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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/21/2013 12:15:51 PM
Hi Evelyn,

It is interesting but not surprising. I'm sure you remember the video right after the 2008 elections when voters who claimed to have voted for B Hussein were asked about different statements made by the then contenders. When asked about remarks and statements made by B Hussein they all thought they were terrible and were sure either McCain team made the statements. They were absolutely shocked to find that they were all made by the fraud and great pretender. Nothing's changed since then and it appears that the dumb are indeed getting dumber.

What people seem to forget is that the Tea Parties were formed cos of the concern of these Americans and their concerns came from the understanding and knowledge of what's happening in Washington with our elected officials. Obamacare was one of their main issues and wanted it repealed and done away with. These are people who are aware and know what's happening in the USA today as opposed to the B Hussein supporters who in most cases haven't got a clue but want their freebies to keep rolling in.





Well Peter, it appears that not everyone is as stupid as some of the Obama voters. I'm sure you have seen numerous times where the liberals denigrate the Tea Party members and that is because they know that what this Yale study shows is true. The liberals always viciously attack any group or any one who they see as a threat to exposing them for what they truly are.
I think you'll get a kick out of this article. :)

Yale Study: Tea Partiers Rank Highest In Scientific Knowledge…

by: Benjamin Franklin

(WCJ) – After years of being lambasted by the left as uneducated rubes, a recent study by a Yale law professor proves that members of the Tea Party are actually more likely to understand scientific issues than the rest of the population.

As progressives declare the debate on such issues as global warming and evolution over, it now seems that they could learn a few things from the oft-maligned grassroots organization.

Displaying a respectable level of honesty, Dan Kahan admitted that he expected a completely different result.

Noting he “found this result surprising,” the professor said he assumed that he would “be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension.”

He concluded that the scope of his study was sufficient to indicate a wider trend, a fact that must give the perpetually supercilious left a collective migraine.

Continuing in a confessional vein, Kahan conceded that he doesn’t “know a single person who identifies with the Tea Party” and that all of his “impressions come from watching cable” television and reading news stories by the “New York Times daily, plus a variety of politics-focused Internet sites like Huffington Post [and] Politico.”

His admission that he exposes himself to only the leftist viewpoint is far more than most progressives will reveal. Such myopic news consumption obviously has an impact on the negative opinion many Americans have of the Tea Party.

While Kahan said that his opposition to the movement was not affected by the study’s findings, he will no longer underestimate the intelligence and comprehension of its members.

“I’m a little embarrassed,” he said of his formerly one-sided impression, “but mainly I’m just glad that I no longer hold this particular mistaken view.”

Whenever leftists venture off of the plantation and begin thinking for themselves, a large portion realize that their prior opinions were based on either hyperbole or outright lies regarding conservatives. For this reason, as Barack Obama advised Thursday morning, those in power want to make sure that dissenting voices on the radio and Internet are relegated to the dustbin of irrelevance.

–B. Christopher Agee


Hello Friends,

There have been a myriad of videos over the past few years showing the general ignorance of many Americans. I've posted a few of them in my threads and I'm sure you’ve seen many others as well.

Unfortunately a study shows that the average American is less knowledgeable then citizens of many other countries.

This is very unfortunate and doesn't say much for the education system in the United States at the moment. This study shows that not only the students are less knowledgeable but the same applies to the adult population.

The below article is an eyeopener and warning that this has to change.

In addition to the article I'm posting one of the latest videos that succeeded in surprising me. Listen and watch it and see for yourselves. The frightening thing is that these people are allowed to vote and explains why B Hussein was elected the first time and reelected after a disastrous 4 years by the same people.



Study finds Americans really are more stupid than the average human

For some time now and especially the last couple of days, FOTM has sounded the alarm on the abysmal ignorance and stupidity of Americans. See:

Now there’s a study showing American adults are dumber than the international average.


Dumb_And_DumberThe New York Post reports, Oct. 8, 2013, that although it’s long been known that America’s school kids haven’t measured well compared with international peers, a new study shows that American adults don’t either.

In math, reading and problem-solving using technology – all skills considered critical for global competitiveness and economic strength – American adults scored below the international average on a global test, according to results released Tuesday.

Adults in Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland and multiple other countries scored significantly higher than the United States in all three areas on the test. Beyond basic reading and math, respondents were tested on activities such as calculating mileage reimbursement due to a salesman, sorting email and comparing food expiration dates on grocery store tags.

Not only did Americans score poorly compared to many international competitors, the findings reinforced just how large the gap is between the nation’s high- and low-skilled workers and how hard it is to move ahead when your parents haven’t.

In both reading and math, for example, those with college-educated parents did better than those whose parents did not complete high school.

The study, called the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, found that it was easier on average to overcome this and other barriers to literacy overseas than in the United States. Respondents in the study were selected as part of a nationally represented sample.

Researchers tested about 166,000 people ages 16 to 65 in more than 20 countries and subnational regions. The test was developed and released by theOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which is made up of mostly industrialized member countries. The Education Department’s Center for Education Statistics participated. (Note: The website of CES is closed due to the supposed government shutdown, but not the website of Michelle Obama’s pet project, Let’s Move.)

The findings were equally grim for many European countries – Italy and Spain, among the hardest hit by the recession and debt crisis, ranked at the bottom across generations. Unemployment is well over 25% in Spain and over 12% in Italy. Spain has drastically cut education spending, drawing student street protests.

But in the northern European countries that have fared better, the picture was brighter – and the study credits continuing education. In Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands, more than 60% of adults took part in either job training or continuing education. In Italy, by contrast, the rate was half that.

As the American economy sputters along and many people live paycheck-to-paycheck, economists say a highly-skilled workforce is key to economic recovery.The median hourly wage of workers scoring on the highest level in literacy on the test is more than 60% higher than for workers scoring at the lowest level, and those with low literacy skills were more than twice as likely to be unemployed.

It’s not just the kids who require more and more preparation to get access to the economy, it’s more and more the adults don’t have the skills to stay in it,” said Anthony Carnevale, director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

Students leaving high school without certain basic skills aren’t obtaining them later on the job or in an education program. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in a statement America needs to find ways to reach more adults to upgrade their skills. Otherwise, he said, “no matter how hard they work, these adults will be stuck, unable to support their families and contribute fully to our country.”

Among the other findings:

  • Japan, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Flanders-Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, and Korea all scored significantly higher than the United States in all three areas on the test.

  • The average scores in literacy range from 250 in Italy to 296 in Japan. The US average score was 270. (500 was the highest score in all three areas.) Average scores in 12 countries were higher than the average US score.

  • The average scores in math range from 246 in Spain to 288 in Japan. The US average score was 253, below 18 other countries.

  • The average scores on problem solving in technology-rich environments ranged from 275 in Poland to 294 in Japan. The US average score was 277, below 14 other countries. The top five scores in the areas were from Japan, Finland, Australia, Sweden and Norway, while the US score was on par with England, Estonia, Ireland and Poland. In nearly all countries, at least 10% of adults lacked the most basic of computer skills such as using a mouse.

  • Japanese and Dutch adults who were ages 25 to 34 and only completed high school easily outperformed Italian or Spanish university graduates of the same age.

  • In England, Germany, Italy, Poland, and the United States, social background has a big impact on literacy skills, meaning the children of parents with low levels of education have lower reading skills.

  • America’s school kids have historically scored low on international assessment tests compared to other countries, which is often blamed on the diversity of the population and the high number of immigrants. Also, achievement tests have long shown that a large chunk of the US student population lacks basic reading and math skills – most pronounced among low-income and minority students.

The United States will have a tough time catching up because money at the state and local level, a major source of education funding, has been slashed in recent years, said Jacob Kirkegaard, an economist with the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “There is a race between man and machine here. The question here is always: Are you a worker for whom technology makes it possible to do a better job or are you a worker that the technology can replace?” For those without the most basic skills, the answer will be merciless and has the potential to extend into future generations. Learning is highly correlated with parents’ education level. “If you want to avoid having an underclass – a large group of people who are basically unemployable – this educational system is absolutely key,” Kirkegaard said.

Dolores Perin, professor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, said the report provides a “good basis for an argument there should be more resources to support adults with low literacy.” Adults can learn new skills at any age and there are adult-geared programs around the country. But the challenge is ensuring the programs have quality teaching and that adults regularly attend classes. “If you find reading and writing hard, you’ve been working hard all day at two jobs, you’ve got a young child, are you actually going to go to class? It’s challenging,” Perin said.

Some economists say that large skills gap in the United States could matter even more in the future. America’s economic competitors like China and India are simply larger than competitors of the past like Japan.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/21/2013 12:23:14 PM
Hi Evelyn & Helen,

I'm not sure I buy into this theory but who knows it might be so.

That said I've said many times that regardless of B Hussein's place of birth he's still ineligable to be president of the USA. According to the constitution you must have 2 parents who were citizens of the United States at the time of birth. B Hussein didn't have that. One parent was a US citizen while the other was a Kenyan citizen who never even became a US citizen.

That alone disqualifies him for the presidency and both parties are equally at fault for never raising this issue.


Hi Evelyn

Most interesting video! That's probably it! The fake birth certificate Obama produced a while back may have been meant to keep people on the birther issue so as not to bring out this fraud ...perhaps. hmmmm.


Hi Helen and Peter, how ironic that I got this in an email today. This gentleman gives us another view of Obama's background I bet many, including myself, never thought of. Watch the video and see what you think.

Hi Helen,

Very good graphic and so true. Let's add to that all of B Hussein's records that he's blocked so that we can all see exactly what he's hiding. And, he is hiding everything he can.




Why didn't I think of that?


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/21/2013 5:18:07 PM
Hello All

Here's an interesting up and coming young man. He has a number of videos on YouTube and he does his homework......

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/23/2013 1:18:50 PM
From what I am seeing and hearing evidently very few people are even trying to sign up for ObamaCare. I guess a lot of people are just saying no.
By Arnold Ahlert Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Recently, there have been many attempts to get a handle on why there is so much public discontent. I think all the reasoning can be boiled down to one idea: Americans feel powerless. Millions of us look at Washington, D.C. and see one thing and one thing only, namely a ruling class that is completely out of touch with ordinary Americans and their concerns.
Fortunately that same ruling class, in their unbridled hubris, has made a critical error. They’ve presented the public with an extraordinary opportunity to give the federal government one of the grander smack downs that any public could give any out-of-control government. And all the American public has to do to give Washington that smack down is…..nothing.
Right now, the Obama administration is in the process of rolling out the so-called Affordable Healthcare Act that requires millions of Americans to buy health insurance, or pay a fine. It is being rolled out, even as Congress and their staffs remain cradled in their own healthcare cocoon, retaining the 75 percent subsidies on their health insurance premiums, even though the law as written required members of Congress and their staffs to purchase their premiums on the government exchanges created by the law. It is being rolled out even as our president, whose administration’s entire agenda can be reduced to the idea that “we’re going to do whatever we want, and we dare someone to stop us” unconstitutionally dispensed with the employer mandate that was also part of the law as written.
I bring both of these factoids up for two reasons: one, it reveals the utter hypocrisy of Democrats and their media propaganda pushers who, in the midst of the government shutdown, solemnly declared that ObamaCare is the law of the land and must be followed. What they were really saying is that only part of the law must be followed, as in the part that doesn’t screw with the ruling class, and the part that keeps the business community, aka, the wellspring of political campaign contributions, relatively assuaged until the 2014 election is over.

If all of this sounds like the Orwellian idea that “some animals are more equal than others,” it’s because that’s precisely what it is.

I think it’s time the American public gave Congress and the Obama administration a taste of their own medicine, so to speak. Thus I am presenting a simple slogan, that embodies the very same kind of large-scale civil disobedience that progressives cherished during the Vietnam War. To wit:

Don’t sign, don’t pay the fine.

No doubt this will make some progressive heads explode, but not all. They too realize what an unmitigated disaster the rollout of ObamaCare has been, with Obama’s most useful idiot, Washington Post columnist and Journo-list info coordinator, Ezra Klein, leading the way. Much like Lyndon Johnson’s immortal realization that “if I’ve lost (former CBS news anchor Walter) Kronkite, I’ve lost the country,” the Obama administration’s loss of an uber toadie like Klein is serious business. It gets even worse when one realizes that Johnson lost Kronkite because the anchorman told the American public a bald-faced lie about our troops losing the Tet Offensive, even as subsequent facts reveal we kicked VC butt from pillar to post.

Klein, by contrast, has told the truth. The rollout of ObamaCare truly is a disaster, and the president and his minions really do “deserve all the criticism they’re getting and more,” Erza writes.

As I said above, the beauty of this strategy is that it requires nothing more from the American public than sitting back and watching this monstrosity implode. Again in its unbridled hubris, the administration revealed that it needs at least 7 million Americans to sign up for the plan, of which at least 2.7 million must be between the ages of 18 and 35. That would be people between 18 and 35 who are getting a particularly raw deal, because without young, healthy Americans signing up for premiums – that cost far more than they should in order to subsidize older, sicker Americans – ObamaCare enters a “death spiral.”

Now I know what some of you are thinking. If I don’t sign and I don’t pay the fine, the IRS could come after me. Maybe, but by the time that happens, ObamaCare will be a corpse. Moreover, I’m betting a ton of Americans would be willing to pay that fine, plus interest if necessary, to guarantee ObamaCare’s demise.

And that’s assuming the IRS can come after you. In order for that to happen, they’d have to prove you refused to sign up for the program. Last week, another critical flaw in the website was revealed by the Wall Street Journal:

Insurers and the exchanges are supposed to swap electronic files every 24 hours that track the policies consumers select and their subsidies and check their lists against each other. The problem is that the exchanges rarely generate accurate 834s.

Our sources in the insurance industry explain that the 834s so far are often corrupted or in the wrong syntax, and therefore unusable unless processed by hand. In other cases the exchanges spit out multiple 834s enrolling and unenrolling the same user and don’t come with time stamps that would allow the insurer to identify the most recent version.

The upshot is that the exchanges, the insurers and the consumers will often have different records on file. These mismatches are an architectural flaw that could persist for years. The administrative-bureaucratic tangle will only become more complex as more people enroll, providers start billing insurers, patients show up in doctors offices thinking they have coverage they don’t, and the IRS starts fining Americans for not having insurance.

The IRS fining people who insist they signed up, even as those same people discover they don’t have insurance? Can you say class-action lawsuit? Sure you can!

Combine millions of Americans who already despise this bill, with those who get whacked trying to obey a law that Congress and the business community got exempted from, and I’m betting it’s the shortest of short steps to initiate the only viable “people’s revolution” that is completely within the public’s power to engender. The ancestors of the very same public who tossed tea into the Boston harbor, because they too were sick and tired of ever-expanding and oppressive government.

Don’t sign, don’t pay the fine.

Americans need affordable healthcare. What they don’t need is something that’s not affordable, and does nothing more to provide healthcare to people than hand them a piece of paper saying their entitled to go find it. No doubt it hasn’t occurred to some Americans that having health insurance and getting actual healthcare are two different things, but they are. And when big hospitals announce that they will be demanding upfront payment for non-emergency treatment because Americans “increasingly on the hook” for more of their medical costs refuse to pay their bills (you did know that ObamaCare premiums cover as little as 60 percent of your total bill, and you’re responsible for the rest, didn’t you?), affordable goes out the window as well.

Need another reason to resist? Here’s two. One, buried in the source code of the the healthcare website is the following sentence: “You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system.” Two, many of the people who belonged to the radical leftist group ACORN have reinvented themselves as ObamaCare navigators. And navigators in general have been subjected to lax background checks, if they’ve been checked at all. That may explain why one Kansas navigator had an outstanding warrant for her arrest, another was part of a pro-immigration protest that took place on the private property of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, and a third navigator in New York was discovered to be an illegal alien from Peru. No doubt the Obama administration and its supporters would like you to believe such cases are anomalies. The tip of the iceberg is a far more likely scenario.

Don’t sign, don’t pay the fine.

For decades, the American left has hectored the American public to stand up and “speak truth to power.” I couldn’t agree more. Now is the time, and Obamacare is the vehicle. The icing on the cake is that Americans will be using the very same power to the people tactics the left has employed for years: massive and enduring levels of civil disobedience, coupled with a unifying slogan.

Don’t sign, don’t pay the fine.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/24/2013 2:04:23 PM

I am posting these two articles in the same post since they are related and Peter, it appears we are not the only ones who dislikes Alex Jones but sometimes he does post pertinent information, as in this case.

Breaking: Why Is Obama Purging Our Military Of Its Generals?


When the liberal media admit that 18 Generals have been axed by Obama in the last year alone, something is not right. If there is a reasonable explanation the American people need to hear it from our so-called president.

New York Post – Lost in the inaugural hullabaloo was Tuesday’s news that President Obama has relieved Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis, the colorful and highly decorated Marine who’s been in charge of the crucial US Central Command, which oversees the various wars in the Middle East, since 2010.

Mattis is famous for his blunt style and blistering aphorisms — “be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet” was his clear-headed advice to the Marines he led during the treacherous Iraq War. He’ll retire from both CentCom and the Corps in March, several months short of his expected tour of duty.

But why? Could it be that, as Obama prepares to cede Afghanistan back to the Taliban, the last thing he needs is an obstreperous general gumming up the surrender?

For an administration whose relationship with the military is, to put it mildly, fraught with tension, Mattis is yet another wall trophy, to go alongside the heads of Gen. Stanley McChrystal (fired in 2010 as the commander of the US forces in Afghanistan) and David Petraeus, who left CentCom to be buried alive at the CIA (and later resigned over the Paula Broadwell sex scandal).

Officially, the administration offers a nothing-to-see-here explanation for Mattis’ departure, noting that his tenure in the crucial job was about average for the post…


Update: Fox News reports another General bites the dust…

The two-star general in charge of all Air Force nuclear missiles was fired Friday following a probe into alleged personal misbehavior — just days after another key official overseeing U.S. nuclear power was relieved of duty.

The Air Force announced Friday that Maj. Gen. Michael Carey was removed from command of the 20th Air Force, which is responsible for three wings of intercontinental ballistic missiles — a total of 450 missiles at three bases across the country.

The circumstances of Carey’s firing were unclear. Two officials told the Associated Press it had to do with alcohol use.

A senior U.S. Defense official said he was fired over “conduct.” Officials said that it did not have to do with gambling, or the loss of a nuclear weapon, or sexual misconduct.


And here is the second part of this post........

Town Meeting Erupts in Applause; “Is Everybody Blind?” Marine Exposes DHS Military Build Up
Published on Oct 21, 2013

A city council meeting in Concord, New Hampshire erupted in applause after retired Marine Col. Pete Martino issued this dire warning about the U.S. government using local departments to build a standardized "domestic army" right before our eyes. Don't miss this passionate and informed testimony.


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