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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/3/2012 12:21:59 AM
Hello Kathleen,

That White House will have to be cleaned and sanitized with heapings of prayer warfare before any authentic christian lives there to drive out the evil spirits. The White House has been virtually built around the dark side.

When I say 'authentic' I mean a past or present President who is not involved with the dark forces e.g. witchcraft, fortune tellers, astrology, freemason's etc etc because it is known that Nancy and Ronald Reagan consulted a witch every morning before he did any Presidential business



Hi Everyone,

Without knowing who Ron Paul is planning to choose for his VP, and without knowing Ron Pauls' wife, we really won't know who will be running this country if he DOES get Alzheimers. Nancy Reagan and the first George Bush were helping Ronald Reagan a LOT, and Nancy was covering for him.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/3/2012 12:28:52 AM



In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has Released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College ... Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.

This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as President article titled, "Obama Eligibility Questioned," leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama's first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama's legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey . This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president.. Donofrio's case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama's citizenship or qualification to serve as president.

Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U.S. Attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter...


Subject: RE: Issue of Passport?

While I've little interest in getting in the middle of the Obama birth issue, Paul Hollrah over at FSM did so yesterday and believes the issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple question: What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi ?

So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later?

And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi , what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration?

The American people not only deserve to have answers to these questions, they must have answers. It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather short and simple one.

Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?

A : Yes, by his own admission.

Q: What passport did he travel under?

A: There are only three possibilities.

1) He traveled with a U.S. ... Passport,

2) He traveled with a British passport, or

3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.

Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?

A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. .. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981

Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.

If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims.. And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.

Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008.

Given the destructive nature of his plans for America, as illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending plan he has presented to Congress, the sooner we learn the truth of all this, the better.

This photo was on FB Where the Obama's are staying.
This is the 6,000 square foot vacation home Obama is currently staying at while on a 17-day $4 million taxpayer funded vacation to Hawaii.

Obama should have to cut back just like the rest of us during these hard times.

Americans are making sacrifices, so shouldn't their president?


Yes he did Robert while vacationing on the tax payers dime to the tune of $4.000,000. Can you imagine what he'll do if reelected and doesn't have to worry about elections anymore?

Anyone but Paul in 2012, in the GOP line up of course. :)



And whilst they were saying amongst themselves: “He could never do that”!

He did it…..

(In his last official act of business in 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act from his vacation rental in Kailua, Hawaii. In a statement, the president said he did so with reservations about key provisions in the law — including a controversial component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge.)

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/3/2012 4:49:15 AM

Obamas and their hanger on friends blitzed Cyberspace with tasteless Three Dollar Tweets

Mr. $3 Tweet Man’ back from vacation today

- Judi McLeod Monday, January 2, 2012

There’s a healthy shiver of anticipation running down the spines of untold millions of patriots today. Barack Obama’s on his way back from Hawaii and fate begins to unfold to November 6.

No one had to dig too deeply to find out what Obama and his entourage were up to during the latest lavish holiday.

Reality TV missed out on the comedy of all time.

While Obama and Company were peeling shrimp in $4-million vacation luxury—the same Internet the Obama regime keeps under threat of shutdown—was working overtime for them.

In their self centered world held together by only the bubblegum of politics, the Obamas and their hanger-on friends blitzed Cyberspace with tasteless Three Dollar Tweets.

Surely of all his nicknames, “Three Dollar Tweet Man” is the best.

But you won’t get to hear how miserably they are failing at bringing in the New Year sheaves.

Incredibly, just moments before midnight on New Year’s Eve, the Barack Obamas actually thought you were thinking about them. While party revelers were waiting for the countdown to 2012 and ordinary people were looking for loved ones to kiss and sincerely wish the best, Obama was texting millions looking for what has become the Democrats absurd “$3 or more” quest.

This, in his own words, was the Marxist megalomaniac’s New Year’s Eve message to the masses:


We’re just a few hours from 2012 and our deadline.

If you’re out celebrating and away from your computer, you should know that we’ve made it incredibly easy for you—or anyone you’re with—to make a donation from your mobile device.

Give it a shot before midnight local time:

Happy New Year,

Obama for America

It is safe to say that no one, not even his most gullible fan was thinking of Barack Hussein Obama on New Year’s Eve.

And it’s even safer to suggest that if it weren’t for the passion of his Marxist megalomania Obama would be just another irresponsible lout out there spending all of his time on the golf course or shooting hoops.

Here is the skinny on what taxpayers got for the $4-million Hawaiian vacation: a picture from the British media of bling-crazed Michelle sporting an alleged $2G sun frock; a hilarious picture of Obama the Saviour on his way to release four (count ‘em) green sea turtles into the sea at a popular snorkeling spot on the island of Oahu. Make that releasing to the open sea, the same kind of sea turtles that radio talk show giant Rush Limbaugh wants out of Dodge back in Palm Beach. (What a coincidence!)

The actual picture of Obama starting off on the rescue mission is priceless. Wearing flip-flops and surrounded by a coterie of high living freeloaders, he looked downright goofy, while an unidentified cuter little boy panning for the camera was much more true to life.

To Obama the Sea Turtle Saviour, some animals will always be more equal than others.

It was only weeks ago when he quietly signed into law a spending bill that restores the American horse-slaughter industry, just a few months after a government investigation said the ban on slaughtering was backfiring.

“The domestic ban didn’t end horse slaughter but instead shifted the site of butchery to Mexico and Canada—which meant increased abuse or neglect as the horses were shipped out of the country and beyond the reach of U.S. law.” (The Washington Times, Nov. 30, 2011).

Obama conducts a lot of business offshore, like forcing the cost of abortions in other countries on the American taxpayer and filling his $1-billion re-election coffers from foreign contributors.

As anyone could safely conclude getting to $1billion takes a lot of $3 donations with dinner with the Obamas thrown in.

While still on Hawaiian soil, Obama sent his latest “Boo!” to the hapless masses by signing H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2012.

What he’s saying on Drudge headlines is: “I have the power to detain Americans—but I won’t.”

What he means is ‘I want you to think of me being able to do so every day this year’.

But rather than Obama’s ominous threats leaving Americans quaking in their boots, they’re shaking their fists in “Bring it on!” mode.

Welcome back to the White House, and the new status quo which happened while you were holidaying, Mr. Obama. Your future is even more bleak than the innocent middle class Tea Party folk you’re unsuccessfully trying to wipe out.

The only difference is the enemy can provide the Hope and Change for America you failed to deliver.

google_ad_section_end Judi McLeod

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/3/2012 9:53:26 AM
Hi Amanda,

We all have our own sense of urgency and passions that we are committed to. Mine is waking people up and educating them to the dangers of Islam and their plan for world domination and a Caliphate in which Islam is the only true religion. We are all witness to the murder of non believers in Islamic countries all in the name of allah, mohammad and the hate filled book called the koran.

The jihad in all its forms used by muslims world wide is obvious to all or should be. You don't need discernment in order to understand that cause they're telling it to all of us daily and without fear of repercussions cos of PC, multiculturalism and the submission of many countries to their ridiculous demands. I'll continue on my path without having to state maybes as facts and wave papers in the air and say here are the documents as Jones loves to do.

As for all the unproven conspiracies Jones your guru and mentor deals with I'll say one thing only. His "facts" are in the most part not even close to being facts and everything and anything that doesn't fit into the "picture" he's trying to present or portray becomes a "false flag operations". It's all very convenient and ridiculous to the majority of people.

To claim that you and the Jones followers are gifted with the "gift of discernment" is ludicrous and in the end is a form of brainwashing that he's succeeded in accomplishing with his followers.

Yesterday I read a description of Alex Jones in an article that was dealing with Ron Paul and the author mentioned the "partnership" of many years between Jones and Paul. The author added the following as an aside cos believe it or not the majority of Americans don't know who Alex Jones is.
"Note: Paul is often on Alex Jones' show -Jones is an extreme conspiracy theorist who makes Jesse Ventura look sane."
I found this describes him and others of his ilk extremely well.

In regard to all your biblical comments that God will defend Israel. Please remember that God helps those that help themselves. I'll not wait for that but will fight to bring the dangers of Jihad to as many people as possible and awaken them to the imminent dangers they're facing as infidels.

You said:
I have compassion for most of the Muslim people, especially the ones whom have been indoctrinated. It is where I need to remember Jesus spoke one of His last sentences, 'Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do'
I wonder why you haven't got the same compassion for the Elite/Illuminati? Sorta a contradiction there I would say. And don't tell me it's cos the E/I killed so many people over the years. Do I have to remind you again that they are the new kids on the block? Islam butchered over 250,000,000 infidels over the centuries so I wouldn't waste your compassion and love on them cos you're in line if you don't submit to their will. They certainly feel no compassion or love for infidels and their handiwork against Christians in many muslim countries is very well documented and proves just that.

You see Amanda I am not "fearful" of Islam but I do recognize my enemy who is the enemy of all infidels and am fighting them on the net with my writings and when necessary in physical wars as I've done in the past when we were attacked by the armies of our "neighbors".

America is in danger as is the world at large from the Islamic plan for world domination. It's creeping Jihad and Shariah at the moment but is gaining momentum and is already in the jogging state and soon will be a stampede. Beware and forget your "gift of discernment" it's simply not necessary cos they are telling you exactly what they plan to do. I guess with the gift of discernment you can't recognize the obvious that's staring you in the face.

Your claim (and it is just that a claim) that Gingrich, Romney etc. are New World Order puppets is akin to one of David Greenfield's conclusions that Ron Paul is in the pocket of George Soros. While Greenfield gave it as one of three possible conclusions I feel it's very close to the truth (and that includes your guru Jones). Hmmmm, now here's a conspiracy theory for you and I recommend you use your "gift of discernment" with this one. Or is discernment not necessary. If you haven't read Daniel Greenfield's article you can find it here. Scroll down to the third post on the page (or don't you bother reading anything negative on Paul?).

When all the very negative factual data on Ron Paul is put together I simply can't understand why people (aside from the ronbots and we know why they support him) would even consider supporting him. The negatives far outweigh the very few positives that I mentioned in previous posts.

You see Amanda there is no need for discernment with the articles I post since facts are the core of the articles and the data is provable. Simple facts and no more. On the other hand Jones' forte is ranting, maybes, suppositions, innuendos, sensationalism etc. etc. etc

Shame that there isn't a GOP candidate I really like and could support wholeheartedly. From the list of candidates Ron Paul in my view is the worst and very dangerous for the reasons I've stated in different posts and consequently my support will go to: Anyone but Ron Paul from the GOP lineup in 2012.



Hello Peter,

Well that is because I am passionate and dramatic that I am fully awake and I see so many still in willful denial or still fast asleep.

I do not want anyone to fall into the deep hole by keeping quiet and not at least trying to open their eyes. To keep quiet is just not an action I can take even at the expense of being ridiculed or called a Conspiracy Theorist etc - I don't accept that they are 'theories' now. The Global Elites plans have been hiding in plain sight, when you are awake to go look.

How did the 'sheeple' become so blind?

They are Conspiracies though - to conspire in secret to act upon.
There are people whom have woken up but probably it is just too big for them to take all in or dig into the information just yet or maybe they won't do anything at all and hope it goes away or gets better.

Believe me when I first started digging and read and watched what they have planned and who the players are (there are still bound to be more people/empires or what have you.. that I have not heard of or know their connection yet) - I told you I had nightmares for weeks. There are still nights that I have nightmares but my Lord Jesus Christ is greater than any evil that can be thrown at me. So my fear is short lived as I embrace my Saviour and claim the Blood.

This is no different to the passion I feel to tell people of the Good news that the Lord Jesus Christ died FOR ALL and His suffering and death was a 'once only' for the free gift for ALL humanity. There are many people who respond that I must be weak to need Jesus or I am a religious nut or some such - the bible is not true because man wrote it etc...

I know what I know with both main paragraphs, I can never go back, only forward.

I am charged to love everyone - love the sinner but hate the sin. So I do this to the best of my ability. Yes I agree I get frustrated trying to explain myself and there may be times that I come across as rude or even belligerent. I truly apologize.

I have compassion for most of the Muslim people, especially the ones whom have been indoctrinated. It is where I need to remember Jesus spoke one of His last sentences, 'Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do'

I hate the atrocities evil does and takes over people because they choose to live in darkness to cause as much harm to others as they can because they like it and it gives them power from others fear.

Well, we are going to differ because I do like Alex Jones he was the one that helped finally put the puzzle pieces together and make sense of the pieces that I had, Bogdan also gave more information in his forum. I had been watching Glen Beck for months prior and he is good too, but just did not get down to who and what was really happening, (I reckon Fox did not let him get too far while he was with them) whereby Alex puts in out there (this is how I live - up front, truthful and no gloss) and since I have watched him and read his older articles etc - he always backs them up with proof. He has been on his show for many years now, he was not known very well when he first started out but he has been waking people up and more switch in to listen, so he is doing something right, and now one of the biggest alternative media sources on the internet. Nearly all the other links that I have kept links to and adding to have reference to Alex or Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura..

The gift of discernment is not easy for people to understand that one can actually perceive obscure things / written / actions etc that others cannot. This is a gift from God like other Gifts like ministry, healing, talking in tongues etc - not everyone receives the same gift and some get more than one or two gifts. Alex, myself and many others have received this gift.

He has attended personally many police, military training's for different scenarios, sometimes they hired or asked public volunteers in these training's (they did not necessarily know why back then) that have come out just lately for different laws

While I am speaking about God Our joint Heavenly Father, it does concern me greatly that your writings seem to be fearful of the Muslims. Peter I gently remind you to know that God is watching over His people. HE LOVES YOU.
All through the bible He has brought His children out of danger.
I love the history of the Old Testament of the children whom He watched over with such tenderness - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego (Daniel 3) comes to mind as these times are very similar to me that I will have to stand against being taken off our land or be put into a FEMA camp..
He promises that He will never forsake you or leave you.
None of us get out alive in our earthy body, this body is flawed and gets sick and old we have to have it changed into a new eternal one. He has promised us His children we will be live with Him.

Voting for a Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney etc whom are New World Order puppets is like...
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results . Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin

Hi Amanda,

A very dramatic post I must admit with your admission that you're "guilty" of all the points you mentioned. The truth be told I'm guilty of most of them as well even though we're on opposite sides of many issues.

I'm sure you're aware that when you google a subject you find many sources and what most people do is use the sources that are compatible to their views. That's exactly what you did in your post. I checked the links and all the videos and honestly with some of them not only wasn't I impressed I was flabbergasted that you used them as reliable sources.

In addition as you already know for me Alex Jones is not a reliable source and what you call "facts" aren't facts at all even though he talks as if they are.

Now your admission that you do not fear the muslims doesn't surprise me in the least since your favorite source sees no danger from muslims as does his bosom buddy Ron Paul.

Some of the things you wrote as facts are true and have been proven the majority are maybes, suppositions, innuendos etc.

I remember when Alex Jones interviewed the passenger that was on the flight with the underwear bomber. I was amused at the time the way Jones tried to put words in his mouth and the passenger didn't "bite" and play the Jones game.

Your claim that it's a fact there were no terrorist attacks since 911 is ludicrous as is the claim that all the Jihadi attacks were false flag operations. Puleeeeeease, Amanda you might buy into the Jones conspiracy theories but I don't and find him to be a rabble rouser and no more then that.

I guess we'll have to continue to agree to disagree especially when your "facts' are no where near being factual.

BTW, I was so against all the hullabaloo about the royal wedding. It made me sick and I was one of the few that totally ignored it. Regarding the rest of the facts about the royal family I can take it or leave it but even with this there are many errors in Jones' "factual" posts and videos . My concerns are in a totally different direction from yours and I see the dangers facing the world as much more serious then the conspiracy theories that you're advocating and promoting. You're using Jones as a a reliable source while in my opinion all he is a sensationalist about everything he talks about.

Ron Paul is a racist, bigot, Antisemite, anti Israel politician and there is nothing about him aside from his fiscal policies and fight against the FED that I can accept. Isolationism didn't make America the great country she was and can be again. His foreign policy and his almost defunding of the military will bring America down even more then the fraud and great pretender B Hussein succeeded in doing. We'll all support who we wish and in my opinion in the final count Paul will not win the GOP nomination. If he goes for a third party ticket as I mentioned in posts to Jim then he will divide the conservative vote and give B Hussein a further 4 years in the WH. If by some fluke Paul does win the GOP nomination he'll lose to B Hussein by a landslide.

A B Hussein or a Paul president are catastrophes that I and many others are trying to prevent. I stand by my stance that B Hussein must go and I'll support anybody except for Ron Paul.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/3/2012 10:02:14 AM
Hi Evelyn,

The fraud and great pretender B Hussein has no shame, absolutely none. Over the past three years since we've suffered this fool in the WH he's virtually lied almost every time he opened his mouth and through his Marxist/Islamic agendas he's quickly bringing America a once great nation to its knees.

Destroying it from within and trashing the Constitution.

This guy's gotta go before it's to late and the damage is irreparable.




Obamas and their hanger on friends blitzed Cyberspace with tasteless Three Dollar Tweets

Mr. $3 Tweet Man’ back from vacation today

- Judi McLeod Monday, January 2, 2012

There’s a healthy shiver of anticipation running down the spines of untold millions of patriots today. Barack Obama’s on his way back from Hawaii and fate begins to unfold to November 6.

No one had to dig too deeply to find out what Obama and his entourage were up to during the latest lavish holiday.

Reality TV missed out on the comedy of all time.

While Obama and Company were peeling shrimp in $4-million vacation luxury—the same Internet the Obama regime keeps under threat of shutdown—was working overtime for them.

In their self centered world held together by only the bubblegum of politics, the Obamas and their hanger-on friends blitzed Cyberspace with tasteless Three Dollar Tweets.

Surely of all his nicknames, “Three Dollar Tweet Man” is the best.

But you won’t get to hear how miserably they are failing at bringing in the New Year sheaves.

Incredibly, just moments before midnight on New Year’s Eve, the Barack Obamas actually thought you were thinking about them. While party revelers were waiting for the countdown to 2012 and ordinary people were looking for loved ones to kiss and sincerely wish the best, Obama was texting millions looking for what has become the Democrats absurd “$3 or more” quest.

This, in his own words, was the Marxist megalomaniac’s New Year’s Eve message to the masses:


We’re just a few hours from 2012 and our deadline.

If you’re out celebrating and away from your computer, you should know that we’ve made it incredibly easy for you—or anyone you’re with—to make a donation from your mobile device.

Give it a shot before midnight local time:

Happy New Year,

Obama for America

It is safe to say that no one, not even his most gullible fan was thinking of Barack Hussein Obama on New Year’s Eve.

And it’s even safer to suggest that if it weren’t for the passion of his Marxist megalomania Obama would be just another irresponsible lout out there spending all of his time on the golf course or shooting hoops.

Here is the skinny on what taxpayers got for the $4-million Hawaiian vacation: a picture from the British media of bling-crazed Michelle sporting an alleged $2G sun frock; a hilarious picture of Obama the Saviour on his way to release four (count ‘em) green sea turtles into the sea at a popular snorkeling spot on the island of Oahu. Make that releasing to the open sea, the same kind of sea turtles that radio talk show giant Rush Limbaugh wants out of Dodge back in Palm Beach. (What a coincidence!)

The actual picture of Obama starting off on the rescue mission is priceless. Wearing flip-flops and surrounded by a coterie of high living freeloaders, he looked downright goofy, while an unidentified cuter little boy panning for the camera was much more true to life.

To Obama the Sea Turtle Saviour, some animals will always be more equal than others.

It was only weeks ago when he quietly signed into law a spending bill that restores the American horse-slaughter industry, just a few months after a government investigation said the ban on slaughtering was backfiring.

“The domestic ban didn’t end horse slaughter but instead shifted the site of butchery to Mexico and Canada—which meant increased abuse or neglect as the horses were shipped out of the country and beyond the reach of U.S. law.” (The Washington Times, Nov. 30, 2011).

Obama conducts a lot of business offshore, like forcing the cost of abortions in other countries on the American taxpayer and filling his $1-billion re-election coffers from foreign contributors.

As anyone could safely conclude getting to $1billion takes a lot of $3 donations with dinner with the Obamas thrown in.

While still on Hawaiian soil, Obama sent his latest “Boo!” to the hapless masses by signing H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2012.

What he’s saying on Drudge headlines is: “I have the power to detain Americans—but I won’t.”

What he means is ‘I want you to think of me being able to do so every day this year’.

But rather than Obama’s ominous threats leaving Americans quaking in their boots, they’re shaking their fists in “Bring it on!” mode.

Welcome back to the White House, and the new status quo which happened while you were holidaying, Mr. Obama. Your future is even more bleak than the innocent middle class Tea Party folk you’re unsuccessfully trying to wipe out.

The only difference is the enemy can provide the Hope and Change for America you failed to deliver.

google_ad_section_end Judi McLeod

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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