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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/24/2012 1:49:47 AM

Hello guys, here's a very interesting video I got today from one of my long time email friends and as I watched and listened it made a lot of sense to me.

BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress!

THIS EXPLAINS A LOT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED JUST AFTER THE ELECTION, WHY HILLARY DIDN’T GET THE NOMINATION, AND WHY MCCAIN WAS VETTED BY THE SENATE AND OBAMA WAS NOT. THIS ALSO EXPLAINS WHY THE SUPREME COURT WON’T HEAR THE CASE OF INELIGIBILITY THAT WAS PRESENTED TO THE SUPREME COURT AND WAS IGNORED! Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress! If you never watch another video, watch this one, this proves the Democrats (And some Republicans) know Obama is not an American and is serving illegally and unconstitutionally and the efforts they made are recorded in the Congressional Record, attempting to change the Constitution so he could serve legally. EVERYONE who cares about and loves this Constitutional Republic absolutely MUST watch this video!!!!!! This guy and his cronies have been intentionally deceiving the American public and his friends in Congress have been propping him up. Where are our elected representatives, especially the Tea Party candidates?

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/26/2012 12:16:23 AM

Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/26/2012 7:13:26 PM
Hi Peter and Friends,

This explains many of my thoughts.

The pasage below is copied out of Wikipedia explaining how black democrats have rejected several attempts by whites to join the black congressional caucus and were rejected.

White membership

Over the years, the question has arisen, "Does the black caucus allow only black members?" Pete Stark, D-CA., who is white, tried and failed to join in 1975. In January 2007, Josephine Hearn reported in Politico that white members of Congress were not welcome to join the CBC.[8] Freshman Representative Steve Cohen, D-TN., who is white, pledged to apply for membership during his election campaign to represent his constituency, which is 60% African American. Hearn further reported that although the bylaws of the caucus do not make race a prerequisite for membership, former and current members of the caucus agreed that the group should remain "exclusively black". Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr., D-MO., the son of Rep. William Lacy Clay Sr., D-MO., a co-founder of the caucus, is quoted as saying, "Mr. Cohen asked for admission, and he got his answer. He's white and the caucus is black. It's time to move on. We have racial policies to pursue and we are pursuing them, as Mr. Cohen has learned. It's an unwritten rule. It's understood." In response to the decision, Rep. Cohen stated, "It's their caucus and they do things their way. You don't force your way in." Clay issued an official statement from his office:

Quite simply, Rep. Cohen will have to accept what the rest of the country will have to accept—there has been an unofficial Congressional White Caucus for over 200 years, and now it's our turn to say who can join 'the club.' He does not, and cannot, meet the membership criteria, unless he can change his skin color. Primarily, we are concerned with the needs and concerns of the black population, and we will not allow white America to infringe on those objectives.

On January 25, 2007, Representative Tom Tancredo, R-CO., spoke out against the continued existence of the CBC as well as the Democratic Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Republican Congressional Hispanic Conference saying, "It is utterly hypocritical for Congress to extol the virtues of a color-blind society while officially sanctioning caucuses that are based solely on race. If we are serious about achieving the goal of a colorblind society, Congress should lead by example and end these divisive, race-based caucuses."[9]

Senate members

There have been only four black senators in the modern era, each of whom was the only black senator during his or her tenure. Edward Brooke, a Republican senator from Massachusetts in the 60s and 70s, was not a member of the CBC. The remaining three black senators were all members of the Congressional Black Caucus and were all from Illinois. They are Carol Moseley Braun (1993–1999), current president Barack Obama (2005–2008), and Roland Burris (2008–2010). Burris was appointed by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich in December 2008 to fill Obama's seat for the remaining two years of his senate term.

The promotion of any race over another race is just as much racism as surpressing any particular race. Most democrats justify this sort of race promoting because of white surpression of blacks during the dark days of slavery. Democrats vigoriously promote anti racism laws to make them look good then promote the so called minority races to guilt the republicans into beleiving the republicans are racists if they don't go along with the democratic plan to make the democrats look good when the democrats start promoting race.

The truth is, "REPUBLICANS ARE NOT RACIST"! The democrats try as hard as they can to relate republicans with the KKK and Nazis. The KKK and Nazis are their own political party and are rejected by the republican parties. The minorities have all been brainwashed by the democrats into beleiving something that's just not true. The democrats try as hard as they can to give the blacks and hispanics food stamps and general welfare in a democratic effort to stamp out the republican party.

The fact of the matter in my own opinon is the democrats found a way that works to gain total control of the U.S. by promoting welfare to blacks and hispanics while creating a racial atmosphere in congress, the general minority and democratic populations towards non democratic whites. The more legal and illegal immigrants the democrats allow into the U.S. the greater the numbers are against republicans because of the welfare and access to U.S. jobs that were taken away from U.S. citizens by filling cities with countless numbers of immigrants and their anchor babies. Employers claim they can't find U.S. citizens to do the jobs but in reality it's the democrats that filled the cities with hoards of immigrants to push U.S. citizens away from the jobs so employers would only have immigrants to hire. The democrats also create greater job access for immigrants that vote democrat by making conditions for business expensive in the way of high taxation so the businesses will move to China or Mexico taking away good paying jobs and putting U.S. citizens in poverty along with the immigrants.

In my own opinoin the whole democratic plan that's passed down from generation to generation of democrats is to turn the U.S. into a communist country then unite all the worlds communist countries into one big country that will stamp out capitalism. The democratic plan relies on politically uneducated people and there's no shortage of these people in the U.S. . Bringing in more illegals from spanish countries that are really uneducated is a plus for the democrats. The democrats are almost there too! Almost half the population in the U.S. votes democrat because of all the "Free" stuff they think they will get. The democrats publically lie in the open media and still the democrats hold on to their voting percentage. The democrats just have to convince women and voting age students that they will get what they want and have an easy time in getting the "Freebies" and tons of cash. I hate to say this but in my opinion women are the most vunerable to this democratic trash talk since they rely more upon gossip than actual self education in what their political choices will do to them over the long run. Students just think the world should be a certain way and vote on that instead of voting on reality. Voting for a "Crap Head politician" like Obama just because he promises you to get you one thing that in reality he can't deliver is B.S.

So many U.S. citizens and immigrants are introduced to the easy living idea that they jump on the bandwagon of anyone that says they are going to get the easy living lifestyle if you vote for them. It's all "B.S."! All the democratic garbage talk about making life great for everyone is just a ploy to turn the U.S. into communists. The only way to get the cash is to work hard and make good choices in spending the money you get under a capitalistic society. The capitalistic society gets out of control and greedy business men and women make life tough for ordinary working U.S. citizens but when U.S. citizens stand up with each other and identify the corruption and overcharging the out of control capitalism is easily corrected. Under democratic communism proposed by Obama everyone will be poor except the chosen ones the democrats pick. Yes, "PICK"!. After democratic communism is permanently installed racism towards the minorities the democrats used to build the communistic society will come to life and bite the blacks and hispanics right in the arse by the democrats themselves!

The democrats made one huge mistake in their plans to install communism in the U.S. . The democrats let illegal aliens get home loans. It's still unclear when the democrats learned about this but it happened, "illegal aliens got home loans" and when president Bush did work place raids it set off the housing market collaspe and all the democratic B.S. is coming to light because of the huge "illegal alien home loan" mistake. The deriviative market that's getting blamed for the economy collaspe was filled with home loans to illegal immigrants. President Clinton started this mess and Obama is continueing the democratic effort like nobodies going to ever figure it out.

Congressional Black Caucus - Wikipedia

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/27/2012 12:42:20 PM
Hey Peter and Friends,

The Lawless Dictator and His Gestapo Institute Change Only They Believe In To Overrun Our Ability To Protect Our Country's Sovereignty? One Step At A Time.

How Obama has stealthily dismantled America's immigration enforcement laws

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The ancient Chinese practice of lingchi, the "Death of a Thousand Cuts," best describes the manner in which the Obama administration has systematically whittled away most immigration enforcement since taking office. Over time, the rule of law has been shredded not by a single act, but by many small cuts.

A review of President Obama's record reveals a jaw-dropping steady and stealthy dismantling of virtually every tool and resource used to identify and remove deportable aliens.

Out with the Old -- Gut What Works

Immediately after taking office, the Obama administration replaced effective worksite enforcement that targeted both employers and illegal workers with meaningless paper audits and modest fines. Meanwhile, the administration refused to consider making E-Verify mandatory for all employers, even resisting efforts to permanently reauthorize it, despite hundreds of thousands of businesses voluntarily using the program.

Failing to hold employers who hire illegal aliens accountable was an early, yet clear signal that the Obama administration intended to derail all enforcement.

The administration focused their sights next on programs that helped local law enforcement identify illegal aliens. Both the 287(g) and the Secure Communities agreements were rewritten to emphasize that only criminal aliens would be processed. A “don’t-ask, don’t-tell” policy took effect for all other illegal aliens.

In with the New -- Rewrite the Rules

In 2011, Obama’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director, John Morton, issued a series of internal directives instructing agency staff to focus their efforts exclusively on removing illegal aliens with criminal records. The administration would exercise “prosecutorial discretion” for all others. The new priorities – still in place – imply that immigration violations, in and of themselves, are inconsequential.

Squash Resistance -- Sue the States

With local programs such as 287(g) and Secure Communities weakened and federal authority (to not enforce the law) broadened by way of the new internal memos, the administration had consolidated the power it needed to initiate backdoor amnesty without interference. Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice (DOJ) became the instrument of intimidation. States that enacted their own bills requiring local police to identify illegal aliens and turn them over to federal custody, felt the blows one after the other. The DOJ sued Arizona, South Carolina, and Utah.

Distract and Deceive

To distract attention from his actions, Obama told Americans that the border was secure and that that deportations were up.

Both were deceptions.

In official documents, DHS stated that only 44% of the border was under operational control. And while deportations had, in fact risen slightly, the increase had nothing to do with expanding enforcement by the Obama administration. A “pipeline” of deportable cases was filled by vigorous enforcement during the last two years of the Bush administration. Those cases carried forward and Obama took credit in his first two years. Moreover, while deportations for violent criminal aliens had risen, all other deportations were down indicating that the Obama administration felt it could pick and choose which laws to enforce.

The Final Blow

From the beginning, President Obama knew that the public would reject amnesty legislation. However, he also knew he stood a good chance of getting it done through a strategy of piecemeal efforts, provided no one noticed.

With an election looming and special interests demanding grandiose and immediate action, in June President Obama declared unilaterally that he was using executive power to implement the DREAM Act for an untold number illegal alien “kids” who were brought here through “no fault of their own.”

During his DREAM Act speech, Obama failed to mention that his new edict allowed illegal aliens up to the age of 30 to qualify.

Then, in an interview shortly thereafter with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, DHS Secretary Napolitano admitted that parents of illegal aliens applying for deferred action – illegal alien adults who most certainly did knowingly break the law – will not be subject to immigration enforcement. As she said, “we have it internally set up.”

With that announcement, amnesty for illegal aliens tripled.

So much for Obama’s argument he was giving amnesty just to “kids” who were “brought here through no fault of their own.”

Obama’s Death of a Thousand Cuts has virtually gutted our country’s immigration enforcement apparatus, but the record is clear and the public must hold this president accountable. Congress has an urgent mandate to begin the work of restoring credibility to our immigration system by stopping the cuts, healing the wounds, and reinstating the rule of law.

FAIR’s new report detailing President Obama’s dismal immigration enforcement policy record can found at

Bob Dane is Communications Director for FAIR and Kristen Williamson is Press Secretary for the Federation for American Immigration Reform

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Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/27/2012 1:09:00 PM

Hello everyone

This came to me from Natural News...

Did you know that prescription drugs kill 6200% more Americans each year than homicidal shootings?

The following are my comments .... helen

Out of those homicidal shootings, how many were caused by psychiatric drugs?

Where are all the activists that fight against pharmaceutical companies and
their snake oil potions that kill over 106,000 people per year in the USA alone.
These dying from prescription drugs are not just old people; it includes all

America, before you holler for gun controls, do some research of countries who
have recently had gun controls.

If you keep voting for the most dangerous president in the history of the USA,
you are going to need your guns. That's why he doesn't want you to have them.

For more information, go to the Natural News website.


Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»

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