, the ones with their hands stuck out, ready to take anything and everything they can get for free. And do you know what that tells me? More than likely their situations are caused by poor choices and poor decisions made during their lifetime, in other words they have never learned to take responsibility for their lives but have always depended on someone else to do it for them.

Words of wisdom from the Messiah concerning outrageous gasoline prices was an uninspired, “Get used to it.”

“Get Used to It,” Replaces Hope and Change

Just three short years ago, Barack Obama captured the White House with a winning smile, a distracted media, $750 million dollars, and a “Hope and Change” mantra that mesmerized millions into believing that anything was possible.
We can do it!, YES, we can! and other shallow motivational slogans inspired millions to vote blindly for an unknown entity at a time when the nation and the world needed real, proven leadership and intelligence.
Instead of well-reasoned plans for dealing with an economy in meltdown and other cataclysmic catastrophes,

Candidate Obama snookered millions with double-talk and hollow promises which he could not possibly keep. The fact that folks like Harry Reid and Joe Biden were among the snookered says a lot about the current state of affairs in American politics, and even more about the dismal state of doings in the once proud Democrat Party.
Expecting mainstream liberal media to do anything but heap unwarranted praise on a extreme leftist running for the presidency was par for the course.
Naively, some expected the sophisticated to be more probing; all were bitterly disappointed.
Back in the day when the name Obama caused thrills to run up and down the legs of Democrat operatives posing as objective journalists,
there was a universal, yet myopic, view that one’s mortgage and car payments would be beaten into submission by the newly arrived Messiah from Illinois, Hawaii, Kenya, or wherever the hell he was from.
As the story went,
elect Obama and the greedy banks and other purveyors of high crime on wall street would be kicked to the ground in favor of lending a hand to the “little people” of the world; i.e., those voiceless, powerless, and as we now know, mindless minions.
the old slogan, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!” has particular relevance to the performance of Barack Obama.
This insight became especially clear when Obama faced anxious questions about the ever-escalating price of gasoline, a commodity used to excess by both the wealthy and not-so-wealthy.
After acknowledging the financial pain that gasoline headed toward $5 a gallon would inflict on the poor, Obama retreated from his uplifting rhetoric concerning “Hope and Change.”
Indeed, the words of wisdom from the Messiah concerning outrageous gasoline prices was an uninspired, “Get used to it.”
Get used to it?
But what about the little people, small business folk, and the ever-elusive recovery?
So much for Hope and Change!
John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are actually considered normal!.

Hello Friends,

I found some interesting graphs that might enlighten the progressive whiners and criers. They are really self explanatory but if they have any problems understanding and comprehending them please feel free to ask. Make you a bet that they (the whiners and criers) are in the 2.7 percentile group. :)



Three Economic Charts That Will BLOW YOUR MIND

Written By : John Hawkins

First off, here’s a breakdown of who pays into personal income taxes. Look at those numbers and SMELL the unfairness.

So, the top 10% of income earners pay 69.9% of the income tax while the bottom 50% of Americans pay 2.7%. Now, if we were actually going to make the tax code more “fair,” who would actually be paying more and who would be paying less? Maybe the rich aren’t getting quite as sweet a deal as you’d think if you got your information from Obama speeches and MSNBC.

Now, here’s another chart that defies conventional wisdom.

Over the decades, tax rates have varied quite a bit. They’ve even gone up as high as 90% in some brackets. Yet, the actual amount of revenue coming in doesn’t change very much in relation to revenue. It’s almost as if conservatives are right and people do react to higher tax rates by changing their behavior. Maybe they work less, take more loopholes, lobby Congress to create loopholes, invest differently, move industry offshore, etc., etc…it really doesn’t matter.

The key thing to take away from this is that the amount of revenue the government can bring in via the income tax is, for whatever reason, more inelastic than most people think. That’s yet another reason to put more emphasis on balancing the budget via spending cuts as opposed to trying to fix the problem with tax increases.

Now, if Hauser’s law is as spot-on as it has been in the past and it’s going to be difficult to raise the government’s revenue level much beyond the 20% mark, this is one hell of a scary graph.

Notice that we’re up from 2.7% of GDP in 1965 to 9.1% (the halfway mark) in 2012 and then 100% of all of tax revenue in 2052. Some people may take a little comfort from that. After all, 2052 seems like a long time away — and so it is. But, don’t forget — we have a 14 trillion dollar debt we need to pay off and the federal government funds a lot of other things besides those entitlement programs. That money is where defense, intelligence, border security, government salaries, interest payments on the debt, welfare, and even Harry Reid’s precious Cowboy Poetry comes from. At one point do people look at the size of the deficit, size of the debt, and numbers like these and then conclude it’s not safe to lend us money anymore? It could be much sooner than we think unless we start showing the world we’re serious about controlling spiraling entitlement costs.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/24/2011 1:58:06 PM
Hello Friends,

A few days ago Congressman Alan West was interviewed on the Laura ingraham show. To put it mildly he had a few choice comments about B Hussein and his administration to say the least. Here's the interview.

A few days later he was interviewed on the Greta Van Susteren show and asked if he had any second thoughts about his original remarks about B Hussein and here's what he had to say.

All I have to say is thank God there are a still a few politicians who are not only patriots but willing to put themselves on the line and tell it like it is. The truth is not a curse word for them and they are both ethical and honorable individuals. What the country needs is an Alan West in the White House and not the empty suit and fraud sitting there now.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/25/2011 2:07:33 PM
Hello Friends,

Bill Whittle's doing a series of videos on B Hussein's history starting with his immediate family who of course were responsible for his initial "outlook" and "input" during his childhood and through his teens. In his book "memories of my Father" he says that his mother Stanley was the most important influence in and on his life. While watching the video you'll find out why that is an important issue and explains his actions over the years to the present day.

Below is part one of the series and I for one am looking forward to watching the rest of the series. I have to admit that much of what Bill talks about so well I've known and written about in the past but it is good to see that he's putting it all together in a concise and understandable manner so that even the sheeples (the deaf, dump and blind in regard to B Hussein) will have no excuse and say I didn't know.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
4/25/2011 2:23:37 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's a what if for you. What if Donald Trump decides to run for President (which I personally doubt, though I might be wrong) and has a debate with B Hussein. Should be interesting and the author of the below article transfixed responses of B Hussein and Donald Trump given to ABC's George Stephanapoulos this month on different days of course to identical questions. Wonder who you think won the debate? :)



Debate of the Century: Obama vs. Trump

An imagined contest between the president and The Donald.
April 22, 2011 - by Myra Adams

This possible future presidential debate is based on segments from actual interview transcripts involving President Obama and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on April 14, 2011, and Donald Trump and Stephanopoulos on April 18, 2011.

The interview segments used in this “debate” have been repositioned slightly but without the altering of any real content. However, the questions from the moderator are fictionalized.

Moderator: Mr. President, do you believe America is on the decline?

Obama: You know countries used to look up to America as an example of a modern, well-functioning society, and now it seems like they have bigger plans then we do. That’s not the America I want to live in.

Moderator: And Mr. Trump, do you believe America is on the decline?

Trump: I look at what’s going on with our country. We’re like a third world nation.

This country is in such trouble. If you look at what China’s doing to us. If you look, I mean, look at what’s going on with gasoline prices. They’re going to go to $5, $6, $7 a gallon and we don’t have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, “Fellas, it’s time. It’s over. You’re not going to do it anymore.” They’re not our friends. They wouldn’t even be there if it wasn’t for us.

Moderator: President Obama, why should the people vote to re-elect you?

Obama: Ultimately the American people understand this is a serious, sober time. They want an optimistic vision. That’s what this election is going to be about.

Moderator: Mr. Trump, why should the American people vote to elect you and do you think you will win?

Trump: Oh, I’m sure I will. You know what they get with me?

They get a guy that’s not going to let the world rip off the United States.

The world is ripping us off. I hate it.

Moderator: Mr. President, are you concerned about the strength of your opponent on the other side?

Obama: Right now I have such a big day job that I am not yet focused on what’s happening on the other side.

Moderator: Mr. Trump, how would you describe the state of our nation?

Trump: Ripped off by everybody because we have poor leadership.

Because we have people that don’t know what they’re doing.

Moderator: Mr. President, how do you think the American people envision their ideal president?

Obama: They want one that unifies the country, and more important than anything else, they want some answers to how we’re going to get the economy moving.

Moderator: Isn’t that what you have been trying to do for almost 4 years?

Obama: My suspicion is that anybody who is not addressing those questions is going to be in trouble.

Moderator: Mr. Trump, do you think you would have any difficulty going from private businessman to president of the United States?

Trump: You know, unlike other people I’ve really been public all my life.

I’ve done a good job. I’ve built a great company. I mean it’s magnificent.

I’m going to disclose all this stuff. And they will be amazed at how big it is, how strong it is, how much cash there is. It’s a great company. I’d love to show my tax returns. I may tie the release of my tax returns to Obama releasing his birth certificate.

I think that people see me as somebody that loves this country. But maybe even more importantly I will not let our great nation be ripped off by so many others.

I think they see that. They think I am a smart guy.

Moderator: Mr. President, does criticism bother you?

Obama: Some of it will be settled by the America people in the election.

That is how democracy should work.

Moderator: Mr. Trump, does criticism bother you?

Trump: Next question. You’re not doing your job very well.

You’ve been co-opted by Obama.

Moderator: Finally, what would you like to say to the American people?

Obama: To make very clear to the American people that we have a choice.

Moderator: Mr. Trump, any final words to the American people?

Trump: I had two divorces. And they were very good women.

And I always say about that — they were excellent women, terrific women.

But you know what? I work so hard and so long that it’s almost unfair to women.

But isn’t what this county wants — don’t — you think the country wants somebody that works long and hard and smart, maybe above all smart?

So I think the reason I am doing so well in all the polls, where I am leading most of ‘em is that they see me stopping this onslaught from other people taking advantage of the county. Cause I’ll tell you something, if I win, people will not be ripping off the United States any longer.

Myra Adams is a media producer, writer and political observer, who served on the McCain Ad Council during the 2008 McCain campaign, and on the 2004 Bush campaign creative team. Her columns have appeared on The Daily Caller and as a co-writer on The Daily Beast. Myra's web site contributes all profits to Christian charity. Follow @MyraKAdams on Twitter.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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