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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/15/2010 4:04:08 AM
Hello Friends,

The below article is well worth reading. It shows the frailties of "big government" and especially one under the present regime.

B Hussein is a dehumanizing tool of the big government he espouses and promotes. The people will suffer but the "machine" keeps on grinding away and things will get much worse before there is a chance of any improvements.

That's why the coming mid term elections are so vital to saving the United States from the nefarious agenda that B Hussein has in store for all Americans. The majority of the progressive democrats in both Houses has to be broken to smithereens and that will be the beginning of the end for B Hussein and his socialistic and Islamic agendas.



The Inhuman Government

By: Daniel Greenfield

Posted: 13 Jul 2010 08:15 PM PDT

One of the great errors of big government liberalism is its belief that inhuman systems are superior to human beings. This form of mechanical thinking is a commonplace error in a scientific age in which we have become used to using mechanical systems to solve problems. But people are not machines, and trying to turn people into gears in the great machine of government leads to tragic results.

The embrace of big government in the United States was driven by the belief in scientific government as a perfectible system. This creepy worship of elitist technocracy lingers around the more idealistic liberal administrations, from FDR to JFK to Obama. Always followed by a list of PhD's and degree holders in the cabinet revealing a failure to understand that higher education does not make one immune from human flaws. The idea of a perfected government is at odds with democracy, which treats political chaos and voter misjudgments as valid tradeoffs for a leash on government. It worships the idea of government, rather than the reality of government. An egotistical exercise for policy wonks certain that the right people can set everything to right, regardless of what the people as a whole might think about it.

ObamaCare showed us the ugly spectacle of elitist government and its supporters, dismissing and ignoring the democratic objections of the public as the clamor of an ignorant and dangerous rabble. That is how tyrants throughout history have viewed public protest. It is not however the response of a democratic government to the will of the majority. It is how those who view their policy endgame as a superior ideal to the will of the people, think and act. And that is shorthand for tyranny.

To argue that government gets its authority not from representative democracy, but from the purity of their policymaking is to create an ideological tyranny. It is the deathblow of democracy. And yet that is exactly what the raison d'etre of the Obama Administration has been. Government as god, dispensing the blessings of its policymaking to the unworthy hoi polloi, the great unwashed who don't know enough to go green, buy health insurance and read the Huffington Post. And when those who govern feel themselves to be superior to those they govern, they divest power from the people, and invest it in systems under their own control. And so big government grows even bigger.

Where the Founders viewed Constitutional government as a kind of anti-system, an inoculation against government that was meant to keep in its place, liberalism has come to view government as the ultimate tool that can do anything. Government as a Swiss Army Knife of course leads to even bigger government. Where the Bill of Rights tried to restrain the role of government by creating legal DMZ's where its authority could not extend, subsequent Supreme Courts and legislatures have in some cases eroded and in other cases eradicated those DMZ's in the name of the public good. The public good of course not being defined by the public, but by the branches of government itself.

The dangerous fascination with systems is a hallmark of inhuman government. That is because those who love systems the most, distrust human beings. Representative Democracy works on the understanding that people are flawed, and that those flaws are nevertheless who we are. Tyranny on the other hand insists that the right person can rule the mob for their own good. Modern liberalism with its progressive ideas of government, insists that the right system can bring equality and teach everyone to be better people under the all-encompassing arm of the nanny state.

To think that way, you first have to define human beings as the problem. Where the Constitution defined government as the problem, the modern day rulers view the limitations of the Constitution as an irritating remnant of paranoid landholders, with as much relevance as the Magna Carta. It may be paid lip service to, so long as it isn't taken too seriously. Because they know that the real problem are the people. Which is how it is from the perspective of rulers. The system to them is a tool for controlling the real problem, the people.

The system of course isn't human. Or rather it's as human as its strongest elements and as inhuman as its weakest elements. A strong controlling figure in a system humanizes it for good or ill. That is why a system is only as good or bad as the people who hold authority within it. That reduces the system once more to the human frailties of those who hold power in the system. Corrupt officials will corrupt a system. Because the system is them writ large. But the bigger a system gets, the less human it becomes. That is because its size diminishes the ability of individuals to influence its full scope. Instead the system begins to run on scripts. Scripts define how those serving within the system will react to events. Which leads to the painful inflexibility and rigidity of bureaucracies, as men and women who have been trained to respond like machines, try to cope with a crisis.

The bigger a system gets, the less human it is. It becomes increasingly automated. A machine that grows in order to grow. It makes collective decisions that are incredibly bad, and yet unavoidable, because they are no longer the product of people, but of a living machine. Like a dinosaur, it is slow and plodding. It resists change and yet it is constantly making plans that it is incapable of carrying out. It has no sense of purpose, because purpose is a human quality. Instead it has physical properties which guide its mechanical responses to challenges. This inhumanity leads to the cruel tyranny of the system, whose very cruelty derives from its deafness to human sensibilities. In attempting to create a perfect system, the advocates of scientific government instead create Frankenstein's Monster, a creature that has power over men, but is not human.

Nor is the Inhuman System an improvement over the human one. That is because it still has no mind of its own. Instead it has to follow the instructions scripted by those in power. The delay between the instructions and the problem are what make it inhuman. As it grows, its structure makes it increasingly more difficult to script. That is when the monster comes alive sufficiently enough to protect its own survival, at the expense of its host. It consumes resources, draws more and more power into itself, so that it is at once indispensable and ungovernable. The embedded bureaucracy within a system function as its neurons, relaying information without being able to act independently on it. Like a living corpse, the system keeps moving, but it cannot do anything but consume. It was designed as a tool for solving problems, but it has become one big problem.

Rules are the scripts of the system, but rules may be made by humans, but once humans cease to intelligently administer them, they too become inhuman. The law in abstract has no regard for humanity, only for the odds. And the more a system grows, the less regard it has for human intervention from juries or elected officials. Human beings are too unpredictable to fit into a system, unless their behavior is a known quantity. And the only way to make human behavior into a known quantity is by limiting their choices, controlling their minds and enforcing a desired outcome. Which becomes the purpose of the system.

Since no system can properly accommodate human individuality, the system chases after its subjects with more rules. As human beings adapt to the rules, more rules are required. As new rules are brought into being to modify the old rules, the result is a system with endless rules that fewer people pay attention to. Crime becomes law, and law becomes crime. Everyone is constantly in violation of the rules, and depends on human intervention to protect them from the system. The government at this point has become utterly corrupted. It exists to administer shadow networks of interests who dispense bribes and receive favors in return. The system itself no longer works, because it has parted ways with humanity. Instead the system is a piggy bank for the elite and a dangerous obstacle for the general public to avoid. This is the destiny of all big government before its collapse. To become a threat to the people it ruled over and a toy for those who rule over it.

The inhuman government which replaced representative democracy, with the elitism of the system itself, inevitably reverts to tribalism and common criminality, because family and base self-interest are the fundamental glue that remains when all other conventional values of citizenship have been destroyed. The implosion of the system reverts humanity backward to a more primitive stage and in doing so begins the cycle all over again.

Larger systems are not the solution to human problems, and a system is only as good as it is human. It is not rules that make systems work, but people that do. Systems strive for perfectibility, but humans are inherently imperfect. Our errors are the product of who we are, and a system that denies that, denies humanity. The rule bound system assumes that humans are the problem, and opens a gap between itself and the human reality, and in doing so tears a gap in the fabric of government. To believe that people are the problem is to surrender our humanity to anyone who can promise a better system. But people are governed best by human systems which offer a tactile sense of consequences, rather than systems built on ideals and destroyed by their inherent detachment from the human reality and the oppressive totalitarianism that results from this. The inhuman government cannot build a utopia. Nor should that be the goal. It is not systems that build people, but people who build systems. To forget that is to give in to the tyrannical impulse and become less than human.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/16/2010 2:52:41 PM
A refresher in Hypocrisy

Myths of Racisim

Sorry if this seems out of place here but, it may help us realize that something is going on and needs to be addressed. This administration seems to be giving a free pass to hate as long as it is propagated by people of color. Need proof? One only needs to look at the handling of the New Black Panthers intimidation and hate speech at the polls in the last presidential election. They dropped the case after winning it!!!>>>>>?????

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/16/2010 10:07:14 PM
Hello Friends,

Jim thanks for sharing the videos with us. Since the whistle was blown on the DOJ's dropping the case against the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation I thought it important to see what the NBP are all about. The best way to do that is get a break down on the leader of this nefarious organization.

Malik Zulu Shabaz is a rabid antisemite and hater of all white people. He is also a supporter of B Hussein and of Osama Bin Laden. This man has been a visitor in the White House (read about it here) and his violent dogma is well known.

The below article gives a historical overview of this disgusting person and a must read for all interested in educating themselves about the 5th column within the United States.



Jul 15, 2010 12:23 pm | Discover The Networks

Shortly after Election Day of 2008, Malik Zulu Shabazz, an avid supporter of Barack Obama, became the subject of controversy when it was revealed that he had dispatched two members of his New Black Panther Party to stand outside an open polling station in Philadelphia and intimidate white voters with racial slurs and threats of violence. An inveterate racist and anti-Semite, Shabazz is a protégé of Khalid Abdul Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, two of the more infamous racists of recent decades. Six months after 9/11, Shabazz praised Osama bin Laden as a Muslim “brother” and a “bold man” who was “standing up” for his beliefs and “bringing reform to this world.” Shabazz has expressed his solidarity with the convicted murderers Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin and Mumia Abu Jamal. And he has urged his followers to: “Kill every goddamn Zionist in Israel! Goddamn little babies, goddamn old ladies! Blow up Zionist supermarkets!”


MALIK ZULU SHABAZZ Printer Friendly Page

Major Introductory Resources:

New Black Panther Mouthpiece
By Richard Rosendall
February 9, 2004

The Face of Black Racism: Malik Zulu Shabazz
By John Perazzo

Malik Zulu Shabazz: Profile

Malik Zulu Shabazz: In His Own Words
By The Anti-Defamation League


Megyn Kelly Interview of Malik Zulu Shabazz
July 9, 2010

Additional Resources:

‘Red-Neck Republicans’ Out To Get Them, New Black Panther Says
By Ryan J. Reilly
January 13, 2010

A Different Malik Shabazz and Jeremiah Wright? What Are the Odds?
By Larry O'Connor
January 6, 2010

Surprise! Guess Who Visited White House
By Aaron Klein
November 1, 2009

The U.S. Department Of Injustice
By Michelle Malkin
June 5, 2009

Dept. Of Justice Drops New Black Panthers Case
By Michael P. Tremoglie
May 29, 2009

Feds Sue Supremacist Group For Voter Intimidation
By Michael Tremoglie
January 9, 2009

Racists again Endorse Obama on Candidate's Website
By Aaron Klein
March 30, 2008

Racists Endorse Obama on Candidate's Website
By Aaron Klein
March 18, 2008

A Tale of Two "Rapes"
By Debbie Schlussel
May 5, 2006

White Devils Strike New Orleans
By Ben Johnson
September 15, 2005

Jews and Honkeys Need Not Apply
By Steven Vincent
April 8, 2005

Shabazz Shabazz's Visual Map
Individual Profile:

  • Racist and anti-Semite
  • Leader of New Black Panther Party

Born Paris Lewis in about 1970, Malik Zulu Shabazz has become an increasingly well-known figure in radical Black Muslim politics since the mid-1990s. He currently heads the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), whose twin hallmarks are anti-white and anti-Semitic hatred. A practicing attorney and a frequent speaker on college campuses, Shabazz earned a bachelor's degree from Howard University and a J.D. from Howard University Law School. During his undergraduate college years, he was an aggressive campus organizer; in 1988 he founded Unity Nation, a self-described "black revolutionary" student group.

In the 1990s, Shabazz's militant temperament caught the eye of Khalid Abdul Muhammad, protégé of Nation of Islam (NOI) leader Louis Farrakhan; Muhammad called the young Shabazz "one of the greatest student leaders of all time." Notorious for his venomous anti-white and anti-Jewish rhetoric, Muhammad would soon become Shabazz's revered mentor who, according to Shabazz, "helped to shape my life and was a captain and minister over me."

The other major influence on Shabazz's intellectual development was Louis Farrakhan. "I met Minister Louis Farrakhan on my college campus and it absolutely changed my life," says Shabazz.

Like his mentors, Shabazz is a racial separatist. "The perfect world for us [blacks] would be … a nation of our own," he says. "… It seems almost impossible to achieve real justice within the confines of White racist America."

After graduating from law school and passing the bar exam, Shabazz worked as a campaign aide and spokesman for Marion Barry, the scandal-plagued, three-term mayor of Washington, DC. During that same period, Shabazz became a member of the rap music group The Defiant Giants; he took the stage name "Zulu King Paris" and helped record the album Rise, Black Man, Rise.

Soon thereafter, Shabazz became a member of NOI. In 1995 he helped organize Farrakhan's October 16th "Million Man March" in Washington, DC. The day before the rally, Shabazz emceed a local "Black African Holocaust Nationhood Conference," where he declared: "America should be glad that every black man is not on a killing spree for all the suffering they [white Americans] have done."

In 1997 Shabazz followed his mentor Khalid Abdul Muhammad into the NBPP, quickly becoming the party's National Attorney and National Spokesman.

In 1998 Shabazz was named "Young Lawyer of the Year" by the National Bar Association. That same year, he ran unsuccessfully for the Washington, DC city council, garnering just 8 percent of the vote. That same year, Shabazz co-organized (with Khalid Abdul Muhammad) an NBPP-sponsored "Million Youth March" in Harlem, New York, which drew only a sparse crowd (about 6,000) and ended in clashes between the attendees and city police. Just prior to that event, Shabazz had threatened to kill any officers who might be tempted to "interfere" with the proceedings. In his address to the marchers, Shabazz said: "The only solution any time there is a funeral in the black community, is a funeral in the police community."

At Al Sharpton's "Redeem the Dream" rally at the Lincoln Memorial in August 2000, Shabazz was a featured speaker and delivered what he titled his "I Have a Black Dream" speech, which specifically called for a race war in America. "For every casket and funeral in our community," he declared, "there should be a casket and funeral in the enemy's community."

In October 2000, Richard J. Rosendall, an openly gay writer and the former president of the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC, sent Shabazz an email needling him about his poor showing as a candidate in the aforementioned 1998 city council election in DC. Shabazz’s response to Rosendall contained the following sentiments, all in capital letters: "LEAVE ME ALONE SICK LITTLE FAGGOT. …YOU WILL GET CRUSHED, LITTLE DEVIL …"

When Khalid Abdul Muhammad died unexpectedly in February 2001, Shabazz was disconsolate. "I was beyond hurt,” said Shabazz. “I was devastated. I was crushed. … He was so strong. He was so beautiful. He was so brilliant.”

With Muhammad gone, Shabazz took the reins of NBPP and relocated the organization's headquarters from New York to Washington, DC. Soon thereafter, he organized a boycott against a local Korean-American-owned store after a dispute between the merchant and a black teenage girl. The demonstrators chanted, "Death to the Bloodsucker." The store was eventually firebombed, though Shabazz and NBPP claimed no connection to that incident.

In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Shabazz defended Osama bin Laden and blamed President George W. Bush for the horrors of that day. During an NBPP meeting on March 22, 2002 -- six months after 9/11 -- Shabazz held up picture of bin Laden and praised him as a Muslim "brother" and "a bold man" who was "not bowing down" to the West, but rather was "standing up" for his beliefs and "bringing reform to this world." Shabazz reasoned that because bin Laden had caused both President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to be "shaking and quaking," the al Qaeda leader "got to be some kind of friend of yours and mine." Urging his listeners to "give [bin Laden] his respect," Shabazz said: "Let's give him a hand, man." His listeners responded with enthusiastic applause.

At a pro-reparations rally in 2002, Shabazz blustered, "The President wants to talk about a terrorist named bin Laden. … The real terrorists have always been the United Snakes of America." On a number of occasions, Shabazz has intimated that Jewish conspirators possessed exclusive foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks and saved their own lives that day by not going to their jobs in the World Trade Center.

Shabazz regularly trumpets his outrage over the alleged epidemic of white-on-black violence in the United States. "If any racist, straw-chewin', tobacco-chewin' racist redneck lays their hand on any black man or woman in this county," he said at an April 2001 news conference in Bowie, Maryland, "crush that devil that is trying to do you harm and to do you evil in the name of God and in accordance with your legal rights."

Shabazz believes that all black prisoners in the United States should be set free, on grounds that they could not possibly have been tried fairly by the racist criminal-justice system of a racist nation. In 2002 he expressed his solidarity with then-murder suspect Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, who was ultimately convicted of killing a black sheriff's deputy in Georgia. Shabazz is also a devoted supporter of convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal. In 2003 Shabazz created Black Lawyers for Justice, an organization promoting the notion that black inmates have been unjustly railroaded into their prison cells.

Shabazz reserves perhaps his largest measure of contempt for Jews. "I say to all Jewish people and all white people," he told a Howard University audience in April 1994 "… stop pushing your Holocaust down my throat, when the black holocaust is the worst holocaust humanity has ever seen." Five months later at the same school, Shabazz warned: "We will never bow down to the white, Jewish, Zionist onslaught."

Regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East, Shabazz has said:

"The New Black Panther Party stands in 100 percent solidarity with the Palestinian people. As you know, we're strong opponents of Zionism. We're strong opponents of the U.S. policy of strictly supporting Israel. We find no legal or legitimate basis, really for the existence of the Zionist state. … I say to the Palestinian people to continue to stand up and continue to resist and never forget the blood of the martyrs that went before them.”

At an April 2002 protest outside B'nai B'rith headquarters in Washington, DC, Shabazz said: "Kill every goddamn Zionist in Israel! Goddamn little babies, goddamn old ladies! Blow up Zionist supermarkets!"

Shabazz reads American history as an unpunctuated narrative of white-perpetrated racism and oppression, a reality he says the schools are afraid to teach. For example, he asserts that George Washington was little more than a slave owner who “raped black women.” “Ol' Thomas Jefferson,” adds Shabazz, “old wooden-teeth-wearin', wig-wearin' Thomas Jefferson, [was] nothin' but a slave-master, a slave-owner, an Indian-killer. Andrew Jackson! Indian killers, slave traders, slave owners!”

In Shabazz’s calculus, not much has changed in more recent centuries. He asserts that white people continue to "get joy out of either physically hanging you [blacks], or they get joy out of mentally and politically hanging you.” In short, Shabazz considers white racism to be modern America's defining, ever-enduring attribute.

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina's devastation of New Orleans in September 2005, Shabazz visited that city and reported that "[w]holesale police brutality is being waged against the [mostly black] victims of this natural disaster." He charged that police sniper units were trying to provoke black residents into behaviors that could justify "opening fire on groups of black males randomly and indiscriminately." "[T]his is more of a racist occupation of subjugation rather than a relief effort," said Shabazz.

Shortly after Election Day of 2008, Shabazz became the subject of controversy when it was revealed that he had dispatched two members of his NBPP to stand outside an open polling station in Philadelphia and intimidate white voters with racial slurs and threats of violence. Shabazz instructed the men (one of whom was armed with a nightstick) to "use all means at your dispoal" to "stop angry whites" from voting against Barack Obama. On January 7, 2009, the Justice Department under President Bush filed criminal charges against Shabazz and the two men for violating the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The failure of all three Panthers to appear in court led to an order by U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell to seek judgments or sanctions against them. In May 2009, however, the Justice Department -- now under President Obama -- dismissed the case.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/17/2010 3:31:21 PM
Hello Friends,

It seems that B Hussein gets b*itch slapped by almost every country he comes into contact with and every time it happens he tries to give the impression that things are going according to his "plans". Yeah sure, it's going according to someones plans but not his. He's so inept that he doesn't even know when he's being insulted and given the finger.

He tries to maintain a balance by screwing friends of the United States but in the end that will boomerang on him and even the most die hard B Hussein supporters will finally realize they chose the wrong horse to support (hmmmm, more like an a*ss) and cry mea culpa.

The following article is very interesting and an eye opener (or at least should be) for all and especially those that use RT and other Russian sources to prove their theories are right. Turns out they're even less reliable then MSM.



Putin Thumbing His Nose at U.S. Efforts to Stop Iran’s Nukes

Last week, the foreign policy architecture of the United States collapsed in truly spectacular fashion.
July 17, 2010 - by Kim Zigfeld

Last week, the foreign policy architecture of the United States collapsed in truly spectacular fashion.

First, Russia announced it would sign an energy road map with Iran, ushering in a whole new era of cooperation and empowerment, though the ink was barely dry on the Obama administration’s attempt to impose sanctions with teeth on the crazed Islamic dictatorship in order to halt the weaponization of its nuclear prowess. Simultaneously, and seemingly with glee, Russia announced Iran was near to possession of a nuclear bomb. Russia said it was backing away from its promise to observe even the de minimus sanctions against Iran to which it had only just agreed. The notion of selling missiles to Iran, for instance, was back on the table.

Then, as if to prove those who could not imagine Russia doing anything more horrifying were small thinkers, Russia banned together with China to defuse and deflate the world’s attempt to respond to a naked act of aggression by North Korea. That crazed despotic regime was soon hailing the world’s limp response to the sinking of the South Korean naval ship Cheonan as a great victory.”

American values also faced a massive new onslaught in Russia. The government enacted a new law giving the successor to the KGB the power to arrest and intern opposition figures for up to two weeks in prison without charges, another statute that cripples efforts to organize public protests. Also, the Supreme Court permitted the state to shut down any website that publishes comments offensive to the regime and rendered officials in the administration immune from prosecution or suit for human rights offenses. Painters and writers are facing criminal charges simply for engaging in their art.

Even though U.S. unemployment has soared rather than fallen after feeling the effects of the Obama stimulus, the president likes to argue that his policy was still a success because things would have been even worse without his actions.

So, any day now, we’re likely to hear that even though Russia is barreling ahead with horrifying new levels of support for America’s most virulent foes, for not only Iran but also even the likes of North Korea, and openly assaulting basic American values, we’d actually be in hot war with the Russians now but for Obama’s decisive actions.

You have to admire the genius of this formulation: no matter how many appalling errors Obama may make, his policy is always … perfect!

Not even revelations about a ghastly trove of Soviet-style spies on America’s own shores could dampen Obam’s blind enthusiasm for the brilliance of his “reset” policy with Russia. With the alacrity of a KGB man, Obama rushed to sweep the entire affair under the White House carpet and push forward with even more favors and compliments for the rogue KGB regime that has seized power in the Russian Kremlin.

The Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, must find it hard to believe his eyes. With each passing day, Putin is able to enact more and more draconian, neo-Soviet measures designed to promote anti-American values and undermine American security, and the president of the United States seems to be applauding. Putin is even recreating the old party apparatus, using the state party as the gateway to employment and promotion for young people. His foreign minister speaks openly about sowing the seeds of ethnic tumult in Georgia, and they seek to rewrite the history of World War II.

And Obama says nothing. His mouth is too full of hamburger to speak.

Kim Zigfeld is a New York City-based writer who publishes her own Russia specialty blog, La Russophobe. She also writes about Russia for the American Thinker and for Russia! magazine and is researching a book on the rise of dictatorship in Putin’s Russia.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/18/2010 1:43:28 PM


Only 100 days in and he has almost taken over an entire country without firing a shot. Arguably once the most powerful country in the world.

The sheeple continue to be in awe of his powers and have yet to realize he has quadrupled the budget and deficit and overextended the country's credit cards in only 100 days too.

His accomplices are our congress and the 56% of the electorate that voted for the unknown and chose door number three with the ? mark on it. And they called Clinton, "Slick Willy"!

They keep calling folks like you and me extremists, racists and sometimes worse as they watch the takeover of our country by the true extremists that currently reside in Congress and the White House. Trampling the Constitution and destroying the Republic. If you uphold the Constitution the Republic lives.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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