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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/26/2012 7:59:23 AM
Hello Friends,

The GOP primary race has been a disappointment to me for a few reasons.

First of all an excellent candidate and true conservative was forced to retire from the race due to MSM harassment by publishing stories that had nothing to do with the candidates abilities, experience, agendas, plans etc. but with personal issues that weren't proven and were based on innuendos and what most probably were false claims. It's the continuing tradition of dirty politics from the progressive left MSM and the Democrats when they feel vulnerable and threatened. That's history now but it's still a shame cos we lost a good man.

There are many other reasons but the main one for me is the candidates constant and consistent bashing of their opponents in the primary race. While there are certain legitimate points that can and should be raised like Romney being the "father" of Obamacare and his major flip flopping on issues. His wealth shouldn't be an issue.

The two most guilty of the bashings are: 1. Romney who spent untold millions attempting to destroy his competition and then crying like a baby when they reciprocated in kind and 2. the kook Ron Paul with his ad campaigns and online attacks and incessant claims he's being discriminated and ignored by everyone except for his ronbots.

Santorum and Gingrich also added fuel to the bonfire but mainly after Romney's heavy campaigns bashing them.

What they all should have done is target B Hussein from their own personal opinions, beliefs, backgrounds and political plans and agendas. He is the target and the voters can choose from the best plans and most qualified person to vote for.

Finally an ad that does what should have been done throughout this campaign. An ad that shows the catastrophe B Hussein created and how bad it will become if he's reelected. The credit has to be given to the Santorum campaign and should be continued with much more of the same.

Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are my personal favorites so far but ultimately I'll support whoever wins the GOP primaries aside from the kook Ron Paul.

Below is an article on the latest Santorum ad and the ad itself that the Democrats hate...........and if they hate it that means it's the way to go. Let's see many more of the same from him and the other candidates.



New Santorum Ad References Ahmadinejad and Ominous ‘Obamaville’….SPOILER ALERT: Liberals Don’t Like It

Posted on March 24, 2012 at 5:15pm by Christopher Santarelli

The Santorum campaign launched what is slated to be the first video of an eight-episode series showcasing the president’s incompetence and the harsh reality of life in America over the last four years, entitled “Welcome to Obamaville.” The minute-long video is not your everyday political ad, and has elicited criticisms from several media commentators.

“Obamaville,” in the ad, is described as “more than a town” but “a cautionary tale.” The video forecasts a future if Barack Obama is reelected that includes small businesses struggling, families worried about their jobs and futures, long waits to see a doctor, gas prices through the roof, the freedom of religion under attack, and “a rouge nation and sworn american enemy” becoming a nuclear threat. When describing the “rouge nation” the video cuts to television screens displaying Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The video features ominous narration and directing that is more reminiscent of an episode of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” than a political ad.

New Obamaville Santorum Ad References Ahmadinejad

The Daily Caller notes that the use of Ahmadinejad’s image several times in the video has drawn some criticism:

Reaction on the Internet was swift, as left-wing bloggers and publications pounced on the president’s appearance in the video.

‘Rick Santorum Ad Draws Extremely Subtle Link Between Ahmadinejad and Obama,’ read a post by liberal blogger David Weigel, who soon corrects himself by noting that, on second thought, the link ‘really isn’t too subtle.’

The British publication The Telegraph was even more direct, charging that Santorum’s ad ‘compares Barack Obama with Iranian President.’

The reaction was equally dramatic on Twitter, where Santorum’s campaign had posted a link to the clip.

‘Is this what our politics has come to?’ said Twitter user Timothy McLaughlin.’

When asked by POLITICO if the images of Ahmadenijad and Obama were meant to suggest that they are the same person, Rick Santorum’s spokesman Hogan Gidley said “Don’t be ridiculous.”

Given the uncertainty of Santorum‘s campaign if he doesn’t win today’s Louisiana primary, and the high number of of “dislikes” the video the video has already received on Youtube, the real suspense may be whether the series can really make it to eight episodes.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/26/2012 8:11:34 AM
Hello Friends,

This article and video is hilarious cos it shows how inept B Hussein is and how dependent he is on his teleprompter cos he's really quite limited. This video goes one step further since it shows that even with his teleprompter he just repeats himself ad nauseaum.



Amazing Danish TV Clip Ridicules Obama’s Robotic, ‘Copycat’ Statements

Posted on March 24, 2012 at 4:23pm by Mike Opelka

World leaders are frequently stopping by 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to meet with the President and First Lady. Less than ten days ago, British Prime Minister David Cameron popped over for some meetings, a press conference filled with jovial banter, and a celeb-packed State Dinner. On March 5th, Obama told Benjamin Netanyahu, “We‘ll always have Israel’s back.”

However, when it comes to some of our other allies around the world, the President (or his speech writers) seem to have a problem coming up with an original compliment. Witness this report from Thomas Buch-Anderson, a Danish TV host who collected some of Obama’s statements about Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Ireland, and the Philippines. They all sound just a little too similar.

President Obama is a busy man with a full schedule. Aside from doing the “people’s business” and starting to push his 2012 re-election campaign into high gear, he must also devote considerable time to his role as the face of America in the international community. We would hope that the President’s speech writers might find a little time to create something new, or at least something different each world leader and ally visits the White House.

Not everyone can be America’s BFF.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/26/2012 3:59:54 PM
Hello Friends,

B Hussein did it again.

In the first round he called Sandra the "fluker" Fluke to compliment her on her sexual habits and thought her parents should be very proud of her. As a father of two daughters + 2 granddaughters and one grandson I can say I would be ashamed if one of my daughters or granddaughters did what the fluking Fluke did.

The second round was his statement and involvement with the Trayvon Martin killing. I purposely didn't call it murder cause George Zimmerman acted in self defense and had every right to defend himself after being attacked and beaten by Treyvon. B Hussein said if he had a son he would be like Treyvon and apparently he was right cos like Treyvon who was a thug that attacked Zimmermn, B Hussein is a thug attacking the American people and also implied it was a racial attack. Yep, the race card he uses so well.

Both of the above cases were specifically used by B Hussein purposely to help his re election campaign. With all the bad publicity he's been getting, he'll use anything to get attention away from that and if the race card can be used better yet.

The MSM jumped on the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman issue with glee and the Sharptons, Jacksons and black panthers came rushing out of the woodwork claiming it was a race murder. Well, all the proof indicates that Zimmerman indeed was attacked and beaten by Martin and unfortunately for all the hate mongers there are witnesses to prove it aside from the proof the police gathered on the scene.

Debbie Schlussel's article goes deeper into this case and in her special style calls a spade a spade. Well worth reading.



March 26, 2012, - 4:44 am

If Barack Obama Had a Son, Would He Be a Violent Thug Like Trayvon Martin?

By Debbie Schlussel

Barack Obama–once again, inserting a racial foot in his mouth–said if he had a son that son would look like Trayvon Martin, the young man in Sanford, Florida, who was shot in self-defense by neighborhood watch official, George Zimmerman, and died. And, apparently, his son would be as much of a violent thug as Trayvon Martin was, breaking Zimmerman’s nose and striking Zimmerman hard enough to create a bloody gash on his head. While it is sad that anybody died in this tragic situation, it’s not the cold-blooded, racist murder that’s being portrayed in the media. Not even close.

The Liberal Media’s Choice of Pics Speaks a Thousand Words: Their Photos of Trayvon Martin-Obama & George Zimmerman …

or Another View of Them . . .

I’ve been sitting back watching the rush to judgment and Indy 500 of Grandstanding against Zimmerman, knowing that there was another side to the story that we weren’t being given. Many Blacks rushed to judgment only because they mistakenly thought the Hispanic Zimmerman was a White man. If it was another Black man–as most of the killers and perpetrators of violent crimes against Blacks are–they wouldn’t have cared less. But, now, it is officially an Obama “Us v. Them” Presidential campaign. It’s an opportune way for Obama to gin up the Black voters who aren’t all that excited about him anymore and not very motivated to go vote in droves like they did in 2012.

You can watch the Fox news video here

Man shot and killed in neighborhood altercation:

While, all last week, I began to see the other side of the story come out, I was not surprised to see fakes and ignoramuses, like National Review editor Rich Lowry, pile on. Lowry actually praised Al Sharpton and the Black Panthers for bringing attention to the matter . . . by offering a bounty for killing Zimmerman, something Lowry conveniently forgot. He also never mentioned that his new hero, race merchant Sharpton, has eight Freddy’s Fashion Mart and Crown Heights murders on his hands. Lowry called for Zimmerman to be charged by the grand jury and said he deserves to go to jail. This was even after he acknowledged knowing that Zimmerman was beaten by Martin–President Obama’s newly-adopted violent thug son–and that the shooting was in self-defense. All of you morons who gush over Lowry as a “conservative,” long past time to wake up. (His disgusting statements were on “McLaughlin Group,” this weekend.) He is with the liberals on this because he’s not exactly a conservative.

On Thursday, I also listened to and watched Glenn Beck, quickly weigh in on his videotaped radio show, calling Zimmerman–about whom he knows absolutely nothing–a “racist,” and completely condemning him. Uh-huh, that’s the extent of Beck’s critical thinking: echoing the liberal media party line.

Beginning early last week as the story was being hyped, readers and friends started sending me the real pictures of Trayvon Martin from what apparently was his Facebook page and from other sources. They starkly contrast with the angelic–and several years old–photos the media is showing you. One photo, shown below, features Martin-Obama in traditional pants-falling-way-below-underwear fashion, flashing gang symbols under the N-word (which he imprinted on the photo). But since–unlike many Black people–I do not used that word in any form, I’ve cropped the photo (click here for the full thing).

I also looked at the police report, which clearly shows that Zimmerman was not the aggressor, but on his back being beaten by Trayvon Martin Hussein Obama. From Page Seven of the Report, the reporting Sanford Police officer, Timothy Smith, states:

While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head. . . . While the SPD was attending to Zimmerman, I over heard [sic] him state, “I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me.”

Other witnesses back up the account that Zimmerman was violently attacked by Trayvon Hussein Obama.

“The guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, ‘Help! Help!’ and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911,” said the witness, who asked to be identified only by his first name, John.

John said he locked his patio door, ran upstairs and heard at least one gun shot.

“And then, when I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.”

And it’s pretty clear what happened here. Um, you’re not on your back with a bloody gash and a broken nose, plus a wet back covered in grass, if you were the aggressor. At that point, you are the defender. He clearly felt Trayvon Obama was going to kill him. And, contrary to “conserva”-liberal frauds like Rich Lowry and the others, once someone is on top of you, beating you, you have every right to respond by shooting him. Following a guy–even a newly-identified Obama–is NOT a crime. It’s perfectly legal, unless a restraining order is in place, and that’s not the case here.

Whether or not the police told Zimmerman, “We don’t need you to follow him,” is irrelevant. That he chose to follow Trayvon Obama was his right. And Trayvon of the Sanford Hussein-Obamas had no legal right to then approach him and beat him. Once he did that, there was no crime in shooting him. That’s the law, even in states where there is no “Stand Your Ground” law as there is in Florida. In fact, the “Stand Your Ground” law is a red herring here. It’s really kind of irrelevant and certainly became so, once Trayvon Martin-Obama was on top of George Zimmerman beating him bloody.

What’s really going on here is something else–a race war for those hungry race-baiting hyenas who haven’t had race steak in some time. It’s mighty tasty now that it’s been served up to Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the Black Panthers. It’s just as tasty for Obama in his divide-and-conquer, stir-up Black America style of politics. And it’s tasty for faux-conservatives like Rich Lowry and Glenn Beck to prove that they are so enlightened unlike the rest of us “racist” and “backward” conservatives who don’t agree with the mainstream media race narrative at play here. Oh, and it’s tasty to PAWNN–the Prince Al-Waleed News Network a/k/a FOX News and CNN and MSNBC. All of them, taste blood in the water, too. And ratings. Cha-ching.

It’s also tasty for the country’s worst ex-governor now hosting a show on Current TV, that no one is watching. Jennifer Granholm (whose effeminate, gay-esque husband legally took her maiden name and was previously an AIDS fundraiser) was Michigan’s worst contemporary governor. She helped usher in Michigan’s decline years before the rest of America’s. And now she has a show with zero viewers (except maybe the two cat ladies not watching PBS or dreaming about Rachel Maddow). So, she pulled a hoodie-wearing stunt to garner publicity. Yup, she pimped out this dead Trayvon kid to get people to watch her silly show. Didn’t work. She still has no viewers and now everyone else is repeating her dumb hoodie-wearing stunt, so she’s long forgotten. There’s a reason–actually several of them–why I called her “the Governatrix Gran-HO” on my Detroit CBS radio show when she was in office. If ever there was a shameless whore for attention, it’s her.

“Hey, Sorry About That Trayvon Kid & BTW, Watch My Current TV Show! Check Out My Current TV Hoodie. Trayvon Who?” . . .

Jennifer Granholm: Horrible Ex-Governor, Desperate Attention Whore

And finally, it’s great steak for the gun control crowd, which is the main agenda here. They couldn’t care less about “Stand Your Ground” laws. It’s the Second Amendment and concealed pistol laws they’re after. They just don’t want us to have guns. And they are using George Zimmerman to drive that home. That’s the real story here.

Finally, I’ll leave you with my friend, Harvard grad Rahim Azizzi’s insights. He’s Black (and Jewish):

Yes, it was horrible that the young man died, and in no way am I discounting that. However, the real reason Blacks are upset is because they initially believed the shooter was White (albeit he has a Jewish-sounding surname), and the victim Black. Black youths are gunned down every day and no one bats an eyelash! They take Black on Black crime for granted, but get to marching only when it’s White on Black! This is the height of hypocrisy! How about they march for all people who’ve died to senseless violence regardless of the victim’s ethnic background?

This death is tragic, but Blacks don’t seem to care about a young Black man dying, unless it’s at the hands of someone who is not black. Again, Blacks are killed by blacks every single day to the point it is taken for granted. Where are the protests, marches and boycotts for those victims?

Spot on.

But Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the Black Panthers don’t care about Black murders of Blacks. (Or Black murders of Whites, for that matter, including the brutal torture murder by four Black men of a White couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.)

Those don’t come with the opportunities to get media attention, conduct shakedowns against the government and corporations, and–most important–Get Whitey!

Race Merchants, Inc. has now met its monthly quota of “outrage.”

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/26/2012 5:28:22 PM
Hello Friends,

Is B Hussein a traitor??? That is the question. He already started giving away military secrets to the Russians and if he gets reelected it'll get worse, much worse. It's straight from the horses mouth as you'll see in the below video.

Watch the video and decide for yourself.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/27/2012 7:02:38 AM
Hello Friends,

After posting yesterday on the Trayvon Martin killing more information and proof is coming out that this wasn't such a sweet kid as he was portrayed to be. Not the innocent that was "gunned down" by a crazed white racist, who turns out to be a Hispanic and not your average "white racist".

All the usual black rabble rousers who jumped on the bandwagon like Sharpton, Jackson, ACLU and the black panthers who actually put a price of $10,000 on his head had a rally yesterday to proclaim what a good boy this thug was. I've been reading about the many blacks killed on a daily basis by other blacks that we never hear about cos it's such a commonplace event that doesn't deserve mention. No Sharpton, no Jackson, no ACLU and definitely no black panthers putting a price on the head of the murderers. Sorta makes you wonder, doesn't it?

The worst offender in this farce is B "give me space" Hussein. He's just using this killing to once again use the race card and possibly convince the blacks who aren't all that happy with him now a reason to continue supporting him and guilt trips for white people who supported him in the past and are now very disappointed supporters. For this despicable person any thing is good but fortunately it's back firing on him with the truth coming out. I wonder if he'll retract his statement that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon. I doubt it but as I said yesterday there is a great similarity between the two goons.

It's all about getting reelected and I certainly hope more people will see exactly what this man stands for and is. He's gotta go in 2012 and then Putin can give him as much "space" as he needs to play basketball, golf and for his never ending holidays with lard a$$ Michelle.



Trayvon's not so "sweet" in this pic and Zimmerman not so threatening. Interesting how they chose the original pics to portray these two (Trayvon was 13 in the original picture). Isn't it?.

Monday, 26 Mar 2012 04:06 PM By Martin Gould

The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that Trayvon Martin decked George Zimmerman with one punch and then repeatedly slammed his head into the sidewalk, according to a newly released version of the events that led up to the 17-year-old’s death.

The neighborhood watch captain was left “bloody and battered,” according to the version Zimmerman told investigators. Witnesses have corroborated his version, authorities told
The Orlando Sentinel. And ABC News reports that Zimmerman told police that Martin knocked him down and attempted to take his gun.

Zimmerman, 28, shot Martin to death on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla., and the case has become a lightning rod for activists who claim the killing was racially motivated. Activists, including Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and NAACP leader Ben Jealous, have addressed rallies in the Orlando suburb.

Another is planned for Monday afternoon attended by Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis and basketball legend Patrick Ewing.

Zimmerman claimed self-defense, but his version of what occurred has been slow in coming out. Both Republican and Democratic politicians have joined the activists querying why Zimmerman has not been arrested, especially as a 911 dispatcher specifically told him not to follow Martin.

Zimmerman told police he got out of his SUV, but lost sight of Martin. As he walked back to his vehicle, he said Martin approached him from behind and asked him if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, the Sentinel reports.

Martin said something like “well you do now,” and punched him in the nose, Zimmerman told police. There has been no report of witnesses to that alleged initial blow.

As the older man fell to the ground, Martin jumped on him and started slamming his head into the sidewalk. In a 911 call from a neighbor, a man can be heard calling for help. Police say they believe it was Zimmerman’s voice, although Martin’s attorney insists it is the teen’s.

The Sentinel reports that one witness told police he was certain he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Martin on top, pounding him.

Zimmerman shot Martin once in the chest “at very close range,” police told the Sentinel. When they arrived, they found Zimmerman bleeding from the nose and head. He was treated at the scene but refused to go to the hospital.

The case has caused a national furor centering on race and on Florida’s Stand Your Ground law that allows a person to use deadly force if he feels he is being threatened. Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee has stepped down temporarily.

Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, hit back at the new reports on Monday. “They killed my son, and now they're trying to kill his reputation," she said.

Sanford mayor Jeff Triplett told ABC News he was worried about violence breaking out. “The city today is a tinder box,” he said.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has appointed a task force headed by special prosecutor Angela Corey to investigate whether Zimmerman’s case should go before a grand jury.

Zimmerman has been in hiding since the debate about the killing ramped up. The New Black Panthers put out a $10,000 bounty on his head after its leader Mikhail Muhammed told a rally on Saturday “He should be fearful for his life. You can’t keep killing black children.”

Movie director Spike Lee revealed Zimmerman’s home address in a Twitter message he retweeted to his quarter of a million followers at the weekend.

Last week President Barack Obama jumped into the case saying if he had a son “he would look like Trayvon.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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