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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/8/2010 3:52:51 AM
Hi Jim,
We've know this and so much more during the campaign. It's good to see that the younger generation are asking the questions their parents should have been asking before they voted for the big fraudster B Hussein O BOWma.
I have a feeling that the whole truth about Islam's agent in the White House will be discovered by the masses before 2012 and hopefully he'll serve his term in one of the penitentiaries a punishment he so richly deserves and that I'll support whole heartedly.
Thanks for sharing the video with us.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/11/2010 5:14:21 AM
Hello Friends,
I received the below message in my inbox this morning and decided to share it with you all. I have to admit I didn't source the information but knowing that B Hussein is interested only in "children's" organizations that glorify HIM it sounded very logical knowing the man and how little he values organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America.

Every President since 1912 has been the honorary President of the Boy Scouts of America.

President Obama refused that honor.

Did you hear anything about the Boy Scouts 100th Anniversary? Why did the press ignore it?

Let's see, they promote honor, integrity, putting others first, love of country and of course they believe in God.

Not much press coverage on this story, the first president in 100 years to insult his finest citizens, Eagle Scouts.

John Beaurguard, CEO of the South Texas Council of the Boy Scouts of America joins us just after 7AM.

David Haynie has two sons who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

Dave Hiser's son is working on his Eagle Scout award now.

This is the E-mail Linda Thacker, sent to Glenn Beck and I forwarded to Glenn's producer
Dear Mr. Beck,
On March 24, 2009 I had the honor of attending my Grandson, David Osborne's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I imagine you have attended one of these wonderful ceremonies. I also feel confident that you are very knowledgeable of what it means to have earned the status of Eagle Scout. Our entire family is so very excited and at the Court of Honor we were all just beaming as our wonderful young man was honored for his achievements. After the Court was closed David's leaders pulled him aside and explained to him that they regretted to have to explain to him, as sad as it is, that his certificate was different from others they had presented because his certificate did not have the signature of the President of the United States.
They explained that Obama does not support the Boy Scouts of America and therefore does not sign the Eagle Certificates. To date I believe there may be as many as 10,000 of this countries finest young men who do not have the signature of the president of the country they have taken an oath to respect and serve on their Eagle Certificate.
To my knowledge Congress chartered BSA in 1916 part of which the President of the United States is the Honorary President of The Boy Scouts of America and President Obama is the first sitting president to personally refuse to sign these certificates. I believe if the country were to be educated on national television of what the Boy Scouts of America stands for they would join those of us who already know, and would be as outraged as we are!
Also, your good friend Jim Lago was also in attendance at this Eagle Court of Honor. I had the privilege of speaking with him this morning on his radio talk show here in Corpus Christi and shared with him this same information. He was equally alarmed to say the least.
This information should ignite in every parent the urgency to instill the great values held by the Boy Scouts of America in their young men for the cause of maintaining this great nation. We must stand united. With appreciation, Linda thacker, grandmother to eleven of Americas finest future citizens, David, Erikka, Adam, Ryan, Hailey, Tygh, Mana, Gerritt, Maya, Ezra and Lynden Osborne.

So, that's the story thus far, calls have been made, citizens are angry, especially the parents of Eagle Scouts.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if ex-president Bush announced, he would be willing to sign all Eagle Scout Certificates for as long as President Obama is in office?

We have a very small man in a very big office.
Personally, I think the BSOA are better off without this imposter's signature!
This is an answer to the above. This received from a friend of mine.
I take a different take on Barack Obama refusing to sign Eagle Scout Awards.
I have a lot of respect for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. My son attained the rank of Eagle Scout, and I care deeply about and respect my son, now a middle-aged young man of 36.
I believe it was noble of the Boy Scouts to offer Barack Obama the traditional honorary title of President of the Boy Scouts of America, but I am relieved he did not accept. I sincerely believe it would have been no honor for the Boy Scouts of America to have Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, recognized as its Honorary President.
I can think of few things for which I would express gratitude to Barack Obama, but this one I can truly express gratitude. Thank you Barack Obama for not tarnishing the Boy Scouts of American with your name as Honorary President of the Boy Scouts of America.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/11/2010 6:07:17 PM
Hello Peter, there are many things this president hasn't done, that most other presidents have. I wonder if the pseudo-patriots have ever really dug into zerObama's background what of it that is out there to be found, that is. Knowing the following information shared in these videos and what is happening today.

You have to really know what you truly believe in and hopefully most will know, this president, hates this country and wants to dismantle the Constitution and everything that has made us a symbol of Freedom, Justice and Liberty.

Changing that to mean that the government bestows rights on its people is the flame of tyranny and should be extinguished. We must oust all incumbents, prosecuting those that misrepresented the people's views for personal gains, those that forgot who their employers were. And those that turned a blind eye, for power, greed and self advancement.


Some Backgound and reading materials. Also another video but the language maybe a bit graphic for some so here is the link and do not say I didn't warn you the language is a bit graphic.
If you find yourself wondering why the antis are so... whatever it is that they are... - you need to know about liberation theology. Most, or many of them, don't realize they have been taught liberation theology, or marxist liberation theology, but they have. What they think is Marxism, is Marxist liberation theology. That's why they sound like demagogues and ideologues.

link of shots:

Nonprofits & Activism

* Liberation Theology
* Prostitution
* Sex Work
* Decriminalization
* Immoral
* Sinful
* Marxist Liberation Theology
* Feminism
* Pissed Beyond Pissed

Whoops posted it by mistake.
Warning this video contain graphic language and should only be viewed with that knowledge.

There is more but discernment knowing one's values and beliefs may be awakened.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Phillip Black

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/13/2010 7:03:09 PM

Hi Peter,

Just ran across this this morning and felt that this was the place to share it...

Despite countless speeches and news conferences, did you ever hear President Obama express the following ideas?

1. Not everything is a federal issue; some things are for the states to decide.

2. I hear what you're saying and you have a good point.

3. One of the beautiful things about our constitution is the liberty given to individuals to pursue their dreams. There is great opportunity in our country to succeed.

4. In an effort to stimulate job growth and despite the objections from my party, I am working with Congress to reduce taxes for small businesses.

5. I am saddened by the cycle of poverty that exists in our major cities, and here is a way we can empower the next generation to break the cycle and fulfill their God-given potential....

6. The folks at the town hall meetings and those who came to Washington on 9/12 were exercising one of the greatest rights we have as Americans, freedom of speech.

7. Stop already with all forms of ‘cult of personality' behavior. I am a public servant, just like all those who have served before and all who will come after my term is complete. It's not about me, it's about the country.

8. I heard a great message Sunday morning at church.

9. History teaches us that evil exists in the world; for this reason the United States must remain strong, ready to defend itself and its allies.

10. I didn't realize a communist was part of my administration. It won't happen again.

11. The billions siphoned out of health care into lawyers' pockets never healed a single person.

12. No other country on earth offers its citizens the opportunity to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as does the United States of America.

13. The experts have looked at the proposed (fill-in-the-blank) program, and when it is extrapolated out beyond just the initial offering there is clear evidence it will cost too much money and will eventually fail.

14. I disagree 100% with the Cloward-Piven strategy of increasing the welfare rolls and overwhelming the financial system, and I am not affiliated in any way with the implementation of such an idea.

15. I don't know the answer to your question but I will give it some thought.

16. The goal of my presidency is not to implement a political ideology, but to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

17. Every person has value regardless of age, gender, color, physical characteristics, or any other factor.

18. Any healthcare bill I sign must include a provision to exclude the rationing of care, keep the door open for competition among insurers, and promote the opportunity for our young people to pursue an education in the medical fields to ensure future supply meets future demand.

19. It is important for legislators to remember that what helps someone in the short-term may actually hurt them in the long-term, and we must avoid this kind of scenario.

20. It has become clear to me after meeting with military experts that their recommendations should be implemented in our current situation; this is not an area in which politics can be allowed to interfere.

Do you honestly think that Obama would ever say any of these? If you do, please let me talk to you about this real deal I can get for you on some prime "waterfront" property down in the Glades.

Have A Blessed Day My Friends While It's Still Allowed,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/13/2010 7:13:22 PM
I have yet to hear this president sound presidential. He is a rabble rouser with a following of thugs. Most of all these words will never cross his lips and the image is appropiate for this president.


Hi Peter,

Just ran across this this morning and felt that this was the place to share it...

Despite countless speeches and news conferences, did you ever hear President Obama express the following ideas?

1. Not everything is a federal issue; some things are for the states to decide.

2. I hear what you're saying and you have a good point.

3. One of the beautiful things about our constitution is the liberty given to individuals to pursue their dreams. There is great opportunity in our country to succeed.

4. In an effort to stimulate job growth and despite the objections from my party, I am working with Congress to reduce taxes for small businesses.

5. I am saddened by the cycle of poverty that exists in our major cities, and here is a way we can empower the next generation to break the cycle and fulfill their God-given potential....

6. The folks at the town hall meetings and those who came to Washington on 9/12 were exercising one of the greatest rights we have as Americans, freedom of speech.

7. Stop already with all forms of ‘cult of personality' behavior. I am a public servant, just like all those who have served before and all who will come after my term is complete. It's not about me, it's about the country.

8. I heard a great message Sunday morning at church.

9. History teaches us that evil exists in the world; for this reason the United States must remain strong, ready to defend itself and its allies.

10. I didn't realize a communist was part of my administration. It won't happen again.

11. The billions siphoned out of health care into lawyers' pockets never healed a single person.

12. No other country on earth offers its citizens the opportunity to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as does the United States of America.

13. The experts have looked at the proposed (fill-in-the-blank) program, and when it is extrapolated out beyond just the initial offering there is clear evidence it will cost too much money and will eventually fail.

14. I disagree 100% with the Cloward-Piven strategy of increasing the welfare rolls and overwhelming the financial system, and I am not affiliated in any way with the implementation of such an idea.

15. I don't know the answer to your question but I will give it some thought.

16. The goal of my presidency is not to implement a political ideology, but to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

17. Every person has value regardless of age, gender, color, physical characteristics, or any other factor.

18. Any healthcare bill I sign must include a provision to exclude the rationing of care, keep the door open for competition among insurers, and promote the opportunity for our young people to pursue an education in the medical fields to ensure future supply meets future demand.

19. It is important for legislators to remember that what helps someone in the short-term may actually hurt them in the long-term, and we must avoid this kind of scenario.

20. It has become clear to me after meeting with military experts that their recommendations should be implemented in our current situation; this is not an area in which politics can be allowed to interfere.

Do you honestly think that Obama would ever say any of these? If you do, please let me talk to you about this real deal I can get for you on some prime "waterfront" property down in the Glades.

Have A Blessed Day My Friends While It's Still Allowed,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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