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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/1/2011 7:07:09 AM
Hi Amanda,

I've listened to many of Mannings videos and the latest this morning in which he continues his diatribes against the Tea Party and the 2 Mormon candidates for the GOP nomination. While I am not a fan of either of the 2 candidates his his obvious hatred and I'll even call it an obsession against them and the Tea Party leads me to believe he's over the bend and is very far from a reliable source for me.

While I've been writing and warning about B Hussein's Constitutional ineligibility since 2008 and whether he was born in Kenya or Timbuktu , has dual citizenship, has multiple social security cards etc. are the icing on the cake cos the main reason for his ineligibility is the simple fact that his father wasn't a US citizen at the time of his birth. All these facts were ignored by first and foremost the Democrats, MSM and of course all the conservative politicians that failed to raise this crucial issue during the campaign and then again after he was elected. This is not only a Tea Party issue and they are not to blame for the abysmal fact that he was allowed to take office. They are dealing with other issues and so far have succeeded beyond what others might have thought possible.

In any case Manning has no monopoly on the word of God and his diatribe against the Mormon nominees is disgusting in my opinion. He is no longer a source I would consider reliable and is way to self centered on himself and the value of his opinions.

BTW, he's had very little to say about the crime, rapes, murders, theft, arson etc. at the occupiers compounds and their Marxist, Socialist, Nazi, Anarchist supporters. Talk about racism a word he bandies about with ease. That's where ll the racism is and Manning has nothing to say about that.




Thanks Peter for explaining as I do not have to repeat what James Manning said.
I do feel that the Tea Party let us 'birthers' down badly, they brought this matter up then dropped the ball by not pursuing in vengeance to make Obama prove his Natural Born Citizenship once and for all - you and I know that he was born in Kenya and his father was born in Kenya under British Commonwealth at the time. His father's birth status will never change, is a Kenyan - Period. This alone makes Obama Jr unqualified to hold the Presidency.
Why bring up the subject in the first place if you are not going to pursue it to its conclusion.

Whenever the 'birthers' talk about Obama's unconstitutional and illegal position in the White House, we are often attacked and called Racists - yet there is nothing racist about calling this into attention. I reckon James Manning is correct when he says these attackers and the Tea Party are being 'Politically Correct' which is racists when no one will call this out because they were too scared to pursue Obama until we all got answers.

However, there are other videos that he has talked a whole heap about the Occupiers rapes, murders, crimes etc.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/1/2011 7:08:17 AM
Hello Friends,

I have a feeling that Herman Cain's run for the Republican nomination is coming to a close. Personally that saddens me cos I believe that he is a good candidate and that all the allegations about sexual harassment and now an affair are just that allegations and part of the dirty tricks war the Democrats and their lackies in the MSM are waging against him. So far no proof of misconduct has been proven and the women making these alleged claims all have very checkered pasts.

Yet, the polls are showing a steady decline and common sense is not prevailing ........ unfortunately.

In the below article Ann Coulter explains it all very well and is a good read.



Once you go conservative black, better watch your back

Posted: November 30, 2011
5:56 pm Eastern

With the mainstream media giddily reporting on an alleged affair involving Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, how long can it be before they break the news that their 2004 vice presidential candidate conceived a "love child" with his mistress, Rielle Hunter?

The left is trying to destroy Cain with a miasma of hazy accusations leveled by three troubled women. Considered individually, the accusations are utterly unbelievable. They are even less credible taken together. This is how liberals destroy a man, out of nothing.

After the first round of baseless accusations against Cain, an endless stream of pundits rolled out the cliche – as if it were the height of originality – "This isn't he said-she said; it's he-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she–said."

Au contraire: We had two "shes" and only one "said."

Remember? Only two women were willing to give their names. And as soon as they did, we discovered that they were highly suspicious accusers with nothing more than their personal honor to support the allegations. Only one of the two would even say what Cain allegedly did.

The first one was Sharon Bialek, who claimed that Cain grabbed her crotch in a car.

Then we found out Bialek was in constant financial trouble, had been involved in a paternity lawsuit, was known as a "gold digger," had a string of debts and had twice filed for personal bankruptcy. Also, she admitted she knew Obama's dirty tricks specialist, David Axelrod.

Her personal history is relevant because she produced no evidence. We had to take her word (which was not helped by seeing her standing with Gloria Allred).

The second one, Karen Kraushaar, made unspecified allegations of a "hostile environment" when she was working for Cain, but refuses to say what those allegations were. This despite the fact that the National Restaurant Association waived her confidentiality agreement, thus allowing her to go public.

That's one "she," but no "said."

Cain said he had once told Kraushaar she was as tall as his wife – which would be one of the more worthy sexual harassment claims settled by an American company in recent years.

Why won't she say? We're not talking about rape. Kraushaar can't say, "I don't want to relive being told I was the same height as his wife!" With all the nonsense that passes for a "hostile environment," either Kraushaar tells us what Cain allegedly did, or her blind accusation is worth less than nothing.

As if that weren't enough, then it turned out that Kraushaar had also filed a complaint at her next job just three years later, charging that a manager had circulated a sexually explicit joke email comparing computers to men and women. She demanded a raise and the right to work at home.

Maybe Kraushaar is the most unlucky woman in the world. But the simpler explanation is that she is not a credible witness on the workplace atmosphere.

And now we have Ginger White stepping forward to claim that she had a 13-year affair with Cain. Cain admits he was friends with White, but he categorically, adamantly denies having an affair with her.

White has the whole combo-platter of questionable accuser attributes: She's another financially troubled, twice-divorced, unemployed single mother, who has claimed sexual harassment in the past, declared bankruptcy once, was accused of stalking and had a libel judgment entered against her just this year. So far in 2011, she's had nine liens put on her property

But we're supposed to ignore all of that because she's the third woman of questionable character to make an implausible allegation. Liberals say there's a pattern, but the only pattern is of their making far-fetched accusations of a sexual nature against Cain.

White's proof that she had a 13-year affair is that she has two of Cain's books signed by him – one with the incriminating inscription, "Friends are forever! Everything else is a bonus," and the other, "Miss G, you have already made a 'big difference!' Stay focused as you pursue your next destination." (I know – filthy!)

If that's proof of an affair, I've had thousands of them without even realizing it.

Also, White produced evidence that Cain had texted or called her cell phone 61 times during four non-consecutive months – but did not reveal what those texts said. ("Would you please return my lawn mower?")

Again, if that's proof of an affair, I'm having hundreds of them at this very moment.

This is the sort of evidence you get with an actual sexual predator: Bill Clinton's accusers had gifts, taped phone conversations with him and a semen-stained dress.

Gennifer Flowers produced taped telephone calls with Clinton totaling thousands of words between them, with him counseling her on how to deny their affair: "If they ever hit you with it, just say no, and go on. There's nothing they can do ... But when they – if somebody contacts you, I need to know. ... All you got to do is deny it."

Paula Jones had multiple same-day witnesses – including the state troopers who worked for Clinton and had already told the press about a "Paula" they brought to Clinton's hotel room. And that was for a single incident.

Monica Lewinsky had lots of gifts from Clinton, including a hat pin, two brooches, a marble bear figurine, a T-shirt from Martha's Vineyard and Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass," all of which she mysteriously placed with Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie, during the investigation, as well as a semen-stained dress, which Monica kept.

Ginger White claims she had a 13-year affair with Cain – and all she has are two books with inscriptions that could have been written to an auto mechanic who waited in line at a Cain book signing. Even her business partner during the alleged affair says White never mentioned Cain's name.

These women are like triple-A ball players with the stats being: number of bankruptcies, smallest bank account, number of liens, most false claims, number of children out of wedlock, degrees of separation from David Axelrod, total trips to human resources and so on.

That wouldn't be dispositive – except for the fact that their only evidence is their word.

But this is how liberals dirty you up when they've got nothing: They launch a series of false accusations, knowing that Americans with busy lives won't follow each story to the end and notice that they were all blind alleys.

The liberal media is an old story, but it's still a big story when it comes to creating the impression of scandal out of thin air.

Most people say, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." I say, "Where there's smoke around a conservative, there are journalists furiously rubbing two sticks together."

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/1/2011 7:22:48 PM

Very interesting article Peter and Ann Coulter certainly hits the nail on the head here:

These women are like triple-A ball players with the stats being: number of bankruptcies, smallest bank account, number of liens, most false claims, number of children out of wedlock, degrees of separation from David Axelrod, total trips to human resources and so on.

That wouldn't be dispositive – except for the fact that their only evidence is their word.

But this is how liberals dirty you up when they've got nothing: They launch a series of false accusations, knowing that Americans with busy lives won't follow each story to the end and notice that they were all blind alleys.

The liberal media is an old story, but it's still a big story when it comes to creating the impression of scandal out of thin air.

Most people say, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." I say, "Where there's smoke around a conservative, there are journalists furiously rubbing two sticks together."

[quote]Hello Friends,

I have a feeling that Herman Cain's run for the Republican nomination is coming to a close. Personally that saddens me cos I believe that he is a good candidate and that all the allegations about sexual harassment and now an affair are just that allegations and part of the dirty tricks war the Democrats and their lackies in the MSM are waging against him. So far no proof of misconduct has been proven and the women making these alleged claims all have very checkered pasts.

Yet, the polls are showing a steady decline and common sense is not prevailing ........ unfortunately.

In the below article Ann Coulter explains it all very well and is a good read.



Once you go conservative black, better watch your back

Posted: November 30, 2011
5:56 pm Eastern

With the mainstream media giddily reporting on an alleged affair involving Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, how long can it be before they break the news that their 2004 vice presidential candidate conceived a "love child" with his mistress, Rielle Hunter?

The left is trying to destroy Cain with a miasma of hazy accusations leveled by three troubled women. Considered individually, the accusations are utterly unbelievable. They are even less credible taken together. This is how liberals destroy a man, out of nothing.

After the first round of baseless accusations against Cain, an endless stream of pundits rolled out the cliche – as if it were the height of originality – "This isn't he said-she said; it's he-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she–said."

Au contraire: We had two "shes" and only one "said."

Remember? Only two women were willing to give their names. And as soon as they did, we discovered that they were highly suspicious accusers with nothing more than their personal honor to support the allegations. Only one of the two would even say what Cain allegedly did.

The first one was Sharon Bialek, who claimed that Cain grabbed her crotch in a car.

Then we found out Bialek was in constant financial trouble, had been involved in a paternity lawsuit, was known as a "gold digger," had a string of debts and had twice filed for personal bankruptcy. Also, she admitted she knew Obama's dirty tricks specialist, David Axelrod.

Her personal history is relevant because she produced no evidence. We had to take her word (which was not helped by seeing her standing with Gloria Allred).

The second one, Karen Kraushaar, made unspecified allegations of a "hostile environment" when she was working for Cain, but refuses to say what those allegations were. This despite the fact that the National Restaurant Association waived her confidentiality agreement, thus allowing her to go public.

That's one "she," but no "said."

Cain said he had once told Kraushaar she was as tall as his wife – which would be one of the more worthy sexual harassment claims settled by an American company in recent years.

Why won't she say? We're not talking about rape. Kraushaar can't say, "I don't want to relive being told I was the same height as his wife!" With all the nonsense that passes for a "hostile environment," either Kraushaar tells us what Cain allegedly did, or her blind accusation is worth less than nothing.

As if that weren't enough, then it turned out that Kraushaar had also filed a complaint at her next job just three years later, charging that a manager had circulated a sexually explicit joke email comparing computers to men and women. She demanded a raise and the right to work at home.

Maybe Kraushaar is the most unlucky woman in the world. But the simpler explanation is that she is not a credible witness on the workplace atmosphere.

And now we have Ginger White stepping forward to claim that she had a 13-year affair with Cain. Cain admits he was friends with White, but he categorically, adamantly denies having an affair with her.

White has the whole combo-platter of questionable accuser attributes: She's another financially troubled, twice-divorced, unemployed single mother, who has claimed sexual harassment in the past, declared bankruptcy once, was accused of stalking and had a libel judgment entered against her just this year. So far in 2011, she's had nine liens put on her property

But we're supposed to ignore all of that because she's the third woman of questionable character to make an implausible allegation. Liberals say there's a pattern, but the only pattern is of their making far-fetched accusations of a sexual nature against Cain.

White's proof that she had a 13-year affair is that she has two of Cain's books signed by him – one with the incriminating inscription, "Friends are forever! Everything else is a bonus," and the other, "Miss G, you have already made a 'big difference!' Stay focused as you pursue your next destination." (I know – filthy!)

If that's proof of an affair, I've had thousands of them without even realizing it.

Also, White produced evidence that Cain had texted or called her cell phone 61 times during four non-consecutive months – but did not reveal what those texts said. ("Would you please return my lawn mower?")

Again, if that's proof of an affair, I'm having hundreds of them at this very moment.

This is the sort of evidence you get with an actual sexual predator: Bill Clinton's accusers had gifts, taped phone conversations with him and a semen-stained dress.

Gennifer Flowers produced taped telephone calls with Clinton totaling thousands of words between them, with him counseling her on how to deny their affair: "If they ever hit you with it, just say no, and go on. There's nothing they can do ... But when they – if somebody contacts you, I need to know. ... All you got to do is deny it."

Paula Jones had multiple same-day witnesses – including the state troopers who worked for Clinton and had already told the press about a "Paula" they brought to Clinton's hotel room. And that was for a single incident.

Monica Lewinsky had lots of gifts from Clinton, including a hat pin, two brooches, a marble bear figurine, a T-shirt from Martha's Vineyard and Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass," all of which she mysteriously placed with Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie, during the investigation, as well as a semen-stained dress, which Monica kept.

Ginger White claims she had a 13-year affair with Cain – and all she has are two books with inscriptions that could have been written to an auto mechanic who waited in line at a Cain book signing. Even her business partner during the alleged affair says White never mentioned Cain's name.

These women are like triple-A ball players with the stats being: number of bankruptcies, smallest bank account, number of liens, most false claims, number of children out of wedlock, degrees of separation from David Axelrod, total trips to human resources and so on.

That wouldn't be dispositive – except for the fact that their only evidence is their word.

But this is how liberals dirty you up when they've got nothing: They launch a series of false accusations, knowing that Americans with busy lives won't follow each story to the end and notice that they were all blind alleys.

The liberal media is an old story, but it's still a big story when it comes to creating the impression of scandal out of thin air.

Most people say, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." I say, "Where there's smoke around a conservative, there are journalists furiously rubbing two sticks together."

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/1/2011 7:25:03 PM
Giddy up go and bon appetite. :) I don't know how many are aware of this, but this is one food item that won't be added to my shopping list. How about you?

Obama, Congress restore horse-slaughter industry

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Wednesday, November 30, 2011
President Obama last month quietly signed into law a spending bill that restores the American horse-slaughter industry, just a few months after a government investigation said the ban on slaughtering was backfiring.
The domestic ban didn’t end horse slaughter but instead shifted the site of butchery to Mexico and Canada - which meant increased abuse or neglect as the horses were shipped out of the country and beyond the reach of U.S. law.
The ban had been imposed in 2006 when Congress defunded the government’s ability to inspect plants that butchered horses for consumption. Without inspections, the meat couldn’t be sold, and the industry withered.
But the Agriculture spending bill Mr. Obama signed the week before Thanksgiving dropped the prohibition on inspections, and the administration said it now stands ready to conduct them should anyone open a horse-slaughter plant.
“While we have a long way to go, responsible processing represents a vital first step in reversing the unintended consequences to blame for the dismal state of neglected horses and their frustrated caregivers across our country,” said Rep. Adrian Smith, a Nebraska Republican who fought for the change. “Reinstating a humane, accountable and legal management tool is good for horses, good for owners and is good policy.”
All sides agreed that the backdoor ban was a failure.
A June report by the Government Accountability Office, Congress‘ chief investigative branch, said the ban depressed prices for horses in the U.S. and led to a surge in reports of neglect or abuse as owners of older horses had no way of disposing of them, short of selling them to “foreign slaughtering facilities where U.S. humane slaughtering protections do not apply.”
In unusually blunt language, GAO suggested that Congress and Mr. Obama revisit the ban.
The options facing Congress were to further ban the export of horses for slaughter or lift the domestic slaughter ban. Congress chose the latter.
The move got a tepid stamp of approval from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which said it had always been worried about the way Congress went about its initial ban. PETA said it predicted that horses would be shipped to foreign slaughterhouses.
“A law doesn’t change what’s in people’s hearts, and if business people view horses as commodities, ignoring their sensitive natures in favor of the few dollars that their flesh might bring, the horses were sunk from the start,” said David Perle, a spokesman for the group. “To reduce suffering, there should be a ban on the export of live horses, even if that means opening slaughterhouses in the U.S. again. But the better option is to ban slaughter in the U.S. and ban the export of live horses so that no one is slaughtering America’s horses.”
Horse meat is regularly used for consumption by circuses and zoos, and it is now sent to countries in the Eastern Hemisphere where it is an accepted food. But slaughter has been a prickly issue in the U.S.
A bill to ban horse slaughter and export of horses for slaughter has been introduced in the House and Senate, and the Humane Society of the United States said it would redouble its efforts to try to enact that legislation.
In the meantime, the Agriculture Department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service said there are no horse slaughterhouses operating in the U.S. that produce meat for human consumption, but the agency would be ready for inspections if a facility opens.
Another factor is that many states have laws banning horse slaughter.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/2/2011 7:12:44 AM
Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for posting this article. I read it yesterday or the day before and it brought back memories that I had forgotten about.

First of all let me say I am a horse lover and have been all my life. I've also owned horses and for a few years I was a partner in a horse riding school and stables. I love riding even though I haven't ridden much in the past few years.

Back to the memories. My wife and I owned girl's clothing factory for many years and 3 or 4 times a year we went to international children clothing exhibitions in Europe (mainly (France and Germany - they had the best exhibitions). One year my wife and I went to the exhibition in Koln, Germany and the she returned to Israel after that show and I continued with other Israeli manufacturers to the Paris show (from there I continued to the US for a short business visit).

One evening we all went out to dinner together and went to a good restaurant area. They knew the area better then I did and decided on a certain restaurant that they said was very good. When we arrived at the restaurant I noticed something very strange. Many of the restaurants had pictures of horses on the restaurant logo above the entrances. I asked them what that meant and they said that it was a sign that the restaurant served dishes made from horse meat. I was disgusted at the thought of eating horse meat and left them and went to another restaurant on my own. As an aside 2 of the friends and their wives were originally from South American countries and eating horse meat might have been the norm there but I wasn't able to force myself to indulge. I was told that in France horse meat is considered a delicacy but for me that was one French meal I was willing to bypass.

I'm sorry to hear that this might become part of America's menu in the future but to each his own.



Giddy up go and bon appetite. :) I don't know how many are aware of this, but this is one food item that won't be added to my shopping list. How about you?

Obama, Congress restore horse-slaughter industry

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Wednesday, November 30, 2011
President Obama last month quietly signed into law a spending bill that restores the American horse-slaughter industry, just a few months after a government investigation said the ban on slaughtering was backfiring.
The domestic ban didn’t end horse slaughter but instead shifted the site of butchery to Mexico and Canada - which meant increased abuse or neglect as the horses were shipped out of the country and beyond the reach of U.S. law.
The ban had been imposed in 2006 when Congress defunded the government’s ability to inspect plants that butchered horses for consumption. Without inspections, the meat couldn’t be sold, and the industry withered.
But the Agriculture spending bill Mr. Obama signed the week before Thanksgiving dropped the prohibition on inspections, and the administration said it now stands ready to conduct them should anyone open a horse-slaughter plant.
“While we have a long way to go, responsible processing represents a vital first step in reversing the unintended consequences to blame for the dismal state of neglected horses and their frustrated caregivers across our country,” said Rep. Adrian Smith, a Nebraska Republican who fought for the change. “Reinstating a humane, accountable and legal management tool is good for horses, good for owners and is good policy.”
All sides agreed that the backdoor ban was a failure.
A June report by the Government Accountability Office, Congress‘ chief investigative branch, said the ban depressed prices for horses in the U.S. and led to a surge in reports of neglect or abuse as owners of older horses had no way of disposing of them, short of selling them to “foreign slaughtering facilities where U.S. humane slaughtering protections do not apply.”
In unusually blunt language, GAO suggested that Congress and Mr. Obama revisit the ban.
The options facing Congress were to further ban the export of horses for slaughter or lift the domestic slaughter ban. Congress chose the latter.
The move got a tepid stamp of approval from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which said it had always been worried about the way Congress went about its initial ban. PETA said it predicted that horses would be shipped to foreign slaughterhouses.
“A law doesn’t change what’s in people’s hearts, and if business people view horses as commodities, ignoring their sensitive natures in favor of the few dollars that their flesh might bring, the horses were sunk from the start,” said David Perle, a spokesman for the group. “To reduce suffering, there should be a ban on the export of live horses, even if that means opening slaughterhouses in the U.S. again. But the better option is to ban slaughter in the U.S. and ban the export of live horses so that no one is slaughtering America’s horses.”
Horse meat is regularly used for consumption by circuses and zoos, and it is now sent to countries in the Eastern Hemisphere where it is an accepted food. But slaughter has been a prickly issue in the U.S.
A bill to ban horse slaughter and export of horses for slaughter has been introduced in the House and Senate, and the Humane Society of the United States said it would redouble its efforts to try to enact that legislation.
In the meantime, the Agriculture Department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service said there are no horse slaughterhouses operating in the U.S. that produce meat for human consumption, but the agency would be ready for inspections if a facility opens.
Another factor is that many states have laws banning horse slaughter.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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