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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/11/2012 5:52:52 PM

Hi Peter and friends, I think any logical thinking person would agree there is much we have not been told about Benghazi and the cover up and I'm also sure many of you thought that the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus was very suspicious. This is an enlightening article from one of the CFP writers.

Obama, was aware of the CIA director's indiscretions "long before" the November 6, 2012 elections, and knew about the FBI's investigative findings weeks before the election

Cover-up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

- Doug Hagmann Sunday, November 11, 2012
According to two well-vetted sources with intimate knowledge of the CIA operations and events in Benghazi, the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus is directly related to the testimony he was expected to provide before a closed-door hearing next week before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Sources close to the controversy, citing the need for anonymity due to their positions, stated that Barack Hussein Obama was aware of the CIA director’s indiscretions “long before” the November 6, 2012 elections, and knew about the FBI’s investigative findings weeks before the election, but “erected a firewall” to prevent any disclosure before November 6th.
“What I do know is that an integral part of that firewall involved having information on Petraeus that would potentially damage his career, legacy and marriage. A sort of political blackmail, if you will. What I don’t know, but suspect, is that Petraeus was placed in the unenviable but self-inflicted position of having to choose between providing truthful testimony under oath and having his professional and personal life destroyed while systematically being impeached due to this incident, or keeping quiet before the Senate Intelligence Committee,” stated one source.
A second intelligence source stated that “the announcement [of Petraeus’ resignation] was carefully timed. It was announced in a Friday afternoon news dump three days after the election, and days before the Senate Intelligence Committee was to hear his testimony, despite the President having knowledge of these events weeks ago. Friday’s announcement served two purposes; it kept controversy from emerging before the election, while allowing the administration to buy time regarding testimony by a federal official about CIA’s involvement in Benghazi.”
The resignation of David Petraeus is merely one, albeit a very high-profile one, of several coordinated moves to push any meaningful investigation into the events of Benghazi well into the future. “Obama and other high ranking officials learned many valuable lessons from Fast & Furious,” a fact agreed upon by both sources. Fast & Furious is the name given to the gun running operation from the U.S. into Mexico. “They understand that the longer they can delay and obstruct the truth, reassign key personnel with important information to positions and locations that hinder any meaningful investigation, the more the public interest wanes. As the public loses interest, it also takes the pressure off Congress from getting to the bottom of things.”
Both sources agreed that it is difficult to speculate whether Petraeus decided to extract himself from the leverage that the controversy had over him by the Obama regime on his terms, or whether his resignation was conducted solely by the terms of the Obama regime. Otherwise, both sources agreed that his resignation would buy the administration some valuable time, and the change in status of Petraeus as the active CIA director would also have an effect on the manner in which he is required to provide testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. The change of status, from an active CIA official and government employee, to a citizen bound by far reaching confidentiality agreements, would change his ability to testify before the committee. “He can also lawyer-up,” added one source.

According to another CIA source, the resignation of Christopher Kubasik, president and CEO-elect of defense and aerospace company Lockheed Martin, announced on the same day as Petraeus, might have ties to the events at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “There is a relationship between Lockheed Martin and the defense department, as well as the CIA, that ties into current events in Turkey and Syria. This is particularly relevant in the operation taking place in Benghazi and when investigation into where the ‘black-ops’ money went. Don’t forget, Congress appropriated money, at the behest of Obama, for humanitarian aid, not weapons.”

Like Petraeus, Kubasik cited an “inappropriate relationship” for his resignation. “The timing is beyond coincidental, and the operation much too big for this to be merely coincidental.”

Both intelligence sources interviewed for this report agree that there is an exceptional cover-up campaign taking place. “All roads lead to Benghazi, and this cover-up is exponentially bigger than anything we’ve seen in Watergate and the Iran-Contra Affair combined. The American people are being lied to at every turn, and the Obama administration has become emboldened by the election results and a disinterested media.”

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/11/2012 9:18:05 PM

This is from another one of my new amazing friends on FB and it is mindboggling. Be sure and watch the video. For some, you will get very angry but then there are some of you who will find it funny.

Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines

Published on Jul 6, 2012

Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath, before the Ohio State legislature, that he wrote a program to rig elections. This program would flip the total vote from the real winner to the candidate who had been pre-selected to win by the electronic vote counting machines. For more information, visit;
Vote Fraud: How it is done

Regardless of the vote fraud, and the dirty tricks at conventions, the cause of liberty will persist until victory. After victory the defense of liberty will continue.
They have been doing this ever since electronic vote counting machines were put in place. That makes it MORE outrageous. For more info watch the full ELECTION FRAUD PLAYLIST on channel johnperna2 & read the full ELECTION FRAUD PLAYLISTarticle on TARGETFREEDOM . Also read article on TARGETFREEDOM titled Vote Fraud: How it is done. Vote fraud is not just in 1 party. It is a function of the New World Order elites in BOTH PARTIES. Goal is to protect the puppets of the bankers in both parties.

Thomas Jefferson said:
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

I add to this:
"The battle for freedom is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for freedom always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.

The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back"

John Perna

When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery at certainty. ~John Perna

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/11/2012 9:30:41 PM
"Liars and Cheaters and Thieves"
Published on Nov 11, 2012 by

Massive voter fraud tainted the 2012 elections, exactly what the Democrats wanted.

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/12/2012 8:12:52 PM

Wow! This post-election time is getting more ominous all the time. Look at this!,or.r_gc.r_pw.&cad=b


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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/12/2012 8:17:23 PM

Hi Peter

That's ok. Thanks for letting me know.


Hi Helen,

I have to apologize cos the saying isn't in the bible. I'm normally more accurate but this time I was wrong. Once again, my apologies.




Hi Peter

Where in the Bible does it say that "God helps those who help themselves"? I would like to check it out.

I am, right now, reading the Old Testament (again). I am reading how the Israeli people screwed up time and again. Time after time, God forgives them and takes them out of their misery. Israel was continually whoring after other gods causing them to get captured and used as slaves by other countries. After they could no longer stand being under the command of these other pagan countries, they would cry out to God and He would forgive them and would deliver them from it all not just once but time after time. What an awesome God! Yes, there is hope for the US.


Hey Kathleen,

Praying is great and I'm all for it but please remember that in the Bible it says that "God helps those that help themselves". Yesterday we had a chance to help ourselves and many failed in that simple task.



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