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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/2/2012 1:39:14 PM
Hello Friends,

Ron Paul is showing his true face to the American people and it's a frightening face.

Last week while speaking at an event at the Hotel Pattee in Perry, Iowa he said that Iran would be justified in responding to US sanctions by closing the Strait of Hormuz.

Not only doesn't Paul think a nuclear Iran is a danger to the US and the world he thinks the sanctions are "horrendous". He also said that were he president he would take no actions if the Iranians closed the Straits but would simply "report to Congress" who could declare war if they wished. Oh yeah, that's called leadership and a great grasp on foreign affairs, isn't it? This is what to expect from a kook that thinks that 'sanctions' are an act of war.

Friends the only thing that's horrendous is the kook Ron Paul and the thought of him as president of the United States of America.



Ron Paul Forecasts Military Conflict With Iran

January 2, 2012 by

Ron Paul Forecasts Military Conflict With Iran
A picture released by Fars News Agency on Dec. 29, 2011, shows a U.S aircraft carrier spotted in an area of the Iranian navy ongoing maneuver zone on the Sea of Oman, near the Strait of Hormuz.

Ron Paul said speaking at an Iowa event last week that Iran would be justified in responding to U.S. sanctions by blocking the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz.

“I think we’re looking for trouble because we put these horrendous sanctions on Iran,” Paul told an audience at the Hotel Pattee in Perry, Iowa, according to Los Angeles Times.

Paul contends that the actions currently being taken by the United States against Iran are setting the stage for yet another Mideast conflict. If he were President, Paul said, he would not respond to Iran’s threat of closing the strait with military action, but would report to Congress who could declare war if they wished.

The Republican candidate said a blockade on the strait would be the most likely response to tighter sanctions because Iran has “no weapons of mass destruction” and shutting down the strait is “the most” it could do.

Iran’s top naval commander, Habibollah Sayyari, told the country’s state television last Wednesday that closing the Strait of Hormuz would be “easier than drinking a glass of water” for Iranian armed forces, but some U.S. analysts disagree.

According to CNBC, researchers familiar with the strait say that Iran’s navy does not have the size or resources to carry out a sustained blockade, but could cause problems with mines and missiles. The Bahrain-based U.S. Fifth Fleet is nearby and keeping a close eye on Iran’s activities and said last week that any disruption in the area “would not be tolerated.” Mine-laying or missile activity will likely generate a U.S. response.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/2/2012 2:04:29 PM

Amanda, I say that because that is the way the words in your post come across to me and I also sense a belligerent tone.


I have no idea where you got the impression that I hate the United States, I chose to live here.

What I do hate is the unelected whom have formed Shadow Governments who have hijacked the Elected Government.



Amanda I am SHOCKED and stunned to learn, from reading this post, that you harbored such hatred for the United States. I don't know what to say. :(


Hello Peter and friends,

I am sharing the following alternative news - on SUNDAY JANUARY 1ST 2012 to suggest the facts of corruption behind not allowing Ron Paul to win the Iowa polls even though he is way ahead... - lets see if this happens.

The prediction for January 3rd 2012--Iowa Poll
After the elections of January 3rd (this coming Tuesday) all
the votes for Iowa will be taken to a secret destination and manually counted in secret behind closed doors with the excuse of 'hackers' or other innuendo they can dream up.

If this does go through, it will signify the corruptness of the voting process...We as Americans are supposed to be able to vote for who WE want irregardless of who the candidate is...This lesson was painfully learned by many in the last election...and the elections before that when you can see that both Democrat and Republican are the 'same horse with a different jockey' nothing has changed as the Govt has actually gotten bigger.

Ron Paul IS NOT racist....He is NOT antisemitic nor anti Israeli...
US does not have to be the 'Big Bully' on the block and fight every country on the pretext of having 'weapons of mass destruction'

HE SIMPLY STATES IT IS TIME FOR THE US WAR MACHINE TO STOP and the billions spent on machinery and new war toys while the country slides further and further into irrecoverable debt that will simply implode like it is world wide.

Since WW1...the Us has profited off of war in EVERY excursion from Korea to present day by creating a "lie" (Gulf of Tonkin--WMD's--etc)
over 30 years of war, and then cranking out billions of dollars and sacrificing millions of human lives all in the name of profit--The profits...any and all of the conquered country/continent's resources (most of the conflicts in the Middle East have been over control of OIL)...

Ron Paul says ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...and the rest of the government is scared...because he has exposed the Federal Reserve as fact the corrupt current government administration has forthrightly admitted to insider trading and other scandals...but because it is the government it is "legal" whereas if anyone outside of it does this they are arrested...They are so arrogant they think they can just out-rightly admit it and nothing will happen...Bills are being passed at an alarming rate while most senates have not even read what they have put their signature too!

How did all these middle eastern wars suddenly make US citizens the enemy? that Marshall Law has been brought in, Agenda 21 sustainable living, global warming carbon tax, TSA body scanners and groping's, NDAA, Indefinite Detention Now Law of the Land signed and passed 1st Jan that will have Military on the streets because suddenly the US citizens are the enemy.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/2/2012 6:33:22 PM
Hi Peter and friends, as you may recall I have said that Ron Paul gives me an uneasy feeling just like Obama did back before he was elected president and it seems my woman's intuition was working right on target then and I feel like it is now too. One of the things that really worries me is that his supporters refuse to believe or take seriously, any of his past indiscretions, just like with Obama, but continue to try and sway others to also not take them seriously, even though the proof is there. I pray that history doesn't repeat itself by the American people electing another joker to the WH.
As I listened to this video by Dick Morris, it really resonated with me because he evidently has the same opinion and thinks Ron Paul would be a disastrous choice and gives proof of why he feels that way.
"Just as Obama used our dislike of the Iraq War in '08, Paul is using our feelings about Afghanistan to get elected. Two huge mistakes!"
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/2/2012 6:37:14 PM

Hi Everyone,

Without knowing who Ron Paul is planning to choose for his VP, and without knowing Ron Pauls' wife, we really won't know who will be running this country if he DOES get Alzheimers. Nancy Reagan and the first George Bush were helping Ronald Reagan a LOT, and Nancy was covering for him.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/3/2012 12:08:20 AM
Hello Peter,

Well that is because I am passionate and dramatic that I am fully awake and I see so many still in willful denial or still fast asleep.

I do not want anyone to fall into the deep hole by keeping quiet and not at least trying to open their eyes. To keep quiet is just not an action I can take even at the expense of being ridiculed or called a Conspiracy Theorist etc - I don't accept that they are 'theories' now. The Global Elites plans have been hiding in plain sight, when you are awake to go look.

How did the 'sheeple' become so blind?

They are Conspiracies though - to conspire in secret to act upon.
There are people whom have woken up but probably it is just too big for them to take all in or dig into the information just yet or maybe they won't do anything at all and hope it goes away or gets better.

Believe me when I first started digging and read and watched what they have planned and who the players are (there are still bound to be more people/empires or what have you.. that I have not heard of or know their connection yet) - I told you I had nightmares for weeks. There are still nights that I have nightmares but my Lord Jesus Christ is greater than any evil that can be thrown at me. So my fear is short lived as I embrace my Saviour and claim the Blood.

This is no different to the passion I feel to tell people of the Good news that the Lord Jesus Christ died FOR ALL and His suffering and death was a 'once only' for the free gift for ALL humanity. There are many people who respond that I must be weak to need Jesus or I am a religious nut or some such - the bible is not true because man wrote it etc...

I know what I know with both main paragraphs, I can never go back, only forward.

I am charged to love everyone - love the sinner but hate the sin. So I do this to the best of my ability. Yes I agree I get frustrated trying to explain myself and there may be times that I come across as rude or even belligerent. I truly apologize.

I have compassion for most of the Muslim people, especially the ones whom have been indoctrinated. It is where I need to remember Jesus spoke one of His last sentences, 'Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do'

I hate the atrocities evil does and takes over people because they choose to live in darkness to cause as much harm to others as they can because they like it and it gives them power from others fear.

Well, we are going to differ because I do like Alex Jones he was the one that helped finally put the puzzle pieces together and make sense of the pieces that I had, Bogdan also gave more information in his forum. I had been watching Glen Beck for months prior and he is good too, but just did not get down to who and what was really happening, (I reckon Fox did not let him get too far while he was with them) whereby Alex puts in out there (this is how I live - up front, truthful and no gloss) and since I have watched him and read his older articles etc - he always backs them up with proof. He has been on his show for many years now, he was not known very well when he first started out but he has been waking people up and more switch in to listen, so he is doing something right, and now one of the biggest alternative media sources on the internet. Nearly all the other links that I have kept links to and adding to have reference to Alex or Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura..

The gift of discernment is not easy for people to understand that one can actually perceive obscure things / written / actions etc that others cannot. This is a gift from God like other Gifts like ministry, healing, talking in tongues etc - not everyone receives the same gift and some get more than one or two gifts. Alex, myself and many others have received this gift.

He has attended personally many police, military training's for different scenarios, sometimes they hired or asked public volunteers in these training's (they did not necessarily know why back then) that have come out just lately for different laws

While I am speaking about God Our joint Heavenly Father, it does concern me greatly that your writings seem to be fearful of the Muslims. Peter I gently remind you to know that God is watching over His people. HE LOVES YOU.
All through the bible He has brought His children out of danger.
I love the history of the Old Testament of the children whom He watched over with such tenderness - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego (Daniel 3) comes to mind as these times are very similar to me that I will have to stand against being taken off our land or be put into a FEMA camp..
He promises that He will never forsake you or leave you.
None of us get out alive in our earthy body, this body is flawed and gets sick and old we have to have it changed into a new eternal one. He has promised us His children we will be live with Him.

Voting for a Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney etc whom are New World Order puppets is like...
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results . Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin

Hi Amanda,

A very dramatic post I must admit with your admission that you're "guilty" of all the points you mentioned. The truth be told I'm guilty of most of them as well even though we're on opposite sides of many issues.

I'm sure you're aware that when you google a subject you find many sources and what most people do is use the sources that are compatible to their views. That's exactly what you did in your post. I checked the links and all the videos and honestly with some of them not only wasn't I impressed I was flabbergasted that you used them as reliable sources.

In addition as you already know for me Alex Jones is not a reliable source and what you call "facts" aren't facts at all even though he talks as if they are.

Now your admission that you do not fear the muslims doesn't surprise me in the least since your favorite source sees no danger from muslims as does his bosom buddy Ron Paul.

Some of the things you wrote as facts are true and have been proven the majority are maybes, suppositions, innuendos etc.

I remember when Alex Jones interviewed the passenger that was on the flight with the underwear bomber. I was amused at the time the way Jones tried to put words in his mouth and the passenger didn't "bite" and play the Jones game.

Your claim that it's a fact there were no terrorist attacks since 911 is ludicrous as is the claim that all the Jihadi attacks were false flag operations. Puleeeeeease, Amanda you might buy into the Jones conspiracy theories but I don't and find him to be a rabble rouser and no more then that.

I guess we'll have to continue to agree to disagree especially when your "facts' are no where near being factual.

BTW, I was so against all the hullabaloo about the royal wedding. It made me sick and I was one of the few that totally ignored it. Regarding the rest of the facts about the royal family I can take it or leave it but even with this there are many errors in Jones' "factual" posts and videos . My concerns are in a totally different direction from yours and I see the dangers facing the world as much more serious then the conspiracy theories that you're advocating and promoting. You're using Jones as a a reliable source while in my opinion all he is a sensationalist about everything he talks about.

Ron Paul is a racist, bigot, Antisemite, anti Israel politician and there is nothing about him aside from his fiscal policies and fight against the FED that I can accept. Isolationism didn't make America the great country she was and can be again. His foreign policy and his almost defunding of the military will bring America down even more then the fraud and great pretender B Hussein succeeded in doing. We'll all support who we wish and in my opinion in the final count Paul will not win the GOP nomination. If he goes for a third party ticket as I mentioned in posts to Jim then he will divide the conservative vote and give B Hussein a further 4 years in the WH. If by some fluke Paul does win the GOP nomination he'll lose to B Hussein by a landslide.

A B Hussein or a Paul president are catastrophes that I and many others are trying to prevent. I stand by my stance that B Hussein must go and I'll support anybody except for Ron Paul.




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