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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/2/2012 6:30:52 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's an excellent article by Lord Monckton. This man loves the American Constitution much more then the progressive liberal Marxist Democrats do. It's amazing that a man from another country has to preach to the American people about the loss of America as we knew her and what exactly we're losing under the B Hussein regime.

A must read and excellent article.



A sad farewell to the U.S. Constitution

Exclusive: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley calls GOP treasonous for eligibility inaction

author-image by Christopher Monckton of BrenchleyEmail | Archive Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, high priest of climate skepticism, advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, wrote leaders for the Yorkshire Post, was editor of the Catholic paper The Universe, managing editor of the Telegraph Sunday Magazine, assistant editor of Today, and consulting editor of the Evening Standard. He invented the million-selling "Eternity Puzzles," "Sudoku X" and a promising treatment for infections. See the Science & Public Policy Institute.More

The U.S. Constitution was a magnificent document. In that long, hot Philadelphia summer, your Founding Fathers thoughtfully debated the instrument of your freedom – a document that inspires all of us who no longer live in the knowledge that the only people who can impose laws or taxes upon us are those whom we have elected.

In today’s Europe, we are ruled by faceless Kommissars elected by none, accountable to none, removable by none. By contrast, the United States is still, in Walt Whitman’s memorable phrase, “the athletic democracy.” Or, rather, it was.

For your governing class has cravenly abandoned the Constitution. Faced with one of the most flagrant and persisting breaches of that great charter of freedom in your nation’s history, they totter fightless from the field.

This is what your Constitution says:

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

No ifs. No buts. This is the ancient and sensible ius soli: you are a citizen of the nation on whose soil you were born. Not born here? Go and play president somewhere else.

There is no room in this column to point out all of the obvious defects in Mr. Obama’s transparently forged “birth certificate.” I have summarized them in a briefing for my Peers. Get it from Forgery has been committed. The fraudsters should be locked up forever.

But the real criminals are those in high office who know Mr. Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery but willfully, sullenly do absolutely nothing about it.

Mr. Romney made a joke of the bogus birth certificate and then, characteristically, flip-flopped and apologized. He should certainly have apologized – not for drawing attention to the issue but for making a joke of it, and for failing to ensure behind the scenes that a credible, properly organized, fully funded legal challenge to the Manchurian Candidate’s right to appear on the ballot against him is vigorously pursued.

But no. Let’s crack a limp joke, limply apologize and limply lose the election.

Those who say the political debate should confine itself to the issues of national bankruptcy, illegal immigration, assaults upon liberty by liberals and attacks upon democracy by “Democrats” are right. Mr. Romney should have acted in private. There was no call for him to say a word in public about his shifty opponent’s shifting allegiances: until 2007 a self-proclaimed son of the Kenyan soil, born in Mombasa; then, in the 2008 presidential race, a natural-born U.S. citizen born in Hawaii, brought up in Indonesia, registered for Social Security in Connecticut (where he has never lived) and holding a Selective Service record with a forged two-digit year-stamp.

In Britain, if the prime minister put a forged document on the Web, the media would give him no mercy until he had been shamed into opening up the original document to independent forensic scrutiny.

Not in today’s America.

I asked a senior Republican attorney what he thought. He became hysterical and said: “Don’t touch the issue. Birthers are pointy-heads. They will draw you in. Your reputation will be ruined. Really.”

Never mind the reputation of his country and yours. Never mind the Constitution he had sworn to uphold. As Sir John Hoskyns, first head of Margaret Thatcher’s policy unit, used to say: “Nations fail when people find it safer to get on with their mates than to get on with the job.”

It is the job of every presidential candidate to uphold the Constitution and be seen to uphold it. The “Democrats,” who no longer care for democracy and are doing much to destroy it, can be counted upon to exploit the fact that the Republicans no longer care for the republic or the Constitution that defines it.

I made one simple point to my Republican friend. It’s your Constitution. Amend it, or abide by it. Uphold it, or lose it. I asked him, “Are you really willing to insist that your Constitution no longer matters, and to scrap a key provision inserted at the instance of your first president and his friend your first attorney general when on two dozen occasions Congress has decided to keep it?”

“Monckton,” he said, “why is it that every time I argue with you I lose?” And he changed the subject.

I have spoken to many leading Americans about this shoddy affair. Almost without exception, they share the view of my friend the Republican lawyer: The Constitution has had its day; it is merely a faded, irrelevant, historical parchment; nothing to see here – move along, move along into the gloomy twilight of your nationhood.

To all my Republican friends I say this. You will come to regret, and regret bitterly, the day you stood down when you should have stood up and stood to. You should have upheld the Constitution. You betrayed it. Not only you but your nation will pay dearly for your treason by inaction.

The world will miss the U.S. Constitution. You have let the torch in the hand of Liberty flicker and die. Why?

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/3/2012 1:06:10 PM
Hello Friends,

The saga of Clint Eastwood's speech at the GOP convention is still news and we know that from the many disparaging remarks and commentary of the idiotic MSM and through other simple minded so called VIPs. I've even seen disparaging graphics here in Adland, on FB and other sites from mindless B Hussein supporters. One thing is quite obvious that most of the copy and pasters of these graphics either didn't even bother to watch the video (that's gone viral) of if they did they simply didn't "get it" which on its own isn't surprising.

The empty chair Clint was addressing or if you wish the "empty suit" or "the king is naked" shows how he ruined America and didn't bother to keep any of his 2008 campaign promises. Quite the contrary as a matter of fact since everything is much worse now then it was in 2008 when the fraud and great pretender took office. The fact that he has no answers and in his feeble minded way still blames Bush for everything is so transparent that even his mindless addicted entitlement and freebie lovers should have "got it" by now. But, alas mindless is the operative word here and apparently these brainwashed people are a lost case. Fortunately there are many who have realized their mistake in voting for the inexperienced and non vetted candidate B Hussein.

Guys, you have a second chance to make amends for the catastrophe your previous mindless vote caused this great nation. Think about it if you still have any sense or common sense left.

The below article is well worth reading and again I especially recommend it for those still committed to B Hussein the fraud and great pretender whose three and a half years in the WH brought this great nation to it's knees.



Go Ahead, Make Romney’s Day

Posted by Bio ↓ on Sep 3rd, 2012

The Republican National Convention was a well-run, brilliant spectacle: beautifully staged, wonderfully timed, and with fantastic speakers. But no one decision showed that the Romney campaign gets it more than their decision to invite Clint Eastwood to speak just before Marco Rubio on the night of Mitt Romney’s nomination.

Andrew Breitbart (and David Horowitz) was fond of saying that politics lies downstream from culture. In other words, culture changes how people think and feel; politics is a reflection of that change. And Hollywood is the central component of American culture.

And Clint Eastwood represents the last gasp of classic Hollywood: old-fashioned heroes and anti-heroes who stand strong for American values of justice and freedom. Eastwood is the same Eastwood in Dirty Harry (1971) as he is in Gran Torino (2008). In the former, he won’t stand for Americans’ safety and property rights being violated by criminals, no matter what the liberal niceties require. In the latter, he stands up for private property against the forces of thuggery.

That’s the Clint Eastwood who strode onto the stage.

And then he did something no leftist Hollywood figure would do: a comedy routine. Eastwood stood up there and ad libbed a routine … with an empty chair. The chair, of course, represented President Obama in all of his indecisive glory.

“I remember three and a half years ago, when Mr. Obama
 won the election,” said Dirty Harry:

“And though I was not a big supporter, I was 
watching that night when he was having that thing and they were
 talking about hope and change and they were talking about, yes
 we can, and it was dark outdoors, and it was nice, and people
 were lighting candles.
 They were saying, I just thought, this was great. 
Everybody is crying, Oprah was crying. I was even crying. And then finally — and I 
cried that hard since I found out that there is 23 million
people in this country.”


The left went insane over Eastwood’s routine, calling it unfunny, wandering, and bizarre. There was some of all of that – not every moment was blockbuster. But overall, it was genius. The meme took hold: Obama was an empty chair. And this week, conservatives across the country celebrated National Empty Chair Day over Labor Day, placing empty chairs on their lawns to signify an empty presidency.

That’s the power of imagery and narrative. Perhaps the two most powerful takeaway moments from the RNC were Eastwood’s empty chair routine, and Paul Ryan’s tremendously powerful line: “College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life.” Ryan’s line spawned an entire ad showing a college student removing his faded Obama poster after recognizing that Obama hasn’t lived up to any of his promises.

Eastwood did what he was supposed to do: he shifted the debate. Actually, he did more than that: he bravely lifted the entertainment industry taboo against knocking an incompetent president of the United States. And he took fire for it. James Lipton, who stopped asking actors about their favorite colors long enough to respond, called Eastwood’s performance “not his best … What he gave to Barack Obama was, well, not the best lines. It was a couple vulgarities.” Other celebs went further. Roger Ebert, fresh off humiliating himself in his latest review, wrote, “Clint, my hero, is coming across as sad and pathetic. He didn’t need to do this to himself. It’s unworthy of him.” Jason Biggs, who was most recently tweeting about Paul Ryan’s wife’s anus (seriously), wrote, “Clint Eastwood talking to a non-responsive stool sorta sums up Christianity in a nutshell, huh Republicans? #RNC.”

But that was fine. In fact, that was the point: if Eastwood had been Betty White doing that same routine at the Democratic National Convention, the left would have feted him as a comic genius.

Nonetheless, Eastwood’s appearance highlighted the fact that President Obama is now worthy of becoming the butt of jokes. Most important, it’s clear that the Republican Party is beginning to recognize the necessity of Hollywood. If they are willing to reach out to Hollywood, to use its talents and let them help craft the conservative narrative, conservatives will reap the benefits in the same way the left has.


Ben Shapiro is an attorney and writer and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, and author of the new book “Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How The Left Took Over Your TV” from Broadside Books, an imprint of HarperCollins.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/3/2012 3:04:05 PM

Hi Peter, great article by Ben Shapiro and in my daily email from the CFP there was another great article displaying another view about Chinese culture and as the saying goes we learn something new everyday. This is definitely a hard hitting article but it too will probably go right over a lot of peoples heads.

Clint Eastwood, Empty Chair, Obama, Foreign Policy, China

The Medium is the Message, Cowboy

- Erik Rush & Jim Garrow Monday, September 3, 2012
American political news junkies and observers have been having a great time with the speech given by legendary film star and director Clint Eastwood at the Republican National Convention on August 30. As one might expect, most Republicans and conservatives found it to be a stellar and straightforward indictment of American president Barack Obama.

The “empty chair” routine set the stage for months of jokes (at least), and references for years to come. The liberal press of course couldn’t react with anything more than dry, impotent rage, asserting that the American icon had somehow debased himself by publicly associating with the gang of racists, homophobes, and woman-haters that is the Republican Party.

Some thought that Eastwood’s oratory was perhaps a little unusual and more thoughtful than one might expect from the celebrated tough guy, but it contained much more of a challenge than viewers realized. So much, in fact, that President Obama himself saw fit to personally respond to this private citizen simply speaking his mind, posting an acerbic retort on the social media site Twitter the next day.

This was only one of many breaks from presidential decorum that Obama has executed; unfortunately, it could not have done anything but exacerbate the poor perception held for him by certain parties abroad. We’ll get to that presently.

Remember when you were in school, learning about metaphors and similes and things of that nature, and trying to keep them all straight for the quizzes and exams?

Well, have we got a metaphor for you…

As one would – or should – surmise, events at political conventions are carefully choreographed, often scripted, and delivered with the precision of a Broadway revue (to be fair, the Democrat National Convention of 2008 was probably one of the most well-executed to date). This year’s GOP convention was no different. Clint Eastwood hasn’t become a living legend because he’s a crappy actor, and the challenge he put forth that night wasn’t for Obama alone.

The American people may be more concerned with the upcoming presidential election than the intricacies of policies in China, but there are two reasons that such issues ought to be of at least passing concern to those who would like to consider themselves informed. One is that – largely owing to economic factors, threats to the economic and political stability of China now have the potential for repercussions worldwide. As the authors detailed previously in this space, this is indeed being directly threatened at present.

The other is this: The leaders of the free world, and those who aspire to be, are very concerned about China. You can take that, as they say, to the bank. It was no accident that certain individuals who spoke at the GOP convention were present, spoke as they did, and in the order in which they spoke. This has to do with an understanding of the Chinese perspective that few Westerners have. One does not have to move to China and immerse themselves in Chinese culture to acquire such an understanding (although it might help); suffice to say that it is a much more straightforward, common-sense view of the world than those in the West have been taught (by elitist politicians and journalists) to expect.

Likely Republican voters may have presumed that former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice was at the convention solely because she is a black woman who has ascended to great heights in the corridors of power, particularly since the GOP is routinely excoriated pertaining to issues of race. They may have overlooked that America’s last President relied on Rice’s titanic intellect and understanding in the area of foreign policy (think China). The fact that Senator Marco Rubio’s parents escaped from a communist country may have gone unnoticed as well by the crowd at the convention and television viewers, too focused on his youth, good looks, and general popularity in the Party. They couldn’t miss the reference directed at Putin and Russia, however.

So there is no reason to expect that they would know why Clint Eastwood was speaking to an empty chair. The message delivered by America’s most famous “cowboy” and standard-setting action hero was sheer brilliance and offers hope that GOP nominee Mitt Romney and his advisers are well aware of the threat China poses, and were not afraid to send a message that was very obvious to the Chinese.

Eastwood’s “empty chair” routine was done in the style of “crosstalk,” a wildly famous comedic art in China

Eastwood’s “empty chair” routine was done in the style of “crosstalk,” a wildly famous comedic art in China. This was used in a singularly brilliant way by Clint Eastwood to skewer Obama on major policy issues. It is the proper Chinese way to “diss” an opponent. So a clear message was definitely being sent to China under the radar. The message was simple, subtle and very, very strong: This new President will keep his promises and is no fool about what is going on in international affairs.

This would tend to imply that the Chinese view President Obama as a fool – but we’re much more than implying this. Why, some might ask, would the Chinese not admire Obama, someone who has actualized decades of Marxist aspirations in America? Wouldn’t they consider him to be ideologically kindred?

Quite the opposite. In the eyes of the Chinese, from the Central Committee, to the farmer with a tiny television in his shack, Barack Obama is a traitor to his country, and they cannot respect that – no matter how ideologically aligned with them he thinks he is. Obviously, people in the US aren’t aware of this, since most rank-and-file American journalists and even news bureau chiefs don’t know, and wouldn’t report on it if they did.

When Obama greeted Chinese President Hu Jintao with a bow, it was not taken as courtesy or even deference; it was taken as surrender, like a submissive mongrel exposing his belly to an alpha dog. With a flourish of contrition and apologies, Obama traveled the globe in 2009, attempting to reconcile America’s slights toward all the workers and little brown people of the world. The leader of the most powerful nation on the planet behaving as such was considered piteous and laughable by the Chinese. So, Obama is a traitor and a buffoon.

World Apology Tour has engendered nothing but ridicule on the part of the Chinese

Intellectually, of course they can understand how his Marxist bent has driven him to sabotage every aspect of America’s machinery, but this doesn’t engender respect. Everything he has done since the World Apology Tour has engendered nothing but ridicule on the part of the Chinese. The photos of Obama bicycling with his family, for example, played all over China as that of the quintessential boob, like a black Pee-Wee Herman blithely pedaling into hell. His ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game in St Louis, Missouri in July 2009 (among other things) helped to reinforce this image.

While the American press thought they were scoring points against former President Bush by calling him a “cowboy,” this actually helped to build up his image in China. The Chinese can relate to and respect the cowboy, someone who deals squarely and fairly with you, but will have no problem taking you down if you cross them. Kind of like Clint Eastwood’s characters. They cannot relate to or respect a petulant girly-man who can’t ride a bike, can’t throw a baseball, and can’t handle a barb.

When someone needs to “go down” or be “let go,” an adult does the job and does it decisively. Eastwood is really the standard bearer for all the cowboys who go into battle and stand for good and against evil. But as the man on the platform with a future President of the United States, his role was also that of the man calmly and courageously telling the world that a new sheriff is in town, a man who like the cowboy of old will take on the bad guys, keep his promises, and take care of us and our families. Plainspeak instead of bafflegab, the world and America breathed a sigh of relief. The message was delivered effectively, received, and understood.

It certainly was in China, at any rate…

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/3/2012 4:50:45 PM
Hello Friends,

When I read this a few days ago I couldn't stop laughing. Even the over bloated multi millionaire Marxist buffoon Michael Moore understands that the fraud and great pretender is gonna lose and I have a feeling (hope I'm right) by a landslide.

In any case in an interview a few days ago he said "get used to saying President Romney". Just shows that even die hard supporters understand his days are numbered. :)



Michael Moore: 'Get used to saying President Romney'

White House in panic – 'People should start to practice the words'

TAMPA, Fla. – What a difference four years make.

Early signs emerging from Democrats during the Republican National Convention indicate the White House and influential activists are in a panic, fearing that Gov. Mitt Romney is increasingly likely to emerge victorious Nov. 6.

The Obama campaign has sent out a fundraising email by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., warning Democratic supporters that Obama is in the process of being “Swift-Boated” by conservative PACs, while filmmaker Michael Moore has predicted in a Huffington Post interview that Romney will win.

In an email letter sent today, Kerry wrote supporters:

Consider this: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spent about $23 million on smear ads against me in 2004.

This year, the Romney campaign and super PACs have promised to spend more than $1 billion.

What is Kerry’s plea? Donate $5 and, “Don’t let them get away with it.”

Moore is concerned with Obama’s inability to raise money 2008-style.

“Mitt Romney is going to raise more money than Barack Obama,” Moore told the Huffington Post. “That should guarantee his victory. I think people should start to practice the words ‘President Romney.’

“To assume the other side are just a bunch of ignoramuses who are supported by people who believe that Adam and Eve rode on dinosaurs 6,000 years ago is to completely misjudge the opposition,” Moore said.

Ryan lied?

Conservative pundit Jennifer Rubin, writing in the “Right Turn” blog in the Washington Post, said the Democrats “are losing it, literally.”

Rubin concluded Ryan’s speech Wednesday night at the RNC was so successful that the only thing Obama supporters, including partisans driving establishment media messaging, could do was to claim Ryan lied.

The problem is, Rubin maintained, that despite the “fact-checking” flurry initiated by Obama supporters, Ryan did not lie.

She pointed out Ryan’s claim about the Janesville GM plant was not that Obama closed it, but that he failed to keep his promise to keep it open.

Rubin concluded that Ryan’s attacks stung Obama so badly that “the Obama team and its media allies are crazed to turn facts into lies and aspirations into distortions.”

“It is a revealing moment, for the press and the Obama camp,” Rubin wrote. “For members of the Obama team, it means they are losing the race, and they know it.”


Meanwhile, artist Jon McNaughton has produced a new painting, titled “Obamanation,” that shows more than 60 symbols he believes best depict the failures of the Obama administration.

See McNaughton’s video:

“I am just one person, a citizen of this country using my first amendment rights to speak out through my art,” McNaughton writes on his website. “This is my declaration that we have never had a president do more harm to our country than Barack Obama.

McNaughton’s website provides an interactive feature allowing the viewer to click on the symbols in his painting to see his explanation and sources.

“No person can analyze this image and learn about these facts and still, in good conscience, vote for Obama in 2012,” McNaughton asserts.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/3/2012 6:49:01 PM
Hello Peter

This Monckton is a pretty sharp guy. It is he if I remember correctly that showed how global warming is not caused by CO2 but probably by changes in the sun from time to time.

There is something about the American constitution I don't understand. I always thought that law in a country went according to its constitution ...more than less. If you broke one point, you were hauled before the courts no matter who you were ...even if you were the President. Is that not right?

In years gone by, Obama would have never gotten away with even being president if he did not provide a legal birth certificate. Why is he allowed to get away with this now? He is breaking other constitutional laws as well. Does no one have the courage to impeach this man and force him to step down?

If Obama can trample all over the constitution, what will happen down the road? Others will do the same thing.

Another thing ...
There are certain things I have to provide when I apply for a job. How is it that Obama can seal all his records for the most important job in the world? It doesn't make sense.

The whole thing makes me nauseated.


Hello Friends,

Here's an excellent article by Lord Monckton. This man loves the American Constitution much more then the progressive liberal Marxist Democrats do. It's amazing that a man from another country has to preach to the American people about the loss of America as we knew her and what exactly we're losing under the B Hussein regime.

A must read and excellent article.



A sad farewell to the U.S. Constitution

Exclusive: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley calls GOP treasonous for eligibility inaction

author-image by Christopher Monckton of BrenchleyEmail | Archive Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, high priest of climate skepticism, advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, wrote leaders for the Yorkshire Post, was editor of the Catholic paper The Universe, managing editor of the Telegraph Sunday Magazine, assistant editor of Today, and consulting editor of the Evening Standard. He invented the million-selling "Eternity Puzzles," "Sudoku X" and a promising treatment for infections. See the Science & Public Policy Institute.More

The U.S. Constitution was a magnificent document. In that long, hot Philadelphia summer, your Founding Fathers thoughtfully debated the instrument of your freedom – a document that inspires all of us who no longer live in the knowledge that the only people who can impose laws or taxes upon us are those whom we have elected.

In today’s Europe, we are ruled by faceless Kommissars elected by none, accountable to none, removable by none. By contrast, the United States is still, in Walt Whitman’s memorable phrase, “the athletic democracy.” Or, rather, it was.

For your governing class has cravenly abandoned the Constitution. Faced with one of the most flagrant and persisting breaches of that great charter of freedom in your nation’s history, they totter fightless from the field.

This is what your Constitution says:

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

No ifs. No buts. This is the ancient and sensible ius soli: you are a citizen of the nation on whose soil you were born. Not born here? Go and play president somewhere else.

There is no room in this column to point out all of the obvious defects in Mr. Obama’s transparently forged “birth certificate.” I have summarized them in a briefing for my Peers. Get it from Forgery has been committed. The fraudsters should be locked up forever.

But the real criminals are those in high office who know Mr. Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery but willfully, sullenly do absolutely nothing about it.

Mr. Romney made a joke of the bogus birth certificate and then, characteristically, flip-flopped and apologized. He should certainly have apologized – not for drawing attention to the issue but for making a joke of it, and for failing to ensure behind the scenes that a credible, properly organized, fully funded legal challenge to the Manchurian Candidate’s right to appear on the ballot against him is vigorously pursued.

But no. Let’s crack a limp joke, limply apologize and limply lose the election.

Those who say the political debate should confine itself to the issues of national bankruptcy, illegal immigration, assaults upon liberty by liberals and attacks upon democracy by “Democrats” are right. Mr. Romney should have acted in private. There was no call for him to say a word in public about his shifty opponent’s shifting allegiances: until 2007 a self-proclaimed son of the Kenyan soil, born in Mombasa; then, in the 2008 presidential race, a natural-born U.S. citizen born in Hawaii, brought up in Indonesia, registered for Social Security in Connecticut (where he has never lived) and holding a Selective Service record with a forged two-digit year-stamp.

In Britain, if the prime minister put a forged document on the Web, the media would give him no mercy until he had been shamed into opening up the original document to independent forensic scrutiny.

Not in today’s America.

I asked a senior Republican attorney what he thought. He became hysterical and said: “Don’t touch the issue. Birthers are pointy-heads. They will draw you in. Your reputation will be ruined. Really.”

Never mind the reputation of his country and yours. Never mind the Constitution he had sworn to uphold. As Sir John Hoskyns, first head of Margaret Thatcher’s policy unit, used to say: “Nations fail when people find it safer to get on with their mates than to get on with the job.”

It is the job of every presidential candidate to uphold the Constitution and be seen to uphold it. The “Democrats,” who no longer care for democracy and are doing much to destroy it, can be counted upon to exploit the fact that the Republicans no longer care for the republic or the Constitution that defines it.

I made one simple point to my Republican friend. It’s your Constitution. Amend it, or abide by it. Uphold it, or lose it. I asked him, “Are you really willing to insist that your Constitution no longer matters, and to scrap a key provision inserted at the instance of your first president and his friend your first attorney general when on two dozen occasions Congress has decided to keep it?”

“Monckton,” he said, “why is it that every time I argue with you I lose?” And he changed the subject.

I have spoken to many leading Americans about this shoddy affair. Almost without exception, they share the view of my friend the Republican lawyer: The Constitution has had its day; it is merely a faded, irrelevant, historical parchment; nothing to see here – move along, move along into the gloomy twilight of your nationhood.

To all my Republican friends I say this. You will come to regret, and regret bitterly, the day you stood down when you should have stood up and stood to. You should have upheld the Constitution. You betrayed it. Not only you but your nation will pay dearly for your treason by inaction.

The world will miss the U.S. Constitution. You have let the torch in the hand of Liberty flicker and die. Why?

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»

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