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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/18/2010 12:39:32 AM

Good evening Peter and Cheryl, here is an article I received today that I found very interesting. Hope you do too.



Published on on June 16, 2010

Printer-Friendly Version

To the left, the oil spill is not an index of presidential competence or an issue in the political sphere. It is a daily gushing of poison into the Earth's waters as a direct result of the president's failure to stop it. They blame BP. But they already hate oil companies. And they blame Obama, too. And they are coming to dislike him.

When Obama attempts to recoup this damage to his political base by pushing new legislation on the environment or by resurrecting his cap and trade legislation or by bringing criminal charges against BP or by setting up a liability fund for the spill's victims, it does not solve his political problem. With each day, 60,000 gallons gush into the Gulf, Obama's equivalent of the body count in Iraq that caused the left to loathe George W. Bush. Rhetoric or programs or visits to the Gulf or posturing won't assuage the negatives. Only plugging the hole in the bottom of the ocean can do it.

The right and center of American politics turned off Obama over health care. And now the left is leaving him over the oil spill.

Why can't Obama plug the hole?

Because he has no administrative experience. I often saw Bill Clinton, as governor and as president, call in experts and ask the tough questions when he faced a new disaster. In Arkansas, it was tornadoes or floods or fires. In Washington, it was Oklahoma City. But, each time, he thoroughly familiarized himself with all the technical issues. He took a bath in the science and substance of the hazard and became as knowledgeable as those who had spent a lifetime studying it. So he knew what questions to ask.

Any CEO or COO or manager has similar experience. But a community organizer, law professor, state senator, US Senator, and president doesn't have the requisite experience. He doesn't know not to trust his own bureaucracy. He hasn't been burned enough to realize that he needs to intervene to waive restrictions, set aside regulations, and open up the process to new solutions. He's like JFK during the Bay of Pigs. He doesn't know how to avoid being betrayed by his own bureaucracy and the industry it's supposed to regulate.

Why did he not waive the Jones Act (he still hasn't) to allow foreign vessels to ply our waters to clean up the spill? Not because he was against it. He couldn't have been against so obvious a course as waiving it. It was likely because nobody told him about it and he never knew to ask.

Why did he let the bureaucracy use only US contractors to dredge the Gulf and build the berms that Louisiana wanted? Why did he spurn the offer of Dutch assistance (half the country has been dredged from the sea and is below sea level)? Not because he wanted the jobs to go to Americans. That would have been an insane consideration in the face of this crisis. it is probably because he never realized that our capacity for dredging needed augmentation. Because he never asked.

To the right and the center, these failings show that Obama is in over his head. But to the left, which bleeds for each drop of water in the Gulf and cries over every turtle or shrimp or sea bird, it is an unpardonable sin.

It is the nature of things that presidential mistakes metastasize into presidential character flaws. Bush's inaction over Katrina comes across as insensitivity. Now Obama's incompetence and inexperience is causing liberals to see him as arrogant, aloof, removed, conceited, suspicious of outside advice, and even lazy. Long after the oil has stopped spilling, these supposed character defects will haunt the president, just as Carter's reputation of timidity and inability lasted long after the Iran hostages came home. These defects will last until 2012 and beyond.

Go to to read all of Dick's columns! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/18/2010 1:28:31 AM

America has walked right into a constitutional gas chamber

Obama has an unholy ‘Samson’ policy for the U.S

By Dr. Laurie Roth Thursday, June 17, 2010

Inspired by a vision of total control over the American people, Obama has continuously ignored the will of the people, poll after poll and our constitution. Many Americans caught in cycles of boredom, laziness and anger about a long and expensive fight in the Middle East with Islamic radicals, allowed themselves to be seduced by Obama.

He promised change, hope and real priorities again. He played on much of the nation’s weariness regarding anything to do with Bush and the Republicans. Obama was handsome, had a pretty wife and attractive girls and said he was a Christian. He had to be a great guy who really would get things right.

Instead America has walked right into a constitutional gas chamber

Obama is not dumb. He knew and saw the sea of concern and increase in the Tea Party movement all across the country in response to the out of control and misplaced stimulus bills where he and congress seized, hundreds of billions from the American people. This was money that did not help the people but rather paid off Unions, liberal money executives and other supporters of Obama. Businesses continued to die and homes got foreclosed on. We get continued sound bites and teleprompter speeches of arrogant inspiration during this entire time of horror from this President.

We have seen Obama reach into the private auto industry and banking industry, taking over and demanding controls in response to loans. He has dipped into education and College loans, attempting and planning to control more of both. After all, he needs to control and seduce the young people to catch his ‘sustainable’ ‘green’ ‘socialist’ vision of dictatorial control over all. He now controls college loans and no doubt will require college kids to volunteer for him as part of the endless controls and repayment plan.

Obama and his team of UN American fools, Reid, Pelosi Emanual et al……are drunk with the power they feel having barely crammed through the draconian health care bill into law. Now, per their ‘never waste a crisis’ philosophy, they are planning to try and cram through the dreaded ‘cap and trade’ bill. At this stage, they haven’t had enough votes to pass it, but it passed the House a year ago, just not the Senate. Some say they are perhaps 50 votes short. Given the fraud, back door deals, money slapping hands, bribes and intimidation, no doubt, some votes will magically be found.

Reid is talking about a vote now on this cap and trade deal, by July 4th. Pelosi and Reid are calling this a ‘Carbon Tax.’ You know, the dreaded plant food that is killing the polar bears. More than a few congressional leaders and Americans are shocked and in horror that Obama is planning to cram through the ‘cap and trade’ bill, called ‘carbon tax’ or climate something or other, as the manipulated answer to the gulf spill.

As usual, we have heard the smooth and lying speeches surrounding the ‘needed’ response to this disaster in the gulf. Naturally, the needed emergency response is cramming Obama’s political agenda of cap and trade.

Notice how Obama’s response to this oil spill emergency wasn’t timely leadership in the gulf, drawing together BP and gulf leaders for a pow wow and providing needed emergency equipment to help BP quickly. Also, notice how Governor Jindal, having asked for the Government to build barriers off his coast for 1 ½ months to protect his pristine coastal areas, was ignored. Finally he had to order his own Coast guard to build them. In response to the desperate and timely request of Governor Jindal, Obama’s appointed stooge controlling that area’ decided to do an Internet survey instead of respond with needed emergency barriers.

Now, Obama has once again done the unconstitutional push and demanded BP set aside 20 billion to pay folks and their needs in the gulf. I’m wondering what constitutional right Obama had to demand billions from BP. They have been trying to help and pay out funds through the entire accident.

Regardless of the disgraceful leadership of this President through the BP crises, it is even more hideous and unforgivable that he plans to slam ‘cap and trade’ through congress if he can get away with it this July. If this passes, American business will be flushed down the socialist toilet. I see a new, national chain store emerging…..BANKRUPTCIES R US.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid have an ‘unholy Samson policy’ regarding this congress and country. They are obviously prepared to shred our constitution, completely ignore the majority will of the people, destroy the Democrat party and put its progress back decades, while putting our economy and national security at extreme risk. THIS IS ALL FOR GETTING THE PROGRESSIVE LAWS PUT INTO PLACE OF HEALTH CARE AND CAP AND TRADE.

They know if they can just cram these things through, though their careers and party will be practically destroyed, their big Government programs and laws will be hard to unravel and reverse, due to the creation of dependency, regulations and need.

Will we allow ourselves to be suckered in to endless need and intimidation by big Government? If you want this unique and miraculous Republic to continue standing, WE MUST ALL STAND TALL, BE INDEPENDENT, KICK THE BUMS OUT OF CONGRESS AND THE WHITE HOUSE AND LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES.

We must never believe fancy, smooth words with those running for election ever again. We must test them, look at the real voting records, real statements and associations and real declared faith and belief systems. WE WILL PREVAIL IF WE ALL WAKE UP, WORK OUR COUNTIES, CITIES AND STATES AND SCORE ON THE MID TERMS. DON’T GIVE UP….WORK!

Dr. Laurie Roth Most recent columns

Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?
Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit. She plays the piano, keyboard, and violin and has a voice that can penetrate your very soul. 

Laurie is also an accomplished Author, Cartoonist, and Artist.

She can be reached at:



RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/18/2010 2:08:43 PM

Peter Pan Eats His Way Through “The Worst Environmental Disaster of its Kind in our Nation’s History"?

Only Peter Pan Could Go Noshing At The Gulf

By Judi McLeod Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Astroturf overkill may be finishing off President Everywhere.

While average folk were pondering whether the media-suppressed Gulf oil spill would kill the world as we know it, Barack Obama was sending an S.O.S. to his campaign supporters in an email that included Canada Free Press (CFP).

According to `The Won’s’ blanket email, “the country’s energy dilemma will not end “even if the BP spill crisis ends.” (Emphasis CFP’s). Obama, who campaigned on hope, loves killing off human hope and demoralizing the masses.

Here’s his solution for saving America: “The only way to provide for America’s energy needs is to “promote a new economy powered by green jobs, combat climate change, and end our dependence on foreign oil,” he wrote in his email.

Describing the BP oil spill in the Gulf Coast as “the worst environmental disaster of its kind in our nation’s history, he “returned to the Gulf region yesterday to meet with families and business owners affected by the catastrophe.

The wolf is crying wolf.

Was it for effect that Obama, in the Gulf states, to commiserate with people and business, noshed his way through a snow cone, shrimp, and seafood salad?

Will children not yet born someday read, “Peter Pan Eats His Way Through “The Worst Environmental Disaster of its Kind in our Nation’s History”?

Just in case anyone missed Obama’s romp through the Gulf, he will address the nation about his new economy powered by green jobs today.

But there are small but sure signs America is tuning out on the Boy Crying Wolf; that there are those who don’t give a fig for Obama’s ravening appetite.

Late last night, a longtime patriot and CFP friend had this to say. (We are not identifying him to spare his being decked by a Dem congressman or over zealous supporter next time he ventures out to his local Tea Party gathering.) “I thought Billy Klintoon was suffering from Media Overexposure, but this guy is simply too full of himself to stand. It’s getting to the point that I’m ready to Turn Off, Tune Out and Drop Out of King Obama’s Third Ring of Hell.”

“And it ain’t just me. Most of my conservative family members have already stopped reading the Internet and watching Fox News. Reading rants doesn’t help. The onslaught has numbed us.

“Since there is no stopping him, what’s the bloody point”? His “Long March” to destroy the Republic is right on schedule, and there is no legal way to halt ANY of it.

“And any of the fat, Cheeto-chomping wing nuts sitting in Mum’s basement out there that may suggest an “alternative” are either: A. whacked out, and B, cruising for a trip to Club Fed and a rendezvous with “Bunk Muffin Skillet”.

“I personally hope the Messiah lives to be a bitter old centenarian whom my descendants can point to and say: `See that guy? NEVER let anyone EVER do what he did ever again.’”

According to the patriot, Obama comes as punishment from above. “According to God’s Word, a people get rulers appointed over them by God, according to their actions. That is biblical. “We don’t deserve this!”” NO, WE DON’T.

“But God “sanctifies” or punishes nations, and it rains upon the just as it does the unjust.

“God allows evil men to reign over a people for their unrighteousness. Since the ‘60s, Americans have been a (mostly) selfish and unGodly people. We turned our backs on God?

We get THIS GUY.

“God let his chosen people suffer horribly over and over again. So why should WE get a spiritual pass when they didn’t?

“As Glenn Beck said: `There is no magic pixie dust protecting America’.”

Meanwhile, Obama is too old and too cynical to play Peter Pan.

Besides, Peter Pan was never a Marxist.

Judi McLeod Most recent columns

Copyright © Canada Free Press
Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at:

Older articles by Judi McLeod



Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/7/2010 5:55:14 AM
Hi Friends,

I received this in my inbox this morning and I have a feeling that the thoughts represented in the below message are felt by many. It's a shame that the progressive/socialistic ideology that the present tenant of the White House holds so dear has brought closer to the brink the eventual demise of the United States so many of us hold so dear.

Only We The People can bring about the necessary changes to put a stop to the "change" B Hussein is advocating.



I Used to Love America More

By Burt Prelutsky (Archive) · Saturday, July 3, 2010

I love America, but honesty compels me to admit I used to love it even more.

I loved it more when people could admit they were patriots without being called xenophobes. I loved it more when a person could say that nobody should be allowed to sneak into the country without being labeled a racist. I loved it more when one could point out that if people aren’t allowed to profit from a crime, why are the parents of so-called anchor babies the exception?

I loved America more when a person could say that he thought a culture that had given the world Shakespeare, Rembrandt, DaVinci, Dickens, Bach, Beethoven, the telephone, the electric light, the automobile, the jet plane, rockets to the moon, cell phones, radar and a cure for polio, was superior to one that gave the world Sharia law, suicide bombers and clitorectomies, without being called a jingoist.

I loved America more when people didn’t worry so much about infringing on the rights of convicted pedophiles, and someone besides me wondered why the average prison sentence doled out to a child molester was a scant three years.

I loved America more when people listened to music filled with melody, harmony and decipherable lyrics, and went to movies about recognizable human beings coping with recognizable human problems.

I loved America more when if the phone rang, it was very likely someone you wanted to speak to, and not some shill calling on behalf of some hack politician trolling for money.

I loved America more before baseball players used steroids, and before millions of fans cheered them on as they cheated their way into the record books, erasing the achievements of people like Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and Roger Maris.

I loved America more before parents thought winning was so important they’d hold their kids back from entering school so they could be bigger and faster than their classmates and wind up being high school football stars.

I loved America more before other parents considered honest competition so destructive, they decided scores shouldn’t be kept at their kids’ sporting events, and that pass/fail should replace grades in the classroom.

I loved America more when youngsters had to earn respect, and high self-esteem wasn’t considered a birthright.

I loved America more before Barack Obama told us a pack of lies in order to get elected, and when the lies were eventually exposed, many millions of Americans really didn’t care.

I loved America more when vulgarians, bullies and half-wits, were people to be avoided, and not admired, mimicked, and rewarded with their own TV shows and fan clubs.

I loved America more when people came here to fit in, learn the language and change their national loyalty, not merely their address.

I loved America more when Supreme Court justices were expected to be experts when it came to the U.S. Constitution, not a bunch of bleeding hearts who could moonlight as social workers or, God forbid, community organizers.

I used to love America more when we all admired people who shouted “Give me Liberty, or give me Death!” to King George and “Nuts!” to the Nazis, and not someone who bows, scrapes and apologizes to our enemies.

Finally, I loved America more when America seemed to love itself more.

(Don’t miss Burt’s book, “Liberals: America’s Termites” -- signed copies are available at the Patriot Shop.)

Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/8/2010 3:36:50 AM
This young woman has done her own research and shares it with the world. Americans should watch these videos and take notice and heed this youthful young woman's words. There is a series of videos this one garners access to them all.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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