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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/1/2012 8:36:40 PM
Hi Amanda,

A very dramatic post I must admit with your admission that you're "guilty" of all the points you mentioned. The truth be told I'm guilty of most of them as well even though we're on opposite sides of many issues.

I'm sure you're aware that when you google a subject you find many sources and what most people do is use the sources that are compatible to their views. That's exactly what you did in your post. I checked the links and all the videos and honestly with some of them not only wasn't I impressed I was flabbergasted that you used them as reliable sources.

In addition as you already know for me Alex Jones is not a reliable source and what you call "facts" aren't facts at all even though he talks as if they are.

Now your admission that you do not fear the muslims doesn't surprise me in the least since your favorite source sees no danger from muslims as does his bosom buddy Ron Paul.

Some of the things you wrote as facts are true and have been proven the majority are maybes, suppositions, innuendos etc.

I remember when Alex Jones interviewed the passenger that was on the flight with the underwear bomber. I was amused at the time the way Jones tried to put words in his mouth and the passenger didn't "bite" and play the Jones game.

Your claim that it's a fact there were no terrorist attacks since 911 is ludicrous as is the claim that all the Jihadi attacks were false flag operations. Puleeeeeease, Amanda you might buy into the Jones conspiracy theories but I don't and find him to be a rabble rouser and no more then that.

I guess we'll have to continue to agree to disagree especially when your "facts' are no where near being factual.

BTW, I was so against all the hullabaloo about the royal wedding. It made me sick and I was one of the few that totally ignored it. Regarding the rest of the facts about the royal family I can take it or leave it but even with this there are many errors in Jones' "factual" posts and videos . My concerns are in a totally different direction from yours and I see the dangers facing the world as much more serious then the conspiracy theories that you're advocating and promoting. You're using Jones as a a reliable source while in my opinion all he is a sensationalist about everything he talks about.

Ron Paul is a racist, bigot, Antisemite, anti Israel politician and there is nothing about him aside from his fiscal policies and fight against the FED that I can accept. Isolationism didn't make America the great country she was and can be again. His foreign policy and his almost defunding of the military will bring America down even more then the fraud and great pretender B Hussein succeeded in doing. We'll all support who we wish and in my opinion in the final count Paul will not win the GOP nomination. If he goes for a third party ticket as I mentioned in posts to Jim then he will divide the conservative vote and give B Hussein a further 4 years in the WH. If by some fluke Paul does win the GOP nomination he'll lose to B Hussein by a landslide.

A B Hussein or a Paul president are catastrophes that I and many others are trying to prevent. I stand by my stance that B Hussein must go and I'll support anybody except for Ron Paul.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/1/2012 8:38:40 PM
Hi Evelyn,

I like Alan Caruba and he has the ability to put things into the proper perspective. I certainly hope his predictions come to be. While I'm optimistic that B Hussein will be defeated there are dangers that might put a spanner in the works.

Thanks for sharing Alan Caruba's latest article with us.




Hello Peter and friends. I thought this article by Alan Caruba was very insightful and I certainly hope he's right on all accounts.

In 2012 Americans will take steps to end the scandals and deprecations of the Obama administration

How Not to Go Crazy in 2012

- Alan Caruba Sunday, January 1, 2012
Election years tend to create a level of frenzy concerning the selection of the nominees and the outcome. The media feed this in order to keep readers reading and viewers viewing. The history of American elections has always been one of vituperation between the parties, so there is nothing new about this. Indeed, since so much depends on it, the political free-for-all is a healthy exercise.

It can, however, make for a difficult environment in which to go about one’s life; the air filled with charge and counter-charge, polls going up and down, and a general sense that something is very wrong with the way the the government functions.

On the bright side, a gridlocked Congress may bring a measure of relief to everyone. Writing about gridlock in January 2011, Marcus E. Ethridge, a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin, noted that “By fostering gridlock, the U.S. Constitution increases the likelihood that policies will reflect broad, unorganized interests instead of the interests of narrow, organized groups.” In 2011, we saw what happens when advocates of “renewable energy”, wind and solar power, or electric cars, get priority over the needs of most Americans for reliable energy and transportation.

At the heart of the 2012 election will be the recognition that the economy is still not recovering, that government is seeking to extend and expand its control over our lives, and, even among former supporters of Barack Obama, that he has been a failure of historic proportions.government functions.

A Friday Rasmussen Reports said that “Voters right now give the edge to Republicans when asked which political party is likely to win the White House and control both the House of Representatives and the Senate in next November’s election”, adding that “a lot of voters are undecided.” Those voters may actually wait until entering the polls to cast their vote.

Another bad piece of news for President Obama is a new comparative analysis of current voter registration data in key electoral states of Nevada and North Carolina. According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, there has been “a drastic drop from 2008 levels when a record-high proportion of young Americans turned out overwhelmingly to cast their votes to elect Barack Obama as President.” This is significant because more than two-thirds of young voters supported the Obama/Biden ticket in 2008.

The President had a low moment following the passage of Obamacare that transformed itself into the Tea Party movement and an even worse one in 2010 when it propelled a large number of Republicans into the House of Representatives, causing its control to change hands. He has had, in fact, only one truly high moment and that occurred when he announced the killing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011. At the time, he typically took complete credit. In a speech at Fort Bragg to returning troops from Iraq, the word “victory” was never spoken.

Americans are not unmindful that the downgrade of the rating of the nation’s sovereign debt, the first in the nation’s history, was announced on Obama’s watch. The rate of “official” unemployment has receded to 8.6% but most Americans are well aware that it is far closer to 11% or more. America continues to experience that longest period of long-term unemployment since the 1930s.

For these and a myriad of other reasons, there is little reason to conclude that President Obama has any chance whatever of being reelected. The widespread contempt for Congress is also a hopeful sign for change. These are reasons to remain calm amidst the din of electioneering in the months ahead.

There is, however, all manner of troubles brewing in the world. Europe will have to find a solution to what will happen if its southern tier of nations elects to default on their sovereign debt. Cracks in the European Union are evident. If it falls apart, it will be very messy, but Europe existed before the EU and would if it disbands.

The Middle East is in the midst of a huge struggle between its fanatical Muslim faction and a population unhappy enough with former dictators to have forced out several in 2011 with the prospect that Syria’s Bashar Assad will fall in 2012.

Iran remains the wild card and its nuclear dreams will likely end with a well-timed and well-executed attack by Israel. Israel saved the world from a nuclear Iraq in 1981 and a nuclear Syria in 2007. An attack on Iranian nuclear and military facilities could trigger an internal movement to overthrow the mullahs.

There are other wild cards in the Middle East. The Palestinians show no indication of giving up their dream of destroying Israel. That will not happen. Without Iranian support, both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza will be set adrift. Muslim atrocities in nations such as Nigeria where Christian churches were bombed on Christmas Day will contribute to a growing movement against Islamic terrorism. It will not happen overnight, but it will happen.

Even the Russians show signs of tiring of their post-Soviet ruling class led by Vladimir Putin.

America faces a long period of restructuring the socialist programs that began in the 1930s and reached their peak in the 1960s. Should the GOP gain control of Congress and Obama is defeated, real change will occur.

Two other factors signal better times ahead. They are the failure of the global warming hoax and the disdain the “Occupy” movement engendered.

In 2012 Americans will take steps to end the scandals and deprecations of the Obama administration.

We shall ignore the anticipated shouts of racism.

We shall see the Supreme Court disembowel Obamacare or set in motion its repeal by a GOP controlled Congress.

We will select a President and a Congress to put things right.

© Alan Caruba, 2012


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/2/2012 3:48:23 AM
Hello Peter and friends,

I am sharing the following alternative news - on SUNDAY JANUARY 1ST 2012 to suggest the facts of corruption behind not allowing Ron Paul to win the Iowa polls even though he is way ahead... - lets see if this happens.

The prediction for January 3rd 2012--Iowa Poll
After the elections of January 3rd (this coming Tuesday) all
the votes for Iowa will be taken to a secret destination and manually counted in secret behind closed doors with the excuse of 'hackers' or other innuendo they can dream up.

If this does go through, it will signify the corruptness of the voting process...We as Americans are supposed to be able to vote for who WE want irregardless of who the candidate is...This lesson was painfully learned by many in the last election...and the elections before that when you can see that both Democrat and Republican are the 'same horse with a different jockey' nothing has changed as the Govt has actually gotten bigger.

Ron Paul IS NOT racist....He is NOT antisemitic nor anti Israeli...
US does not have to be the 'Big Bully' on the block and fight every country on the pretext of having 'weapons of mass destruction'

HE SIMPLY STATES IT IS TIME FOR THE US WAR MACHINE TO STOP and the billions spent on machinery and new war toys while the country slides further and further into irrecoverable debt that will simply implode like it is world wide.

Since WW1...the Us has profited off of war in EVERY excursion from Korea to present day by creating a "lie" (Gulf of Tonkin--WMD's--etc)
over 30 years of war, and then cranking out billions of dollars and sacrificing millions of human lives all in the name of profit--The profits...any and all of the conquered country/continent's resources (most of the conflicts in the Middle East have been over control of OIL)...

Ron Paul says ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...and the rest of the government is scared...because he has exposed the Federal Reserve as fact the corrupt current government administration has forthrightly admitted to insider trading and other scandals...but because it is the government it is "legal" whereas if anyone outside of it does this they are arrested...They are so arrogant they think they can just out-rightly admit it and nothing will happen...Bills are being passed at an alarming rate while most senates have not even read what they have put their signature too!

How did all these middle eastern wars suddenly make US citizens the enemy? that Marshall Law has been brought in, Agenda 21 sustainable living, global warming carbon tax, TSA body scanners and groping's, NDAA, Indefinite Detention Now Law of the Land signed and passed 1st Jan that will have Military on the streets because suddenly the US citizens are the enemy.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/2/2012 4:07:38 AM

Amanda I am SHOCKED and stunned to learn, from reading this post, that you harbored such hatred for the United States. I don't know what to say. :(


Hello Peter and friends,

I am sharing the following alternative news - on SUNDAY JANUARY 1ST 2012 to suggest the facts of corruption behind not allowing Ron Paul to win the Iowa polls even though he is way ahead... - lets see if this happens.

The prediction for January 3rd 2012--Iowa Poll
After the elections of January 3rd (this coming Tuesday) all
the votes for Iowa will be taken to a secret destination and manually counted in secret behind closed doors with the excuse of 'hackers' or other innuendo they can dream up.

If this does go through, it will signify the corruptness of the voting process...We as Americans are supposed to be able to vote for who WE want irregardless of who the candidate is...This lesson was painfully learned by many in the last election...and the elections before that when you can see that both Democrat and Republican are the 'same horse with a different jockey' nothing has changed as the Govt has actually gotten bigger.

Ron Paul IS NOT racist....He is NOT antisemitic nor anti Israeli...
US does not have to be the 'Big Bully' on the block and fight every country on the pretext of having 'weapons of mass destruction'

HE SIMPLY STATES IT IS TIME FOR THE US WAR MACHINE TO STOP and the billions spent on machinery and new war toys while the country slides further and further into irrecoverable debt that will simply implode like it is world wide.

Since WW1...the Us has profited off of war in EVERY excursion from Korea to present day by creating a "lie" (Gulf of Tonkin--WMD's--etc)
over 30 years of war, and then cranking out billions of dollars and sacrificing millions of human lives all in the name of profit--The profits...any and all of the conquered country/continent's resources (most of the conflicts in the Middle East have been over control of OIL)...

Ron Paul says ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...and the rest of the government is scared...because he has exposed the Federal Reserve as fact the corrupt current government administration has forthrightly admitted to insider trading and other scandals...but because it is the government it is "legal" whereas if anyone outside of it does this they are arrested...They are so arrogant they think they can just out-rightly admit it and nothing will happen...Bills are being passed at an alarming rate while most senates have not even read what they have put their signature too!

How did all these middle eastern wars suddenly make US citizens the enemy? that Marshall Law has been brought in, Agenda 21 sustainable living, global warming carbon tax, TSA body scanners and groping's, NDAA, Indefinite Detention Now Law of the Land signed and passed 1st Jan that will have Military on the streets because suddenly the US citizens are the enemy.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/2/2012 6:06:30 AM
Hello Amanda,

Your preposition that if Ron Paul loses the Iowa caucus it's due to corruption is so far out and ridiculous that it's beyond comprehension. You're assuming that everybody wants the kook Ron Paul to win when nothing can be further from the truth. You're also forgetting that there are many who aren't ronbots or temporary Paul supporters and they too have the right to vote and Paul isn't way ahead as you claim (part of the big lie) and as you yourself say the American people have the right to vote for who they wish and the majority don't want Paul.

It seems according to you that if Ron Paul loses the Iowa caucus then it's gonna be the next conspiracy theory. Now that's funny. :)

You keep on repeating the Paul sound bytes that all the ronbots are sounding off with and they didn't convince me in the past and nothing's changed at all as far as I'm concerned. You and your favorite source for alternative "news" (and Paul for that matter) can continue to scream Paul isn't a racist, antisemite or anti Israel all you want but I and many others think differently and what's happening now is that his past is catching up with him hence the denials and feeble attempts to claim it isn't true. There's simply to much proof out there that it's true.

I received the following thought for the day as a joke but I found it very apt after reading your latest post.




Amanda I am SHOCKED and stunned to learn, from reading this post, that you harbored such hatred for the United States. I don't know what to say. :(


Hello Peter and friends,

I am sharing the following alternative news - on SUNDAY JANUARY 1ST 2012 to suggest the facts of corruption behind not allowing Ron Paul to win the Iowa polls even though he is way ahead... - lets see if this happens.

The prediction for January 3rd 2012--Iowa Poll
After the elections of January 3rd (this coming Tuesday) all
the votes for Iowa will be taken to a secret destination and manually counted in secret behind closed doors with the excuse of 'hackers' or other innuendo they can dream up.

If this does go through, it will signify the corruptness of the voting process...We as Americans are supposed to be able to vote for who WE want irregardless of who the candidate is...This lesson was painfully learned by many in the last election...and the elections before that when you can see that both Democrat and Republican are the 'same horse with a different jockey' nothing has changed as the Govt has actually gotten bigger.

Ron Paul IS NOT racist....He is NOT antisemitic nor anti Israeli...
US does not have to be the 'Big Bully' on the block and fight every country on the pretext of having 'weapons of mass destruction'

HE SIMPLY STATES IT IS TIME FOR THE US WAR MACHINE TO STOP and the billions spent on machinery and new war toys while the country slides further and further into irrecoverable debt that will simply implode like it is world wide.

Since WW1...the Us has profited off of war in EVERY excursion from Korea to present day by creating a "lie" (Gulf of Tonkin--WMD's--etc)
over 30 years of war, and then cranking out billions of dollars and sacrificing millions of human lives all in the name of profit--The profits...any and all of the conquered country/continent's resources (most of the conflicts in the Middle East have been over control of OIL)...

Ron Paul says ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...and the rest of the government is scared...because he has exposed the Federal Reserve as fact the corrupt current government administration has forthrightly admitted to insider trading and other scandals...but because it is the government it is "legal" whereas if anyone outside of it does this they are arrested...They are so arrogant they think they can just out-rightly admit it and nothing will happen...Bills are being passed at an alarming rate while most senates have not even read what they have put their signature too!

How did all these middle eastern wars suddenly make US citizens the enemy? that Marshall Law has been brought in, Agenda 21 sustainable living, global warming carbon tax, TSA body scanners and groping's, NDAA, Indefinite Detention Now Law of the Land signed and passed 1st Jan that will have Military on the streets because suddenly the US citizens are the enemy.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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