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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/14/2012 3:06:27 AM
Hey Peter and Friends,

I came on this article and found it an interesting Read. What say you all?

Time to Storm Obama and Washington D.C.?

I am in extremely fine company. On 18 June 2012 I wrote in my column “Obama Dictatorship Now Overtly Lawless…Congress Largely Yawns”: “We have almost completely lost our country to the Marxist/Islamic ruler currently ensconced in our White House, folks. It’s inordinately clear that Congress will do nothing. Only We-the-People can stop this. Isn’t it time for a REAL Million Patriot + march on Washington D.C.? If we don’t take back our country no one else will…no one. Obama and his illegal government are now completely criminal and, apparently, in total control of us all.”

Now recently, during a rousing speech given to donors at a Romney campaign event in Park City, Utah, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said: “It is a narrative that is being pushed by our current president, that ‘I’m doing poorly because you’re doing well,’” she said. “That has never been the American narrative. Ours has never been a narrative of aggrievement and ours has never been a narrative of entitlement. It is time for all of us, in any way we can, to mobilize, get our act together, and storm Washington D.C.

It appears that many Republican leaders who, in the past, have not come out in any partisan manner have now realized the extreme jeopardy that comprises the current state of our country. Multitudes of Americans are also, more each and every day, now aware of the dire straits the Obama syndicate has forcefully pushed us all into and are determined to stop the totalitarian onslaught. Obama and his cabal have summarily gutted the US Treasury–with ObamaFriend Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s assistance–and made tremendous progress into destroying every uniquely American institution that still exists.

Muslim Brotherhood emblem

Obama has appointed to high levels of the US government’s national security members of the foundational terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood (Sunni Muslims) and he and his syndicate are in the process of bringing down each and every non-Sunni Muslim regime (Obama’s ostensible father and family are Sunni) in the Middle East. He started by sending leftists (terrorists themselves) “Code Pink” (in 2008-2009), the husband and wife team of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and Google executive Wael Ghonim to plan, implement and assist the “revolution” and ultimate end-goal of the installation of the Muslim Brotherhood as Egypt’s ruling body. It has worked. Obama then set his sights on Libya…another Shia Muslim country. Result? Libya quickly was taken over by the MB. Although the Brotherhood is now experiencing disgust from the Libyan people and will likely have difficulty in the upcoming elections, they are still in control. Now, Obama has set his sights on Syria…another Shia Muslim country…and has plans to destroy it and affect an MB takeover there. Is the pattern developing? You betcha’!

The final assault on non-Sunni Islam will be against Iran…and the Obama campaign against this terrorist country (to replace it with another terrorist group…the one to which Obama belongs) is well underway. Then, the traitor and dictator-in-chief will have nothing to stop him from moving on Israel.

The Final World War may be no more than a few weeks or months away. As if they won’t be affected, the wholly-owned media reports virtually nothing on this. With reports on daily briefings from the White House as to what they may and may not report, the media are already completely under the control of Dictator-in-Chief Obama and his masters.

Every day brings at least another treasonous act against the USA and its people by and from Dictator Obama. Still, Congress and the vast majority of the press say nothing and do nothing to stop him. Are partisanship and temporary payoffs with taxpayer money more important than saving our country? Apparently so, as we witnessed recently with SCOTUS CJ John Roberts…who is apparently now hiding out on the island of Malta.

It’s up to us, folks, as it has always been. We must pray to the Lord God for your redemption and the redemption of our country. But, it’s also now time for us to act. To repeat what Condi Rice said so eloquently: “It is time for all of us, in any way we can, to mobilize, get our act together, and storm Washington D.C.” In this country, we used to actually fight attempts to suppress and enslave us. It’s time to remember that. Let’s Roll.

“Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this”–Ecclesiastes 7:10

The speech creating Vice President buzz for Condoleezza Rice:

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates US Government:

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Rick Martin

463 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/14/2012 7:19:09 AM
1266 76 187

How ‘Wide Receiver’ and ‘Fast and Furious’ are different

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Wide Receiver was a small scale law enforcement gun smuggling interdiction effort that involved Phoenix — I mistakenly said Tucson yesterday — involved Phoenix-based ATF agents working in conjunction with Mexican law enforcement. ATF supervisors and justice department prosecutors in Arizona were trying to build a case against a violent group of Mexican drug smugglers. Fast and Furious was an effort to build a case against American gun dealers and the Second Amendment. That’s the stark difference.

Wide Receiver was an attempt to build a case against gun smugglers and the drug cartels, to find out who they were, where they are. The purpose of Fast and Furious was to build a case against the Second Amendment. In a nutshell, Wide Receiver began in 2005. It involved four hundred guns. All of the weapons in Wide Receiver had RFID trackers installed in them, and they were actively tracked. Only the Phoenix ATF and DOJ were involved. The Mexican government was kept fully informed. They were an active participant. In Wide Receiver, the ATF agents tried to track the guns using radio devices and aircraft. They wanted to find out where the guns ended up, into the hands of which cartels and where they were, so that a case could be made. It was an effort to track these people to find them, locate them.

The Bush administration, as part of Wide Receiver, notified the Mexican government when arms and drug smugglers were crossing. When the guns were being walked across the border or when they had been purchased legally, being taken back to Mexico, the Mexican government was notified. At least 1,400 arrests were made as part of Wide Receiver. Now, once ATF found out the smugglers were disabling the tracking devices, the RFID tracking devices that were planted in the guns, they ripped them out and then the guns were lost. So the program was shut down in October of 2007. Once the bad guys discovered the tracking devices, the program was ended, in 2007. Ended.

Now, here’s Fast and Furious by contrast. Fast and Furious began in October of 2009. Obama is in his tenth month. Wide Receiver doesn’t exist. It’d been shut down for two years. Fast and Furious involved over 2,000 guns. Wide Receiver was 1,400 guns. Roughly. No tracking devices were planted in the Fast and Furious guns. The regime didn’t care where they ended up. There were no tracking devices. No effort was made to track them. No helicopters. There was no on-the-ground surveillance of the straw purchasers. None of it. The guns were sold, they were walked across the border, and that was it. Four federal agencies were involved in maybe as many as 10 cities in five states.

In contrast to Wide Receiver, the Mexican government was not notified the program even existed. They did not use tracking devices or aircraft to try to find and track the smugglers. The local ATF field agents were ordered not to follow the straw purchasers. Fast and Furious is as bad as everything you have conjured it to be in your mind. Wide Receiver has nothing in common, other than guns crossing the border. That’s it. Federal agents, furthermore — are you following all this, Snerdley? — federal agents were not allowed to interdict the guns and they even ran interference for the smugglers with local law enforcement on multiple occasions to make sure those guns made it across the border.

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Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/14/2012 9:48:39 AM
Hi Rick,

Thanks for two excellent articles. The first one compliments what I've been warning about for the past 3 and a half years is that B Hussein has an Islamic agenda and works non stop to implement his plan 24/7/365. It started with his infamous Cairo speech and we can see the disastrous results happening before our eyes.

We'll see the end of this catastrophe if we get rid of the fraud and great pretender this November. It can be stopped but he's gotta go with all the muslim brotherhood he has surrounding him in his administration.



Hey Peter and Friends,

I came on this article and found it an interesting Read. What say you all?

Time to Storm Obama and Washington D.C.?

I am in extremely fine company. On 18 June 2012 I wrote in my column “Obama Dictatorship Now Overtly Lawless…Congress Largely Yawns”: “We have almost completely lost our country to the Marxist/Islamic ruler currently ensconced in our White House, folks. It’s inordinately clear that Congress will do nothing. Only We-the-People can stop this. Isn’t it time for a REAL Million Patriot + march on Washington D.C.? If we don’t take back our country no one else will…no one. Obama and his illegal government are now completely criminal and, apparently, in total control of us all.”

Now recently, during a rousing speech given to donors at a Romney campaign event in Park City, Utah, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said: “It is a narrative that is being pushed by our current president, that ‘I’m doing poorly because you’re doing well,’” she said. “That has never been the American narrative. Ours has never been a narrative of aggrievement and ours has never been a narrative of entitlement. It is time for all of us, in any way we can, to mobilize, get our act together, and storm Washington D.C.

It appears that many Republican leaders who, in the past, have not come out in any partisan manner have now realized the extreme jeopardy that comprises the current state of our country. Multitudes of Americans are also, more each and every day, now aware of the dire straits the Obama syndicate has forcefully pushed us all into and are determined to stop the totalitarian onslaught. Obama and his cabal have summarily gutted the US Treasury–with ObamaFriend Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s assistance–and made tremendous progress into destroying every uniquely American institution that still exists.

Muslim Brotherhood emblem

Obama has appointed to high levels of the US government’s national security members of the foundational terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood (Sunni Muslims) and he and his syndicate are in the process of bringing down each and every non-Sunni Muslim regime (Obama’s ostensible father and family are Sunni) in the Middle East. He started by sending leftists (terrorists themselves) “Code Pink” (in 2008-2009), the husband and wife team of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and Google executive Wael Ghonim to plan, implement and assist the “revolution” and ultimate end-goal of the installation of the Muslim Brotherhood as Egypt’s ruling body. It has worked. Obama then set his sights on Libya…another Shia Muslim country. Result? Libya quickly was taken over by the MB. Although the Brotherhood is now experiencing disgust from the Libyan people and will likely have difficulty in the upcoming elections, they are still in control. Now, Obama has set his sights on Syria…another Shia Muslim country…and has plans to destroy it and affect an MB takeover there. Is the pattern developing? You betcha’!

The final assault on non-Sunni Islam will be against Iran…and the Obama campaign against this terrorist country (to replace it with another terrorist group…the one to which Obama belongs) is well underway. Then, the traitor and dictator-in-chief will have nothing to stop him from moving on Israel.

The Final World War may be no more than a few weeks or months away. As if they won’t be affected, the wholly-owned media reports virtually nothing on this. With reports on daily briefings from the White House as to what they may and may not report, the media are already completely under the control of Dictator-in-Chief Obama and his masters.

Every day brings at least another treasonous act against the USA and its people by and from Dictator Obama. Still, Congress and the vast majority of the press say nothing and do nothing to stop him. Are partisanship and temporary payoffs with taxpayer money more important than saving our country? Apparently so, as we witnessed recently with SCOTUS CJ John Roberts…who is apparently now hiding out on the island of Malta.

It’s up to us, folks, as it has always been. We must pray to the Lord God for your redemption and the redemption of our country. But, it’s also now time for us to act. To repeat what Condi Rice said so eloquently: “It is time for all of us, in any way we can, to mobilize, get our act together, and storm Washington D.C.” In this country, we used to actually fight attempts to suppress and enslave us. It’s time to remember that. Let’s Roll.

“Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this”–Ecclesiastes 7:10

The speech creating Vice President buzz for Condoleezza Rice:

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates US Government:

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/14/2012 9:50:30 AM
Hello Friends,

This is one of the best anti B Hussein political ads I've seen so far. Not long and well worth watching.

We've gotta make sure this goes viral. Who knows maybe a few of the progressive liberal freebie lovers will finally understand.



Help Patriot Super PAC reach 2 million people with this message.
"GET OUT!" was created by Ryan Bomberger (see, a civic-social activist and creative professional who describes himself as "black as Obama". Partnering with PatriotSuperPAC, "GET OUT!" exposes the President's dangerous dismantling of our country's Constitution. High unemployment, out of control federal spending, highest tax increases in U.S. history, skyrocketing number of Americans on welfare, stagnate economy are all trademarks of Obama's leadership. BHO's GOTTA GO!
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/14/2012 10:16:27 AM
Hello Friends,

Hank Williams Jr. did it again. He came out with a new album and as usual tells it like it is in his unique way starting off with the song "Takin' back the country".

For Hank Williams fans the below video includes all the songs in his new album. Enjoy and pass it on.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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