Hi Peter, Jim,
Been awhile since I have been over here too.
Romney would not be a good choice either, he is exactly the same as BHO and he was the one who first started the Romney Care that BHO has named after him and we do not hear what the final outcome from the court hearing they just had until June and BHO is exactly the same as Bush..
They all are working towards the New World Order which is already here, just a few finer details to polish off and it will be in place.
RFID Radio Frequency Identification chip by next March - NDDAA where we can be arrested without a reason or trial and taken away from American soil and detained indefinitely.. Marshall Law that Obammy just signed in a week or so ago - what are his plans for this, I wonder!
I was listening to Lindsey Williams (http://prophecyclub.com/ ) the other day who talks regularly with Mr X a Elite in his 70s and gives Lindsey inside news and passed on several pieces of news and one of them was that the Globalists are extremely livid with BHO because he is a Muslim and he did his own thing against them. This Mr X said that HBO may not get the nod to be elected again this term because he back stabbed them! And also hopefully Sheriff Apaio and his cold case Posses which the MSM is ignoring will be enough to cause more doubt amongst the States to take his name off as the Alternative Media has made real sure that the word has gotten out and also the MSM ratings have plummeted by 50% in their viewings..Yeah!
These elections has been a farce as It is a One Party dictatorship under the guise of two parties and no choice at all with them as they are for the New World Order. Since John F Kennedy there has not been a real President and when he did a speech about the Secret Societies and also signed by Executive Order to bring back the Gold Standard banking system which was never put into place because he was assassinated they did not want the people to know but there is videos still to be found about this.
Even when Ron Paul is up there in the front running, he has had to put up with blatant fraud against him which has been proved many times and he gets the most turn crowds out because his followers are aware and stick around and watch while others who were supporting the others left.. He is ignored or lied about his position or told that he can't win, the message of Liberty has been sown into the hearts of many and has brought lots of people together from this message.
I wonder, what is the use of voting anyway because the whole thing is rigged against the people and the first year Bush stood is an example of the fraud in Florida which was hanging in the balance whether he would get in as brother Jeb made sure he got in..
If enough people stayed home and did not vote at all, did not get involved, would that make any difference, because to go along and even write on the ballot 'none of the above' it would probably not get noticed anyway. I reckon there has to be a better way of actually stating ones displeasure at these rigged elections and it would be great if there could be a very positive solution.
Hi Jim,
Good to see you. It's been a while. In any case welcome back.
Anyone is better then B Hussein (except for Ron Paul) and Romney while not my first choice or second choice for that matter is far better then the fraud and great pretender. The main objective remains the same and that's to vote this guy out of office.
It doesn't look good for the good guys now does it? All we have is a Romney.Quote:
Hello Friends,
The below video shows a few the radical progressive liberal socialist/Marxist people B Hussein chose to surround himself with and appoint to powerful jobs and advisory positions, have as repeat visitors to the White House and much more.
Unfortunately the video didn't target them all. For instance Panetta telling Congress he takes his orders from the UN and NATO and will only "report" on their decisions to the Congress. General Dempsey saying something very similar. The people surrounding B Hussein who see the US as the Socialist United States is never ending and that includes Hillary as well.
The video also doesn't include B Hussein's Seoul taped segment asking Medvedev to give him space and promising that he'll be more flexible after being reelected. Flexible = selling out the US even more then he already has.
Add to that all the radical muslims surrounding B Hussein the coalition we see in the world of the extreme left and islam is becoming much clearer and easier to understand.
How can people vote for this fraud is beyond me and I certainly hope they learned from their past mistakes and won't buy in to his teleprompter prompted speeches and promises. Promises he didn't keep first time so there's no reason to believe he'll keep any second time around when he'll be much more FLEXIBLE and the name of the game then is selling out and destroying the United States of America not keeping promises to the deaf, dumb and blind that voted for him again.
The coming elections are the most important ever facing the American people. B Hussein's gotta go and let him join peanut brain Carter in the list of one term presidents.