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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/31/2013 3:17:32 PM
Hello Friends,

Allen West is now working for PJ Media and is heading a new project called the Next Generation. You'd do well to follow Alan and his Next Generation team.

In any case they came up with a Next Generation data card and it's very easy to see how little the B Hussein regime accomplished in their first four years. This will be updated monthly and the data will be at your finger tips to use and comprehend just how bad the situation is and getting worse.

Once again it's up to us to fight this regime and get the message out to as many people as possible.



The state of America's economy today will impact the prosperity of future generations tomorrow. We created this data card because we want every American to have a simple and easy way to track and discuss the key economic indicators that show the true state of our nation's economy. The items featured in this card affect every American personally, whether we know it or not.

Join Allen West in standing up for the next generation by printing this data card and using it to start a conversation with your friends about America's economy. The card will be updated monthly so you will have access to the most recent data.

To download a printable version for your own use, click anywhere on the table below.


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Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/31/2013 3:39:08 PM
Hello Friends,

Many people aren't aware that the 2nd amendment allows us to protect ourselves when we're attacked but the main part of the second amendment is to protect ourselves against tyrannical governments. There are those that snicker when they hear that part of it especially the idiotic brit Piers Morgan but historically it has happened in the United States in the last century.

I was surprised when when I watched the video but here is hard evidence that our rights under the second amendment are necessary and one's we shouldn't agree to relinquish. Despite the idiot Morgan who for some strange reason isn't welcome back in his own country I have enough videos to show just how great an idiot he is.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/7/2013 3:04:01 PM

Hi Peter, what a great clip this is!! Being born and raised in East Tennessee, Athens was practically in my backdoor but for some unknown reason I had never heard this story before or if I had I've forgotten. Amazing!! I still have an aunt and two cousins living in Athens and at one time my dad's aunt lived in Etowah until she died.

The Athens War (sometimes called the McMinn County War according to Wikipedia) was fought by some of our war veterans and it makes me wonder if this is possibly where we may be headed again.

Doing a google search I found many interesting articles relating to this time in history.

Here are a couple of them of the more interesting ones -

The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

Hello Friends,

Many people aren't aware that the 2nd amendment allows us to protect ourselves when we're attacked but the main part of the second amendment is to protect ourselves against tyrannical governments. There are those that snicker when they hear that part of it especially the idiotic brit Piers Morgan but historically it has happened in the United States in the last century.

I was surprised when when I watched the video but here is hard evidence that our rights under the second amendment are necessary and one's we shouldn't agree to relinquish. Despite the idiot Morgan who for some strange reason isn't welcome back in his own country I have enough videos to show just how great an idiot he is.



RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/10/2013 5:44:23 AM
Peter, you're a fabulous friend, this is a wonderful forum, and Adlandpro rocks. Here's some food for thought. Thanks, STeve

Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/12/2013 2:28:51 PM
Again one of our neighbors to the north, Judi McLeod with the CFP has written a great article and I applaud her. There is a video of this speech and I watched it as soon as it was posted online. It was a pure pleasure to watch Obama sit there and squirm as there was really nothing else he could do at the time.

Dr. Ben Carson doesn’t let a breakfast stand for his Christianity but chooses “Jesus Christ as my role model”

The Amazing Grace restored to America by Dr. Ben Carson

- Judi McLeod Saturday, February 9, 2013

A phenomenon we all needed came into our view at National Prayer Breakfast 2013, and it couldn’t have come along at a better time.

The phenomenon in the person of Dr. Ben Carson didn’t just upstage President Barack Obama when he spoke at Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast, he restored amazing grace to a loudly-lauded event.

How can we take to heart an event touted as “inspirational” and beneficial to federal government officials when they piously break breakfast bread before returning to careers duking it out in House and Senate?

How sincere can proclaimed Christianity be in an atmosphere where the Ave Maria is sung at a 3,500-attendee gathering presided over by a president who champions partial birth abortion?

The laughter that greeted Obama’s remarks that “I do worry sometimes that as soon as we leave the prayer breakfast, everything we’ve been talking about the whole time at prayer breakfast seems to be forgotten. On the same day of the prayer breakfast,” had died down before Dr. Ben Carson took to the podium.

The celebrated Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon began his address by figuratively operating on the life-and-culture-threatening tumor called “political correctness” before tossing it to the medical waste on top of the trash heap.

Noting how people are “afraid to talk” anymore, “Merry Christmas”, he said, is a salutation and a greeting of goodwill and it makes no difference the religion of the person to which it is offered.

Speaking openly about “the moral decay of America”, Carson issued a warning alert to all lemmings headed toward a Rome-like fate; confronted the danger of America’s debt and current fiscal policy—right in front of a sometimes frowning Obama, who was sitting just feet away from the speaker’s podium.

“Our deficit is a big problem,” he said to crowd applause. “Think about it—and our national debt—$16 and a half trillion dollars.”

“What about our taxation system—so complex there is no one that can possibly comply with every jot and tittle. When I pick up my Bible, you know what I see? I see the fairest individual in the universe—God—and he’s given us a system. It’s called tithe.”

The son, raised by a single mother, in abject poverty as a truculent student, turned his life around at the urgings of a Mother, who expected two weekly book reviews from two sons who borrowed their books on a card from a Detroit library. Sonya Carson, mother, who had only a Grade 3 education and raised her family as a hard-working domestic, check-marked and highlighted her sons’ book reviews without them ever knowing she couldn’t read them.

Carson described how his Mother, who discovered that her husband was a bigamist with another family, went on in later life to earn a college degree and is, in her own right, a doctor, refused to feel sorry for herself and shunned the role of ‘victim’.

Sonya Carlson’s life motto is: “Learn to do your best and God will do the rest.”

Dr. Ben Carson doesn’t let a breakfast stand for his Christianity but chooses “Jesus Christ as my role model”.

Inundated by messages of praise after his National Prayer Breakfast address, Dr. Carson remains with both feet planted squarely on the ground. Asked by Sean Hannity if he would run for president, Carson answered, “If the Lord grabs me by the collar, I would, but it is not my intention.”

Lauded by Hannity for saying what he had to say, without mincing words, in front of the president, Carson said:

“It really didn’t matter who I was sitting in front of. Before I speak, I ask God to give me the right things to say.”

A refreshing breeze blew through the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday.

All those who heard it send this message to the senior doctor in the family: “Dr. Carson you certainly gave America one of its best ever sons.”


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