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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2010 12:59:07 PM
Hello Friends,

As you'll see from the below article B Hussein is doing his usual thing and wasting the countries money in the hope to find "love" elsewhere since in the United States the people have made their voice known this week and they d*amn well didn't show any love for the man, his policies and agendas.

So why not, let's go and waste $200 million a day and forget the slap in the face the people gave him on election day? I understand that drugs of any sort are readily available in India and he can drown his sorrows with that too (he does have a history of using drugs......self admitted).

I've read in other threads here where people are celebrating the India visit after "channeling" that made it right to waste the peoples money. Some also believe/hope that "nesara" will be the outcome of this visit. Well, I guess another pipe dream down the drain when B Hussein gets the "love" of the Indian people he'll be coming back to the same dismal political situation he's temporarily running away from and in his "admirable" way will do nothing to work with the new forces on The Hill. That's all for the good by the way since it will insure that this dismal failure and fraud is a one term president and possibly less then that.

Hmmmm, I also read in another thread that India is the land of love. Now that certainly might be the Hindu philosophy but love is definitely not what we're seeing and hearing in India for the past few years. The Muslims are creating havoc in the land of love and love is definitely off the books there for the present.

The below article is a short precise of this wasteful and nonsensical trip and the people would do well to raise their voices against it. I don't need any "chanelling" to come to that conclusion even though his being out of the country means that he can do no harm to America while he's away unless he embarrasses every one by bowing to any and all comers.



India: The Pasha Tour

Posted 11/03/2010 07:02 PM ET
Diplomacy: Yes, a traveling president deserves security. But the 3,000-person entourage accompanying Barack Obama to Mumbai, India, this week reeks of pashalike decadence.
With an electoral repudiation still ringing in his ears, we can't blame President Obama for wanting to get away from Washington as a new Congress prepares to roll in. He's hardly the first chief executive to do it.
But there are problems with this "strategic" visit, with a stated interest in celebrating Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, that suggest this won't be time well spent.
In a time of trillion-dollar stimulus packages and $600 billion Fed easings, the $200-million-a-day price tag for these 10 days abroad is an expenditure that will show up as more than a blip on the books.
Five fully loaded jet aircraft will fly Obama and his party of 3,000 caravan-style in luxury that would make a sultan blush. The entire Taj hotel — 570 rooms — plus other space next door are the sort of accommodations only a khan might have arranged until now.
Why the president requires so many attendants in support of a face-to-face meeting with India's prime minister doesn't say much for this administration's money-management skills. All that's missing are peacock feathers, yak processions and a presidential litter.
It borders on the ridiculous— especially when serious foreign policy talks don't seem to be on the agenda. India is a nation pleading for free trade, a stop to the demonization of outsourcing, and assurances that America's $3 billion aid package to neighboring Pakistan won't end up in terrorists' hands.
But the White House has offered no assurances on any of these matters and has floated trial balloons ahead of the trip indicating they won't be addressed.
Meanwhile, the State Department's heavy hitters on policy cckare nowhere to be found. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on her own, separate Asia tour. And the pros at State are making it clear this isn't their show.
Asked if anything new would be coming out of the trip, department spokesman P.J. Crowley replied: "Well, I am sure there will be something new, and I'm sure I'll defer to the White House to announce that."
Not assuring. At this price, American taxpayers are entitled to something of value. Right now, this junket looks like anything but.

Excellent post Peter! As usual you have pretty much hit the nail on the head in more ways than one. :)

Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2010 12:26:45 AM
Hello Folks,

I have been reading about all this, from threads here in ALP, some pro, some anti American, Left, Right, Network, Cable and Online News Sources, even the conspiracists and conspirators.

The happenings of the past few months and the recent QE2 announcement, done so conspicuously right before this trip to India. This trip to India is a full out sales trip and zerObama and entourage are going with their hats in hand. He is selling bonds so as to create inflation upon the taxpayers. As some sort of reparations to those in the world not as fortunate as we are.

As if we have not been pumping foreign aid in these countries for years. Plus all the private charity and missionary works that have been poured into the poorer nations of the world.

We now have the Perfect Storm facing us and we need to decide what we believe in and where we hold the Republic Of The United States of America in your hearts and the future generations of Americans. Where else are millions of people flocking to pursue their dreams? NOWHERE!

We need to Audit the FED, Repeal their ability to print money at a fee. They never print enough to cover the fees. It is just a transaction done digitally. Therefore there is never enough money in the system to cover the interest. Stop this insane practice.

Next Repeal ALL of zerObama's Presidential orders and appointments, he has yet to prove his right to hold that office.

Where's the Birth Certificate?
Why did the DNC not file normal proof of qualifications when the qualified his candidacy?

Repeal All congressional and senatorial benefits, salaries and pensions of the past 30 - 40 years. They didn't earn them.

Instill Term Limits to any combined 8years in the congress and senate and two as President, PERIOD!

Trash the current tax code and go to a flat tax system.

De-unionize all public sector jobs except fire and police. Rollback salaries, pensions and benefits to comparable public sector rates. To include teachers as well.

This will create true parody, prosperity and a growing middle class.

Recall all troops in hostile to US Policy Nations. Use them to secure our Southern and Northern borders.

Invite our manufacturers back to create US jobs, products and commodities MADE IN THE USA.

Rewrite all foreign trade agreements.

Drill Baby Drill and Listen to Pickens. We have to get off foreign oil ESPECIALLY Oil from enemy combatant nations. Give support to our National Interest Drillers and Industry.

Stop funding dumb bio-fuel ideas. Making Ethanol from a food product is just DUMB!! Plus causes more pollution to create and is more harmful to the environment in the long run. And your cars!

Give All Illegal Immigrants a One Way ticket home!... Yes it will be costly. Btu Hell we spend 300 billion at the drop of a hat these days. SEND THEM Home! It's a Deal of a Value that Keeps Saving us money over time!

Our next generation of middle class cannot find entry level job because of the disparities of our current system. They have almost given up hope. I know I am a parent and see it as a pervasive aspect in our youth. The jobs these kids would use to cut their career teeth on are being taken. It is time for this to stop.

This is a start on the right path in my humble view and opinion. My 2012 Presidential Candidate will have many of these built into their platforms. I HOPE!

Hello Friends,

As you'll see from the below article B Hussein is doing his usual thing and wasting the countries money in the hope to find "love" elsewhere since in the United States the people have made their voice known this week and they d*amn well didn't show any love for the man, his policies and agendas.

So why not, let's go and waste $200 million a day and forget the slap in the face the people gave him on election day? I understand that drugs of any sort are readily available in India and he can drown his sorrows with that too (he does have a history of using drugs......self admitted).

I've read in other threads here where people are celebrating the India visit after "channeling" that made it right to waste the peoples money. Some also believe/hope that "nesara" will be the outcome of this visit. Well, I guess another pipe dream down the drain when B Hussein gets the "love" of the Indian people he'll be coming back to the same dismal political situation he's temporarily running away from and in his "admirable" way will do nothing to work with the new forces on The Hill. That's all for the good by the way since it will insure that this dismal failure and fraud is a one term president and possibly less then that.

Hmmmm, I also read in another thread that India is the land of love. Now that certainly might be the Hindu philosophy but love is definitely not what we're seeing and hearing in India for the past few years. The Muslims are creating havoc in the land of love and love is definitely off the books there for the present.

The below article is a short precise of this wasteful and nonsensical trip and the people would do well to raise their voices against it. I don't need any "chanelling" to come to that conclusion even though his being out of the country means that he can do no harm to America while he's away unless he embarrasses every one by bowing to any and all comers.



India: The Pasha Tour

Posted 11/03/2010 07:02 PM ET
Diplomacy: Yes, a traveling president deserves security. But the 3,000-person entourage accompanying Barack Obama to Mumbai, India, this week reeks of pashalike decadence.
With an electoral repudiation still ringing in his ears, we can't blame President Obama for wanting to get away from Washington as a new Congress prepares to roll in. He's hardly the first chief executive to do it.
But there are problems with this "strategic" visit, with a stated interest in celebrating Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, that suggest this won't be time well spent.
In a time of trillion-dollar stimulus packages and $600 billion Fed easings, the $200-million-a-day price tag for these 10 days abroad is an expenditure that will show up as more than a blip on the books.
Five fully loaded jet aircraft will fly Obama and his party of 3,000 caravan-style in luxury that would make a sultan blush. The entire Taj hotel — 570 rooms — plus other space next door are the sort of accommodations only a khan might have arranged until now.
Why the president requires so many attendants in support of a face-to-face meeting with India's prime minister doesn't say much for this administration's money-management skills. All that's missing are peacock feathers, yak processions and a presidential litter.
It borders on the ridiculous— especially when serious foreign policy talks don't seem to be on the agenda. India is a nation pleading for free trade, a stop to the demonization of outsourcing, and assurances that America's $3 billion aid package to neighboring Pakistan won't end up in terrorists' hands.
But the White House has offered no assurances on any of these matters and has floated trial balloons ahead of the trip indicating they won't be addressed.
Meanwhile, the State Department's heavy hitters on policy cckare nowhere to be found. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on her own, separate Asia tour. And the pros at State are making it clear this isn't their show.
Asked if anything new would be coming out of the trip, department spokesman P.J. Crowley replied: "Well, I am sure there will be something new, and I'm sure I'll defer to the White House to announce that."
Not assuring. At this price, American taxpayers are entitled to something of value. Right now, this junket looks like anything but.

Excellent post Peter! As usual you have pretty much hit the nail on the head in more ways than one. :)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2010 4:28:28 PM

Have you no shame, Mr. Obama?

America the Beautiful—Redux
By Joan Swirsky Thursday, November 4, 2010
I say redux, brought back, because two years ago, on November 7, 2008, after the barely one-term Democrat Illinois Senator Barack Obama had, ahem, “won” the presidency against Arizona’s Senator John McCain—with the generous help of the multi-indicted-and today-in-bankruptcy specialists in election fraud, ACORN, and nearly a billion dollars of donations, much of it from illegal or even jihad sources and other still-unreported-but-suspect foreign sources.-
I wrote an article entitled America The Beautiful. Ever the optimist that our nation would once again return to its center-right sanity, I cited the lyrics of the long-running Broadway play “Annie,” in which the little orphan herself sings: “The sun will come out tomorrow!”
Today, only days after the 2010 midterms, the sun is indeed blazing, as our entire country—liberals, conservatives, left, right, women, men, black, white, old, young—handed Mr. Obama what Democrat strategist Joe Trippi calls “the largest turnout for a midterm defeat in history” (America’s 234-year history). Conservative pundit Erick Erickson calls it “a tsunami”—Republicans recapturing control of the House with 60 and possibly more new representatives, gaining huge conservative influence in the Senate, winning nearly a dozen governorships, and capturing over 500 seats in state legislatures throughout the country.
No surprise, really. The only surprise to me and clearly millions of other Americans was that a cabal of communists, socialists, radicals, anti-Semites and anti-American traitors—a virtual Who’s Who in Fifth Column treachery—all of whom loathe the U.S. Constitution, free-market capitalism, our heroic military and America itself, were able to worm their way into the White House to begin with, aided and abetted by a perfidious left wing media and a Mt.-Everest-high pile of dirty money.
As Alex Markovsky—who grew up in the Soviet Union and holds degrees in economics and political science—has written:
“Obama’s objectives, strategy and tactics bear a mirror resemblance to the Bolsheviks who seized power in Russia in 1917 to establish a totalitarian communist rule. Unlike the Russian people, who understood the perils of socialism and fought the Bolsheviks in a bloody three-year civil war that by some estimates took 15 million lives, the freedom-loving Americans simply voted themselves into socialism…the communist leaders from Lenin to Brezhnev are turning in their graves…
“Obama’s agenda reads as if it came straight out of the University of Marxism-Leninism… [he] is clearly following Lenin’s script, spending and printing money at unprecedented levels. The plan is simple: Replace American self-reliance with government dependency. The objective is to spend until the country is in such debt as to result in default or hyperinflation, causing the destruction of our currency and the obliteration of wealth.
Perhaps Obama’s short reign will turn out to be the best thing to happen to America. The 2008 elections were a political wake up call for this nation, like Pearl Harbor or 9/11.”
Personally, I believe that Obama is a mere functionary of leftists far more intelligent and sophisticated then he is. After all, he comes by his bent honestly, having been raised and mentored and befriended by that ilk his entire life; having been irresistibly attracted to the role of an Alinskyite community organizer, manipulating and exploiting poor blacks to join the hate-America crowd; and having sat passively and approvingly for decades in the pews of a “pastor” who begged God to damn America.
Writer Kyle-Anne Shiver captures Obama’s former role perfectly: “Deceit is the organizer’s middle name. But [he] has always been nothing but a used-car salesman. He is the middleman sent to make the sale and take a handsome cut from the pilfered money. It’s almost painful to watch a man so out of his depth that he has reduced the Presidency of the United States of America to a stand-up, comedic salesmanship. And he is falling flat even at that.”
Obama and his minions worship at the Church of the Cloward-Piven Strategy, the goal of which is to fulfill Marx’s dream of crushing capitalism and turning America’s magnificent Republic into either a Soviet-style totalitarian state or a third-world banana republic. Want proof? Look at this chilling Obama by The Numbers listing, all verified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
If Obama was born in America—which I seriously doubt—he was certainly born in the wrong country! Imagine how content he’d be if he were a citizen of Cuba or Venezuela or Iran or Saudi Arabia. In any of those totalitarian regimes, he would never have had to lobby for socialized medicine or other schemes that create lifelong dependency. No one would blink if he said that an opponent was really an “enemy.” He wouldn’t have to tolerate people who cling to their guns and bibles, because no citizen would (be allowed to) possess them.
Yet in spite of November 2nd‘s repudiation and rejection of everything he stands for, Obama is not a man without a country. He is a man in the wrong country! Obama admits as much here. And Avi Lipkin, an American-born Israeli, elaborates quite persuasively on what he purports are Obama’s foreign roots here!
We know that Obama’s “brain trust” (so to speak) had been telling him the results of internal polls for months, all of which predicted a doomsday scenario for the absolute power he gained in 2008 vis-√†-vis the White House, Senate and House—not to omit the media and most of the judiciary.
But ice man that he is, he cared not a whit that dozens of elected officials who supported his agenda, many in office for decades, would be defeated in the midterms. After all, a man who has no problem throwing the grandmother who raised him under the bus is unlikely to shed a tear for the useful idiots who hitched their wagons to his nose-diving star.
Obama’s reaction to his thundering defeat at the polls was right in line with his past behavior. Act chastened (for five seconds). Mutter phrases about “unity” that he has zero intention of pursuing. Dive into denial, for instance, telling the public that he “rejects” the idea that Tuesday’s vote meant his own policies were rejected. My own barometer for measuring Obama’s words is to reverse them completely. In the far-left world he inhabits, unity means disunity, tax breaks mean none for the wealthy people or businesses that create jobs, fiscal belt-tightening means increased spending, “absolutely” willing to work across the aisle means rigid refusal to do so, Middle East peace means continuing to bully Israel, on and on.
He can’t help himself…either can his henchmen. So entrenched is their anger at “the system” they loathe that looking straight at the camera and lying is one of many methods they’ve refined to fool the stupid masses about their means-justifies-the-end mission, which is to turn America into a socialist-cum-communist state.
The lessons a person like Obama takes away from this kind of crushing defeat is not that he has done anything wrong or that his political philosophy is alien to the vast majority of Americans, but, as he demonstrated by his remarkable cluelessness during the post-election press conference, that his thoroughly odious ideas were simply not presented in a persuasive enough way. While omitting the fact that he made more than 50 public forays trying to sell socialized medical care, he once again impugned the intelligence of the American people who he believes were just too damned dense to “get” the benefits of the snake oil he was peddling.
In the near, lame-duck future, the man who syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin calls the Antagonist-in-Chief will try desperately to circumvent Congressional approval in order to ram the rest of his toxic agenda down the gagging throats of We the People, issuing Executive Orders and dictating that various government agencies do his bidding.
If We The People were vigilant and active before the midterms, both we and the newly-elected House majority must fight fiercely to bring about the sane agenda suggested by The Heritage Foundation in their “Solutions for America: Get to Work”:
Freeze discretionary spending and, as a first step, cut at least $170 billion from the federal budget for fiscal year 2012.
Repeal Obamacare by immediately withholding funding, blocking key provisions and overriding regulations that carry this monstrosity.
Stop the Obama tax hikes by making permanent the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, thereby helping the economy grow and creating more jobs.
Protect America by passing a budget resolution that won’t put our troops at risk or leave Americans vulnerable.
Get control of government by posting complete legislation, ending earmarks, reviewing all unauthorized programs and respecting constitutional limits on government.
I thought it was strange that Obama & Co. never mounted an October Surprise, in the same way his backers manipulated the stock market meltdown six weeks before the 2008 presidential election. Even stranger—given the current seemingly escalating terrorist threat, a looming second mortgage crisis, a still-deep recession, and mounting unemployment—is the announcement that the Obamas would be leaving the country just days after the election.
Okay, you might reason, why not lick your wounds on foreign shores, where adulation is more likely than derision?
But this is no ordinary getaway. For what is billed as a trip of just a few days to Mumbai, India, the Conspicuous-Consumer-in-Chief, as well as wifey, daughters, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, a huge security detail exceeding 500, dozens of “czars” and cabinet members, top American corporation leaders, and so-called journalists—right now the entourage is approximately 3,000 people—will be flying in a convoy of 40-plus planes, including luxury jets, staying in the 570-room Taj Mahal (and four other hotels, including a Hyatt), enjoying security that covers the entire Mumbai waterfront and air space, and dining in decadent indulgence. Along for the ride will be a fleet of 34 warships, including an aircraft carrier, three heavy-lift aircraft with high-tech equipment, three helicopters, interception and obstruction devices, sniffer dogs, and rescue gadgets.
One thing I’d put money on: Not one person on this orgiastic trip will give a thought to the $200-million dollars per day it is costing American taxpayers!
As writer Sher Zieve quite logically asks: “Is he moving the Executive Branch—which was usurped in the first place—to India?”
“What else could one expect,” Zieve continues, “from an occupier of the White House that bows before the king of Saudi Arabia, claims that America has 57 states, despises people that `cling to their guns and Bibles,’ and sends our tax money to support terrorist groups such as Hamas?
Indeed, I would add, what else could one expect from a “president” who has:
Wasted billions on the so-called stimulus and bailouts.
Increased the national debt by $3.2 trillion.
Held a bribe-a-thon called Obamacare.
Nationalized key American industries.
Had the gall to sue the state of Arizona for simply upholding federal law re the massive invasion of illegal immigrants.
Was an abject failure in addressing the BP oil spill for months on end as whole industries were decimated and thousands are still out of work.
Plans to turn ordinary Americans into Nazi-like brown shirts through mandatory National Service.
ntroduced suicidal Rules of Engagement for our troops in Afghanistan. As Investors Business Daily reported in October: “U.S. troops…in Afghanistan are chafing under (1) an impossible deadline, (2) a blurring definition of the enemy and (3) inhuman rules of engagement. Whatever the plan is here, it’s not victory.”
Gave billions of American taxpayer dollars to the corrupt United Nations to fund abortions in foreign countries .
Has groveled and bowed to and embraced our enemies, while treating longtime allies with rudeness or contempt.
Struck a deal with Vietnam to allow that country to enrich uranium to make nuclear weapons.
Accepted money for his campaign from foreign donors, including $33,000 from his Palestinian “brothers” in Gaza, according to Pamela Geller of
As writer Arnold Ahlert details at length, “the golfing, the soirees, and the high-priced vacations have created the perception that we are living through another `let them eat cake’ moment in history.”
I find this trip so incomprehensible that I wonder, in light of the recently thwarted terrorist attacks on America, if Obama & Co. knows something about an incipient attack that We The People are unaware of. As one e-mailer put it: “Remember he said [to author Bob Woodward] that we could sustain another attack…is there going to be one that he’s aware of and we’re not?”
I put nothing past this cabal, including a devastating November Surprise!
But to me the most disgusting thing about the Obamas’ Mumbai trip is that a half-black man and his black wife can engage in such debauched and morally depraved self-indulgence while thousands of Haitians who still suffer grievously from the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake—and who have not received a penny of the billion dollars raised for their relief—still sleep in the streets of Port-au-Prince, subject to the elements, starving, and now dying by the hundreds from cholera.
I know this because a Haitian friend of mine speaks several times a week to relatives and friends who comprise some of those sleeping on the streets. Where did that billion dollars go? One report said the Haitians have only received two percent of it. Bill O’Reilly briefly alluded to the fact that Hillary Clinton’s State Department had not released a lot of the money before he abruptly dropped the subject, never to raise it again.
Can you imagine what $200-million-dollars would do to help the Haitians!
Have you no shame, Mr. Obama?
No matter.
To paraphrase Macbeth, you have already strutted and fretted your hour upon the stage, telling a (teleprompter-cued) tale that is full of sound and fury, but will ultimately signify nothing (except a good lesson to Americans never to vote for a hard-leftist again). The American electorate told you as much the other day.
Meanwhile, the sun is shining and will continue to shine for those who comprise the great majority in our country. To us, we have lived and continue to live in America the Beautiful!
Joan Swirsky is an award winning author and journalist. Her work can be found at
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2010 4:32:26 PM

Why did this president choose to ignore the victims of the Fort Hood massacre on the one-year anniversary of one of the worst mass shootings ever on an American military base

Obama Remembers Mumbai: What About Fort Hood, Sir?

By John Lillpop Saturday, November 6, 2010

President Obama began his 10-day, pre-holiday Asia vacation in Mumbai, India by memorializing the victims of the terrorist attacks from two years ago.

In a somber and respectful tone, he declared, “We’ll never forget.”

In making his remarks, the president delivered an appropriate message about the tragic events of November 26, 2008 which resulted in the deaths of 173 innocent people.

All well and good.

Unfortunately, the president’s staff must have forgotten an equally memorable terrorist attack, one that took place at Fort Hood, Texas on November 5, 2009.

Indeed, while Obama and his entourage were jetting off to India on what is believed to be a $200-million-a day junket, the president was silent about the one year anniversary of the Fort Hood shooting in which Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is accused of killing 13 Americans and injuring 30 others.

Why did this president choose to ignore the victims of the Fort Hood massacre on the one-year anniversary of one of the worst mass shootings ever on an American military base?


John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are actually considered normal!.

John can be reached at:

Older articles by John Lillpop

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2010 6:26:57 PM
Hi Evelyn,
The below article and the article written by Joan Swirsky (note: this thread started off with an article by the same author) are both excellent. The shame of it is that both are from the Canada Free Press and not from one of the American news papers or other media institutions. The truth is there for all to see but the MSM is totally ignoring it and many are finding or fabricating positive aspects to this disgustingly wasteful "holiday" but let's not forget that the Obama's are famous for filling up hotels at the expense of the American taxpayer. As with all of B Hussein's foreign trips nothing positive will come out of it and in many cases quite the opposite's happened.
The fact that B Hussein's totally ignoring the Ft. Hood massacre shouldn't surprise anyone since the cover up for that Jihadi attack was in from day one. He hasn't allowed Congressional investigation into the massacre and in fact refused to supply documents demanded by Congress. His major concern at the time was to minimize the attack and unfortunately the results are becoming obvious when just a few short weeks ago it was reported that the Army was destroying relevant material and evidence.
So, why would anyone expect this poor excuse of a president to mention or even remember the attack? He's done and is doing his best to erase it from his memory but again the people remember and also remember that he ignored it. 2012 is just 2 short years away and he'll be history and a bad memory that no one will want to remember like peanut brain Carter.
Wouldn't it be grand if this man would be impeached before the end of his term???

Why did this president choose to ignore the victims of the Fort Hood massacre on the one-year anniversary of one of the worst mass shootings ever on an American military base

Obama Remembers Mumbai: What About Fort Hood, Sir?

By John Lillpop Saturday, November 6, 2010

President Obama began his 10-day, pre-holiday Asia vacation in Mumbai, India by memorializing the victims of the terrorist attacks from two years ago.

In a somber and respectful tone, he declared, “We’ll never forget.”

In making his remarks, the president delivered an appropriate message about the tragic events of November 26, 2008 which resulted in the deaths of 173 innocent people.

All well and good.

Unfortunately, the president’s staff must have forgotten an equally memorable terrorist attack, one that took place at Fort Hood, Texas on November 5, 2009.

Indeed, while Obama and his entourage were jetting off to India on what is believed to be a $200-million-a day junket, the president was silent about the one year anniversary of the Fort Hood shooting in which Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is accused of killing 13 Americans and injuring 30 others.

Why did this president choose to ignore the victims of the Fort Hood massacre on the one-year anniversary of one of the worst mass shootings ever on an American military base?


John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are actually considered normal!.

John can be reached at:

Older articles by John Lillpop

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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