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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/1/2012 9:48:37 AM
Hi Evelyn, Helen & Rick,

I read Helen's explanation about Canada's health care program and Rick's story as well.

All I can say is this. From what I know Canada's program has lots of delays for treatment as does the British system. America's system prior to the Obamacare abomination was a system that allowed the average American who had coverage through his/her employment or through private means a better coverage then the Canadian medical care coverage.

All this has changed with Obmacare not only will the waiting lists be enormous and you can die numerous till you see a Doctor or specialist the costs to the members will be much higher then the B Hussein regime is trying to "sell" the public. It's basically one big TAX and the worst part is not even the exorbitant costs but the control that Big Government will have on your lives including your personal property and monies.

It's a lose lose situation and the only thing that'll save America from this abomination it its total repeal.

I'd recommend that if you want to see a system that works have them check out Israel's medical aid programs run by private companies. The costs aren't exorbitant and most Israelis have no problem paying for it and receiving excellent medical services. No system is without its problems but on the whole most Israelis are covered and that includes your basic family Doctor, specialists, operations etc.

As an example. Today I went to get a chest ex ray. The Ex ray clinic is open from 7:30AM - 12:30PM and 16:30 - 19:30. I simply went to the clinic paid 26 NIS as my share in the co-pay and got the ex ray. The results will be sent directly to my Doctor via the internet within 12-24 hours. All very simple and without any government intervention in my medical aid coverage.



Hey Helen and Friends,

I thought I would add my 2 cents here about the cost of health care from my own experience over the last 5 years.

I was with a union contractor 5 years ago and had the "Cadillac Health Care Plan".
This was a PPO plan. For an office visit I would pay a Co-Pay of $10 per visit and for procedures the insurer would negotiate the bill per a schedule and pay 80% leaving the patient to pay 20%. The payment schedule is dictated by what the insurer and or the government will pay for a given procedure. ie The schedule does not cover the normal doctor and hospital fee to begin with. Note: Presently about 50% of our doctors here will not accept government medicare and social security right now and this will get worse as they are planning on lowering the customary fees paid even more. I have been with my primary care physician for 24 years now. A average visit in this day is about 10 minutes because he would have to close his practice due to the low payments he receives. He is stuck at this point because he has no other skill set that would support his family.

I am no longer with the union but even there I was paying $350/month plus all of the co-pays and 80/20 fees below. The union was paying the other $1000.00/month.

So now the cost of the plan I had for myself and Marilyn would be about 1300.00 a month plus the now $20 co-pay and the 80/20 arrangement for services. Hospitalization is a $50 co-pay and the 80/20 arrangement for services. I must not forget that all the supporting doctors and anesthesia charge the 80/20 arrangement as well.

About 2 years ago I fell from a ladder and the paramedics scooped up my unconscience body and threw it in their meat wagon and yarded me 8 miles to the emergency room. This ride was billed to me at $1300.00, the day in emergency room was 10,000 plus the doctors fees and Cat Scan of about $2000.00. This was all covered by workman's compensation insurance. I am still all screwed up and have to fight for 2 1/2 months to get the OK for the next visit.

Marilyn had an operation a year ago and the bill was about $10,000 which was covered by her medicare before Obama-care. Her plan is an 80/20 plan but she pays $100 per month for the extra coverage so the operation cost her about $1000.00. They say that she will not be able to buy the extra coverage under the Obama Plan so her costs will likely go up soon.

There are some major problems with Obama-care that have not been addressed. Tort Reform is a big thing that is needed here. I think that the looser of a malpractice tort should pay the lawyer and court costs. Some say that there should be a limit on the award but to be honest I disagree with this. The insurance market needs to be allowed to be across state lines to promote competition. Presently the Insurance Companies are limited to 3 or 4 choices in each state. The Obama plan would require that all the younger people purchase a full boat plan to support the seniors that have more need fore health care services. Younger people normally would be better off paying for their office visits and purchasing a lower cost catastrophic injury type of plan with higher deductable or copay.

We are going to have a very severe shortage of doctors available to handle the increased numbers of Obama-care patients which will basically mean that you will have to wait longer to get an appointment and as a result more people will die and the quality even before the death czars start rationing. Right now before Obama-care it will take 30 days to get an appointment.

I would be more than happy to build a raft for Obama, his supporters including his obviously racist supporters in the Black Caucus and don't forget his witch Mooshell and daughters to Nigeria were he could be more successful in his attempt to build the perfect banana republic and utopia.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/1/2012 9:51:50 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's another excellent Afterburner with Bill Whittle.

In this episode he's discussing Fast & Furious and B Hussein's direct involvement in this nefarious affair along with the now held in contempt of Congress AG Holder.

In the same manner as we "follow the money" in order to get to the bottom of different financial corruption he uses the same logic of "follow the ideology" in order to better explain B Hussein's and Eric Holder's direct involvement in Fast & Furious. The fact that B Hussein claimed executive privilege for the documents that Holder promised to supply congress and then simply found excuse after excuse why he hasn't come up with the documents shows that he personally is involved else the executive privilege doesn't apply.

This is an easy to follow explanation of both B Hussein's and Eric Holder's actions and it's about time that his supporters understand the ideology behind this regime's agenda to destroy America from within. Come November this guy's gotta go and then sanity will return to government instead of the progressive Marxist ideology and its practitioners who are running the show now.



President Obama personally inserted himself into the Fast & Furious gun walking scandal after he extended executive privilege over certain DOJ documentation. Was the Fast & Furious a botched scandal, or a deliberate effort to undermine the Second Amendment? Find out as Bill Whittle explores the ideological motives behind the Fast & Furious scandal.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/1/2012 2:56:21 PM

Hello Peter and friends, this is another excellent article from the CFP that spells out just what we as Americans have in store if Obamacare is not repealed. Talk about trickle down, can you imagine what this means for a country already on the downhill slide economically?

Have you ever seen this quote?

"The people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature."

-President James Garfield

It's definitely time for the intelligent, brave and pure to come forward and demand high standards from our elected officials.

It is a liar’s tax. It is a liar’s penalty. It is a liar’s plan to further bankrupt the nation

The Liar’s Tax

- Alan Caruba Saturday, June 30, 2012
The most singular aspect of Obamacare is the way Democrats, from the President on down, consistently lied about the fact that it was a tax. Interviewed by George Stephanopolos on ABC News, September 2009, Obama was asked if he rejected the criticism that it was a tax increase. “I absolutely reject that notion,” was his reply.
No need to quote the others. They all lied. It took the Supreme Court and, in particular, Chief Justice Roberts, to call Obamacare a tax in the process of eliminating the Commerce Clause of the Constitution as a justification for imposing this burden on Americans.

As CNBC’s Larry Kudlow was quick to note, “Twenty new or higher taxes across the board are bad for economic growth, bad for job hiring, bad for investors, and bad for families,” adding that when “you tax something more, you get less of it.”

Most Americans have been repeatedly told that Obamacare would ensure more care for more people, but the fact is, with or without health insurance, Americans receive health care, even if the hospital emergency room is their last resort, even if they are homeless, and even if they have no way to pay for it.

The multi-millionaire former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who told Americans that we would have to wait to know what was in Obamacare until after it was passed, reacted to the Supreme Court decision saying, “Call it what you will.” That is the equivalent of “Let them eat cake”, Marie Antoinette’s famed statement before the enraged citizens of France separated her head from her body.

Obamacare just became the single most important element of the November 6th national elections, followed by the economy. Both stink! Both are the direct result of Obama’s declared intention to “fundamentally transform America.” If he had even a schoolchild’s grasp of American history, he would know that Americans hate taxes. They declared their independence from England over the issue of taxation without representation.

What will emerge in the months between now and the elections is the fact that the Congressional Budget Office has projected that the implementation of Obamacare will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, an increase of $820 billion over the initial estimate when it was first signed into law. A nation already $17 trillion in debt can hardly welcome such news, nor absorb such costs.

For most Americans, though, the realization that Obamacare contains twenty-one new taxes will likely tip the scales in November to the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, who has promised to begin the repeal of the law the first day he takes office. Yes, it is an irony that he introduced Romneycare in Massachusetts when he was Governor there, but that is not going to affect the outcome of the election.

Among the many new taxes buried in the 2000-plus pages of Obamacare, there’s a 2.3% excise tax on U.S. sales of medical devices that observers believe would prove to be a $20 billion blow to an industry that employs an estimated 400,000.

There’s a 3.6% surtax on investment income from capital gains and dividends on those earning more than $250,000.

Obamacare imposes a $50,000 excise tax on charitable hospitals that fail to meet new “community health assessment needs”, whatever they are.

There’s a $2.6 billion-a-year tax on drug companies. A 10% excise tax on indoor tanning salons. An $87 billion hike in Medicare payroll taxes for employees, as well as the self-employed.

Between now and November voters are going to be reminded that Obama promised to fix the economy and then spent the first two years getting Obamacare through Congress. No Republican voted for it and, in 2010, voters replaced some sixty representatives and senators with Republicans.

Obama promised to create jobs. Instead he gave us a multi-billion “stimulus” that utterly failed. He promised to cut the deficit in half. And he promised that Americans could keep their current health insurance plans. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that as many as twenty million will lose theirs.

Lies! Lies! Lies!

In a thoughtful analysis of Obamacare, two senior fellows at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution were joined by the dean of the Columbia Business School who concluded that “In upholding the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court has allowed the President and Congress to put the country’s health policy on a path that will restrict individual choices, stifle innovation and sharply increase health-care costs.”

As that sinks in, the November elections will end the tyranny of Barack Obama and his minions in Congress. If you wonder what will replace it, just ask Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WIS) who has a plan in place to reform Medicare and Medicaid. If you haven’t heard much about it, you can thank the mainstream media and its slavish adoration of the President.

It is a liar’s tax. It is a liar’s penalty. It is a liar’s plan to further bankrupt the nation.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/1/2012 8:44:16 PM

I received this in an email today and as you read it you'll see that no other comments are needed.

June 30, 2012By

Dear Michelle,

On the day that your husband was elected, you said that you had never been proud of the United States until that day. For the last three and a half years, I have been observing your husband and you, and I feel that it is time I share my thoughts with you. The day your husband was elected was the first time I was ever ashamed of this country, and today I am even more ashamed.

I was ashamed then because your husband was not elected because he was the best qualified to do the job, or because he was the most intelligent, or even because anyone really thought he could get anything worthwhile done. The reason your husband was elected, the only reason, is because of the color of his skin. Your husband was chosen by the Democratic Party to be their “token black”, and that is the shame of the American public. We deserve better than a community organizer who seems to look down on his fellow Americans while bowing to an Arab leader. We deserve a president who was thoroughly vetted by his party and the media, not someone whom the DNC now admits was never even eligible for the job. There are many other men, Black, Hispanic, of Asian descent, Native American, and even Caucasian who are many times more qualified and eligible to be the president. If he had even a shred of self respect, Barack would resign and convince Joe Biden to do so as well, so that someone with a backbone could fix the mess your husband (NOT George Bush) has made much worse.

Your husband said he would bring unity to the country; instead, he has brought class warfare and fanned the flames of racism by saying that his son would look like Travon Martin. When the Pharisees asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was, he replied, “‘you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’” “This is the greatest foremost commandment.” “The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”(Matt.22:37-40 NAS). Notice that there is no modifying clause in the second commandment “You shall love thy neighbor as yourself.” NOT “You shall love your neighbor as yourself, so long as his skin is the same color as yours or he does not make more money than you.” In our home, race is not an issue; everyone is welcome and treated respectfully. My mother raised me right; she taught me these verses and the golden rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I have lived this way all my life and never judge others; it is God’s job to judge, not mine. There is a big difference between loving the person and accepting the sin; I can love the person and still hate the things they do. The media was quick to condemn Sarah Palin’s daughter for getting pregnant (or was it because she chose to have the baby?), but at least she owned up and took responsibility for her actions, which is something your husband has said publicly he would not make his daughters do in that same situation. No, he would rather have them murder their baby should they be so shortsighted as to get pregnant before they were ready.

Make no mistake here, please; through Christ, I love you and your family, but I hate what Barack has done to this wonderful country of ours. He has no need to apologize for an accidental burning of the Quran anymore than they would apologize for a deliberate burning of the Bible or our Constitution. In fact, as a nation, there is nothing he needs to apologize for on our behalf, but instead much he needs to apologize to us for. He needs to apologize to us for his blatant disregard for the Constitution, the very foundation of our government, and the freedoms guaranteed to us by that document. I have family members who fought to protect that document and what it stands for; yet you and your husband treat it like toilet paper for all the respect you show.

You are fond of quoting the Scripture in Luke that tells us that “To those to whom much has been given, from them much shall also be expected”, but then you take it out of context and tell us that means that the federal government has the right to take what one man earns and give it to the man who sits on his butt all day doing nothing. Sorry, but I do not think that is what Christ meant when he said “take care of the widows and orphans.” He also told us that God loves a cheerful (or willing) giver. He did not want to force us to do what we so willingly do out of love. In case you had not noticed, when there is a crisis (i.e. Katrina) the American people pull together to help each other faster and better than the government (i.e. FEMA) could.

The recent decision by the Supreme Court to uphold the individual mandate of the “Affordable” Care Act was equally shameful and has added one hundred-fold to the stress of my daily life. Stress that was not a part of my life until Barack took the office that by rights does not belong to him. My husband has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the treatments are expensive, and how long now before the committee decides that because he is not a “productive citizen” he cannot access the treatments he needs to stay alive? I clench my teeth at night wondering if he will be here when our daughter (now fifteen) walks down the aisle on her wedding day. When I had a heart attack last year, it was a Catholic-run hospital that picked up the greatest portion of the cost, allowing us to make payments on the rest when we could, not the government. Through the contraception mandate, Obamacare will shut down that hospital and hundreds like it, leaving people like me to fall between the cracks of your “perfect healthcare”.

I am also ashamed that the first family sees the Presidency as a lottery they won (how many vacations do you need in a year, really?) I have not had a job in two years, and our family would love to have a vacation in Europe, just one, someday. Yet your family has taken over seventeen vacations, at my last count, on the taxes people like me have paid. So, in effect, the middle class of America has been paying for you and your entourage of secretaries and secret service personnel to run around the world, shopping and sightseeing, when we cannot afford to go visit relatives who live in another state. Your husband’s policies have not created any jobs worth talking about, but they have kept businesses from creating jobs. Even a low-paying job would allow us the luxury of going to visit family.

So tell me Michelle, just what are you proud of? Are you proud of the fact that you are living in the White House because people did not want to be called racist? Or perhaps you are proud that your husband has chipped away at the civil liberties of the American taxpayers? Or perhaps you are proud of the race riots your husband instigated when he said that if he had a son he would look like Travon Martin, instead of keeping his mouth shut and letting the police handle the situation? The truth (whatever it is) will come out. I do not think there is anything that your husband has “accomplished” while in office that you should be proud of. Oh wait, I forgot all that golfing he has done that must have improved his game; I guess you can be proud of that.

In Christ Always,

Becky Smith

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/2/2012 3:18:07 PM

Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride

Obama’s Constitutional Crisis

- Alan Caruba Monday, July 2, 2012
In 1832, the threat of nullification by States that opposed tariffs on imported goods came close to bringing about a civil war. Thirty years later as cries for the abolition of slavery reached a fever pitch the War Between the States would begin.
Today, in the wake of the Supreme Court decision that found that the Affordable Health Care Act—Obamacare— is constitutional and thereby the law of the land. Republican Governors are lining up to say they will not obey it.
Not only has President Obama and the Democrat Party imposed an enormously unpopular law on the nation, they have initiated a huge constitutional crisis.
Nullification is a constitutional theory that gives an individual state the right to declare null and void any law passed by the United States Congress which the State deems unacceptable and unconstitutional. In a debate in the late 1700s, both James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798) came down on the side of nullification if a State concluded that the federal government had overstepped its limits of jurisprudence.
In ruling that Obamacare cannot use the Commerce Clause as its justification, the Supreme Court kicked the Act back to Congress, ruling that it is a tax and that Congress has the right to place such taxes on the citizens of the nation. The Obama administration maintained that Obamacare was not a tax until the case was argued before the Court. It then conceded that it was.
The least troublesome response is to wait for November to remove for office every Senator and Representative who voted for Obamacare and who is up for reelection along with Obama.
The most troublesome response would reflect the crisis that occurred when Andrew Jackson was President. On December 11, 1832, Jackson issued a proclamation that he would use force to uphold the right of Congress to enact tariffs which were widely seen as a burden on the southern States. Several compromises ensued.
State Governors have already announced they will not enforce it
Thus, President Obama has set the stage for a major constitutional crisis. He could, in theory, declare martial law to defend Obamacare and this is not just an idle threat because, as of this writing, several State Governors have already announced they will not enforce it.
Florida’s Governor, Rick Scott, has declared his State will not comply with the overhaul of the nation’s health care system—its nationalization by the federal government. Earlier, the Missouri legislature passed a bill in its House of Representatives declaring Obamacare null and void for the second time. It would prohibit the establishment of an exchange without the consent by vote of the people of Missouri.
In Louisiana, Gov. Bobby Jindal has declared his opposition to Obamacare as has Wisconsin’s Gov. Scott Walker, both of whom urged other States to refuse to implement the law.
Just as South Carolina led the opposition during President Jackson’s time, Sen. Jim DeMint has called on “every governor to stop implementing the health care exchanges.” Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling that states can opt out of a Medicaid expansion, there is nothing Jindal and Walker can do to prevent health insurance exchanges from being set up in their States.
As if President Obama has not already driven the nation’s economy to the brink of collapse and his administration has opposed enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act, and has opposed Arizona’s efforts to secure its borders and its right to protect its citizens from illegal aliens, Obama has now brought about a crisis comparable to that which launched the Civil War.
As the Fourth of July approaches, the current President has created a firestorm of opposition that initially led to the Tea Party movement and the 2010 midterm elections that returned power to the Republican Party in the House of Representatives. Major forces are emerging and aligning to stop Obamacare anyway they can.
This is occurring as a case before a Florida court challenges Obama’s eligibility to be on that State’s ballot. Florida law is unique in that it gives the average voter greater freedom to challenge eligibility and fraud than other States. More than a hundred legal cases nationwide have been brought over his eligibility. The Constitution specifically states that the President must be “a natural born citizen” with both parents being citizens of the United States. Obama’s father was a citizen of Kenya.
Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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