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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/30/2012 8:41:16 AM
Hello Friends,

The below video shows a few the radical progressive liberal socialist/Marxist people B Hussein chose to surround himself with and appoint to powerful jobs and advisory positions, have as repeat visitors to the White House and much more.

Unfortunately the video didn't target them all. For instance Panetta telling Congress he takes his orders from the UN and NATO and will only "report" on their decisions to the Congress. General Dempsey saying something very similar. The people surrounding B Hussein who see the US as the Socialist United States is never ending and that includes Hillary as well.

The video also doesn't include B Hussein's Seoul taped segment asking Medvedev to give him space and promising that he'll be more flexible after being reelected. Flexible = selling out the US even more then he already has.

Add to that all the radical muslims surrounding B Hussein the coalition we see in the world of the extreme left and islam is becoming much clearer and easier to understand.

How can people vote for this fraud is beyond me and I certainly hope they learned from their past mistakes and won't buy in to his teleprompter prompted speeches and promises. Promises he didn't keep first time so there's no reason to believe he'll keep any second time around when he'll be much more FLEXIBLE and the name of the game then is selling out and destroying the United States of America not keeping promises to the deaf, dumb and blind that voted for him again.

The coming elections are the most important ever facing the American people. B Hussein's gotta go and let him join peanut brain Carter in the list of one term presidents.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/31/2012 9:48:43 AM
Hello Friends,

John Stossel came out with an excellent program on the public schools vs the charter schools. Union and bureaucracies vs the ability to fire bad teachers. This is a must watch video and speaks for itself.

The dumbing down of our students didn't start with the B Hussein regime but had gotten much worse under his leadership. The unions and their thugs got stronger and are force feeding and foisting incompetent teachers on our innocent children. The results speak for themselves. As you'll see in the video one union official had the temerity to say that teachers shouldn't be judged by their results but according to other parameters! That says it all, doesn't it?



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/31/2012 11:26:29 AM
It doesn't look good for the good guys now does it? All we have is a Romney.
Hello Friends,

The below video shows a few the radical progressive liberal socialist/Marxist people B Hussein chose to surround himself with and appoint to powerful jobs and advisory positions, have as repeat visitors to the White House and much more.

Unfortunately the video didn't target them all. For instance Panetta telling Congress he takes his orders from the UN and NATO and will only "report" on their decisions to the Congress. General Dempsey saying something very similar. The people surrounding B Hussein who see the US as the Socialist United States is never ending and that includes Hillary as well.

The video also doesn't include B Hussein's Seoul taped segment asking Medvedev to give him space and promising that he'll be more flexible after being reelected. Flexible = selling out the US even more then he already has.

Add to that all the radical muslims surrounding B Hussein the coalition we see in the world of the extreme left and islam is becoming much clearer and easier to understand.

How can people vote for this fraud is beyond me and I certainly hope they learned from their past mistakes and won't buy in to his teleprompter prompted speeches and promises. Promises he didn't keep first time so there's no reason to believe he'll keep any second time around when he'll be much more FLEXIBLE and the name of the game then is selling out and destroying the United States of America not keeping promises to the deaf, dumb and blind that voted for him again.

The coming elections are the most important ever facing the American people. B Hussein's gotta go and let him join peanut brain Carter in the list of one term presidents.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/31/2012 12:36:23 PM
Hi Jim,

Good to see you. It's been a while. In any case welcome back.

Anyone is better then B Hussein (except for Ron Paul) and Romney while not my first choice or second choice for that matter is far better then the fraud and great pretender. The main objective remains the same and that's to vote this guy out of office.



It doesn't look good for the good guys now does it? All we have is a Romney.
Hello Friends,

The below video shows a few the radical progressive liberal socialist/Marxist people B Hussein chose to surround himself with and appoint to powerful jobs and advisory positions, have as repeat visitors to the White House and much more.

Unfortunately the video didn't target them all. For instance Panetta telling Congress he takes his orders from the UN and NATO and will only "report" on their decisions to the Congress. General Dempsey saying something very similar. The people surrounding B Hussein who see the US as the Socialist United States is never ending and that includes Hillary as well.

The video also doesn't include B Hussein's Seoul taped segment asking Medvedev to give him space and promising that he'll be more flexible after being reelected. Flexible = selling out the US even more then he already has.

Add to that all the radical muslims surrounding B Hussein the coalition we see in the world of the extreme left and islam is becoming much clearer and easier to understand.

How can people vote for this fraud is beyond me and I certainly hope they learned from their past mistakes and won't buy in to his teleprompter prompted speeches and promises. Promises he didn't keep first time so there's no reason to believe he'll keep any second time around when he'll be much more FLEXIBLE and the name of the game then is selling out and destroying the United States of America not keeping promises to the deaf, dumb and blind that voted for him again.

The coming elections are the most important ever facing the American people. B Hussein's gotta go and let him join peanut brain Carter in the list of one term presidents.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/31/2012 12:37:31 PM
Hello Friends,

Once again B Hussein and his regime have thrown Israel under the bus.

When Pentagon officials "leaked" to the press that Israel may attack Iran's nuclear facilities from Air Force bases in Azerbaijan bordering on Iran. Whether Israel had secret agreements with the Azerbaijanis or not the release of secret information by this administration shot down any chance of using those bases by disclosing these secrets to the press.

The question is why would B Hussein allow this to happen and in my opinion the answer is two fold.

1. He doesn't want an Israeli attack before the elections. He probably feels that it wouldn't work to his advantage if the attack was prior to November.

2. His Islamic agenda would be mortally wounded if Iran a muslim country was attacked by Israel. He considers himself the savior of Islam and does all in his power to help them achieve their goals like he did in Egypt.

The bottom line is a nuclear Iran is the preferred option for him if he believes it will assist in his reelection. His reelection is more important to him then the security of Israel and the safety of the Israeli people, releasing secrets is no problem for him and is a prelude of things to come if he's reelected. For those that remember this whole process started when his administration started leaking information to the press about a possible Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and now the final (or is it) leak that only helps the Iranians and himself.

If the American people have any doubts what he meant about being more "flexible" after the elections this should give them some thought. He
Israel under the bus and sold them down the drain and the next step will be to do the same to America and the American citizenry. Just wait till he'll be more FLEXIBLE.



With targeted media leaks, the US takes aim at Israel

What reasonable interest does someone in the Pentagon have in hardening the Iranian pharaoh’s heart on the eve of Passover, and indicating to him that he has nothing to fear? This borders on insanity.

Dan Margalit

Is President Barack Obama bent on preventing unilateral Israeli action against Iran?
Photo credit: AP

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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