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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/9/2012 2:37:06 PM
No, Kathleen. Nothing matters to him aside from himself. He's at the top of the list and no one else counts.



Does ANYTHING matter to Obama? His mother sent him back to his grandparents in Hawaii while she was married & had a child with her second husband in Indonesia. What message does that send to a kid?

Where is any mention of his Indonesian sister in publicity in the last 4 years? As if she doesn't exist? Is the mainstream media trying to make everyone think she does NOT exist? Barry loves his little sister, where is she in the daily news? Everyone who has siblings knows that they all exist in our daily thoughts.

Barry Obama: Tell us about your little sister! Tell the leftwing media to report about your daily love for her!


Hello Peter and all ,

I am very saddened that Romney lost the election , in my personal opinion he was not all that much better then Obama on many of the issues with the exception of Israel . He would have backed her in every way possible. I do believe that America is falling under judgment in many ways solely because Obama has tossed Israel under the bus and because we're morally bankrupt . Five states voted yes to gay marriage on their ballots and three legalized Marijuana .. What will Obama do with that , create an executive order , next to allow it in every state those rights ? Executive order seems to be the way in which his is shoving his Communist agenda on us and gets things done quickly his way .. Congress means NOTHING to this man. That being said here is the even great disturbing realization , it's Agenda 21 , 148 countries have signed it and here in the US many states are pushing it hard in many cites , counties and states already . Here is the short it of exactly what it will do globally ..if you think I am crazy google agenda 21 , or better yet go the the UN web site and download all the materials from them .. it's all there hiding in place site !

1. Abolish private property
2. Reduce population by 85%
3. All will be global citizens. Students will be taught that they are NOT Americans
but global.
4. Sustained development according to an 1100 page document of the UN through the US Government.

5. Three E’s-Equity using sociology to change individual groups to social justice of certain groups. Economy, think WTO, that would replace free enterprise.
6. Terms used-Smart growth,rain belongs to the government,smart meters,foreclosures,no single family homes.
7. Points of attack-Food supply,control of water,control of health care,attack on moral values.
8. Fusion centers to train police and sheriffs to be used against their own citizens.
9. Subjugating the population.
10. World banking control of currency.
11. Government controlled schools.
12. Regionalizing local governments by a fourth level to take total control.

Shalom ,

Hi Evelyn,

You have to remember that the gloating ones in most cases are the progressive liberal entitlement and freebie lovers. They will have a big surprise in store for them when the country goes bankrupt under the "leadership" of the fraud and great pretender.

They will be in shock and won't be able to blame Mitt Romney of any other conservative or Republican. It's his to "own" and they can blame themselves for the second term they gave him. Four years to finish what he started, namely the destruction of the United States of America.



For those of you who are gloating over this win, remember this one thing - God will not be mocked and there is a judgement day coming, if not in this life then in the after life. When the time comes for you to stand before God, how will you answer to voting for an administration that mocked God three times, favors the murder of the unborn, for a man who sat and watched as four Americans were murdered in Benghazi and refused their cry's for help? By voting for Obama you now have the blood of these fellow Americans on your hands and all the innocent babies who never had a chance in life.
Exclusive: Joseph Farah on Obama election: 'It's time to double-down and fight harder'

For many of us, the unthinkable has happened.

America has decisively turned the corner away from the constitutional principles of limited government and self-government with the re-election of Barack Obama.

There may be no way home for us.

For those of us who fundamentally reject Obama’s policies, things are going to get very rough for the next four years. We have allowed our fellow Americans to pronounce judgment on the nation.

That’s what Obama represents to me – God’s judgment on a people who have turned away from Him and His ways and from everything for which our founders sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.

The nation is divided like never before – intentionally so. That has been Obama’s game plan from the beginning – to build a constituency of special-interest groups that truly believe their salvation is found in bigger government, more programs, irresponsible spending and unconstitutional policies.

This election could very well represent the beginning of the end of the American Dream, American exceptionalism, the American way.

But it’s no time to give up – to throw up our hands in disgust and walk away from politics. Neither is it time to surrender to the radical social agenda Obama has championed to win his victory.

It’s time to change tactics.

It’s time to double-down and fight harder.

It’s time to raise our collective voices of outrage.

It’s time to form new alliances.

It’s time to form new communities of people who understand just how much Americans have been disenfranchised from our God-given rights and responsibilities.

But, at the end of the day, people generally get the kind of government they deserve.

When you turn away from the ways of God Almighty, this is what you should expect, if you are a student of the Bible and history.

I’m not going to lie to you.

I think things are going to get very tough in America over the next four years.

I expect more division, more stratification, maybe even the disintegration of the constitutional republic that was the envy of the world for so long.

It’s time to hunker down.

It’s time to prepare for the worst – economically, militarily, socially, culturally.

The revolutionaries have won a major political victory.

The America haters are running the country for another four years.

That is not a pretty prospect.

But it’s not time to retreat. It’s time for those of us who love what America has been for most of its history to gather our wits and begin the long march back.

Most of all, it’s time for collective repentance.

Only a miracle can save us – and we need to humble ourselves before God and pray hard for one.

Can we find our way home? Is the political system even viable for us anymore? Has our heritage of representative government been permanently robbed from us? Are our cultural institutions – from the press to the schools and universities to the major foundations and even our churches – let us down so badly that there is no hope of restoring the America we once knew and loved?

I don’t know the answers to these questions.

But we must not retreat. We must not hide. We must not be intimidated. We must not stop fighting for truth, justice and the American way.

Maybe we deserve this punishment for taking our lifestyles for granted. Maybe we deserve this judgment for our own individual and collective sins. Maybe there’s still time to turn things around because we serve a Creator of second and third chances.

One thing is for certain: Our national condition is going to get much worse before it gets better.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/9/2012 2:40:20 PM
Hi Helen,

I have to apologize cos the saying isn't in the bible. I'm normally more accurate but this time I was wrong. Once again, my apologies.




Hi Peter

Where in the Bible does it say that "God helps those who help themselves"? I would like to check it out.

I am, right now, reading the Old Testament (again). I am reading how the Israeli people screwed up time and again. Time after time, God forgives them and takes them out of their misery. Israel was continually whoring after other gods causing them to get captured and used as slaves by other countries. After they could no longer stand being under the command of these other pagan countries, they would cry out to God and He would forgive them and would deliver them from it all not just once but time after time. What an awesome God! Yes, there is hope for the US.


Hey Kathleen,

Praying is great and I'm all for it but please remember that in the Bible it says that "God helps those that help themselves". Yesterday we had a chance to help ourselves and many failed in that simple task.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/9/2012 2:44:27 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Great post by Judi McLeod. No America isn't dead but she is a ship led by the worst president in the history of the United States. He'll do his best to destroy America but the American people will not allow it and I have a feeling that many of those that voted for will join in the fight to save The US of A.




Hi Peter and friends. I'm sharing an article I just posted in one of my threads..................

Hello friends, here is another GREAT article by Judi McLeod from CFP, our neighbors to the north. Judi is one of my all time favorite writers and always explains things very well.


It will take more than an Obama to kill America

- Judi McLeod Thursday, November 8, 2012

Two days after Election 2012 and all we need to see us through is a double down on what has always made Americans great: George Washington style courage.

It is high time for all the people out there sending up loud mourning moans and burying America to snap out of it.

America is not dead and will never be. Her place in history as leader of the Free World is documented, unchangeable history. Even now people in far-flung countries where freedom and liberty don’t exist count on America for their survival.

The same pundits and talking heads who may have kept people from going out to vote because it was a “Romney landslide” are tossing out a plethora of reasons why Romney lost and Obama won.

In the myriad of election loss theories they conveniently skirt what really happened and how it will affect main street Americans in a post-election world.

Think of post November 6 America as Old Glory rent in two. Going into election Americans were roughly split 50/50. Coming out of the election Americans are still split 50/50.

Reality TV of the far left

Barack Hussein Obama, Hollywood hedonists and the mainstream media that sustains both come out of the election wanting to portray an indelible scenario that the 50% who restored the most anti-American administration in history is the entire picture, the entire flag; that the other 50% don’t even exist.

The reality TV of the far left.

Like all things Marxist, the post-election masterpiece they are showing the worried world is a big lie. They are presenting a still life when the real America is an ever-moving painting. While citizens in Obama’s still life think they arrived overnight in Utopia, those in the moving picture got up on the morning after and went to work, if they had a job, or continued the job search if they didn’t.

It is not all over for the 50% who did not vote for Obama and it will never be all over for America no matter what Obama does.

It would take some 60 million Americans to roll over and play dead for Obama to deliver his promise for the Fundamental Transformation of America. And that’s not even counting the millions of Americans who didn’t bother to get out and vote on Election Day.

The Fundamental Transformation of America won’t happen just because Marxist radical Barack Obama orders it. There are millions of people standing between Obama and his mission.

Times in coming days will be tough but God-fearing Americans, who have been through many tough times in the past, are even tougher.

With the First Family of a Divided States of America back from Chicago to the White House yesterday, the gloating will soon begin. But much of what the Obamas throw at the masses is based on sheer bravado and Americans see through it.

Bottom line of the 50% who didn’t vote for Obama and the ones making up the other half of the flag now rent into two: “Mr. Obama, you will never take away our country. You didn’t build it!”

Four years is a long time, but patriots who had everything but the proverbial kitchen sink thrown at them by the Marxist squatting on the White House already got through the first four years.

In coming days patriots will have their hands full surviving mad Marxist policies from a despot with the kind of confidence that comes from knowing he will not have to face voters again. But so will that despot have his hands full.

Wait until the free stuff crowd realize that their hero has run out of goodies. To them, free cell phones and food stamps are just the beginning to paid gas bills and mortgage-free living.

Patriots have been handed another setback, but they wear their bruises and worries with dignity in standing their ground.

Post-election America is not dead. It is in the middle of the battle of all time for its survival as World Leader, the battle against rampant socialism.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/9/2012 2:54:20 PM
Hi Geketa,

Very sad and disgusting. The idiots have the gall to say they were thrown under the bus cos their kook candidate didn't win. Many of us preferred other candidates myself included and ours didn't win either. But that's what primaries are for to decide who'll lead the election campaign and there will always be losers. I guess they think that their kook in chief deserved better treatment then the other candidates did.

In reality he did get better treatment when there was thee special mention of his past. I thought it was unnecessary but..... that proved to be a mistake cos if I'm not mistaken he resigned from the Republican party shortly after the convention and endorsed the third party candidate. I'm not a fan of his son Rand either but at least he did endorse Romney quite early in the game.

I used your post in my reply to Jim since it supported what I said in the post.



Hi Peter and all ,
I thought you might enjoy this little Paulbot diddie I found .. It made me so angry, I had to go take a long walk . The Paul bots have struck again and they think it's funny ! They did their share in helping us loose the election .. they are rejoicing over helping Obama destroy what was left of America !
Shalom ,

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/9/2012 2:56:45 PM
Sorry Helen, the picture doesn't show up.




I hope this picture turns out ok.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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