Peter I didn't really know whether to post this article here or in your joke thread and I think you'll understand after you read it. From reading all the liberal remarks about the RNC having Clint Eastwood as a convention speaker I had to laugh when I say the line up for the DNC. Just another eye opener or at least it should be but then there are too many who can't see or face the truth. Another thing, while I'm on my soapbox, I can not understand why some always see opposition to Obama as being racist. Why can they not understand that the criticism is of the job the man is doing or not doing as president and ask yourself, who is the real racist here, those of us who criticize the job he's doing or those who refuse to acknowledge his failure as a leader just because he's black?
August 31, 2012 By Dr. Kevin "Coach" Collins
The Republican National Convention featured strong women reverently proclaiming God has blessed America and our need to follow His grace back to where He wants us to be.
The wholesomeness of the real America was highlighted by the many good decent women who rose to speak. We heard female governors, a female former cabinet member, and loving wives tell us they understand the threat the current administration is to real America. These Republican women showed America they understand personal matters are to be kept personal; love of country is their open passion.
The RNC celebrated real families with strong women who are part of real families who love and protect children. In contrast, the Democrat National Convention will give us a three-day “Vagina Monologues” celebrating the most grotesque of the Left’s positions.
The DNC will give us a lesbian, an abortionist, a condom queen, a phony “Catholic” a women who has spent her life smiling while men destroyed the women in her family, an actress best known for promoting adultery, and a woman who thinks “You didn’t build that.”
Here’s the DNC list of women speakers:
Tammy Baldwin, the first speaker: an open lesbian recently separated from her gay partner.
Veterans Affairs Tammy Duckworth, endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice America and EMILY’S List.
Sandra Fluke sees freedom as having others pay for the condoms her dozens of weekly lovers use to please her.
Nancy Keenan, President of NARAL Pro-Choice America: once a Special Education teacher caring for America’s most vulnerable children who now supports killing special needs children before they are born.
Lilly Ledbetter will remind viewers that women on Barack Obama’s White House staff are paid 18% less than men in violation of the law named after her.
Caroline Kennedy has spent her whole life silently smiling while the men in her family have abused woman, including her own mother; she has called Barack Obama a LIAR.
Eva Longoria, best known for using her acting talents to celebrate adultery on “Desperate Housewives”.
Sen. Barbara Mikulski, a putative Catholic with a 100% NARAL rating.
Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, advocates the slaughter of innocent children.
Kamala Harris, the 100% NARAL rated California Attorney General.
Massachusetts Senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren coined “You didn’t build that”, telling small business people they can’t succeed without government.
Let’s keep making the contrast at every opportunity.