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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/27/2011 7:44:39 AM
Again I apologize for the enormous fonts in my previous post. Tried to edit it but to no avail.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/27/2011 7:46:24 AM
Hello Peter,

Yes I am aware I have copied some of the same posts I made on other threads. Not everyone comes to the same forums and reads what is in there so I wanted to inform as many people as I possibly can.



Hi Amanda,

I already replied to your post over at Jim's thread. It's just another Soros funded project to insure the fraud and great pretender gets re-elected. Another thought is the issues with voter registration fraud? There is already enough of that funded by the same sources and this would bring it to a new level.



Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/27/2011 10:12:30 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's another interesting article about the founders of the Day of Rage and Occupy Wall Street protests. This person Kalle Lasn and his Adbusters Media Foundation were the originators of the idea and spread idea around the internet. After that all the other funders and organizers came into the picture.

Just another run of the mill progressive liberal socialist/communist spreading their propanganda.

An interesting read and very informative.




  • Co-founder of the Adbusters Media Foundation
  • Derides “the dog-eat-dog world of capitalism” as “a destructive system”
  • Condemns American consumerism
  • Catalyst of the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011

See also: Adbusters Media Foundation

Born in Estonia in 1942, Kalle Lasn spent his early childhood years in a German refugee camp and then relocated with his family to Australia. From 1965-70 Lasn lived in Japan, where he founded a market research company and worked in the advertising industry. In 1970 he moved to Vancouver and spent the next two decades producing documentaries for PBS and Canada’s National Film Board.

In 1990 Lasn lent his support to an environmentalist group that was engaged in an anti-timber industry campaign. When the CBC and other television stations refused to sell advertising airtime to that organization, Lasn and his allies started Adbusters magazine which, according to journalist Kenneth Rapoza, once featured George Soros on its editorial board. (Aides to Soros said in October 2011 that Soros had never before heard of Adbusters, and Soros himself declined comment.) Soon after launching Adbusters, Lasn and wilderness cinematographer Bill Schmalz co-founded the Adbusters Media Foundation (AMF).

Denouncing American consumerism as an “ecologically unsustainable” and “psychologically corrosive” phenomenon, Lasn derides “the dog-eat-dog world of capitalism” as “a destructive system” that has caused “a terrible degradation of our mental environment.” In his 2000 book Culture Jam: How to Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Bingeand Why We Must, Lasn wrote: “The aggregate level of American life fulfillment peaked in 1957, and with a couple of brief exceptions, it’s been downhill from there.” According to Lasn, “at least 75 percent” of the U.S. population is “caught in a consumer trance,” having been “brainwashed” into “believ[ing] in the American Dream.”

The dangers of consumerism, says Lasn, have profound "environmental, psychological, and political consequences" not only domestically, but internationally. Asserting that "every single purchase that you make has some kind of an impact on the planet," he complains that "we, the rich 1 billion on the planet, are now consuming 86 percent of all the goods in the global marketplace, leaving a lousy 14 percent for the rest of the 5 billion people on the planet." The worldwide resentment that is allegedly bred by this "overconsumption in the rich countries," Lasn concludes, "is one of the root causes of terrorism."

Lasn and AMF strive to combat consumerism through such initiatives as “Buy Nothing Day” and the “simplicity movement,” which encourage people who have been “stung by consumer culture” to drop their obsession with money and material possessions.

Warning that anthropogenic “climate change” poses a worldwide ecological threat, Lasn says that "overconsumption is in some sense the mother of all our environmental problems." Specifically, he derides the automobile—because of its greenhouse-gas emissions—as “arguably the most destructive product we humans have ever produced.” To counteract the environmental damage allegedly caused by such emissions, Lasn recommends “not just a carbon tax, but a global across-the-board pricing system” in which cars would cost “around $100,000” apiece, and “a tankful of gas, $250.” Moreover, Lasn calls for the imposition of a 1 percent “Robin Hood Tax” (i.e., taking from the “rich” and giving to the “poor”) on most goods and services worldwide, with the aim of using its generated revenues to fund social-welfare programs.

Lasn refers to advertising professionals, whom he holds in contempt because of their commitment to perpetuating consumerism, as “the cool-makers and the cool-breakers” who “more than any other profession ... have the power to change the world.” He hopes to promote “a mental/environmental movement that will wipe the advertising industry out as we know it.”

In 2004 Lasn wrote a controversial Adbusters article entitled “Why Won’t Anyone Say They Are Jewish?”—criticizing America's most influential neoconservatives for their “view that the U.S. is a benevolent hyper power that must protect itself by reshaping the rest of the world into its morally superior image,” and noting that “half of them are Jewish.”

Describing himself as someone who has “been a student of revolution all my life,” Lasn says that in the summer of 2011 he and his fellow Adbusters staffers—especially senior editor Micah White­—were "inspired" by the popular revolution that had recently occurred in Tunisia. Moreover, they “thought that America,” whose economy was in crisis, “was [also] ripe for this type of [mass] rage.” According to Lasn, Americans' anger stemmed chiefly from Wall Street financial speculators' violation of the “sense of fairness Americans have always believed in.”

Lasn was also confident that young Americans' “despondency” over such concerns as “climate change,” “corruption in Washington,” and the “decline” of their country, greatly increased the likelihood that the U.S. might experience “a Tahrir moment” of sorts. (The reference was to Cairo's Tahrir Square, a focal point of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.) Emboldened further by “that sort of anarchy cred” which the civil disobedience/“hacktivism” group Anonymous had been demonstrating in recent times, Lasn and his Adbusters associates held brainstorming sessions on how they themselves might effect “some kind of a soft regime change” to diminish the political influence of “finances,” “lobbyists,” and “corporations.”

In an effort to “catalyze” a protest movement against those forces, Lasn and Adbusters “put feelers out on our [Internet] forums” suggesting a mass demonstration in the hub of New York City's financial district. Thus was born the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, whose first public rally was held on September 17, 2011. After some OWS demonstrators subsequently became involved in conflicts with police officers, Lasn said that “police brutality actually helps the movement” by drawing media attention.

While Lasn concedes that every popular movement faces the “danger” that its idealistic leaders may eventually “turn into monsters,” he nonetheless believes “it’s very important for us to win, and [to] worry about how badly we behave later—right now we need to pull the current monster down.”

Lasn is an open admirer of Marxists like Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, anarchist David Graeber, and
post-anarchist Saul Newman.


See also: Occupy Wall Street USDayOfRage Take The Square Kalle Lasn

The Adbusters Media Foundation (AMF) is a not-for-profit, anti-consumerist organization founded in 1990 by author/activist Kalle Lasn and wilderness cinematographer Bill Schmalz in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Foundation describes itself as "a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age." Further, their aim is to "topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21st century." In the fall of 2011, AMF issued the following directive to its members and supporters:

"Its now time to amp up the edgy theatrics … deviant pranks, subversive performances and playful détournements of all kinds. Open your insurrectionary imagination. Anything, from a bottom-up transformation of the global economy to changing the way we eat, the way we get around, the way we live, love and communicate … be the spark that sustains a global revolution of everyday life!"

Boasting a membership of more than 91,000 as of September 2011, AMF refers to its activist supporters as “culture jammers,”—a term denoting efforts to challenge and discredit the dominant advertising messages disseminated in the mainstream media. By AMF's reckoning, advertising invariably corrupts American culture by creating and perpetuating a societal obsession with materialism and consumption.

AMF publishes Adbusters, a not-for-profit, reader-supported, advertising-free “ecological magazine” that rejects consumerism, condemns “the erosion of our physical and cultural environments by commercial forces,” and seeks to eliminate “injustices in the global economy” as well as “any industry that pollutes our physical or mental commons.” Notable past and present contributors to this periodical include The Nation Institute senior fellow Christopher Hedges, polemical journalist Matt Taibbi, environmentalist Bill McKibben, science-fiction author Jim Munroe, documentarian and media-studies instructor Douglas Rushkoff, Marxist philosopher Michael Hardt, and Marxist sociologist Antonio Negri.

Among AMF's most prominent campaigns have been the following:

* Buy Nothing Day: Typically celebrated on the Friday after Thanksgiving in the U.S. (and the following day elsewhere in the world), this initiative emphasizes that “with catastrophic climate change looming, we the rich one billion people on the planet have to consume less!” An outgrowth of this tradition is "Buy Nothing Christmas," which urges people not to purchase Christman presents but instead “give your friends and family a 'gift-exemption' card; go to stores and ask holiday shoppers, “What would Jesus buy?”; and “dress as Santa and meditate in the middle of a busy shopping mall.”

* Blackspot Shoes: As an “affront to the consciousness of hyper-capitalism and profit-dominated boardroom policies,” AMF promotes and markets a line of shoes—produced in so-called “fair-trade” factories and made from hemp, recycled tires, and vegan leather—bearing the label “Blackspot.” Blackspot is an open-source brand, which means that it can be used by anyone, for any purpose, at no cost.

* Kick It Over: This initiative encourages economics students around the world "to join the fight to revamp Econ 101 curriculums and challenge the endemic myopia of their tenured neoclassical profs." The campaign's signature document—the “Kick it Over Manifesto”—calls for “an economic revolution” that will yield “a new economics” which is not centered around Gross Domestic Product or any other “fundamentally flawed and incomplete” measures of economic progress. “Deep in recession and with scary ecological scenarios looming,” said AMF in 2011, “now may be the ripest moment we’ll ever have to power-shift global capitalism onto a new sustainable path.”

* One Flag: This was a competition which encouraged Adbusters readers to design and create a flag that symbolized “global citizenship,” without using language or commonly known symbols.

AMF has often condemned Israel for allegedly expropriating Palestinian land, instituting a discriminatory system of laws reminiscent of South Africa’s apartheid regime, illegally demolishing the homes of peaceful Arabs, and routinely using excessive force and violence in an effort to humiliate and terrorize Palestinian civilians. In June 2009 article/photo montage critiquing Israel's embargo of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Adbusters magazine likened Gaza to the Warsaw ghetto of the WWII era—suggesting that contemporary Jews' treatment of the Palestinians resembled the manner in which the Nazis had treated Jews under Hitler. A legal dispute ensued between Adbusters and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, which reportedly owned the Warsaw photos used by the publication.

AMF was a key organizer—along with such groups as Occupy Wall Street, USDayOfRage, NYC General Assembly, Take The Square, and Anonymous—of a September 17, 2011 “Day of Rage” protest which was staged in the vicinity of New York's Wall Street financial center, which AMF viewed as the very emblem of the capitalist system which it so despised—“the financial Gomorrah of America” and “the greatest corrupter of our democracy.” Seeking to build on the anti-globalization movement and striving to promote “a worldwide shift in revolutionary tactics,” AMF called for “20,000 people [to] flood into lower Manhattan [on September 17], set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months.”

In its communiques to the “radicals and utopian dreamers” who were planning to participate in the September 17 demonstrations, AMF warned that: “Strategically speaking, there is a very real danger that if we naively put our cards on the table and rally around the 'overthrow of capitalism' or some equally outworn utopian slogan, then our Tahrir moment [i.e., opportunity for revolutionary change] will quickly fizzle into another inconsequential ultra-lefty spectacle soon forgotten.” To guard against this possibility, AMF called for “a deceptively simple Trojan Horse demand” that was "so specific and doable" that it would be "impossible for President Obama to ignore." Thus, under the slogan “Democracy Not Corporatocracy,” AMF issued a demand for Obama to “ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington.”

According to journalist Aaron Klein, the September 17 New York City protests—which ultimately drew about 1,000 participants—apparently represented “the culmination” of a campaign by Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN and president of an SEIU local in New Orleans, who in March 2011 had issued a call for “days of rage in ten cities around JP Morgan Chase.” Rathke's efforts were supported by Stephen Lerner, an SEIU board member and radical-left organizer who candidly aims to “destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement”; “bring down the stock market”; “bring down [the] bonuses” of executives in the financial sector; and “interfere with their ability to ... be rich.”

On October 1, 2011, a horde of the Wall Street demonstrators shut down traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge for two-and-a-half hours, a move that resulted in some 700 arrests. Among the high-profile personalities who had already made personal appearances in support of the demonstrators were Michael Moore (who spoke at the September 17 New York rally), Susan Sarandon, Russell Simmons, Cornel West, Charles Barron, Frances Fox Piven, and Charles Rangel.

Between 2001 and 2011, AMF received $176,500 in grants from the Glaser Progress Foundation, and $309,773 from the Tides Foundation.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/27/2011 1:32:35 PM
Near the end of the video the speaker says they stamped out Fascism, OH REALLY were they absent when the the NAZI Party was there? REF=

The ‘American Nazi Party’ Stands in Solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet

These are disjointed groups with centuries of war between them and now all of sudden they are in solidarity? Yeah, right and i will be the next Pope.


Hello Friends,

For those that have truly researched the background of the organizers of the OWS already know that calling them liberal progressives simply isn't enough. We've shown that any and all the radical movements, all the "ISM' parties bar none, demented multi millionaire movie stars (as if their stardom is proof of any intelligence), multi millionaire movie producers who deny they're in the 1% (Michael Moore who's worth over $500 million), jihadi Muslims, David Duke and so many more.

To give you an example of the high caliber of groups supporting the OWS movements below you'll find the official announcements of the American Communist Party and I already posted on the Nazi Party support. Strange bedfellows? Not really if you're a student of history and you have to remember that the Nazi Party was a socialist party too.

There are many parallels between the two infamous groups and the most important is mass genocide and the subjugation of the people.

For those espousing all the "grand" attributes of Communism let me remind you of the 10s of millions who were killed, the gulags, the governmental inability to build solid infrastructures etc. The ridiculous claims of redistribution of wealth is so much garbage it 's pathetic. Let me again remind you that it was a one way street. The redistribution went from the ordinary "comrades" pocket directly to the coffers of the rulers. Redistribution of wealth really worked there didn't it? There is so much more to write about but all you have to do is do a little research of your own.

And for those supporting the "occupiers" and are also fighting against the Elites/Illuminati remember that they are also behind these occupier movements. So, I'm not sure you really realize who and what you are supporting unless the reason is simply being Anti American and anything that knocks the USA is to be supported.

I already posted about the Nazi party support for the OWS movement and you can read it here.



But of Course…Communist Party USA “Solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet” [Update: Video: CPUSA Marches with #OccupyChicago]

October 16, 2011

Obama the Uniter has done the impossible, he has united Nazis and Communists. Talk about your ‘big tent’ … Heh.

This is an exciting time! Thousands of mainly young people have been occupying Wall Street for three weeks already, and the “Occupy Movement” has spread to more than 200 other cities. On Oct. 6 the actions spread to our nation’s capital.

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) will hold a national teleconference to discuss it:

Arturo Cambron
The Communist Party and the Occupy L.A. Movement
Tuesday, October 11, 8 pm Eastern
Teleconference number: 605-475-4850 (please note this is the corrected number. ignore previous.)
Access code: 1053538#

Southern California Party leader Arturo Cambron will share how the CPUSA and Young Communist League (YCL) are working in “Occupy Los Angeles.”

This movement, also known as the “99% movement,” is being hailed across the country. Movements and organizations are reaching out in solidarity. The AFL-CIO [Ran by Obama pal Richard Trumka --Ed.] is opening union halls and offering other material assistance. Ordinary people are donating food, money and materials.

In many areas, the “Occupy Movement” is linking up with the National American Wants to Work Week of Actions, Oct. 10-16.

No doubt the “Arab Spring” demonstrations and those that exploded in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere have inspired it. But underlying it all is the economic crisis, the massive unemployment and growing realization that nothing is getting better, and in fact we may be slipping into a “double dip” crisis. The crushing student debt and the feeling of being locked out of society with no future compound this.

The movement is the newest wrinkle in the all-people’s upsurge against the banks and corporations and reflects a new level of class-consciousness.

While there is a wide range of political and ideological trends, there is a consensus against corporate greed, getting money out of politics, taxing the rich and putting people before profits.

A big challenge for the CPUSA and left, progressive movements is to link these demonstrations with the labor led all-people’s coalition and help deepen understanding that the path to progress must be through electoral and political action including defeating Republican Tea Party reaction in 2012.

Of primary importance is linking it with the burgeoning fight for jobs and especially passage of the [Obama's --Ed.] American Jobs Act.

We can also play a role in offering more advanced programmatic ideas like nationalizing the banks and socialism.

To have a positive impact, the CPUSA and YCL [Young Communist League --Ed.]must be a part of the “Occupy” movement, participating at every level and building greater local support for the actions among labor and progressive forces.

See you all on the call October 11!

H/T Gateway Pundit

And you may or may not recall that Obama’s Organizing For America fully endorsed the ‘One Nation Rally’ held in DC on October 2, 2011. The list of endorsers of the rally included the –’Communist Party USA (CPUSA)’.

Organizing for America, the Democratic National Committee’s group that lauds Obama’s legislative policies, sent out the e-mail blast advertising the Oct. 2 One Nation, Working Together rally as “the biggest progressive demonstration in decades.”


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/29/2011 8:42:24 AM
Hi Jim,

Your comment is true with one exception. Before Hitler came to power in Germany he formed a sort of coalition with the Communist and a voting block in order to cause the downfall of the government of the day.

In addition the Nazi party was also a socialist party. In any case the claim that they (the commies) stamped out fascism but they on their own created their own holocausts as I mentioned in my comments. These people are just another group of useful idiots trying to re-write history and the dummies are buying their BS.



Near the end of the video the speaker says they stamped out Fascism, OH REALLY were they absent when the the NAZI Party was there? REF=

The ‘American Nazi Party’ Stands in Solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet

These are disjointed groups with centuries of war between them and now all of sudden they are in solidarity? Yeah, right and i will be the next Pope.


Hello Friends,

For those that have truly researched the background of the organizers of the OWS already know that calling them liberal progressives simply isn't enough. We've shown that any and all the radical movements, all the "ISM' parties bar none, demented multi millionaire movie stars (as if their stardom is proof of any intelligence), multi millionaire movie producers who deny they're in the 1% (Michael Moore who's worth over $500 million), jihadi Muslims, David Duke and so many more.

To give you an example of the high caliber of groups supporting the OWS movements below you'll find the official announcements of the American Communist Party and I already posted on the Nazi Party support. Strange bedfellows? Not really if you're a student of history and you have to remember that the Nazi Party was a socialist party too.

There are many parallels between the two infamous groups and the most important is mass genocide and the subjugation of the people.

For those espousing all the "grand" attributes of Communism let me remind you of the 10s of millions who were killed, the gulags, the governmental inability to build solid infrastructures etc. The ridiculous claims of redistribution of wealth is so much garbage it 's pathetic. Let me again remind you that it was a one way street. The redistribution went from the ordinary "comrades" pocket directly to the coffers of the rulers. Redistribution of wealth really worked there didn't it? There is so much more to write about but all you have to do is do a little research of your own.

And for those supporting the "occupiers" and are also fighting against the Elites/Illuminati remember that they are also behind these occupier movements. So, I'm not sure you really realize who and what you are supporting unless the reason is simply being Anti American and anything that knocks the USA is to be supported.

I already posted about the Nazi party support for the OWS movement and you can read it here.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7