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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/27/2012 7:50:49 AM
Hello Friends,

By now those of you who follow my posts know that I firmly believe B Hussein to be a fraud and not eligible to hold the office of president of the United States. Call me a "birther" if you wish it doesn't bother me in the least in fact I consider it to be a badge of honor cos the facts are irrefutable but are conveniently ignored.

His place of birth is definitely in question but I base my claim on the simple fact that his father BHO Senior wasn't a citizen of the United States at the time of his birth and any time after his birth. He was a Kenyan from birth to death.

Add to that the fraudulent long form birth certificate he released in April 2011 you have a criminal who's passing fraudulent documents as the real thing. I'll not even mention the different Social Security numbers he's used. The bottom line is that Constitutionally he's not eligible regardless of where he was born or his different foreign citizenships (another reason he's ineligible) he held.

I posted the below video in the past and thought it only right to post it again as a reminder of the ineligibility of this man and the many accomplices he had in both houses of Congress to accomplish his goals.

B Hussein has gotta go in 2012 cos logic and the Constitution simply aren't enough anymore ...... unfortunately.



Hear Carl Gallups (narrator) every Friday - 1330 WEBY AM - Gulf Coast Talk Radio
Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups


I am NOT the "original discoverer" of this information. I have been clear about this from the first day this video was posted. I found the information on several blogs, posts and internet sites where no original author was given credit. I did my own research to confirm the information that I was reading. I found all the materials and the congressional reports on each HJR - myself. I created the video and drew my own conclusions and created the ending synopsis. The video work and compilation is my product. I do not want to give the impression, though, that I "discovered" this information without help from other's hard work. I had no idea who FIRST made these startling discoveries when I put this vid together. As far as I know to date - this is the first VIDEO presentation made of this information.
The SOURCE that claims to be the originator of most of the info contained in this video. LIVE LINK - The author is listed as J.B. Williams

Pastor Carl Gallups

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/27/2012 9:28:39 PM
Hello Friends,

Most of the Hollywood stars are progressive liberal socialists. Very few of them are true conservatives willing to publicly state their opinions and political beliefs. If they do many will find themselves without work.

Jon Voight is one of the exceptions to the rule and he fearlessly speaks his mind, tells it like it is and calls a spade a spade.

The below video is from last year but Voight's open letter to the people of the US read on live TV without fear of any repercussions, is as relevant today as it was last year, even more so. It's not the first time he's spoken up and certainly won't be the last either.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/28/2012 2:40:55 AM

Hi Peter, I guess I missed this the first time you posted it because I think I would have remembered or at least watching it again would have jogged my memory. So much information out there and so few willing to take it seriously. They didn't take it seriously back before this fraud was elected and even now they won't admit to the damage he's done and continues to do everyday. Unreal isn't it?

Hello Friends,

By now those of you who follow my posts know that I firmly believe B Hussein to be a fraud and not eligible to hold the office of president of the United States. Call me a "birther" if you wish it doesn't bother me in the least in fact I consider it to be a badge of honor cos the facts are irrefutable but are conveniently ignored.

His place of birth is definitely in question but I base my claim on the simple fact that his father BHO Senior wasn't a citizen of the United States at the time of his birth and any time after his birth. He was a Kenyan from birth to death.

Add to that the fraudulent long form birth certificate he released in April 2011 you have a criminal who's passing fraudulent documents as the real thing. I'll not even mention the different Social Security numbers he's used. The bottom line is that Constitutionally he's not eligible regardless of where he was born or his different foreign citizenships (another reason he's ineligible) he held.

I posted the below video in the past and thought it only right to post it again as a reminder of the ineligibility of this man and the many accomplices he had in both houses of Congress to accomplish his goals.

B Hussein has gotta go in 2012 cos logic and the Constitution simply aren't enough anymore ...... unfortunately.



Hear Carl Gallups (narrator) every Friday - 1330 WEBY AM - Gulf Coast Talk Radio
Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups


I am NOT the "original discoverer" of this information. I have been clear about this from the first day this video was posted. I found the information on several blogs, posts and internet sites where no original author was given credit. I did my own research to confirm the information that I was reading. I found all the materials and the congressional reports on each HJR - myself. I created the video and drew my own conclusions and created the ending synopsis. The video work and compilation is my product. I do not want to give the impression, though, that I "discovered" this information without help from other's hard work. I had no idea who FIRST made these startling discoveries when I put this vid together. As far as I know to date - this is the first VIDEO presentation made of this information.
The SOURCE that claims to be the originator of most of the info contained in this video. LIVE LINK - The author is listed as J.B. Williams

Pastor Carl Gallups

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/28/2012 2:57:20 AM

GREAT video Peter and yes he does call a spade a spade especially when he said Obama is the first president to ever weaken our nation. Obama is definitely on the fast track to turning us into a 3rd world country, helped along by his cronies and those this speaker says are those who haven't educated themselves on what is happening and by the very poor and needy who only live to be taken care of.

This didn't happen overnight as your previous video explained and I guess a lot of us have to bear some responsibility in not trying to find out things much sooner, but then too, we have a traitorous media who are doing everything in their power to see that we don't find out the truth. Thank heavens for the internet and let us all pray they never take that away and leave us in the dark again like we have been in the past.

Hello Friends,

Most of the Hollywood stars are progressive liberal socialists. Very few of them are true conservatives willing to publicly state their opinions and political beliefs. If they do many will find themselves without work.

Jon Voight is one of the exceptions to the rule and he fearlessly speaks his mind, tells it like it is and calls a spade a spade.

The below video is from last year but Voight's open letter to the people of the US read on live TV without fear of any repercussions, is as relevant today as it was last year, even more so. It's not the first time he's spoken up and certainly won't be the last either.



Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/29/2012 12:03:28 PM
Hello Friends,

An interesting turn of events took place in Seoul, Korea. The fraud and great pretender was caught asking Medvedev to relay to Putin the incoming Russian president (and former member of the KGB before the fall of the USSR) to "give him space" and after the elections (he's assuming he'll be reelected) he can be more "flexible" in regard to US military security and specifically on her missile defense.

The guy's already given away military secrets and is drastically reducing America's military defense and nuclear capabilities. He's done all this without the added "flexibility" he assumes he'll have after being reelected. Imagine how bad he'll be then?!

In a previous post I asked if his request and statement to Medvedev can't be considered treason and unfortunately no one replied to that but I'll state that IMO it definitely is.

Now, after the "space" and "flexibility" was broadcasted around the world and the Western leaders can see and hear for themselves how he's selling out the United States, they understand exactly what he has in store for them. If he'll sell out his own country it'll be no problem for him to throw them all under the bus.

So, I guess no one is surprised that the Russian newspaper Pravda came out and attacked Mitch Romney viciously for saying
"Russia is the geopolitical foe,"
and extolling and supporting B Hussein. In actual fact they endorsed the fraud and great pretender which really doesn't say much for him. If they like him I guess that means he should be considered an untouchable by Americans.

I know the truth might hurt and Russians might feel insulted by Romney's statement but unfortunately we've seen that Russia today along with China is supporting Iran and is responsible for much of their nuclear program. In addition they are standing steadfastly in their support of Syria's Assad and going so far as to indicate they will respond if Syria is attacked. These 2 actions alone are indications of their going against the West and that still includes the US despite the president actions over the past three and a half years.

I have a funny feeling this endorsement of B Hussein and ridiculous attack on Romney will boomerang on them and will be to the detriment of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

The Pravda article using the usual propaganda tactics to paint America as the enemy of the world but forgets to tell about crimes against humanity the USSR was responsible for and the decimation of countries that once were part of the USSR and weren't willing to toe the line with the new Russian policies. The list is endless of their crimes but not mentioned in the Pravda article. I would recommend that people not fall for their typical propaganda tactis Pravda is so well known for and realize that an endorsement of B Hussein and an attack on Mitt Romney means that Romney is the man to vote for if he wins the GOP nomination.

There is more in the below article.



Pravda on Mitt Romney: 'Out-Of-Touch, Out-Of-Date, Unelectable'

10:43 AM, Mar 28, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

Pravda is hitting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney over comments he made about Russia. "Russia is the geopolitical foe," Romney said earlier this week in response to President Obama telling his Russian counterpart to give him "space" so that he could have "more flexibility" after the 2012 presidential election.

So, in an op-ed today posted on Pravda's website, the infamous former Soviet newspaper writes, "Electing Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States of America would be like appointing a serial paedophile as a kindergarten teacher, a rapist as a janitor at a girls' dormitory or a psychopath with a fixation on knives as a kitchen hand. His comments on Russia are a puerile attempt at making the grand stage and boy, did he blow it..."

Pravda goes on to question American democracy and say that Romney is just an "adolescent" school boy:

Somewhat like Condoleezza Rice did before the Bush regime was er..."elected" ..., Mitt Romney takes the chance to mouth off about Russia, calling her "our number one geopolitical foe" which fights "every cause for the world's worst actors". Unfortunately, such vapid stupidity has become commonplace among senior US politicians, providing the rest of the world with a telling insight as to the real nature of the political class in that country - out of touch, out of date and dangerously jingoistic. In short, overgrown self-opinionated schoolboys with super-egos but nothing whatsoever to back it up with.

True, it feels great to slag off another country's cuisine and say, for example, that "Mexican food is crap! American food is far better!" Adolescent-type comments such as these generally provoke a session of back-patting, and a ra-ra-ra raucous explosion of national pride which after a few drinks degenerates into "My God is better than your God" and then "My President could smack the crap out of yours".

Fine for grade school playgrounds. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where this upstart nonentity Mitt Romney belongs, certainly not to the intricate and complex wheels and cogs of world policy and nowhere near a red button. Imagine this guy as President!

Then, Pravda praises present Russian relations with the United States under President Obama. "Exactly at a time when Russia and the USA are finding that they have far more in common than differences, exactly when they see that they are much more friends than foes, when they see that there is so much to be gained through collaboration, a foul-mouthed, big-headed oaf like Romney with more money than sense makes a comment that reveals who he really is to the world: a pea-brained, pith-headed simpleton with too much testosterone and too little common sense, with zero tact, no diplomacy and a paramount grasp on the intricacies of world politics. A prize, good-for-nothing ignoramus," writes Pravda.

The piece ends by threatening Romney. "So talking about geopolitical time Mitt Romney had better back off, butt out and mind his manners, so as not to appear like a foul-mouthed guttersnipe whose utter ignorance and pig-headed arrogance is only too clear for all to see. See how he walked straight into this one, ladies and gentlemen? Imagine THAT as your President..."

The opinion piece is titled, "Mitt Romney: Out-of-touch, out-of-date, unelectable."

You can read the full Pravda article here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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