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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/18/2013 8:08:32 PM
Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/18/2013 9:04:35 PM

Hi Evelyn

That was a good video, too. It looks like he is getting even more famous. Good!



Hi Helen, yes Dr. Carson is a man who makes a lot of sense and here is another video of when he was a guest on Hannity a few days ago. It is long, about 40 minutes, but still a good watch and listen.

Dr. Benjamin Carson (Full Interview) Sean Hannity Saving America - 2-15-13


Hi Evelyn

Great articles!

Before I read your posts here, I prepared the following post so I think I will just go ahead and post it anyway. That was an awesome speech by Dr. Carson.



Hello Everyone!

I listened to this speech twice because Dr. Carson's speech was profound. I hope President Obama and all politicians in attendance learned something from Dr. Carson. If they didn't, it would because they weren't listening as there is much in Dr. Carson's speech they need to know.

Just to make sure they get the message, send your representatives a copy of this email ...more than once. :))

Listen carefully to Dr. Carson's fascinating story of his childhood and his mother. Later when her children grew up, they helped their mother to go to school to learn to read and eventually onto university. She became a doctor, as well.

I heard Dr. Carson in an interview at CBN a number of years ago. There they mentioned that Dr. Carson is one of the top neurological surgeons in all of the United States.

It is worth listening to this speech by Dr. Carson. You'll agree. It won't seem like 28 minutes, I promise.

Dr. Benjamin Carson Epic Full Speech (28 minutes)


In this article Judi McLeod does a follow up post on the previous one. For the majority of you I think you can see why this lady is one of my favorite news personalities. She always tells it like is and hits the nail on the head everytime.

Obama society: Christians can’t speak, Constitutionalists can’t speak, Tea Party members can’t speak, returning veterans can’t speak, and now surgeons aren’t supposed to speak

Spirit of Dr. Ben Carson Will Transcend Tonight’s State of Union Address

Judi McLeod Tuesday, February 12, 2013
A real feeling of Hope & Change will pervade at tonight’s State of the Union Address. The first overriding feeling of Hope & Change that cannot be masked by the hypocrisy of the preening Obamas, by the hype of the Mainstream Media or the stridency of Nancy Pelosi.

The roughly 50 percent of Americans who stand firmly against the Fundamental Transformation of America have waited four long years for someone to tell President Barack Obama he has no right to destroy an America built by its Founding Fathers.

That ‘someone’ emerged Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast in the person of Dr. Ben Carson.

Americans thrilled to the carefully chosen patriotic words of the celebrated neuro surgeon, who not only put out the call to save America, but did it with Obama seated just a few feet away.

Obama’s peeved facial expressions and unsuppressed body language gave patriots their first soaring adrenaline boost since Election Day, 2008.

There was the antithesis of Obama standing right before Obama—and the nation. You can find Obama’s life incorporated in the book Dreams From My Father, published when he was still a government-funded community organizer, as a narrative spoon-fed to an unsuspecting America.

Dr. Ben Carson, whose life is one worth one of the most inspirational books of our lifetime, got out and proved himself before writing his first book.

Leftist critics of the America-loving neurosurgeon, who claim his speech was inappropriate and even offensive, criticize in vain because Americans can easily distinguish the difference between a usurper and the real McCoy.

And now Dr. Carson’s words to leftist critics come like healing medicine on a raw wound: “Somebody had to be courageous enough to stand up to the bullies”.

The world renowned surgeon does his talking without the crutches of Marxist dialectic or teleprompter.

“What we need to do is we need to be able to discuss intelligent ways of solving the multitude of problems that threaten to destroy our nation,” Dr. Carson told Neil Cavuto on Foxnews last night. “And there are a group of people who would like to silence everybody and have everybody go along to get along, but that’s not going to be very helpful for us in the long run.”

In an Obama society, Christians can’t speak, Constitutionalists can’t speak, Tea Party members can’t speak, returning veterans can’t speak, 1st and 2nd amendment advocates can’t speak, and now surgeons aren’t supposed to speak.

While none of the above can speak, the political elite can harangue incessantly.

“One of the things I also said during the speech, there will be some people who will say, but you’re a doctor and you’re a surgeon. You should be sticking to that,” Carson explained. “And I mentioned the fact that five physicians signed the Declaration of Independence and were involved in the framing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and several other things.

“There’s absolutely no reason at all that physicians, scientists, shouldn’t be involved in things that affect all of us. We’re people who’ve learned how to make decisions based on facts, empirical data, rather than on ideology. And one of the geniuses—one of the real things that made us a great nation—is that we brought people from all backgrounds into the legislative process.”

Dr. Carson is here to remind us that the support for President Obama’s health care law is low within the medical community.

And Americans would be the first tell you that in an aging population the morale of the medical community matters.

The difference between Barack Obama and Ben Carson couldn’t be more stark. Obama feeds class warfare and rails about growing up in America in a single parent home, without ever bothering to thank an America that bestowed him a life of privilege. Carson was goaded on to success by a mother whose motto is: “Do your best and God will do the rest”. In his poverty-challenged youth, with a mother who steadfastly refused victim status, Carson was reading books, not writing them.

Even with all odds stacked against him, Ben Carson went on to turn poverty into celebrated success.

Meanwhile, there’s a pall cast over tonight’s State of the Union address. It’s the Hope & Change Americans see in Mrs. Sonya Carson’s little boy Benjamin Carson.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/19/2013 4:44:03 PM

I agree Helen.


Hi Evelyn

That was a good video, too. It looks like he is getting even more famous. Good!



Hi Helen, yes Dr. Carson is a man who makes a lot of sense and here is another video of when he was a guest on Hannity a few days ago. It is long, about 40 minutes, but still a good watch and listen.

Dr. Benjamin Carson (Full Interview) Sean Hannity Saving America - 2-15-13


Hi Evelyn

Great articles!

Before I read your posts here, I prepared the following post so I think I will just go ahead and post it anyway. That was an awesome speech by Dr. Carson.



Hello Everyone!

I listened to this speech twice because Dr. Carson's speech was profound. I hope President Obama and all politicians in attendance learned something from Dr. Carson. If they didn't, it would because they weren't listening as there is much in Dr. Carson's speech they need to know.

Just to make sure they get the message, send your representatives a copy of this email ...more than once. :))

Listen carefully to Dr. Carson's fascinating story of his childhood and his mother. Later when her children grew up, they helped their mother to go to school to learn to read and eventually onto university. She became a doctor, as well.

I heard Dr. Carson in an interview at CBN a number of years ago. There they mentioned that Dr. Carson is one of the top neurological surgeons in all of the United States.

It is worth listening to this speech by Dr. Carson. You'll agree. It won't seem like 28 minutes, I promise.

Dr. Benjamin Carson Epic Full Speech (28 minutes)


In this article Judi McLeod does a follow up post on the previous one. For the majority of you I think you can see why this lady is one of my favorite news personalities. She always tells it like is and hits the nail on the head everytime.

Obama society: Christians can’t speak, Constitutionalists can’t speak, Tea Party members can’t speak, returning veterans can’t speak, and now surgeons aren’t supposed to speak

Spirit of Dr. Ben Carson Will Transcend Tonight’s State of Union Address

Judi McLeod Tuesday, February 12, 2013
A real feeling of Hope & Change will pervade at tonight’s State of the Union Address. The first overriding feeling of Hope & Change that cannot be masked by the hypocrisy of the preening Obamas, by the hype of the Mainstream Media or the stridency of Nancy Pelosi.

The roughly 50 percent of Americans who stand firmly against the Fundamental Transformation of America have waited four long years for someone to tell President Barack Obama he has no right to destroy an America built by its Founding Fathers.

That ‘someone’ emerged Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast in the person of Dr. Ben Carson.

Americans thrilled to the carefully chosen patriotic words of the celebrated neuro surgeon, who not only put out the call to save America, but did it with Obama seated just a few feet away.

Obama’s peeved facial expressions and unsuppressed body language gave patriots their first soaring adrenaline boost since Election Day, 2008.

There was the antithesis of Obama standing right before Obama—and the nation. You can find Obama’s life incorporated in the book Dreams From My Father, published when he was still a government-funded community organizer, as a narrative spoon-fed to an unsuspecting America.

Dr. Ben Carson, whose life is one worth one of the most inspirational books of our lifetime, got out and proved himself before writing his first book.

Leftist critics of the America-loving neurosurgeon, who claim his speech was inappropriate and even offensive, criticize in vain because Americans can easily distinguish the difference between a usurper and the real McCoy.

And now Dr. Carson’s words to leftist critics come like healing medicine on a raw wound: “Somebody had to be courageous enough to stand up to the bullies”.

The world renowned surgeon does his talking without the crutches of Marxist dialectic or teleprompter.

“What we need to do is we need to be able to discuss intelligent ways of solving the multitude of problems that threaten to destroy our nation,” Dr. Carson told Neil Cavuto on Foxnews last night. “And there are a group of people who would like to silence everybody and have everybody go along to get along, but that’s not going to be very helpful for us in the long run.”

In an Obama society, Christians can’t speak, Constitutionalists can’t speak, Tea Party members can’t speak, returning veterans can’t speak, 1st and 2nd amendment advocates can’t speak, and now surgeons aren’t supposed to speak.

While none of the above can speak, the political elite can harangue incessantly.

“One of the things I also said during the speech, there will be some people who will say, but you’re a doctor and you’re a surgeon. You should be sticking to that,” Carson explained. “And I mentioned the fact that five physicians signed the Declaration of Independence and were involved in the framing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and several other things.

“There’s absolutely no reason at all that physicians, scientists, shouldn’t be involved in things that affect all of us. We’re people who’ve learned how to make decisions based on facts, empirical data, rather than on ideology. And one of the geniuses—one of the real things that made us a great nation—is that we brought people from all backgrounds into the legislative process.”

Dr. Carson is here to remind us that the support for President Obama’s health care law is low within the medical community.

And Americans would be the first tell you that in an aging population the morale of the medical community matters.

The difference between Barack Obama and Ben Carson couldn’t be more stark. Obama feeds class warfare and rails about growing up in America in a single parent home, without ever bothering to thank an America that bestowed him a life of privilege. Carson was goaded on to success by a mother whose motto is: “Do your best and God will do the rest”. In his poverty-challenged youth, with a mother who steadfastly refused victim status, Carson was reading books, not writing them.

Even with all odds stacked against him, Ben Carson went on to turn poverty into celebrated success.

Meanwhile, there’s a pall cast over tonight’s State of the Union address. It’s the Hope & Change Americans see in Mrs. Sonya Carson’s little boy Benjamin Carson.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/19/2013 4:45:08 PM

When are media scribes going to start telling the unvarnished truth: that It is not Obama’s endless vacations that have been rare, but his very presidency

No upside down flag needed to identify America as a country in distress

- Judi McLeod Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The must seriously doubt the intelligence of its readers. Perhaps they count on them all being in the ‘low information Americans”’ category?

How else to explain their story under the headline Second term brings out a more relaxed Obama, in which it is written: “The White House stressed that the president took his work to the Floridian Yacht and Golf Club”?

Or that, “Obama’s vacations have been rare, brief and regularly interrupted by crisis at home and overseas. Most recently, he suspended his Christmas holiday in Hawaii to rush back to Washington for a few days to deal with congressional negotiations over the so-called fiscal cliff.”

“The president traveled to Florida for the weekend to spend some time with friends on the golf course, but the military aides, White House staffers and secret Service agents who traveled with him are a reminder that he’s never far from the responsibilities of his job,” said spokesman Josh Earnest.” (Kathleen Hennessey, Washington Bureau,, Feb. 19, 2013).

Poor, poor, Mr. O. having to put in 18 holes with Tiger Woods and another 9 on his own with the nuisance of all those clanking military aides, puffed up White House staffers and Secret agents crowding the scene.

When are media scribes going to start telling the unvarnished truth: that It is not Obama’s endless vacations that have been rare, but his very presidency.

Obama keeps rushing off to yet another vacation between episodes of uprooting every founding father’s principle that has made America, America.

Talking heads on boring Sunday television shows, internet TV hosts, and just about everybody and their uncle, keep dragging up talk of presidents past. In doing so, they ignore the here and now.

Drag in any other president you want, but Obama flies solo.

Maybe some of the president comparisons by the media of the day came from Obama.

Obama compared himself to the heroic President Abraham Lincoln after only six months in public office as a senator.

“CFP pondered how it was possible for a senator to emerge from the fog to land himself on the ages of USA Today, where he was touted as “the new face of change and reform for the Democratic Party.” (CFP, Jan. 22, 2007). “His charisma notwithstanding, we thought Obama had “some nerve” to parallel his life with that of President Abraham Lincoln.

“As Gateway Pundit aptly points out, Lincoln was a humble man. He did not compare himself after six months in office to great men from history.”

Today’s Times story points out that while “Obama may be buoyed by his polls, which show his public approval rating has inched up since his reelection, his battles with House Republicans over taxes, and his efforts to reduce gun violence since the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Conn.”, (still) “historians say overconfidence can quickly turn the second-term blessing into the presidential curse.”

(We’re all waiting!)

Presidential historian Gil Troy at Montreal’s McGill University cites the presidential second term curse as “Franklin D. Roosevelt’s failed attempt to pack the Supreme Court with extra justices in 1936” as the “most often cited example, along with Bill Clinton’s impeachment by the House of Representatives for perjury and obstruction of justice in 1998.”

Surely it needs to be said that it is an outrage comparing Barack Hussein Obama to any other president, living or dead.

As dire as the deeds history recorded those of Roosevelt and Clinton, neither one came into power with a deliberate plan for the “Fundamental Transformation of America”.

When is the mainstream media going to report on the reality of the day, that reality being President Barack Obama has is leaving America a country in distress?

Freedom lovers the world over don’t need to see an upside-down flag to recognize America as a country in distress, they just need to watch Obama in action.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/19/2013 4:55:28 PM

While media lapdogs were tripping over each other’s furiously wagging puppy tails to cover Obama on the golf links, the world continued to implode around them

MSM considers covering Obama on the golf links as hardline news but not snoozing through Benghazi

- Judi McLeod Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Fire up the IPads and break out the lattés: Four years on, and the Mainstream Media is finally loudly worried about “Barack Hussein Obama transparency”.

Seems that Obama gave the entire White House corps the slip leaving media scribes in “extreme frustration” over “having absolutely no access” to the president during a golfing vacation in Florida.


What big story was breaking out there on the links other than Obama building up the braggadocio to be able to later crow: “I put in 18 holes with Tiger Woods and went on to get in another 9 holes on my own!”

Take that, el Rushbo!

“Ed Henry, the Fox News correspondent and president of the White House Correspondents Association, released a statement Sunday evening in which he said the press corps had been given no access to the president, who was joined on his outing by star golfer Tiger Woods, and that the WHCA would fight for greater transparency in the days ahead.” (Fox News, Feb. 18, 2013).

Patriots shouldn’t hold their breath waiting for the media fight for “greater transparency in the days ahead”.

For any daring to ponder why a Fox News correspondent would take on the job of president of the White House Correspondents Association, it’s the same Fox News that provides a televised platform to the likes of Karl Rove.

The news gatherers of the day are standing on their heads rather than their feet when they think having no access to Obama’s latest golfing vacation is an issue for the little guys of life.

The media has been staunchly silent about Obama being a largely MIA President ever since his election.

As he’s not expected back in Washington, DC, until tonight he’s been MIA for all of this President’s Day, too.

“Speaking on behalf of the White House Correspondents Association, I can say a broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend,” Henry said in a statement, relayed in a White House pool report. “There is a very simple but important principle we will continue to fight for today and in the days ahead: transparency.”

While media lapdogs were tripping over each other’s furiously wagging puppy tails to cover Obama on the golf links, the world continued to implode around them.

Aside from CFP’s Doug Hagmann, the New York Post’s Michael Goodwin and others too few to mention, Barack Obama is the president who went missing during a terrorist attack against America in Benghazi.

“It would be nice to know what Obama did during the nearly 11 hours from the start of the first attack until that plane left Libya,” Goodwin wrote, “but in truth, we know enough to understand the meaning. His detachment during a terrorist attack was a shameful dereliction of duty.”

Earth to mainstream media: Americans dodging government bullets in the battle for their 2nd Amendment rights don’t see fighting for transparency when Obama’s once again wasting his time on the golf links as news. They see it as so much Obama-Loney.



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