Hi Peter and Friends,
I am throwing this up to get your juices flowing. The fact is that the Democrats have been telegraphing their own actions as accusations of wrong doing by their opposition for years. They did this early on when they started the Fast and Furious SCAM. They made overtures about the Mexicans were complaining about the guns we were shipping to Mexico and "Barack the Hun" started fulfilling their prophesy. So now this would be pre news but...................
By Craig Andresen on July 14, 2012 at 6:53 am
Over the last several days, we have seen an uptick in the rhetoric from the Obama campaign and it’s all personal attacks against Mitt Romney.
We fully expected that during this campaign and, we fully expect it not only to continue but, to get worse.
Lots worse.
We know Obama can’t run on his record and we know he’ll try to swing the topic away from things like jobs, unemployment, the debt, the economy, raising taxes and just about any part of his record or administration one cares to mention.
But what has transpired in the past few days may well be being mischaracterized by almost everybody in the press and the blogosphere.
What we are hearing most often are words and phrases like…”Jumped the shark” and “desperation.
Here’s what is leading to what could well be the biggest missed foreshadowing in recent history.
First, we had Stephanie Cutter, from the Obama campaign who, in a conference call, spoke about Mitt Romney’s departure from Bain
“Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony. Or he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments” including layoffs and the outsourcing of jobs.”
Hmmm…Felony? Yes. She and others of the liberal/socialist persuasion are attaching themselves and the Obama campaign to promoting the idea that Mitt Romney might have committed a felony.
Jumped the shark? Desperate?
Think again.
Then we had David Axelrod who, in an interview, had the following comment.
“This is the most secretive candidate since Richard Nixon. What happened after Nixon is we as a country said we need a higher level of disclosure, so people know who their candidates are, what their entanglements are, and we can make judgments on it. Gov. Romney and his campaign have stonewalled and are trying to turn the clock back 50 years on transparency and disclosure.”
Really? Axelrod and others of the liberal/socialist persuasion and the Obama campaign, are trying to label Mitt Romney as lacking transparency?
Desperate? Jumping the shark?
Think again.
While desperation is most definitely involved, it may well have nothing to do with Obama’s failed policies, programs, unemployment, the economy or any of the rest of his record over the last 3 ½ years.
It’s something else.
Obama has a history of trying divert attention away from things that are going to become public knowledge where he’ll look bad. He’s done it before and, one might well suspect he’s doing it right now.
Timing is everything.
Last week, in Florida, a court case regarding Obama’s eligibility to be on the Florida ballot started coming to a head. The judge in that case tried to get out of making any sort of decision by claiming it’s not in the State of Florida’s jurisdiction to make such a determination regarding eligibility.
He’s dead wrong.
It IS within Florida’s jurisdiction and the attorneys for the plaintiff know it and, they’re pressing the issue…hard. That judge is about
to be FORCED into a decision and it may well be the kind of decision Obama doesn’t want to hear. If the judge finds against the plaintiff, there WILL be an appeal as the plaintiff and the state are WELL within their rights.
That is exactly WHY the case in Florida is different. In other states and through more than 100 eligibility challenges against Obama, NO court has ruled on the evidence BECAUSE those states don’t have the laws on their books which ARE on the books in Florida.
But that’s not all.
Next Tuesday, Mike Zullo and the Arpaio Cold Case Posse are holding a press conference in Phoenix Arizona.
It should be noted that Zullo and a Maricopa County Deputy spent some time in Hawaii over the last couple of months looking into the Obama birth certificate issue and other “birther” issues as well. During their news conference last March, they revealed “probable cause” that the birth certificate shown by Obama last year, was a forgery.
They also showed evidence suggesting that Obama’s Selective Service registration was a forgery and called into question his Social Security number.
Next Tuesday, July 17th, Zullo has promised…SHOCKING REVELATIONS” concerning the investigation into Obama’s personal records. According to Mike Zullo, “I can’t disclose to you what we’ve discovered, but it’s going to be a shocking revelation at our press conference.” Zullo went on to say, “The information … is going to be breathtaking when it’s released.”
Now…Axelrod calls ROMNEY the least transparent candidate since Nixon and Cutter accuses ROMNEY of a possible felony.
Obama and his campaign must be fully aware of what could be found by someone digging deep enough into Obama’s hidden past. They MUST know what’s been buried and why. They also know that neither Mike Zullo nor Sheriff Joe Arpaio are going to give up or stop digging.
So…combine what might happen in the Florida eligibility case with what Zullo and Arpaio are set to release next Tuesday and is it any WONDER Obama and his campaign team are trying to beat the Sunshine State and the Cold Case Posse to the punch?
By accusing Romney of the exact things that could well come out about Obama next week.
Felonies and a lack of transparency.
Quite possibly, a preemptive strike against Romney to distract people away from his OWN lack of transparency and felonious past.
It wouldn’t be the first time his hidden past has come into play as a distraction either.
Back in late April of 2011, Obama released his “birth certificate” after Trump vowed to do his OWN investigation AND the day before what was to have been the bin Laden raid. Weather factors delayed that raid by a few days but, the distraction worked.
What Obama never counted on was a Cold Case Posse looking INTO that “trumped” up birth certificate and now, painted into a corner by it, Obama needs a preemptive strike.
As I have said time and time again…if you want to know what liberals are up to, just watch what they accuse conservatives of doing.
Last week, liberals accused Romney of a felony and a lack of transparency, didn’t they?
What does THAT tell you? It tells ME that he may well be feeling cornered by his own obvious lack of transparency and, quite possibly, by his own buried and remanufactured past.
If Zullo is correct and the press conference results in SHOCKING REVELATIONS…We will know for sure.
Won’t we?