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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/9/2012 3:08:58 PM

Hi Peter and friends, in the past several months since I've been on FB, I have made some amazing new friends and I would like to share a post that one of those new friends posted. Note she originally posted this back in September and reposted after the election.

For a while I had held out hope, but deep down I think I knew God would have to let this country suffer a little deeper. The following is a status I posted on Sept 13th 2012 :

The more I watch what is going on in this country, the more I see that we may get another term from this evil man in the WH. The increased Godlessness in the name of "freedom", the inability for people to discern who this
man is, the ease in which the Republicans could expose him BUT DON'T, the complacency of many American citizens who are not involved/ignorant in politics but still vote, the droves of Democrats who wanted to remove God and Jerusalem from their platform, and the millions of Americans who STILL support this man evidenced by the polls, people diverted by by Mormonism and deciding to vote 3rd party instead of focusing on the present Muslim............It seems that this country is filled with uneducated people who don't know a damn thing about Communism and are driven by their feelings rather than their minds. I am beginning to look at this from God's we NEED another 4 years? For TOO MANY in this country, it may require total PERSONAL demise before they GAIN UNDERSTANDING. It may require another Civil War, Revolution, War on government. Will God require blood for restoration and our rejection of Him? Will He allow us to experience DEEP oppression? HE MAY!!! He did it to Israel many times! It just doesn't seem like we REALLY GET IT YET! But one thing we can bet on......He chastises those He we DO have hope in that if He brings hardship like this, it is better that we IMPLODE rather than being attacked from the outside. At least a lesson learned on our own soil is one that we can recover from. And that STILL would be the grace of God!
When I pray, I ask God to remove this monster, but I also pray that His Sovereignty reigns.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
~Thomas Jefferson.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/9/2012 5:46:12 PM

Peter I just posted this in my thread but thought it so well written that it should be posted here too. I have to say I am in total agreement with the author.

I hate duplicity, deceit, cheating and theft. I hate what is being done to my country. I hate communism and socialism, I hate ignorance, I hate Delusion, I hate cowardice and greed

Yes… I’m a Hater

- Erik Rush Friday, November 9, 2012
As dangerous a practice as it has proven to be, I still can’t help but finding amusement in the political left’s Orwellian employment of the term “hate.” Nearly every conservative or libertarian with a social media account has experienced liberal flameage and accusations of being a “hater” upon casually expressing any number of conservative or libertarian opinions.

If you believe in secure borders, or English being the official language in the US, you’re a hater. If you don’t support the oxymoron of “gay marriage” and practical labs in homosexual foreplay being conducted in grammar schools, you’re a hater.

The irony of the left being the most hateful and intolerant group of people on the planet is not lost on conservatives and libertarians. Some of the most blatant and newsworthy examples of this surfaced during the recent election cycle, when certain Hollywood celebrities endorsed Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

The left’s gutter invective and vitriol in public and cyberspace (in particular) are painfully evident to all, save for those spewing it. Sadly, with a Marxist administration in power and complicit press, these inconsistencies are left for those Americans still possessed of critical thinking skills to consider among themselves.

While I do believe that voter fraud and possibly electronic tampering played a part in the victory of Barack Obama and other Democrat office holders in the recent election, the fact is that a whole lot of Americans have bought into liberal-socialist doctrine, even though it resides at the intellectual level of most six year-olds. Many liberal Americans don’t realize (for reasons I’ve belabored previously) that Obama is a dedicated Marxist, and what this portends for them and their progeny. They believe what Obama says, rather than what he does, even with proof to the contrary.

Others simply do not care; they have been sufficiently indoctrinated into a shallow, narcissistic, predatory worldview by American educators and media. They possess little knowledge of their country, its history, or its formerly unique place in the world. The unfortunate long-term consequences of their actions (and their votes) will ultimately be blamed on something or someone else – perhaps former President George W. Bush, or Ronald Reagan.

In answer to liberals’ charges of being a hater: Yes, I am a hater. I hate duplicity, deceit, cheating and theft. I hate what is being done to my country, and the suffering being caused in the name of bastardized concepts of justice. I hate communism and socialism, because they have caused more human suffering and death than any other political systems. I hate ignorance, because it facilitates otherwise intelligent, decent people falling prey to these harmful philosophies. I hate delusion so deep that people can see and feel the blade twisting in their bodies, yet believe the man holding the knife when he says that he is not in fact stabbing them. I hate laziness, because it makes people susceptible to the lies of the left, which appeal to human beings’ indolence and baser nature.

I don’t hate the stupid, though. If one is born stupid, they can’t help it; denigrating them for being stupid would be like denigrating someone for being ugly. There but for the Grace of God, you know. Stupid and arrogant can be a nasty combination, however, and a lot of stupid people are arrogant because they’re too stupid for introspection. In other words, they don’t have the capacity to recognize that they’re wrong. A lot of liberals are stupid and arrogant, as you might have surmised. Cogitation within the liberal paradigm just isn’t intellectually demanding, so obviously it would appeal to the stupid. And yes, I do hate arrogance.

Lastly, I hate cowardice and greed, because they have corrupted so many in a position to curtail the effects of the progressive cancer that has infected our society.

So yes, I’m a hater – and proud of it. I hate those things which are themselves hateful.

Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/9/2012 5:59:43 PM

Isn't this something else ....if true.

Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney

by drew on November 7, 2012 · 254 comments

Military Absentee BallotsWASHINGTON, DC – Sources confirmed today that hundreds of thousands of military absentee ballots were delivered hours after the deadline for them to be counted, with preliminary counts showing that they would have overturned the vote in several states and brought a victory for Governor Mitt Romney.

Officials say the ballots were delivered late due to problems within the military mail system. Tracking invoices show the ballots sat in a warehouse for a month, then they were accidentally labeled as ammunition and shipped to Afghanistan. At Camp Dwyer, Marine Sergeant John Davis signed for them and was surprised at the contents.

“I told Gunny we got a bunch of ballots instead of ammo,” Davis told investigators earlier today. “He told me to file a report of improper delivery and that the chain of command would take care of it. We didn’t hear anything for three weeks. While we were waiting we came under fire so we dumped a bunch of them in the Hescoes. We didn’t dig those ones back out.”

After military officials realized the initial error, the ballots were then sent back to the U.S. but suffered a series of setbacks.

Twelve boxes of ballots were dropped overboard during delivery to the USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) in the Persian Gulf, then while the ship sailed to Bahrain, postal clerks allegedly pocketed whatever ballots they wanted.

The remaining absentee ballots were loaded onto a C-130, but the flight was delayed until November 1st so the crew could get tax free pay for the month. Once the ballots arrived stateside they were promptly mailed to each state’s counting facility, reaching their final destination on November 7th.

“It’s a shame,” Rear Admiral John Dawes said when asked for comment. “I expected a delay so I ordered that everyone cast their votes eight months ago. It’s really unfortunate that our mail system failed us and directly affected the course of history.”

Upon hearing the news, angry Republicans have begun a demand for a recount, but most military absentee voters have shrugged off the news, with many wondering whether the care packages their families sent six months ago were ever going to show up.

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/10/2012 4:36:17 PM

Here is another GREAT video by WildBillForAmerica. Lots of truth in what he says, regardless of whether you agree or not, the day is coming when you will believe what he's saying.

"Never Let a Crisis go to Waste"

Four more years of Obama is our most powerful recruiting tool, lets not waste it!

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/11/2012 1:49:35 PM
by Robert Allen Bonelli
While we were all debating the cost to our liberty due to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), we were ignoring the cost to our pockets. If there ever was a reason for bipartisan rage about this law, it should be on the twenty - yes, twenty - hidden new taxes of this law. Making matters even more relevant is that seven of these taxes are levied on all citizens regardless of income. Hence, Mr. Obama’s promise not to raise taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000 is just another falsehood associated with this legislation.
The first, and best known, of these seven taxes that will hit all Americans as a result of Obamacare is the Individual Mandate Tax (no longer concealed as a penalty). This provision will require a couple to pay the higher of a base tax of $1,360 per year, or 2.5% of adjusted growth income starting with lower base tax and rising to this level by 2016. Individuals will see a base tax of $695 and families a base tax of $2,085 per year by 2016.

Next up is the Medicine Cabinet Tax that took effect in 2011. This tax prohibits reimbursement of expenses for over-the-counter medicine, with the lone exception of insulin, from an employee’s pre-tax dollar funded Health Saving Account (HSA), Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Reimbursement Account (HRA). This provision hurts middle class earners particularly hard since they earn enough to actually pay federal taxes, but not enough to make this restriction negligible.

The Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Cap, which will begin in 2013, is perhaps the most hurtful provision to the middle class. This part of the law imposes a cap of $2,500 per year (which is now unlimited) on the amount of pre-tax dollars that could be deposited into these accounts. Why is this particularly hurtful to the middle class? It is because funds in these accounts may be used to pay for special needs education for special needs children in the United States. Tuition rates for this type of special education can easily exceed $14,000 per year and the use of pre-tax dollars has helped many middle income families.

Another direct hit to the middle class is the Medical Itemized Deduction Hurdle which is currently 7.5% of adjusted gross income. This is the hurdle that must be met before medical expenses over that hurdle can be taken as a deduction on federal income taxes. Obamacare raises this hurdle to 10% of adjusted gross income beginning in 2013. Consider the middle class family with $80,000 of adjusted gross income and $8,000 of medical expenses. Currently, that family can get some relief from being able to take a $2,000 deduction (7.5% X $80,000 = $6,000; $8,000 –$6,000 = $2,000). An increase to 10% would eliminate the deduction in this example and if that family was paying a 25% federal tax rate, the real cost of that lost deduction would be $500.

The fifth new tax on the middle class, and all Americans, is the Health Savings Account (HSA) Withdrawal Tax Hike. This provision increases the additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10% currently to 20% beginning in 2013. This provision actually sets these accounts apart from Investment Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and other tax advantaged accounts, all of which remain with a 10% early withdrawal tax.

Another regressive tax that is part of this law began in 2010 and that is the Indoor Tanning Services Tax, which places a 10% excise tax on people using tanning salons. While some may regard this as insignificant, the broader implication is that this act of taxation is a blatant move by the federal government to control the behavior of citizens. This provision, as does the Individual Mandate and as Justice Kennedy said during the oral arguments on the constitutionality of the law said, “….fundamentally changes the relationship between the federal government and the citizen.”

The seventh new tax that directly impacts the middle class, along with all citizens, is the Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans or the “Cadillac” Health Insurance Plan Tax. These are plans that provide extensive coverage and that are generally fully paid for, or largely paid for, by employers. This provision imposes a 40% excise tax on the employer-paid premium on taxpayers who are covered by such plans, beginning in 2018. The reason it begins in 2018 is because most unionized workers are covered by plans that fall under this definition and a deferral was made to spare union members from this tax for at least a period of time.

There are thirteen other taxes that apply to businesses and that apply to high income (over $250,000 per year) households. While these additional provisions will not impact the middle class directly, they can have serious indirect consequences for middle and low income earners. Beginning in 2014, the Employer Mandate Tax will impose an annual non-deductible tax on employers with more than 50 employees who do not provide health insurance for their employees.

The impact of this provision on low and middle income earners, and really all working Americans, is that employers will be confronted with three choices. The first is provide some level of health insurance, as many do today, and there would be no impact on employees. The second choice is to pay the penalty, which would most likely be less expensive than providing health insurance, and force employees to seek their own health insurance or purchase it through federal government controlled state exchanges. Studies have estimated that 20 million Americans will lose their employee funded health insurance as a result of this provision and employers electing this option. The third choice is for employers to lay off employees, or not hire additional employees, because Obamacare forces them to either provide health insurance or pay the new tax.

Another new tax, the Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers that begins in 2013, places a 2.3% excise tax on all items retailing for more than $100. This provision will not only drive up the cost of various medical devices ranging from mobility assistance devices to personal testing supplies, but will also impact an industry that employs 360,000 people in 6,000 plants across our country. This tax, while not a direct tax, would have significant negative impact on the middle class.

The Surtax on Investment Income for households earning $250,000 and more, beginning in 2013, will raise the Capital Gains Tax from 15% to 23.8% on investment income for these households and will raise Taxes on Dividends from 15% to 43.4% for the same households. Aside from the impact on retired citizens dependent on dividends, this provision will pull income from the private economy. In addition, the tax rate on Other Investment Income earned by Subchapter S Corporation (which many small business are organized as, allowing the owners to claim all business income as personal income) will rise from 35% to 43.4%. This part of the provision would place additional pressure on small businesses resulting in more layoffs and less hiring, impacting all American workers.

All but one of the remaining new taxes in Obamacare are directed at health industry businesses and while they will not impact middle income families directly, the additional costs will most likely be passed on to the public. The last new tax is really interesting, it is a tax on certain biofuels!

These are the facts. It does not matter if you support Mr. Obama and his new law or if you oppose it, the new taxes on the middle class or real and all Americans should understand their impact on their families and the economy. Citizens, regardless of political beliefs, should recognize that Obamacare was passed with almost no sunlight shined on these middle class tax increases and need to understand that the new law was sold with the promise that there would be no new middle class taxes. This is not partisan, it is simply the reality of politics.

For more information, read ATR's analysis of the Affordable Care Act's taxes here.

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