Hello Friends,
Here's a song many of you will enjoy "My Name Is America" and those that don't enjoy it, TOUGH.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TPgJSZf5Vw&feature=player_embedded THE OFFICIAL VIDEO- Turn it Up and Enjoy! http://www.mynameisamerica.usWritten by Kurt Orning, "My Name Is America" is a powerful patriotic anthem that speaks to the hearts of Americans. "If the Statue of Liberty Could speak, what would she say?" She has seen dreamers and friends come and go in the harbor, she has watched ships sail away with our military to protect and defend, yet she sees them come back not quite as full as when they left and she has much she could say. The song says" We are challenged by tyrants who envy our power." These tyrants come in many different forms of evil and our power comes from God our creator. The song continues to speak to the hearts of Americans, Proof of how well it is speaking is the fact that it has climbed to number 1 on the Country Chart! Though certainly a proud American song, other countries have seen tremendous response to it also and several stations have contacted Todd for interviews. "My Name is America" has broken into other charts as well, including the majors. If you hear it on your local radio station, please call and tell them you liked it! For more information please visit http://www.mynameisamerica.us and http:///www.toddallenherendeen.com . Please Share This With Your Friends! Help us support and spread this message by getting your CD copy today at http://www.mynameisamerica.us. http:///www.toddallenherendeen.wordpress.com