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Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/14/2010 7:17:00 PM
Hello Peter,

Racist or racism is a rather outdated accusation usualy stemed from socialists. Could write volumes on that. I know nothing about this J. Birch Society but I have always had an amused feeling when a group or a person is accused of racism, for its rather a clear sign that the're throwing in the towel for lack of arguments.

Whetever you may know about this society, I thought it interesting to check it out and came accros this; Is_the_john_birch_society_racist

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/14/2010 7:55:49 PM
Hi Evelyn,
What a great article. Again posted in the Canada Free Press and not in any of the MSM in the United States.
The author sure hit the nail on the head with her conclusions and I could understand her distaste in listening to B Hussein and her decision to ignore him totally. Unfortunately it's mutual since B Hussein and his democratic cronies totally ignored the American people and they paid for their forgetting that they work for us and not vice versa. We can ignore them but they can't ignore us as they learned on November 2nd.
Thanks for sharing the article with us.


"These past midterm elections show that the majority of Americans don't see any "wondrous things" or any progress made by B Hussein and the only thought I can agree with in the quote is "some of them are not to last anyway"

And isn't it wonderful Peter that the vast majority of Americans aren't into sorcery also? You talk about the book and movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" and in my opinion, I think some of them actually fell into the cuckoo's nest from some of the things I have been reading here at ALP.
Here is an interesting post from the Canada Free Press:

Black-white race issues in this country can now take a back seat to reason when it comes to the choice of an American President

The Upside of the Obama Travesty

By Sylvia Thompson Friday, November 12, 2010

I am a black woman whose roots run deep in America—over a century back to someone brought here either from Africa or somewhere far from these shores. I was born into and reared in the Jim Crow South. My total existence until I reached undergraduate college consisted of black everything: schools, hospitals, doctors, dentists, the movie theatre, social functions, friends, and of course relatives. And none of this experience draws me even remotely close to the person of Barack Obama. Nor does it make me relate to black liberals and elitists anymore than it draws me to Caucasian liberals and elitists.

I do not see this man’s entrance upon the scene as praise-worthy, although he will be recorded in history as a “first.” Sadly, for all blacks who descended from slaves in America, he will be the historical face of “the first” black President—a man whose father was not American and who had a Marxist past and Muslim, Christian-hating faith; a mother whose leanings were not toward America’s founding principles; and many influential mentors, associates, and friends, none of whom were or are pro-America.

In addition, Barack Obama is avidly pro-abortion, insanely insistent upon forcing the homosexual agenda upon an unreceptive American populace; disdainful of the military and hell bent upon instituting open sodomy among the ranks with all the inherent horrors that move will entail; and he is arrogantly incompetent in the position of power that he now holds.

My response to Barack Obama is to ignore his existence to the degree that I can. What I knew of him and his past as he embarked upon his campaign compelled me to avoid any of his “mesmerizing” speeches. I tuned out the entire transfer of government (and that’s no mean feat). I did not watch any part of his inauguration ceremony or the speeches delivered after his election. I mute or change the channel whenever he appears on my television, and turn off my radio if I hear his voice. That I must go through these contortions to keep this man’s presence out of my home, makes me even more disdainful of his intrusion upon this nation.

Now, to the premise of this article: What is the upside of the Obama travesty? It is this. American white folks should never again have to vote for a President because he is black and they are guilt-ridden. Whites can stop obsessing about a past over which none of them had any control. Black-white race issues in this country can now take a back seat to reason when it comes to the choice of an American President.

Unfortunately, however, with every upside there is a corresponding downside. And that is, if ever again a person who is a shade or two darker than café-au-lait decides to run for President, that person will not be trusted. The attitude will be “been there, done that and don’t want to do it again.” That is indeed a travesty.


Sylvia Thompson is a member of the Silicon Valley Conservative Forum in San Jose, California She writes extennsively on a variety of political and social issues from a conservative perspective. She currently resides in Tennessee.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/15/2010 4:24:46 AM
Hi Robert,
The last thing I consider myself to be is a socialist and I base my opinions from personal knowledge from the 60s and 70s. I was serving in the US Air Force in the late 60s and it was also the hey day for the John Birch Society.
The rather shallow article proves nothing and in any case it doesn't lessen the fact that the founder of the JB society sure hit the nail on the head with his predictions. As I said for me it's a shame that it came from him and his organization but the facts do speak for themselves.

Hello Peter,

Racist or racism is a rather outdated accusation usualy stemed from socialists. Could write volumes on that. I know nothing about this J. Birch Society but I have always had an amused feeling when a group or a person is accused of racism, for its rather a clear sign that the're throwing in the towel for lack of arguments.

Whetever you may know about this society, I thought it interesting to check it out and came accros this; Is_the_john_birch_society_racist

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/16/2010 3:17:03 PM
Peter I have done a lot of thinking, not only since you posted this thread but long before that as our good friends began to leave one by one. I have often wondered how any rational thinking human being could let themselves be so misled in believing all this utter nonsense. In reality what happens is they sell their souls to the devil.
Well I decided to do a little research and I say "a little research" because I could hardly read because of all the evil vibes emanating as I did my search. Evil personified. It made my skin crawl. I did however manage to come up with a few things I found in my search.
One thing that did grab my attention though was on one website where I read that in order to receive these spirits we essentially have to have a blank mind. Bingo!!! That definitely explains so much doesn't it? The Bible calls this the entertaining of spirits unaware, the teachings of demons.
Here is the excerpt I am talking about. I think it is saying anyone engaging in these practices has an empty head.
"Spirits cannot just enter or take control of a person. Occult practices almost always require a meditative or passive state. By doing this we are allowing them control, emptying ourselves, neutralizing our mind. This the easiest way to allow another to take control."
Makes sense doesn't it. They prey on the weak which is a real travesty and are a very real detriment to this community. Thankfully these people are in the minority instead of the majority but the harm is still far reaching.
They use psychological principles and spiritual language to entice and charm people. Words like peace, harmony, brotherhood, LOVE and a new era. These are all the things we as human beings hope and strive for and the very words we've seen so often in
some forums. They speak of God and love to disguise their motives and they deceptively appear as good and friendly benevolent beings, which they are not as we well know.
Popular names of spirits being channeled are Seth, Ramtha, Bashar, Mentor, St. Germaine, Zolar, Ashtar, Zoosh , Monka to just name a few, the wave of fallen angels. It is a spiritual assault perpetrated on unsuspecting people that have no idea of their meaning, people that a lot of the time are lonely and desperate for love or attention. And some people begin with an experimentation in what they think is harmless fun but is in reality the occult and they end up selling the devil their soul.
Deut. 32:17 says “they sacrifice to demons.” Spirits will always want to assume God's authority and take His place, it happened to Israel and it is written for us to learn from so we don't repeat their mistakes.
To consult a medium was always considered rebellion and idolatry equal to witchcraft. Because none of this led to the true God. God kept man away for his own protection so he wouldn't lose his soul to the devil.
Channeling is none other than Spiritism and can lead one to becoming demonized or even possessed. Of course the argument would be it doesn't feel like demonic possession, but then if you're being deceived would they want you to know? This is a false God or fallen spirit communicating.

IN DEUT. 18:10-12 God strictly forbids believers to have any type of involvement with the occult. There is no Christian form of astrology, visualization, or astral travel, channeling, angelic communication or talking to the dead.
Here are some facts I found about NESARA. We have heard many or most of these already haven't we?

"These false prophets come in sheep's clothing and, unfortunately, some actually think they're working for the forces of light. Poor misguided souls! They are aiding the forces of the antichrist.
- Created and will be implemented by Lucifer's fallen angels to enslave the entire world under a global economic system fulfilling the second half of Revelation 13.
- Proposes peace and prosperity under the guise of wealth and prosperity eventually requiring all those who want to participate to be marked, chipped or "sealed."
- the two leaders, Germaine and Sananda Jesus will be followed by other "Sanandas" such as Maitreya, Muhammad, and others. These Sanandas will fulfill the roles of various religions who expect the return of the central figure of their religion as a Messiah or Messenger.
- these leaders are not angels, or ascended masters, or anything but Annunaki fallen angels here to deceive mankind in the last days and lead them into worldwide Satanism, the worship of Lucifer as God.
- all those who refuse to participate in the beast global economy will be cleansed from the earth. This means they will be killed. The Anuk claim these people are sent to another planet to rethink their attitudes but they aren't sent anywhere but their graves.
- these Omegans claim they are White Knights, here to protect earth from a hostile takeover by the Illuminati, but what they offer is nothing more than a hostile takeover themselves. Agree with them or be killed."
(Thanks to
I also found this website interesting:
Another thought Peter, it is so very sad when egos get in the way and ruin a once great community. You people that love to run and tattle on people like school children will eventually reap what you sow. I am extremely saddened by the fact that several of my friends have been threatened with being banned because a few do not like their viewpoints. Some of you are so full of yourself you are pathetic, but one good thing is you are in the minority. The majority here can take an opposing view point without thinking they are being insulted.
I know a lot of people call our so called president an empty suit and well I am here to tell you there are several of those here in this community who are doing their vile deeds mostly in secret. I say secret but in reality it's not a secret as things usually have a way of getting out. When they don't like someone else's viewpoint because it differs from theirs, they have posts removed or try to get them banned from the community and too you have those that like to ban someone from their forum for asking hard questions they have no answer for and then when your traffic drops you un-ban them. Very amusing to say the least.
And then I read of people complaining because no one reads their forums anymore or will participate in them. Have you ever thought they might be afraid they will say the wrong thing or be taken the wrong way and then they're tattled on and these egotistical people want them banned? Think about it. As I read back through the post history everyday I see less and less to read. Certainly doesn't take near as much time to read through as it used to. Sad, so very, very sad.

Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/16/2010 3:27:18 PM
Hey Evelyn,

I must say you make some very good points and here is one view of NESARA, I have seen in may other places as well.


Some Facts About NESARA

- Created and will be implemented by Lucifer's fallen angels to enslave the entire world under a global economic system fulfilling the second half of Revelation 13.

- Proposes peace and prosperity under the guise of wealth and prosperity eventually requiring all those who want to participate to be marked, chipped or "sealed."

- the two leaders, Germaine and Sananda Jesus will be followed by other "Sanandas" such as Maitreya, Muhammad, and others. These Sanandas will fulfill the roles of various religions who expect the return of the central figure of their religion as a Messiah or Messenger.

- these leaders are not angels, or ascended masters, or anything but Annunaki fallen angels here to deceive mankind in the last days and lead them into worldwide Satanism, the worship of Lucifer as God.

- all those who refuse to participate in the beast global economy will be cleansed from the earth. This means they will be killed. The Anuk claim these people are sent to another planet to rethink their attitudes but they aren't sent anywhere but their graves.

- these Omegans claim they are White Knights, here to protect earth from a hostile takeover by the Illuminati, but what they offer is nothing more than a hostile takeover themselves. Agree with them or be killed.

Their plan is to overtake the US government, implement Alien Disclosure resulting in First Contact, and then finish off their staged productions with a grand finally: THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS.

Their Jesus.

Their charades will deceive many. The pastors in the churches will support them and lead many people into the pit of hell for following this false Jesus.

Peter I have done a lot of thinking, not only since you posted this thread but long before that as our good friends began to leave one by one. I have often wondered how any rational thinking human being could let themselves be so misled in believing all this utter nonsense. In reality what happens is they sell their souls to the devil.
Well I decided to do a little research and I say "a little research" because I could hardly read because of all the evil vibes emanating as I did my search. Evil personified. It made my skin crawl. I did however manage to come up with a few things I found in my search.
One thing that did grab my attention though was on one website where I read that in order to receive these spirits we essentially have to have a blank mind. Bingo!!! That definitely explains so much doesn't it? The Bible calls this the entertaining of spirits unaware, the teachings of demons.
Here is the excerpt I am talking about. I think it is saying anyone engaging in these practices has an empty head.
"Spirits cannot just enter or take control of a person. Occult practices almost always require a meditative or passive state. By doing this we are allowing them control, emptying ourselves, neutralizing our mind. This the easiest way to allow another to take control."
Makes sense doesn't it. They prey on the weak which is a real travesty and are a very real detriment to this community. Thankfully these people are in the minority instead of the majority but the harm is still far reaching.
They use psychological principles and spiritual language to entice and charm people. Words like peace, harmony, brotherhood, LOVE and a new era. These are all the things we as human beings hope and strive for and the very words we've seen so often in
some forums. They speak of God and love to disguise their motives and they deceptively appear as good and friendly benevolent beings, which they are not as we well know.
Popular names of spirits being channeled are Seth, Ramtha, Bashar, Mentor, St. Germaine, Zolar, Ashtar, Zoosh , Monka to just name a few, the wave of fallen angels. It is a spiritual assault perpetrated on unsuspecting people that have no idea of their meaning, people that a lot of the time are lonely and desperate for love or attention. And some people begin with an experimentation in what they think is harmless fun but is in reality the occult and they end up selling the devil their soul.
Deut. 32:17 says “they sacrifice to demons.” Spirits will always want to assume God's authority and take His place, it happened to Israel and it is written for us to learn from so we don't repeat their mistakes.
To consult a medium was always considered rebellion and idolatry equal to witchcraft. Because none of this led to the true God. God kept man away for his own protection so he wouldn't lose his soul to the devil.
Channeling is none other than Spiritism and can lead one to becoming demonized or even possessed. Of course the argument would be it doesn't feel like demonic possession, but then if you're being deceived would they want you to know? This is a false God or fallen spirit communicating.

IN DEUT. 18:10-12 God strictly forbids believers to have any type of involvement with the occult. There is no Christian form of astrology, visualization, or astral travel, channeling, angelic communication or talking to the dead.
Here are some facts I found about NESARA. We have heard many or most of these already haven't we?

"These false prophets come in sheep's clothing and, unfortunately, some actually think they're working for the forces of light. Poor misguided souls! They are aiding the forces of the antichrist.
- Created and will be implemented by Lucifer's fallen angels to enslave the entire world under a global economic system fulfilling the second half of Revelation 13.
- Proposes peace and prosperity under the guise of wealth and prosperity eventually requiring all those who want to participate to be marked, chipped or "sealed."
- the two leaders, Germaine and Sananda Jesus will be followed by other "Sanandas" such as Maitreya, Muhammad, and others. These Sanandas will fulfill the roles of various religions who expect the return of the central figure of their religion as a Messiah or Messenger.
- these leaders are not angels, or ascended masters, or anything but Annunaki fallen angels here to deceive mankind in the last days and lead them into worldwide Satanism, the worship of Lucifer as God.
- all those who refuse to participate in the beast global economy will be cleansed from the earth. This means they will be killed. The Anuk claim these people are sent to another planet to rethink their attitudes but they aren't sent anywhere but their graves.
- these Omegans claim they are White Knights, here to protect earth from a hostile takeover by the Illuminati, but what they offer is nothing more than a hostile takeover themselves. Agree with them or be killed."
(Thanks to
I also found this website interesting:
Another thought Peter, it is so very sad when egos get in the way and ruin a once great community. You people that love to run and tattle on people like school children will eventually reap what you sow. I am extremely saddened by the fact that several of my friends have been threatened with being banned because a few do not like their viewpoints. Some of you are so full of yourself you are pathetic, but one good thing is you are in the minority. The majority here can take an opposing view point without thinking they are being insulted.
I know a lot of people call our so called president an empty suit and well I am here to tell you there are several of those here in this community who are doing their vile deeds mostly in secret. I say secret but in reality it's not a secret as things usually have a way of getting out. When they don't like someone else's viewpoint because it differs from theirs, they have posts removed or try to get them banned from the community and too you have those that like to ban someone from their forum for asking hard questions they have no answer for and then when your traffic drops you un-ban them. Very amusing to say the least.
And then I read of people complaining because no one reads their forums anymore or will participate in them. Have you ever thought they might be afraid they will say the wrong thing or be taken the wrong way and then they're tattled on and these egotistical people want them banned? Think about it. As I read back through the post history everyday I see less and less to read. Certainly doesn't take near as much time to read through as it used to. Sad, so very, very sad.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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