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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/2/2012 3:37:21 PM

Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage

The Yoke Of Bondage

- Jimmy Reed Monday, July 2, 2012
When I was a kid, boys played a game called “king on the mountain” — a wrestling match in which the guy still standing was taken down and replaced by others, also taken down. In today’s world, America still stands, but sinister forces — within her shores and abroad — are determined to take her down.

It’s a matter of evil people hating good people. When the scourge of tyranny threatens, foreign nations have always turned to America for help because they know she can be counted on to stand tall for freedom. When foreign nations are devastated by natural calamites, they know America will be first on the scene to help them get back on their feet. Conversely, what countries come to America’s aid when she suffers at the hands of Mother Nature? Not one.
Americans are the most generous, yet least appreciated people on earth. Ironically, if the America-haters’ dreams came true and Old Glory ceased to be the most enduring symbol of freedom in mankind’s history, their joy would be short-lived. The ever-tightening grip of oppression would take hold; they’d have no one to turn to, and would end up living in even more abject misery than they now live in.

For patriots like myself, the desire of some foreign countries to topple this great nation is regretful, but even more regretful is the desire of many Americans to see her descend to the level of countries who continually try to make a success of what has always been a failure, morally and otherwise: socialism. These anti-American Americans — especially those in government — remind me of coddled, spoiled-brat children, who take so much for granted, and instead of giving thanks, only demand more, idiotically failing to realize that sooner or later the cookie jar runs out.
Rogue nations and their terrorist offspring accuse America of being a warmonger, and cowardly, flower-power, peacenik anti-American Americans go along with that accusation, refusing to accept the eternal wisdom of the Latin phrase, “Vis pacem, para bellum”: If you want peace, prepare for war.
Real Americans are thankful they are Americans. They are proud of America’s accomplishments, which no other country can even begin to match.
Real Americans understand that America has to be the world’s policeman, and in the name of exceptionalism, she shoulders that thankless duty.
Real Americans are grateful for the legacy of freedom bequeathed to them by their forefathers, many of whom lost all their possessions, family members, and even their lives, in the struggle against a tyrannical power, not unlike many American-hating countries today.
Real Americans accept the message given in Galatians, Chapter five: “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
I thank God every day that I was born an American, and pray that He will help this nation defeat those who hate her — at home and abroad — so that she will never know what so many want her to know: the yoke of bondage.

Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/3/2012 7:17:28 PM

Hi Evelyn and all

I can agree pretty much with what Jimmy Reed says especially if I consider it from an American's point of view. What I have to say is not from a place of hate but rather a place of love and compassion for a country that seems to be losing hold on freedom and all that makes America great.

There is one thing I disagree with is his quote below, however. From what I have seen the USA do in the area of policing I have to say to America "Take the log out of your own eye .....".

I, as a person from another country, take considerable interest in US politics because of the way it affects us in other countries especially the country next door (I am speaking of Canada). I love the country of USA and have many great relationships with its citizens but from what I have seen of the USA's policing, I would never want the US to police me or my country. We have enough problems with our own policing without the atrocious mistakes US policing makes.

The USA is so busy keeping their finger in everyone else's pie, the pie they have at home is rotting. Take just one example, Obama as president. The USA has a law that says in order for someone to be a president in the USA, they must be born in the USA. If that is true then Obama's birthplace should have been established before he even ran for the office and at the very least when he was elected. The USA's policing could not even take care of that. And that is just ONE example. There are many glaring examples in the US policing system which I would not want in our country.

One area in which America's world policing leave much to be desired is that which is being done in Israel. It seems the policing goes according to the whims of the president of the USA at any given time. Many of the US presidents have wanted Israel to give away bits of land to a people who seek Israel's annihilation but the current president's attitude and action regarding Israel is even worse.

One other quote about "freedom bequeathed", he is only partly right. The USA has enjoyed the freedom and prosperity it has because God chose to bless the USA when its people gave God credence and acknowledged Him in almost all they did. Now that is being stripped away by the ACLU and others and many of those against it are just letting it happen. They will not stand up and speak against it. What a shame.

God bless America. Get your policing in order at home and maybe I will accept that you might be the world's policeman. :))



Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage

The Yoke Of Bondage

- Jimmy Reed Monday, July 2, 2012

Real Americans understand that America has to be the world’s policeman, and in the name of exceptionalism, she shoulders that thankless duty.

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Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/3/2012 8:00:41 PM

Hello all

You've probably seen this video before but it is worth another look, imho.

There was much I liked about this US President and let me guess that many of you did as well.....

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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/4/2012 9:46:43 AM
Hi Evelyn & Helen,

Thanks for the 3 excellent articles. I didn't quote the one below cos I thought it was the best one but simply cos it was the last one.

The evident truths in all three articles should be obvious to all but I can't help but notice that the dumb stay dumb or their greed for all the entitlements they're getting blinds them to the truth that is staring them in the face.

I wonder what those fools will think Many of them are seniors) will think when they need medical treatment but they won't get it cos of their age. Will they be as supportive as they are now or will they all of a sudden understand what idiots they've been all along.

They're gonna be TAXED outta their homes cos they won't be able to afford to pay for their entitlements. They'll find themselves floating down the river of debt on a raft cos that they can still build outta drift wood.

Poor suckers. Come November we're gonna vote the fraud out of office and make him a one term president.

Helen. thanks for the Reagan video. I've seen it in the past but it's well worth watching again and again.




Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage

The Yoke Of Bondage

- Jimmy Reed Monday, July 2, 2012
When I was a kid, boys played a game called “king on the mountain” — a wrestling match in which the guy still standing was taken down and replaced by others, also taken down. In today’s world, America still stands, but sinister forces — within her shores and abroad — are determined to take her down.

It’s a matter of evil people hating good people. When the scourge of tyranny threatens, foreign nations have always turned to America for help because they know she can be counted on to stand tall for freedom. When foreign nations are devastated by natural calamites, they know America will be first on the scene to help them get back on their feet. Conversely, what countries come to America’s aid when she suffers at the hands of Mother Nature? Not one.
Americans are the most generous, yet least appreciated people on earth. Ironically, if the America-haters’ dreams came true and Old Glory ceased to be the most enduring symbol of freedom in mankind’s history, their joy would be short-lived. The ever-tightening grip of oppression would take hold; they’d have no one to turn to, and would end up living in even more abject misery than they now live in.

For patriots like myself, the desire of some foreign countries to topple this great nation is regretful, but even more regretful is the desire of many Americans to see her descend to the level of countries who continually try to make a success of what has always been a failure, morally and otherwise: socialism. These anti-American Americans — especially those in government — remind me of coddled, spoiled-brat children, who take so much for granted, and instead of giving thanks, only demand more, idiotically failing to realize that sooner or later the cookie jar runs out.
Rogue nations and their terrorist offspring accuse America of being a warmonger, and cowardly, flower-power, peacenik anti-American Americans go along with that accusation, refusing to accept the eternal wisdom of the Latin phrase, “Vis pacem, para bellum”: If you want peace, prepare for war.
Real Americans are thankful they are Americans. They are proud of America’s accomplishments, which no other country can even begin to match.
Real Americans understand that America has to be the world’s policeman, and in the name of exceptionalism, she shoulders that thankless duty.
Real Americans are grateful for the legacy of freedom bequeathed to them by their forefathers, many of whom lost all their possessions, family members, and even their lives, in the struggle against a tyrannical power, not unlike many American-hating countries today.
Real Americans accept the message given in Galatians, Chapter five: “Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
I thank God every day that I was born an American, and pray that He will help this nation defeat those who hate her — at home and abroad — so that she will never know what so many want her to know: the yoke of bondage.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/4/2012 9:58:16 AM
Hello Friends,

A good friend sent me the links to the below videos. They are a prime example of the people out there trying their best to educate and explain the basics to the still deaf, dumb and blind progressive liberals (hint- B Hussein supporters) facts that most should already know.

He's an Alaskan and an every day guy who has a passion and that is discussing facts and not the fairy tales those still supporting the Obamacare TAX and trying to convince the majority of Americans who want to see this vile law repealed what a good deal they're getting. As the saying goes, you can't fix stupid!!!



"Hitler Ignorance"

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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